Ch. 21: “Vacation From Hell (or rather, ‘In Hell’) ”

By admin On December 8th, 2012


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The_Scream Wikipedia public domain by edvard munch c.1893

Ever had a “Vacation From Hell”?


Well…I think this one might just out-do yours!


Because…well…just read the next few chapters, and decide for yourself…


The Scream of Nature – Wikipedia – US Public Domain






ESCAPING THE IRON CITADEL OF ATHEISM,_E._J._Pace,_Christian_Cartoons,_1922.jpg


So now it was February, as I recall. And it was about 120 or so days after being “tossed out on my ear” from that sad and hopeless, “Iron-Citadel”, commonly referred to as “Atheism”.


Such a dreadfully depressing ideology! And it eventually drowns its captives in hopeless despair, “who, through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.” Hebrews 2:15

. yes, the proponents and hucksters of atheism promise freedom for all who join their ideology. But truth-be-told, if you happen to be a thoughtful and sensitive individual, you eventually realize that atheism only gets more distressing, increasingly hopeless, and really depressing, the older you become!


And those who live under atheism’s cruel tyranny, like I did, often resort to drinking ourselves into a temporary state of blurry-eyed blissfulness (or perhaps drugging themselves, which was not my chosen means of escape), all in attempt to forget about that eventual, “date-with-fate” and our inescapable, “appointment with The Grim Reaper”! (My means of escape was mostly with a little bourbon/cigarettes/television. And also, of course, managing an all-you-can-eat buffet often allows incredible middle-of-the-night “refrigerator raids”!)


Atheism – Descent of the Modernists, E J Pace, Christian Cartoons, 1922 – Wikipedia –

Weird Tales – Grim Reaper – The Man Who Lived – Wikimedia – Public Domain (2)







(Word-play on lyrics from the 1963 Buck Owens song “Act Naturally”, changing “ever” to “never”)


But now I was being given, not only songs from the spirit, but also being told a very glorious narrative on just how greatly God was going to bless me in the music world, which industry, by the way, was largely controlled by God Himself! WOW!!!


Oh, to think that a short time ago I was being mercilessly tormented in a mental ward by demons, swan-diving onto a hard floor, falling onto sharp objects, and going in and out of hellish illusions and devilish delusions!


And now…BUT NOW…instead, I was being told just the opposite! I was informed that I was soon to find fame and fortune in the L.A. music scene!


And if that’s not enough, I was JESUS…in a former life!


This might possibly make that classic, “rags-to-riches” story about the “Count of Monte Cristo”, look like a mere, “50-cent-burger-joint-pay-raise”!


Ah yes, this was the turn-about of all turn-abouts! This was the lottery ticket of all lottery tickets! 


This was…uh…it was….sufficed to say, “My prospects for the future were looking much better, thank-you.”


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license







But little did I know, nor suspect, that I was once again to be the “butt-end of a cruel joke” by the spirits.


Little did I realize or was aware, that I was unwittingly being set up like a “bowling pin” by “Team-Lucifer”, only to knock me down flat, for a strike at the “Unlucky-Lanes Bowling Alley”! 


And these super-intelligentsia (who, by the way, were extremely cunning beings), were gonna take me up to the very top of the tallest temple in Belize…That infamous Jaguar Temple, only to kick me down, down, down… about a couple hundred very steep steps…down onto my head!


And then thrust me back down into the open-arms of Hell’s awaiting flaming-furnace-inferno, once again!


Temple of the Great Jaguar Temple – by Dennis Jarvis from Halifax, Canada – for wikimedia – share-alike license






But let’s not get ahead of ourselves!


Let’s leave TIKAL for now, and back up a month or two; back to that day in February, 1980, in Klamath Falls, when a very special person walked into my life…









“VACATION FROM (or rather, ‘IN’) HELL”





.“ANOTHER SATURDAY NIGHT AND I AIN’T GOT NOBODY! (except for the spirits, that is!)”

(First line from the 1964 Sam Cooke hit song, “Another Saturday Night” with parenthetical comment by this website)


Well, there I was! In a nice little home, all tucked away in a beautiful little woodsy neighborhood in the hills around Klamath Falls.


No longer was I being terrified with the prospects of being cut up into little pieces! No more was I scorched with the eternal sentence of being, “tormented with fire and brimstone”, for all time and eternity by an angry God!


And so, it’s not hard to imagine that I was beginning to get lonely, especially after getting dumped by my ex-girlfriend, just prior to when “all Hell broke loose” on my life (actually, I believe she was providentially taken away, to spare her from having to deal with what I was soon to be suffering back in that Unit 3600).


Oh yes, I had the spirit. And he (or they), was constantly communicating with me!


Nevertheless, I felt I needed companionship…human companionship! Female companionship!


And so, I began to pray that God might bring someone into my life. “Oh God, please bring me someone!”


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license








Well, one day, not too long after I began praying about this, the phone rang…




There was a female voice on the other end of the phone line. But because of her heavy accent (and her obvious shyness and nervousness), I had trouble understanding what she was saying. Something about singing for someone’s wedding. Finally, after asking her to repeat herself a number of times, I figured out that she wanted to hire me to sing at a family member’s wedding.


Of course, I said, “Okay”.








I’m not quite sure what happened, but before I knew it, this very pretty lady was bringing pots and pans over to my house, and cooking absolutely great Spanish-style food.


And so ended my loneliness issues.


One less thing!


And now I also had someone to sing my songs to. And she was convinced I was going places with my music! And so ended my lack of an appreciative audience.


Two less things!








And before I knew it, we were planning a trip to her beautiful little country of Guatemala, which borders southern Mexico and Belize. The trip was to last 30 days. This was in February. And the trip was planned for…I can’t really recall…I’m gonna say…in May. Yeah, I think we left in May till June, 30 days. So now I could take a well-deserved “R & R” away from the horrible, horrible, torment I went through up there in Unit 3600!


Three less things?!






(Word-play on the 1969 Holies hit-song, “He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother“)


When the big day came for us to leave, Becky had managed to fill a large old Army-issue duffel bag with used clothes to take to the people in her father’s church in Guatemala. Her father was a pastor of a Church of God, a somewhat Pentecostal church in Guatemala City. I didn’t know that this heavy bag would have to be dragged for miles…by me!


The old Army-green bag seemed 4 or 5 feet tall, and as much as maybe 30 inches wide. Well, maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration. Anyway, it was extremely heavy and just as awkward! I couldn’t believe how many clothes she got into that bag! We couldn’t even cinch up the top of the bag for all the tightly packed clothes.


But bringing clothes to people in need was a good deed! Right? Right! And considering all the condemnation I had gone through for the last 7 months, I figured any check-marks in my plus-column couldn’t do me no harm! So I cheerfully pulled this bag along. Not a problem! “No…thanks, but I can do it myself!”


And anyway, it beats playing organ in Hell! Correct? (see Chapter 15, almost the bottom of that page for explanation)


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license







During this time of getting to know Becky, the spirit was still communing with me. And so, at various times my head would nod “yes” or “no”, or rolling my eyes, or even rolling my whole head (Well, I guess that I’ve already mentioned this phenomenon in one of the previous chapters.) But anyway, I tried as hard as I could to suppress this phenomenon. But I couldn’t stop it! I’m not sure whether Becky noticed it or not, but she made no comment about it (But even though it was probably not even a tiny bit noticeable to others, I could really feel him make my head nod, making me apprehensive when in their company.)


And to add to this really annoying phenomenon, the spirit would sometimes use my head to make his own commentary on what Becky was saying. So he would involuntarily roll my head in a circular motion (ever-so-slightly, remember), as if to say he was challenging the veracity of what she was saying. You know, kind-of like when rolling one’s eyes in doubt, at something someone is saying. Only he was doing it… not me! And sometimes I could just barely keep from laughing, because the spirit would make me laugh with his incredible sense of humor!








The spirit gave me a song one day when Becky was visiting me. The song came all of a sudden. Just spontaneously. Oh yes, it was a simple song. I suppose it’s not too much to expect that a musician could easily do this. But anyway, here it is…


When I look into your eyes, I find myself in love—-

And when I look into your eyes, I find myself in love—

Hold me close…hold me tight…always stay with me.

Hold me close…hold me tight…say you’ll stay by me.

When I… etc, etc…


It was a nice little song, but bothered me because it vaguely reminded me of that old Presley song, “Love Me Tender”, (same tempo, but somewhat different chords and melody).








(or should I rather say, “in Hell”?)…



800px-United_b777-200_n772ua_arp wikipedia public domain


And soon came the day to depart for Guatemala. From Reno Nevada to Miami Florida. Then from Miami Florida to Guatemala City, Guatemala. And oh yes, me dragging that large, clumsy, and very heavy duffel bag through the concourse of both airports. But my “heavenly brownie points” were adding up fast (or so I surmised), with every huff and every puff I made.  There went me… facing backwards…pulling this Army-issue monstrosity through the airports, and Becky leading the way!


Photo: jetliner – Wikipedia – public domain.







Adolph Hitler - Wikimedia - Public Domain


The spirit soon began something very new with me. This fresh new insinuation began like this… “Oh Chuckie-Me-Schmucky, have you ever considered that maybe…just maybe you weren’t Jesus Christ in a former life?”


The spirit now had my full and undivided attention at this point… “I thought that might get your attention, Me-Chucko.”


I was now getting really afraid. The needle on my terror-meter was now hitting a solid 10 out of 10! The spirit was being very threatening with these kinds of taunts… “Did you ever consider that you might not be Jesus after all? Did you ever consider that you might have been somebody else in a former life? Somebody such as…say…like…uh…Adolph…uh… Hitler?”


Okay, I was now in full-throttled fear at this new allegation via my spirit “friend”.


Anyway, this suggestive torment (or maybe I should say, ‘torment-via-accusations’) lasted through most of the plane trip with me sinking lower and lower into my seat (or I might better say, “sinking into my hot-seat“).


Adolph Hitler – Wikimedia – Public Domain








But finally, many of the passengers no doubt looked intensely out their window to get their first glimpse of Guatemala. And we buckled our seat belts to get ready for landing (And I buckled my “mental seat belt”, to get ready for what I feared to be, the ultimate “Vacation From Hell”: or better said, my, “Vacation IN Hell”, in spite of the fact that we were going to such a beautiful little tropical country.)


Photo of Hitler courtesy Wikipedia. Public domain.






800px-Guatemala Birds Eye View wikipedia public domain


We arrived in Guatemala City in the afternoon. We somehow found a municipal bus to take to her parent’s house.


I don’t know how I got the duffel bag on this crowded bus. But I must have… somehow.


And in a few moments, we were rolling through the crowded streets of that great place…Guatemala City!


Guatemala the land of Eternal Spring!


But for me, it would be the land of ETERNAL TORMENT!


Photo: Guatemala birds eye view – Wikipedia – public domain.






(Title of the 2009 song by Paul Simon)


I remember that we were standing up on the packed bus. I don’t know. Maybe we were sitting down. No, standing as I recall, holding on tight to the vertical hand-rails, as the bus kept stopping to let passengers on and off.

While at one stop, as new passengers got on, all of a sudden, Becky cries out, “Mamasita! Mamasita!” I was startled. I looked to see who this person was.  It was a somewhat middle-aged lady. The woman began politely (but excitedly) hurrying her way through the crowded bus to get to Becky. Obviously it was Becky’s Mother. The lady began crying and hugging Becky. (Wow! I’m a little teary-eyed right now, just recalling that joyful reunion!)


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

Transmetro Guatemalan bus – Wikimedia – share-alike license








We got off the bus. I managed to get the duffel bag off the bus, still hoping for some more heavenly penance points for my efforts. Still being taunted by the spirit as to just, “Who I was in a former life”.


After getting off, we began walking through this older neighborhood toward Becky’s parent’s home. I can’t remember how I managed to get that duffel bag down the rough sidewalks. I don’t know. Maybe someone helped me (at least the airports had smooth floors! And actually, I probably used a cart through those places, now that I think of it). But at this point, the duffel bag was “light duty”, compared to the heavy burden this spirit was now laying on my shoulders, about me “maybe” being Hitler in a former life.


Photo of Guatemala City – courtesy wikipedia – share alike license. Click here for link.







In the Foyer


We soon arrived at the home. It was an older town house in a humble, but fairly nice Guatemalan neighborhood in which each house was about 25 or 30 feet wide, and somewhat long, eventually leading out to small backyards. And each house adjoined one-other. Kind of “shotgun style” floor plans, if you’re familiar with those types. Long and narrow houses with a hallway down the middle. But this townhouse had an open-air foyer inside the front door (of course, the temperature never much fluctuated here, so an open air foyer works in Guatemala. They sure wouldn’t work back in K. Falls!). This foyer had plants (photo on left). And there was a big parrot named “Dorcas” in the foyer.


And this large flower-laden foyer with a big parrot perched in the middle, made for a dramatic entry. They first introduced me to Dorcas, and tried to get him to talk. But Dorcas was being shy. No talking from Dorcas! This shy parrot was not in a cage. He was just sitting on a perch in the garden-like foyer. Pretty cool! 


But Dorcas was determined to give me no greeting, try as we did to encourage him to do just that (however, little did I know that this now speechless parrot would give me a very loud, vocal farewell on the day of my departure!)


(Parrot photo courtesy Brian Snelson for Wikipedia. For Brian’s link, just click here.)

Photo on left of foyer. Photo is greatly damaged.








Now as far as being shy and not talking, Becky’s father was a different story. I met Becky’s family, and Becky had to translate for me and for them. Her brothers spoke fluent English, however. Her Papafamily was very gracious. Her father (“Papa”) however, was a Pentecostal pastor, and very serious-looking. Not that he was ill-tempered. But he was much too stern-looking for me. He made me somewhat really uncomfortable. Kind-of like, say, for example, my old high school vice-principal, an ex-marine with a crew-cut…Mr. Edigar (who btw, one day, picked me up by my shirt and held me up against my locker, and asked me, “Don’t you think your hair is getting a little too long?”, to which I no doubt answered, “Uh, yeah, I guess so”).


There are just some people who make ya wanna do a wide swath in order to avoid them. 


Oh it’s not that Papa was impolite. But what did I expect? After all, I was a perspective son-in-law, who, by the way, was going on a vacation with his daughter! Totally unbiblical! But I was oblivious to all these things. “ethically challenged”, someone might euphemistically put it. Perhaps “morally clueless” might be an even more accurate assessment. Actually, “A full-blown idiot” probably hits the proverbial “nail on the head”!







(Lyric from the 1965 Roger Miller song “King of the Road”)


Now I was a heavy smoker, and I apologized for my habit. I told them I would like to quit. I told them that I was hoping the Lord would help me quit.


Becky’s dad instantly latched on to that comment! He told me that the Lord could help me RIGHT NOW! “Uh…uh…Yeah…uh..I guess so”, I said.

.“Drats!” I knew I had been caught in my words! And before I could get another word out, he began to pray for me right then and there (not more than few minutes into our arrival!). I couldn’t understand what he was saying in his prayer for my smoking. But even though he spoke in Spanish, I nevertheless could tell he was a professional pray-er”!


And so, after the short prayer, I was asked to forfeit my cigarettes. I suppose I reluctantly forfeited my pack of Marlboros (I had extra packs in my suitcase).


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

Marlboro – Wikipedia – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license






(1926 song composed by George Gershwin with lyrics by Ira Gershwin)


But soon I wanted a cigarette. So I went into my newly-assigned bedroom and smoked (Remember this was back in 1980. Attitudes have changed since then about smoking indoors).


Now, this bedroom only had one window. And this window was close to the ceiling. Outside the window was a stairway which led to the roof (which roof also served as a patio). And before long, Becky’s Dad climbed the stairway and peeked through the window to see if I was smoking. So I just held my cigarette by my side whenever he peeked in at me. This went on each time I smoked a cigarette. And he would peek at me three or four times each cigarette. I got used to it. It was actually kind-of funny and cute. I would see this head slowly rise up and look at me. I would simply hold my cigarette down until his head disappeared. Then about 30 seconds later his head would slowly re-emerge in the window. This went on for, oh, I don’t know how long. But Papa was no fool! He knew!


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

Marlboro – Wikipedia – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license







. with many smokers, I liked to drink cola when I smoked. So after a few days, upon running out of American smokes, I found a little neighborhood quick-mart. Actually it was just a little wooden shed that faced the sidewalk. It was like a stand you might see at a carnival, only more primitive. Anyway, they sold my brand of cigarettes and Coca Cola in small bottles. The cola was warm, however, and I, being a spoiled Americano, had to suffer this inconvenience.


But the cigarettes? No! They were NOT tolerable!


Even though they had my brand, they were specially made differently for Guatemalans. They were like puffing on a pencil! “NO TASTE!”


Coca Cola ad – ca. 1943 – Wikipedia – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license

Photos of Marlboro logo and Coke glass – Wikipedia – public domain.







Photo of Guatemala City post office courtesy wikipedia public domain.


So it wasn’t too long till I asked Becky if there might be somewhere we could get American cigarettes. So we took buses into the city. And this trip for cigarettes turned into a great sight-seeing tour through Guatemala City.


We came to the city center, and found an import-shop in the nicer section of the metro area. They had my brand! “Far out!” So I went to pay for a carton. But I couldn’t believe what they wanted for a carton of Marlboro’s. “Ten dollars?!” I said. “What a rip-off!”  This was about two or three times what I paid for a carton of Marlboro’s back in the U.S. (remember, this was 1980). But I knew I was stuck.


So I reluctantly paid the ten dollars for each carton. (I won’t let this little story end without telling you about my bout with Emphysema. Emphysema is appropriately nick-named the “Living Hell”. This was how God finally cured me of smoking.)


Photo of Guatemala City post office – courtesy wikipedia – public domain.

Street fair wikipedia & Elvind share-alike license.










We managed to rent or borrow a little car, a little old “Hillman” station-wagon (a station-wagon was the old-school forerunner of the SUV). And so began a tour through Guatemala City. We went to a giant street-market. We went to restaurants. We bought tostadas from street-vendors. This all would’ve been great, except for the spirit’s insinuations regarding my “past life” as Adolph. Or not Adolph. The spirit would constantly taunt me. Sometimes he would present me with evidence that would lead to the conclusion that I was Jesus in a former life.


I remember going to a restaurant one evening (while under a heavy barrage of devilish taunts, assaults and condemnations), where a marimba ensemble was playing in this rather overdone, flower-laden but dark establishment. The whole scenario began to take on a really devilish aura to it! And the very adept marimba player began sounding really evil, playing satanic music like something skeletons might like to dance to! You know, kind-of like the theme music-intro to Alfred Hitchcock’s old TV show, if you’re old enough to remember that.


As I recall, that entire dinner experience seemed as if I was in the pit of Hell!

800px-Hitler-car wikipedia public domain


At other times he would present evidence that suggested that I was indeed Adolph. “Yes Adol…I’m mean, Chuck, you were born in 1950, Just a few years after Adolph died. Did you ever think that maybe God is bringing you back to pay for the 3 million Jews that you killed. If you were Adolph Hitler. But I’m not saying you were. I’m just supposin’.” So you can just imagine how these kinds of ominous and foreboding taunts made miserable, what should have been a wonderful vacation! This kept up pretty much day and night! Life was Hell on Earth! Literally! It was like finding out that you had a terminal illness, and only had a few weeks to live!


“…and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receives the mark of his name.” Revelation 14:11


As this above verse reveals, “no rest, day nor night” was the fate which I was now suffering!


Sometimes however, the spirit would show his sense of humor. Really funny stuff! But these were greatly outnumbered by the constant barrage of attacks he was making concerning my being Adolph Hitler in my last life. “Now suppose, just suppose what kind of  punishment which you, or should I rather say, Adolph would deserve, for those 3 million Jews you/he killed. I suppose, Chuck, that God would have to bring you back three million times only to suffer three million horrible deaths. Just like Adolph made three million Jews to suffer.” With every new charge the spirit made, I sank lower and deeper into despair.


Hitler-car – wikipedia – public domain

Adolph Hitler – Wikimedia – Public Domain








Becky had an itinerary worked out for me to see her country.


We drove to a town called Antigua one day. It was an old town, the original capital of Guatemala.




A town rich with history!


A city of quaint beauty!


A place of historic intrigue!


A town that might sprain the trigger-happy finger of any photo-snapping tourista!


And we were gonna see it close up!


But little did I know that the only thing that was gonna get “sprained” on this little excursion was MY POOR LITTLE BRAIN!


Antigua guatemala_- 2009 – by chensiyuan for wikipedia – share-alike license. Click here for link.

Antigua, Guatemala – by Pedro Szekely from USA for Wikipedia – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.










(line from the 1975 B.J. Thomas song of the same name)


Do you remember that famous South American drug-lord…Manuel Noriega? Remember how, like the CIA had him trapped in some strong-hold? And in order to get him to surrender, they began playing loud and blaring non-stop heavy-metal, or perhaps some other kind of music as well? And eventually he did surrender.


He probably couldn’t take hearing any more of that Heavy-Metal “music”!


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

Photo of Manuel Noreiga – Wikipedia – Public domain.






(line from the 1968, Nillson song, “Everybody’s Talkin'”)


Well, I soon found out that the spirit had a similar little serenade planned for me! This was truly an unforgettable day! The entire day, the spirit (or spirits?) were making all sorts of noises in my head. It sounded like bombs exploding, screams, sirens, bells, whistles, chipmunks singing in 3-part harmony, etc…! You name it! I heard it!


This went on for the entire tour through Antigua. All the while, Becky led me to various sightseeing destinations there in Antigua.  We went to an ancient church that was some sort of museum. It maybe even had a dead person, a cardinal or someone like a cardinal. He was enclosed in glass. Embalmed I think! Why, I know not?


Anyway, it was impossible for me to enjoy this tour. My head had become a veritable “torture chamber”! The spirit(s) could quickly drive any person to suicide with these torturous plague of noises, especially if the person didn’t know the source of such noises!


But I knew.


And yet, when we returned home that evening, the sounds went away. And I’ve never had that phenomenon occur since, to this day. Thank God!


Other phenomena? Oh yeah! Just not that particular one!


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

The Scream – by E. Munch – Wikipedia – public domain – by edvard munch – c.1893






YOU CAN KEEP THE CHANGE…,_Flores_Guatemala.jpg


As a matter of fact, there were constant torments and spirit-induced phenomena which I went through during this month-long “vacation”. I’m just relating the more memorable and dramatic ones.


Anyway, one such phenomenon occurred in the form of the spirit having me perform deeds of “faith”. For example, at a very crowded neighborhood restaurant/bar (somewhat similar to this photo), when I paid for something that cost a few dollars, I gave a cashier a $20.00 bill and the $18.00 or so as a tip. Believe me, the Devil made me do it! (maybe $60.00-$80.00 in today’s money, and probably $200.00 in Guatemalan value back then!). Of course, the cashier remained completely straight-faced, as if she didn’t know how much I was giving her!


Las Puertas, Flores Guatemala – Wikimedia – Creative Commons license







379px-Hitler_1928 public domain wikipedia


The spirit presented me with more logic that I was Hitler (in my last life). For instance, one of his big arguments in favor of the “Hitler theory” was that I was being brought to the last place that Hitler lived before he died: Guatemala (I know the prevailing rumor was that he actually hid out in Argentina). But who was I to argue? This was a spirit talking to me, maybe God himself! Regardless, the intelligence of this spirit-being far surpassed that of any human. “Oh Chuck, doesn’t it make sense that Hitler escaped here after the war. And doesn’t it make sense to bring you back to this place, in order to pick up where you left off?”


All his arguments seemed flawless. He not only talked to me, but also put thoughts into my mind. So he seemed to have control of both the front and rear doors of my mind (as they say in the computer world). How could I resist the logic and power of this vastly superior being!


Adolph Hitler – Wikimedia – Public Domain







800px-Mazda-rx7-1st-generation similar wikipedia GNU free user license


The spirit was constantly taunting me about my sports car. “Ya know ‘Chuckie-me-#%$&’y!, your RX-7 could mean that you’ve just plain run outa luck!  The number “seven”  being the symbol of luck. Maybe that’s just your ex-number. Maybe your new number is “two”. You know, like…snake-eyes.”

. never really played the game, “craps”. But I knew that snake-eyes (two) meant, “you lose!” So I got his point really well about my Rx-7. But what about the “LTD” at the end of my license plate? “Yes, yes, Chuckie-ex-lucky, that’s right. It says “LTD”. And that means ”limited”. Maybe that’s because this Judgment Day is just “limited” to you. Think about it. You, Adolph Hitler (maybe). You being the worst human to ever live. You killed three million Jews!  Think about it! Three million Jews! But maybe you’re not Adolph. I’m just sayin’.” It’s really hard to describe the horror that the spirit was putting me through. If you, the reader, have ever experienced a time of complete hopelessness and death, then maybe you can kind-of understand.


Photo of RX7 courtesy Click here for link.

Snake eyes wiki…pub. dom.








Not every day was filled with torment. There were some days, which I call my “Jesus Days”. This was when the spirit was telling me that, “No I was not Adolph Hitler in a former life. But I was Jesus in a former life.”


Sounds crazy? Yes indeedy! But this was not at all the torment of my own making. NO, NO!! I was merely enduring the torment which was being dished out to me… by these unseen spirits!


But as I said, there were some days which were tolerable. There was one day in particular, which was one of my best days there in Guatemala. 


With rented car we drove over really bumpy, sometimes dirt roads to Lake Atitlan. Hemingway, (somebody told me), once called this lake, “perhaps the most beautiful lake in the world”. I think the key word here is, “perhaps”. And maybe it was the most beautiful lake back in his day. But I would like to have invited Hemingway to some Oregon’s mountain lakes.

Guatemalan style weaving and tapestry Wikipedia public domain.

Anyway, we drove into a Mayan Indian village (similar to this photo). The town was very primitive, with little home-made brick huts. There were a few conventional buildings, such as a tavern and store.


Becky and I found a lady making tapestry in front of her little hut. Becky worked out a deal with her on a number of tapestries to give to friends and relatives. The Guatemalan Indians have their own special pattern. It’s easy to spot a Guatemalan tapestry as this photo shows.


Volcanoes at Lake Atitlan – wikimedia – share-alike license

guatemalan weaving – wikimedia commons








This happened to be one of the days in which the spirit was presenting “Jesus” logic to me. “Oh Chuck, why would I give you all those nice songs if you were Hitler?”

Becky at Lake Atitlan with tierra


Since this was a good day I decided to get my guitar out and sing some of those nice songs which he gave me, to the locals. Becky, at the same time had bought a beautiful hand-made tier. And as soon as I started singing and playing, a large crowd of people collected. I’m not sure if it was more for Becky that they collected, or for me. And with her vivacious personality, they probably were more attracted to her (as this old photo shows).


Becky had purchased a “tier”, and the large crowd was intent on watching the lady help Becky put it on. It kinda felt like we were famous, the way they crowded around us. I sure wish I could’ve stuffed this really great and appreciative audience with me in that Army duffel-bag, to every gig I performed at, back here in the States.








Just one more little incident of interest.


You see, while playing before this happy crowd, I happened to notice a young American lady maybe in khaki shirt and shorts and braided hair, and possibly a red bandanna, walking by about 30 yards away. As she passed by she gave me a big scowl, as if to say “You ugly American”. It kinda took the edge off the moment for me. But I just kept playing and singing. And hey!… I’ve dealt with crowds of hecklers at gigs back home! I just kept right on singin’!


As we drove our little rented 1960′s “Hillman” away from this quaint village, we waived goodbye to our “fans”, and in a moment, this experience became just a little vibrating blur in our rear-view mirror.


And oh yes, I might add that the spirit was very well-behaved on this great day as well!


Makes ya wonder, “What’s he got cookin?”.


“Chuck Roast”, no doubt! “Yeah, and burnt to a crisp!”

. .




Photo of lake Atitlan courtesy wikipedia & Emilio Piovasan. To link, click here.






.Judgment Day license plate

To go to the next chapter just click here:


Ch. 22 “Fantasy Island”…  


Fantasy Island always made people better by the end of the show. This Fantasy Island was no exception!


Ch. 20: “And I Write The Songs”

By admin On December 8th, 2012


Click on image credit links below each photo, for licensing names, details, tags, etc.. Most images cropped/reduced in size



Okay, so it was now about 100 days or so after finding out my public school indoctrination which I abundantly received, on the ideology of “atheism”, needed some really serious revamping!


And now I was conversing with unseen spirits just as matter-of-factly as I would, say…talking with my Uncle Charlie!


And more than this, the spirit was now giving me songs and telling me things about the world and about the unseen world that few persons had ever been privy to! This was unreal beyond the wildest imagination! But it was real! Very real!


And so, I’ll share a few more of the songs given, plus some of the information shared by the Unseen One with whom I was now conversing on a moment-by-moment basis. And I really mean “moment-by-moment”! Because this was a morning till night phenomenon! It just didn’t let up!


But now I’ll share…


The Scream of Nature – Wikipedia – public domain – by edvard munch c.1893










(Lyric from the 1975 Bruce Johnston song, “I Write The Songs”)   


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license









January or February, 1980




(Wordplay on the lyrics of the 1975 Glen Campbell mega-hit, “Rhinestone Cowboy”, inserting the word, “spirits rising” in place of “compromising”)


I was also led to believe that there were persons in the song business who were “insiders”. They knew about the spirits, and were aware that their music and success was a gift from God.


He told me that I was going to go down to L.A. to get into the business. He told me that a certain famous recording artist was an “insider”, and knew all about how God was working within the music business. And I was to go to this famous recording artist’s home. And this recording artist (I’m too embarrassed to even mention names!), he would take me in, until I “got on my feet”. He also told me (or I played guessing games, trying to prod him into telling me) just who else in the music business knew about God, or was being led by God. And after guessing, he let me know a number of famous people he had working for him in the music business.

Hollywood and Vine wikipedia public domain


Okay, Okay, I know how ridiculous all this recording artist stuff’ sounds! And it’s more than just a bit embarrassing to even put it in writing for people to read (not to mention that I myself was merely a mediocre musical talent, even though I wasn’t aware of my limited talent, at the time)!


But I’m simply telling you what happened. And, just consider how often an article appears in the news about some person claiming that God told him to do this or that! Now what I went through, hopefully begins to explain, at the very least, that some of those “deluded” persons were no doubt likewise being misled by spirits, just as I was being misled.


Well, my experience explains alot, that is, if you believe what I’m telling you. But if you don’t believe this account, it nevertheless doesn’t make it any less the reality of the unseen spiritual battlefield which this world happens to be! And actually, unbelievers (and Christian skeptics) are truly, the “deluded ones”! 


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

Hollywood and Vine – wikipedia – public domain






Psalm 77:4


A certain phenomenon also occurred at this time. You see, before this all happened (i.e., my encounter with the unseen spiritual world), I usually got a pretty good night’s sleep. But at this time (Summer 1980) I began to find it very hard to sleep. This was my first encounter with “Insomnia”. And because I realized my problems were spiritual in nature, I also attributed this sleeplessness to spiritual sources…


Just listen to this verse… “When I lie down, I say, when shall I arise, and the night be gone? And I am full of tossings to and fro unto the dawning of the day.” Job 7:4. This verse from The Book of Job (Job is pronounced with a long “o”) shows that Job had a spiritual problem with sleeplessness. The Devil caused Job many problems, this being one of them. Here’s another verse about sleeplessness, being brought on by God… “Thou (God) holdest mine eyes waking…” Psalm 77:4.


Now I’m not saying that all sleeplessness is due to higher powers. But the Bible does declare that it possibly can be the cause. As these two verses point out, both Job and the psalmist were suffering spiritual insomnia: one brought on by God, and Job’s, which was brought on by an unseen evil spirit.


And I’m not even saying that my sleeplessness was necessarily of spiritual origin. All I’m saying is that it possibly could have been.


MHWS – Insomnia – Cropped and altered image – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license. (2)

Insomnia icon.svg – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.

Above Painting: Job – Wikipedia – US-public-domain








Also, I heard something that gave credence to what the spirit was telling me regarding the music business. And this gave me belief in what the spirit told me. I heard John Denver, in an interview, tell the interviewer that the songs he wrote were a “gift from God”. And he said it in such a way, that made me think that he wasn’t just being casual or flippant. He seemed to really believe that his songs were given him by God!


Also, at about this same time, or a little later, I heard that John Denver was in a movie, called, “Oh God!”, about a man who had an unseen companion…God. God was played by George Burns. And so I made sure to watch this movie when it came out on TV. And George Burns was a perfect God, as far as I was concerned. Burns behaved similar to the spirit I was communicating with. A lot of humor and irreverence. And so the spirit told me that John Denver was one of the special, “insiders”, in the music business.


Photo of George Burns – courtesy Allen Warren & Wikipedia – share-alike license. Click here for link.

John Denver – 1975 – wikipedia – public domain







(Title of the Bruce Johnston song, “I Write The Songs”)


These songs which I was being given triggered an old memory. Years earlier, about 1972 or so, I had just moved back to Klamath from San Francisco, where I had struck out, that is, I failed to “make it” in the pop music industry. It was then that I returned to working in the family restaurant.


Nevertheless, one sunny spring day, back in the Basin, I was sitting in the back yard with my guitar. I began composing a song. But to my amazement, in just a few minutes time, I had composed a really nice little song. This song just kind of “plopped down into my lap”, as they say. I didn’t even have to put much effort into composing it. And I remember feeling a little weird, when I sang it, because it came so easily. Anyway, here it is. Too bad you can’t hear the music. Because the music is simple, but as good as the words…


. VERSE…This time come tomorrow I’ll be gone, And I may not ever be this way again. So I’d like for you to have this song, And ya know that you will always be my friend.”


CHORUSAnd God give ya some love to carry along. May your roads be sunny, short or long. And on your way I pray, you won’t do anyone wrong. And God give ya some love to carry along.”

. VERSENever let the rain get in your eyes, Behind the clouds there’s a whole lot of blue skies. Just let ol’ Mother Nature be your guide, Cause that’s one girl from who we just can’t hide.”


CHORUSAnd God give ya some love to carry along, May your roads be sunny short or long. And on your way I pray, you won’t Do anyone wrong. And God give ya some love to carry along.”


3rd VERSELife is just an ever-flowing song, And it’s up to you to keep the music strong. So try and fill your world with those ya love, And never lose those dreams your dreamin’ of.” 


CHORUSAnd God give ya some love to carry along. May your roads be sunny, short or long. And on your way I pray, you won’t do anyone wrong wrong. And God give ya some love to carry along. And God give ya some love to carry you along. God give ya some love…to carry along” .


An old friend from our former high school band liked the song, and a few years later, arranged the song for his new band. He also changed the word, “things” in the last verse, to “those”. So the last line was changed to… So try and fill your world with things [those] you love…”.  One night when I was visiting Salem Oregon, I went to hear his band. They played that song very well, with the word-change, in three-part harmony. It was a definite improvement.


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

Desert Road Highway – Wikipedia – Share-Alike License

Sky – cropped image – Wikimedia Commons – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license







(Lyrics from the 1975 Glen Campbell hit, “Rhinestone Cowboy”)


But there was another aspect to all this music business stuff. I thought that God Himself was gonna break into the popular music world. And He was gonna use me to do just that! All I had to do was to mingle together some secular songs…with some Christian songs.


That’s so simple!


Why didn’t somebody think of that already?!


This of course, shows how clueless I was about Christianity! Because I had no idea just how big the Christian music industry currently was! It was perhaps already a billion dollar industry!


But I knew it not!


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

church worship music – cropped image – wikimedia – share-alike license






Anyway, here’s an example of one of the “Christian” songs that the spirit gave me…




“When I find myself, standing all alone,

I can turn to Jesus…for he is always near.

And when I find myself, losing hope in “Love”,

I can turn to Jesus…for He is always near.”


“I can turn to Jesus…for He is always near


“When I find myself, losing hope in “life”,

I can turn to Jesus…for He is always near.

And when I find myself, losing hope in “Man”,

I can turn to Jesus…for He is always here.”

“I can turn to Jesus…for He is always near.”


Okay, so these lyrics weren’t that great! But as I have stated…when “God” is giving you songs directly, even the mediocre ones seem good. And the music was actually, not too bad, even though very simple.


But as far as his method of composing, as I also said earlier, he wouldn’t talk during these song-writing sessions. He just made my head nod “Yes” or “No”, depending on the chords or the words, if they were correct or not. I am certain he had very good (and deceptive) reasons for doing this. And I’m pretty sure I know why. But I’ll just let you figure that one out for yourself. Very simple reason.








Bob Dylan (no mediocre song-writer!) gave an interview in which he made several statements regarding higher powers helping his career. In one statement, he says he made a “deal with the D…” … and then he stops short of actually saying the obvious. When quizzed about this by the interviewer, he began to back-peddle from almost saying “deal with the Devil” and then begins to indicate that his deal was with the “Commander”. With some more prodding, he clarifies that it is the “Commander of this world and the unseen world”.


Now for the sake of honesty, it must be noted that his comment “deal with the D…” sounded a little like he was merely being flippant. But his comment about the “bargain with the Commander” sounded very serious.  


Bob_Dylan – June 23 1978 – wikipedia – share-alike-license.jpg








During this time, I was constantly communing with the spirit. But quite often, there was “creaking noise” in my house. Sometimes from the wall. Sometimes from the floor. And sometimes from the ceiling. Normally, I would just think that the house was settling. But whenever this happened, I would hear a “yes” or “no” simultaneous to the creaking noise. I reasoned that he was just making it seem like he was making the creaking noise. And I figured that he was just very quick. Because there didn’t seem to be any time-lapse between the creaking noise and his answer. Often, I wouldn’t even be asking him a question, and I would hear the creaking along with a “yes” or “no”. So this was a tip-off that he was just very quick, and the house was merely settling, naturally.


Medieval ghost – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license







. suppose I received about a dozen songs during these times. Some were Christian. Some were secular. All were just about okay. Looking back, I would say that none were what I would consider really good, except for maybe one (“Oregon, I’m Coming Home to You”).


But at the time, I was totally taken in by the spirit’s story of how I was going to take the music world by storm. So the songs seemed good at the time. After all, when you have a spirit telling you these things, you tend to believe whatever that spirit might tell you (But, to be fair with myself, I suppose that with a good arranger and quality musicianship, they probably could have made a fairly good set of songs).


But there was another pretty good song I had composed years earlier. The spirit also told me that this song was given me by God. It’s called “A Highway Song”



(Whistling introduction to the tune of “Oh Susanna”)

.“I been so many places…I’ve seen a lot of borderlines.

“I’ve seen so many faces… and had me some pretty good times.

“I’ve sung alot of travelin’ songs, about the things I see.

“But there’s no one here to lend me an ear—–,

“So I’ll sing this one for me.”


“So I keep movin’ along…singin’ my highway song.

“Some folk gotta settle down…but me I gotta roam.

“Gotta keep…movin’ along…Gotta keep…movin’ along,

“Cause freedom is the highway…and the highway…is my home.”


“Sometimes I get so lonesome, lying under the starry sky,

“And wishin’ I’d-a settled down…and made that girl my wife.

“But I was young an’ restless, so I set out on the road,

“And when I looked behind, I couldn’t seem

“To find my way back home.”


“So I keep movin’ along…singin. my highway song…etc…”


(“Singin’ Oh my Lordy Lordy, such a fine ol’ day, singin’

“Oh my Lordy Lordy, a pretty, pretty fine ol’ day, and I—am well on my way!”)

VERSE 3“Sunrise come tomorrow, I’ll be headed for the western plains.

“Tonight I’ll stay in the Cascades, in this dang ol’ Oregon rain.

“But I heard in Carolina there’s a big bluegrass Jamboree,

“An’ for a guitar pickin country boy—

“…That’s just my cup o tea!”


“So I keep movin’ along…singin’ my highway song.

“Some folk gotta settle down, but I’m just a rollin’ stone.

“Gotta keep movin’ along, gotta keep movin’ along.

“Cause freedom is the highway…and the highway…is my home.”

(Ends with whistling “Oh Susanna” as song fades out)


This song took quite a while, and with quite a few changes. But after composing this song, I became a little nervous about the music. This is because the chorus and tempo sounded vaguely like the chorus of the song, “Garden Party” by Rick Nelson (My distant cousin!!! Too bad I didn’t look the least bit like him! Just the opposite, actually! Sigh…oh well. But on the other hand, I probably would’ve gotten into a whole lot more trouble in life, than I already did! And so, my average looks probably saved me from being a complete “unholy-terror” on the world!).


But as far as “Highway Song”, I thought it necessary to do a little re-arranging on the chorus to make it not sound so much like Nelson’s song.


End of Guitar – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

Hitchhiker in a forest – cropped image – Wikimedia – Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication

ABOVE PICTURE: Winter – Revelation 12 Woman with Eagle Wings

highway – Adrian – wikimedia commons – Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication

Rick Nelson – Wikipedia – US Public Domain








Now during this time, a very incredible phenomenon occurred a number of times. While in my front living room, I would go into a trance-like state. And as I sat in my chair, I would hear a long (and annoying) buzzing noise, and then I would slip into a dreamlike state (this probably occurred just two or three times). And everything looked very surrealistic, but very real! It almost was like these computerized digital cartoons, but even more realistic! Yeah, these visions/dreams seemed so real, that I thought they were, until I would come out of them to realize I was only having a vision!


Now I can only remember one of these, in which my parents came to me, asking me… “Where what did you do with the “Crimie?” By saying the “Crimie”, they were referring to a huge, old Chrysler, which we all sometimes used as a back-up vehicle. The reference to “Crimie” concerned my embezzling money from the restaurant, and me living such a life of crime, in various ways.


And after a few moments, when I awoke from these dream-like visions, I was amazed that it was only a dream or vision, because it seemed so incredibly real!


Surreal Painting – Willyvallez – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license






(Lyrics from John Lennon’s song, “Imagine”)


The spirit told me lots of things…”Oh God”, I begged him, “does the Devil really exist?” I really wanted to know. “No Chuck, there’s no Devil. Only God. All that Devil-stuff is just man’s imagination. To explain evil.”


So I guess the spirit’s story about no Heaven nor Hell was in harmony with that very famous song, “Imagine”, by John Lennon. “Imagine there’s Heaven…No Hell below us…No religion too!” Wow, there’s no Heaven, and no Hell! Wow! I was getting “inside information” that few people knew about, if any! What a news-flash!


But the difficult thing about John Lennon singing that song is this: it’s hard to imagine a deceased man, like Mr. Lennon, getting all excited that there’s no Heaven…no eternal joy…just nothingness for all eternity, now that he’s dead.


Truly, atheism has to be the world’s most miserable religion! And it’s more than a little disconcerting to listen to someone singing about the glories of “no Heaven”, knowing that the man singing has been long ago deceased.


Even the false religions promise you eternal bliss! Many people suppose that even a FALSE hope is better than NO hope! Maybe or maybe not.


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

Photo of John Lennon courtesy of Roy Underwood for Wikipedia share-alike license. Click here for link to Roy’s site.

John Lennon – Джон Ленон в Могилів Подільському – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.








And one of the horrible aspects of atheism, is that the older I got (as an atheist), the more miserable and nervous I became, whenever I thought about my prospects for the future. Prior to all this trouble I was now going through, I was experiencing some frightening nights, thinking about eternity. Because I was an atheist prior to all this. And I really didn’t want to be dead for all eternity. (Truly, “Darkness” is the atheist’s worst enemy! Atheists quite often need to have music playing or a little light burning, or the TV on, when they go to sleep at night, for fear of the darkness of eternity!) And so I would sometimes lie there in bed at night and try to think that possibly I might come back someday…somewhere out in the universe, as maybe…an earthworm or something.


Pretty bleak as far as prospects for the future…huh?


Photo of earthworm by Ryan Bushby &Wikipedia share-alike license.








So John Lennon’s song about “atheism”, though a pretty song, musically/poetically, was not much comfort for me back then, when I was an atheist. And even right now, as I’m writing this, my dear father is struggling with aging and Parkinson’s Disease. And it rips me in pieces to see him face eternity as an atheist. It’s a real heart-breaker! He’s facing death and he has no hope for the future!

On the other hand, I can agree with Lennon on this one point: that no hellish torture chamber which goes on for all eternity is something to sing about! He was correct about that! And I was totally on board with him on that point!


(Just a note: I remember reading an interview with John Lennon not too long before his death, in which he stated that he was “beginning to understand the parables of the Bible”. So it’s possible that God was working with Mr. Lennon prior to his untimely death. So maybe when he finally died, he had already become a believer in Jesus!)


Imagine!! John Lennon in Heaven!! Now that would really be something to sing about!!


John Lennon – Strawberry Fields, Central Park – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International






. Beatles song that “possessed” John Lennon and “wrote itself”


And speaking of that, “Magical Mystery Tour-guide”, John Lennon, the following article excerpt on him was written by the Internet site,


“John Lennon had a wild ride as part of The Beatles…The Beatles provided Lennon with the space to note down his feeling and emotions on paper and put them in a song and, on occasion, THE SONGS WROTE THEMSELVES DOWN.


“One such track…was ‘Across The Universe’, a song which Lennon says “wrote itself”.


“The track is often thought of as one of Lennon’s best works, but the singer admitted he felt like he had little contribution to the track after explaining its conception to David Sheff…“(the song was originally written in 1967)…I kept hearing these words over and over, flowing like an endless stream.

“I went downstairs and it turned into a sort of cosmic song…It’s so interesting. ‘Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup/ They slither while they pass, they slip away across the universe.’ Such an extraordinary meter and I can never repeat it!”


“Lennon would hold his hands up and suggest that he had little to do with songs final construction: “It’s not a matter of craftsmanship—it wrote itself. It drove me out of bed. I didn’t want to write it… and I couldn’t get to sleep until I put it on paper… It’s like being possessed—like a psychic or a medium. The thing has to go down. It won’t let you sleep, so you have to get up, make it into something, and then you’re allowed to sleep.”

“It may have had something to do with the time in which he wrote it, a dreamlike state which McCartney has also professed to have found fruitful for songwriting. “That’s always in the middle of the night when you’re half-awake or tired and your critical facilities are switched off.”


“However the song came about, there’s no doubting that it is one of The Beatles finest. The fact it arrived seemingly of its own accord is the icing on the cake.”


The Beatles magical mystery tour (cropped) – Wikipedia – Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license

Photo of John Lennon courtesy of Roy Underwood for Wikipedia share-alike license. Click here for link to Roy’s site.

John Lennon – 1969 (cropped) – Wikipedia – Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain Dedication








Well, there were other famous pop stars who got their inspiration from dreams. Such talents as Lynyrd Skynyrd, Jimi Hendrix, Rolling Stones guitarist, Keith Richards, Billy Joel, and others, which by surfing the Internet, these and similar accounts can be discovered. 


Jimi Hendrix statue outside Dimbola Lodge – Wikipedia – Public Domain








.Judgment Day license plate

To go to next chapter , just click here…


Ch. 21 Vacation From Hell


(or should I say, “in” Hell)”… 


If you think your vacation went badly, just read about this one!!



Ch. 19: “I AM Music”

By admin On December 8th, 2012


Click on image credit links below each photo, for licensing names, details, tags, etc.. Most images cropped/reduced in size






“The noise of thy viols…O Lucifer…

the workmanship of thy tabrets

and of thy pipes

was prepared in thee

in the day that thou wast created.

Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth…”

Isaiah 14:11, 12 & Ezekiel 28:13, 14






Here’s a question for you…“Where does literary inspiration come from?”


Here’s another question…“And why do most prolific music composers just run dry after a while?” (After all, you’d think that with time and experience, they’d only become that much more prolific in their composing!)


And here’s another question…“Why do many of the really great songs and the really wonderful music compositions just seem to simply, ‘drop into the lap’ of composers?”


And just one more question…“And just how could a very young child compose a sophisticated symphony, which requires translating years of maturity and life-experiences into music, which the child simply has not yet attained to?”


OH COME ON!!! Even if they had a great big brain, they’ve just not experienced the many life-lessons required, to be translated into extremely sophisticated music!


Well, read on, and maybe you’ll learn the secret that some have already learned…


Stuck Luzifer – ca-1890 – wikimedia – public domain














(First line from the 1972 Gordon Lightfoot song, “Cotton Jenny”)


Well, now that things were going well for me, a realtor friend showed me a little house for sale in a new subdivision over by Klamath Lake. It was a hilly area with lots of Pine trees. It looked like a little “gingerbread house” in a forest…on a hill.


Really quaint!


I liked it!


So I bought it.


And as with each new house I bought over the past eight years (I bought-and-sold houses as a money-making sideline back in those years), I was excited to move in. With all the trees and hills, this house was like living in a forest. It wasn’t a very big house. But it was comfortable for one or two persons. About 1200 sq. ft, or so.


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

The Scream – by E. Munch – Wikipedia – public domain by edvard munch c.1893







1st Kings 19:12


And I was still really busy with this spiritual realm that I was now dealing with!


Days were spent communing with the spirit.


And as you can probably imagine, I had lots of questions for him: questions about the past. But especially questions about the future. And the spirit would sometimes answer me by ever-so-slightly nodding my head “yes” or “no”. Sometimes he would make my head to circle around (also ever-so-slightly), just like someone might do when asked a dumb question. Or circle as if to say, “maybe”.


Other times he’d answer by speaking directly. It wasn’t exactly an actual audible voice. It was more like a small nondescript voice in my mind. But it was definitely a voice! When he talked, he’d often include my name in his comments. And he frequently joked as he answered.


At other times, he’d make a statement, and then retract that statement, saying, “Oh, I was just kidding, Chuck.”


The Scream of Nature – by E. Munch – Wikipedia – public domain by edvard munch c.1893







I hadn’t returned to work yet, and so I’d often go for a drive. And he’d direct where to go.


Frequently, I’d feel him take control of my hands on the steering wheel, and turned me in whatever direction he wanted me to turn.


Alotta times, he’d have me drive to a very scenic little park east of town on “Lost River” (as you can see in this great photo!).


Like I’ve already said, I was always asking him questions about the past, present, and future.


“After all”, I probably thought to myself, “Why waste this golden opportunity to dig out info on eternal things from this eternal being!?”


But I have to admit, his answers were kind-of vague, to say the least!


Mazda Rx-7 dash – cropped and altered image – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license

Stevenson Park – Photo by Chuck Collins of Klamath County H.R. Dept








One day he said, “Chuck, you wanna know what your license plate stands for?”


My license plate was a special plate I ordered when I bought this car. It read “RX7-LTD” (My RX-7 was a limited edition. Hence the “LTD” on the license plate)


But the spirit had another interpretation ready for me…“’RX-7′ means you’ll live another seven years, and then you’ll get sick and die. So the “RX” stands for Rx.” (Rx obviously being the common universal tag used to indicate prescription medications).


“The “7″ stands for 7 years. And the “Limited” stands for your limited life ahead.”, said the spirit.

.Mazda rx7-1st wikipedia GNU-free-user-license

This didn’t bother me too badly. After all, 7 years was quite a while! That’d give me until about 1987, which was a long time from now (It was still 1980 when this happened).


And isn’t 7 years a long time?


Right? Well…right?


And not to mention, he promised the next 7 years would be filled with glorious things! A real win-win proposition, wouldn’t you agree!?


“And you know what else?”, (said the spirit), “Do you want to know what else your little black car symbolizes?”


Mostly everything was a guessing game with this spirit. So I played along with his question-&-answer game, and eventually he’d tell me… “Your little black (actually metallic cobalt grayish-black) car looks like a coffin, doesn’t it? It means you’re going to die in 7 years.” 


And so, upon hearing this, I looked out my window at that little car and squinted and tried to see it as a coffin.


“Well…yeah…maybe it does look a little bit like a coffin”, I admitted to myself. “Yuuuk!”


Mazda rx7-1st Generation – wikipedia – GNU-free-user-license






(first line of Beach-Boys hit-song, “I Get Around”)


Yes, I did a whole lot of driving during those days.


And there was a whole lot of chatter going on between the spirit and myself. Sometimes he talked. Often, he’d just shake my head. If I guessed the answer, he’d simply shake my head very slightly, “Yes”.


Needless to say, this could be a bit embarrassing when I’d come up to a stop-light! My head would be shaking. I felt like one of those little dashboard figurines that shake its head as you drive down the street! And I was always afraid the driver next to me would think I was crazy (can you imagine anyone thinking me to be crazy!? How absurd the thought! lol!), even though my head wasn’t shaking so much, as to be even slightly noticeable.


But in spite of trying hard not to, I just couldn’t stop my head from shaking. If he chose to answer me by shaking my head, it was going to happen, whether I liked it or not!


Anyway, this is how the spirit told me about all the things that were ahead for me.


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

Mazda RX-7 – 1981 – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license







Mazda rx7-1st wikipedia GNU-free-user-license.

During this time period, a friend set me up with a date.


You see, just prior to my troubles beginning, my girlfriend, at that current time, broke up with me. So a caring friend set me up with a blind date. Even though I was in no mental condition to be going on a date, I still went over to meet the very pretty lady.


But when I went to her apartment, and while she was getting ready, the spirit began to put me through another “test of faith”.


You see, while she was in the bathroom, the spirit told me I should lay back down on her bed, where I was sitting.


Oh not for any wrong purposes. But just to lie there on her bed…which I knew was really crossing her boundary line, as well as making me look slightly ridiculous!


But what could I do?


If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be showing my faith.


So I did (the spirit promising that he’d keep her away, “as long as you have faith, Chuck!”).


Well that didn’t happened!


Yes, I really felt a little foolish when I had to jump up as she suddenly entered the room! I’m not sure if we ever actually went out on a date, or not. But if we did, I never saw her after that.


Oh yeah, now I remember! We went out for lunch or something.


If only I’d known that passage in Scripture…“Then the devil took Him (Jesus) up into the holy city, and set Him on a pinnacle of the, And said unto Him, ‘If you be the Son of God, cast yourself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning you: and in their hands they shall bear you up, lest at any time you dash your foot against a stone’. Jesus said unto him, ‘It is written again, You shall not tempt the Lord thy God’.” Matthew 4:5-7


So this passage prohibits us from doing something foolish, to prove our faith that God will help us at the last-minute, even in small situations of life.


Oh, if only I’d known this passage, it would’ve saved me a whole lot of grief! And not just in this little situation, but even more, in a few “bigger situations”!


Cause he was always compelling me to do outrageous things to, “Prove you faith, Chuck!”


Mazda rx7-1st Generation – wikipedia – GNU-free-user-license

James Tissot Brooklyn Museum Jesus Carried up to the Pinnacle wikimedia US public domain










About this same time, I somehow met up with a certain lady I knew from the club I played at on the weekends (actually, Thursday nights through Saturday nights, from 8 pm to 1 am). Mazda rx7-1st wikipedia GNU-free-user-licenseWell, to make a not-so-long story even shorter, I asked her to go with me to Reno for the weekend.


So this extremely pretty lady and I zoomed off to Reno.


I badly wanted to make a good impression on her! I was wearing my best slacks and big fat gold/diamond ring and oh man… was I dressed to kill!


Fancy new sports car to boot!


So there I was…cruisin’ down the highway to Reno! Me…my slinky metallic-black RX-7, and a beautiful babe sitting next to me! The wind blowing through our hair! The bright lights of that infamous gambling mecca just over the horizon! Spending our time at the gambling tables! Or perhaps going to a dinner show and watching some world-class entertainer!


“What could be better!?”, I ask you…“What could be better!?”

.’ Heff woulda been proud!


Well…probably not!


Hugh Hefner – Glamourcon 2010 – Wikipedia – Photo by Glenn Francis of – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license








Anyway, we arrived there five hours later and got a room at one of the casinos. I can’t remember which hotel we stayed at. I usually stayed in a suite at the recently built MGM Grand Hotel. But maybe I didn’t for some reason. I just can’t remember. Maybe Harrah’s. It’s not really that important anyway. But I wanted to impress her, so I’m gonna go with… the MGM Grand. It was brand-new and very impressive!


Yeah, it was definitely the MGM Grand! Now I remember!






Okay, so I’ve set up this story properly.


But as one radio old announcer always used to say…“And now…for the rest of the story!”








No sooner than we got there, and up into our large and very impressive suite, my entire body went stiff like a board!


I mean, I couldn’t even bend at all!


Oh yeah, I could walk, but just barely! I didn’t know what-in-the-world was happening to me!


And so, we decided that I should go to the emergency room of the local hospital. So we walked to my car (actually, she walked…I waddled…totally humiliated! She had to stuff me into my small little car.)


This was definitely not the best way to impress a lady! 


Well anyway, she drove me to the emergency room of the local hospital. And after an hour or two, they released me, giving me some medicine, shrugged shoulders, and no further encouragements.


Mazda rx7-1st Generation – wikipedia – GNU-free-user-license

Photos of Reno & Grand Sierra (formerly MGM) courtesy Wikipedia, public domain.







(satirical wordplay on the 1979 Supertramp song, “Take The Long Way Home”) 


Well, needless to say, this brought my “perfect weekend” plans to a screeching halt!


She drove me home…me still stiff as a board! Cruisin’ down the highway, still wearing my best slacks, my big fat diamond ring and oh man…and…uh…dressed to kill.


And the not-so-bright-lights of Kalamity Flats (Klamath Falls) just over the horizon!


I repeatedly apologized. And she was a good sport.


Yes, she was as gracious as she was beautiful. 


And I was as mortified as I was…uh…oh whatever!

Mazda rx7-1st wikipedia GNU-free-user-license


As we were driving home, I began to suspect that this entire ordeal (or should I say…this entire “horrordeal”) was brought on by my unseen spirit companion.


Mazda rx7-1st Generation – wikipedia – GNU-free-user-license






“A whip for the horse, a bridle for the ass (donkey), and a rod for the fool’s (my) back!”

Proverbs 26:3  


When we got back to Klamath that night, my body quickly returned to normal again. She said goodnight to me…with no further encouragements…never to see her again!

. by that time, I realized that the whole incident was courtesy of my unseen spirit “companion”. Yeah, that old Hope-You-Guessed-My-Name Guy was at it again!


But thankfully, the spirit never put me through that same phenomenon ever again.


Other stuff?




Just not this particular one.


Devil Goat – Wikipedia – Public Domain






“A woman which had a spirit of infirmity eighteen years, and was bowed together”

Luke 13:11

., if there’s some morale, or life-lesson, or any further encouragement from this rather embarrassing experience it might be the following…


You see, I much later discovered the story, from The Gospel According to Luke, Chapter 13, in which an evil spirit caused a woman to be bent-over for eighteen long years, prior to Jesus meeting her, casting out that spirit from her, allowing her to stand upright once again!


Thus, the life-lesson learned is, these spirits do indeed have the powers to do such things which outwardly appear to be merely physical ailments! And thankfully, this phenomenon didn’t last eighteen long years like that bent-over person in that Bible account.


Christ healing an infirm woman on the Sabbath – James Tissot 1886-96 – Wikimedia – Public Domain








One sunny day, about a month after moving into this house, I felt the urge to take my guitar out of its case, and sit down in the living room. And before long I had a nice chord progression worked out, along with some nice lyrics. 


“Is it time to start giving me songs?”, I inquired.


The spirit was silent.


So I kept up composing this song… .


“Too many people in this town. There’s confusion…uh…uh…growing…” .


“What should I say next” I asked the spirit.


But the spirit was still silent.


So I continued till the words and chords finally came…



“Too many people in this town..

“There’s confusion growing all around…

“Long to hear the wind outside my door…

“Long to see an eagle homeward soar… .


“This city’s got me upside down…

Gotta get my feet back on the ground…

So I’m gonna pack my bags and go…

To that place I left so long ago…




“Oregon I’m coming, Oregon I’m comin’

“Oregon I’m comin’ home to you…

Oregon  I’m comin’,

Oregon I’m comin’,

Oregon I’m comin’ home—-to you.




Can’t remember the words to the refrain! Sorry



I left that land so long ago…

Went to the place where money people go…

Tried to get myself up to the top…

It’s time for this ol’ spinnin’ wheel to stop…




“Oregon I’m coming, Oregon I’m comin’…etc….



“I guess that I’ll be movin’ on……

Can’t find a reason to hang on…

And when I get myself back home…

You know I’m never gonna roam…”



“Oregon I’m coming, Oregon I’m comin’…etc….




“Are those the right words?”, I asked. The spirit made my head to nod, “Yes”.The spirit did no talking during this time. He only made my head nod either “yes” or “no”. And so, this song went on like this until completion. At the time, I thought it was a great song. But over the years, I began to suspect that he really wasn’t interested in making that song a good one. And truth-be-told, it was possibly just a mediocre “Oregon version” of John Denver’s Colorado schtick…


Or, maybe not.


I dunno.








Jimmy Webb, one of the most celebrated secular song-writers in the music business (no mediocrity in his songs!), once made this,_2011.png statement”I couldn’t write a song without God. Sure, I could hack out hackneyed phrases and clichés, but to write anything meaningful I have to be in tune with God. He is the great source, my inspiration, the current that I have to connect to. Sadly I’ve not always used the gift He’s given me—the answered prayer—as best as I could or should have. I’ve made mistakes. I’ve done things I wish I hadn’t done.” (Incredible compositions such as “Wichita Lineman”, “Up, Up, And Away”, “Galveston”, “By The Time I Get To Phoenix”, etc., etc….)


Jimmy_Webb,_2011-Michaeldemartin for wikipedia share-alike license







(Lyrics from the Bruce Johnston song, “I Write The Songs”)


The spirit also told me, “I have a lot of people in the music world who have received my songs.”


And he even led me to believe me that the song, “I write the songs” was about him.



“I WRITE THE SONGS”……by Bruce Johnston


“I’ve been alive forever And I wrote the very first song I put the words and the melodies together I am music, and I write the songs”.


“My home lies deep within you And I’ve got my own place in your soul. Now when I look out through your eyes I’m young again, even tho’ I’m very old”

.,_John_-_Satan_presiding_at_the_Infernal_Council_-_1824.JPG“…Oh, my music makes you dance and gives you spirit to take a chance And I wrote some rock ‘n roll so you can move. Music fills your heart, well that’s a real find place to start. It’s from me, it’s for you It’s from you, it’s for me. It’s a worldwide symphony”


[Chorus:] “I write the songs that make the whole world sing. I write the songs of love and special things. I write the songs that make the young girls cry I write the songs, I write the songs”

“I am music and I write the songs…” 


Okay, so I totally believed the spirit, that this song was indeed written by him and about him. After all, the song was about some spirit entity who has been alive FOREVER! And he writes all the SONGS! Yeah…this all made sense! After all, he was giving me songs. Why would I doubt that he was giving other people songs too?


You can form your own conclusion about this.

Satan presiding at the Infernal Council – Wikpedia – US Public Domain





“The noise of thy viols (stringed instruments)…O Lucifer…

the workmanship of thy tabrets (percussion)

and of thy pipes (wind instruments)

was prepared in thee

in the day that thou wast created.

Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth…”

Isaiah 14:11, 12 & Ezekiel 28:13, 14


Stuck Luzifer ca-1890 wikimedia public domain






Here is another little song he gave me…


“When you try to understand…

All the power you have at your command…

When you try to see the light…

Take a little time to make it right…

Yes you have the gift of love…

It goes with you like a shining dove…etc…


I wish I could remember more of this song lyrics. But I think you get the idea. Kind-of a “look-for-the-light” type of song. But it was Christian enough for biblically-challenged me, at that moment in time.





PAUL TELLS ALL!,_George_%26_John.png


Paul McCartney made the following statement… “I woke up with a lovely tune in my head. I thought, ‘That’s great, I wonder what that is?’ There was an upright piano next to me, to the right of the bed by the window. I got out of bed, sat at the piano, found G, found F sharp minor 7th — and that leads you through then to B to E minor, and finally back to E. It all leads forward logically. I liked the melody a lot, but because I’d dreamed it, I couldn’t believe I’d written it. I thought, ‘No, I’ve never written anything like this before.’


But I had the tune, which was the most magic thing!”


Paul,_George_&_John-wikipedia-share-alike license


This particular song, “Yesterday”, by Paul McCartney, was voted best single hit of all time by Rolling Stone Magazine and MTV in the year 2000.






.Judgment Day license plate


To go to next chapter , just click here…


Ch.20  “And I Write The Songs”… 


More songs by a pretty good song writer.



CH. 18: “On Such A Winter’s Day” …

By admin On December 8th, 2012


Click on credit links below each photo, for licensing names/details/tags/etc.. Most images cropped/reduced in size






Have you ever heard a voice in your mind, talking to you?


Well, truth-be-told, there are many people who have! And not just those who are considered “Crazy”…like me.


Yes, even high government officials, statesmen, celebrities and/or their spouses have admitted that they too have had communications with unseen spirits of various origins! According to Wikipedia, even some of our most celebrated presidents, such as Lincoln and Reagan had attended seances and/or received astrological advice during their presidency!


And not just secular persons claim to hear voices (from dead loved-ones).


But maybe even millions of Christians receive advice from voices on a daily basis (claiming either God, angels, or dead saints are speaking directly to them).


Well, just read this little chapter (and subsequent chapters following), and maybe you will gain a greater insight and perspective into this current-day phenomenon…


People Involved in Seance – The Ladies’ home journal (1948) – Wikimedia – No Known Copyright Restrictions








(lyric from the 1965 mega-hit, “California Dreamin”, by the “Mamas & Papas”)






(lyrics from the 1965 mega-hit, “California Dreamin”, by the “Mamas & Papas”)


 “All the leaves are brown”, as the songsters sang!


But the skies were definitely NOT gray! 


As a matter of fact, sunny skies were the order of this particular day! But the big old Dutch Elm trees which lined the sidewalks of this old Oregon logging town, were now stripped bare by reason of the frigid January air. And all the grass was, likewise, a deadish brown (except for maybe in some of the most geothermal areas of town).


The_Scream Wikipedia public domain by edvard munch c.1893

And on this crisp January morn, there was no denying that winter had now fully embraced the Basin! But just like a typical winter’s day in the Basin…lots of blue skies and sunshine! And actually, not nearly as cold as many other places in the good ol’ U.S. of A..


Klamath Basin gets cold, but also gets lots of sunshine.


SUNSHINE!!! What a redeeming aspect to this little high-country community! Nestled right next to the foothills of the Cascade mountains, Klamath graces the eastern slopes of those mountains, but also nearly borders the high deserts of Eastern Oregon: perhaps you could say it’s a hybrid of these two environmental zones.


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

The Scream – by E. Munch – Wikipedia – public domain by edvard munch c.1893






(lyric from the 1965 mega-hit, “California Dreamin”, by the “Mamas & Papas”)


The Christmas at the Oregon coast was very peaceful (see Chapter 17). But now back in Klamath, it was January. And being delivered from the satanic “Chamber of Horrors”, which was my experience up there in Ward #3600, I was now in an infinitely better position!


Or so it seemed.


And yet, in spite of being freed from that Unit 3600 nightmarish horror-show, I felt void of the spiritual power which I believed only God could fulfill in me.


And so I decided to find a church where I could pray. And I went to one I knew of. The arched doors and windows were beautiful, as was the rest of this building. It looked somewhat like a Spanish mission. And stained-glass windows galore! I figured this was my best chance!


As I said in the last chapter, it seemed as though the Spirit had departed from me.


I lost God! And I needed Him back! Desperately!


And this church looked holy. Really holy! And I didn’t want to be alone—without God…So I would go in and beg for Him to return…


“Behold, I go forward, but He is not there; and backward, but I cannot perceive Him: On the left hand, where He does work, but I cannot behold Him: He hides Himself on the right hand, that I cannot see Him…” Job 23:8, 9 (Job is commonly pronounced with a long “o”) 


I somehow heard that they’re always open. Church doors, you know? Maybe some hobo, just coming in from the cold. Or perhaps some local resident in desperate need of prayer. Or maybe even a ‘Mama’ or a ‘Papa’ to get down on their knees and pray for their children. Anyone with a deep need could come here for a quiet house of refuge. A safe-place where one could get alone with God. A haven of rest for the weary soul, in which one could cry out to that oft-elusive, yet Great Unseen One!


Whoops! The doors were locked!


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license






“I PASSED ALONG THE ‘WAY’…(“Kit Carson Way”, that is)

(“I passed along the way” are lyrics from the 1965 mega-hit, “California Dreamin”, by the “Mamas & Papas”)


I hopped back into my little black car (actually dark metallic cobalt) and zoomed off, in search of another church in which to try to regain contact with the Spirit. (Thinking about that last church, it’s not hard to imagine that a church is just as subject to vandalism these days as any other place. You really can’t blame them for locking their doors in this increasingly decadent/lawless society!)


Anyway, I next thought of a big old church which was on the “Kit Carson Way”. “They always have something going on there. I’ll try them!”


And so I pulled into the parking lot.


I walked cautiously up to the side door.


This grand old building was once the community’s local hospital, “The Presbyterian Intercommunity Hospital”. But as long as I can remember, it’s been a church. Well, church is also a hospital too…for sinners…right?


It had massive white pillars, and the building was made of red brick. The new hospital, which replaced this old one, was re-named, “Merle West Medical Center” (the 60 Minutes TV show once unfairly renamed it, “Murder-West” in one of their many weekly hit-piece reports on various people, places, and things).


But this once-hospital-now-turned-church was on a busy street called the “Kit Carson Way”


Now how it got that name, Kit Carson Way, I have not a clue!


Oh yeah, I understand who Kit Carson was. Kind of. But even though I often wondered how it got that name, I never researched it. Maybe someone around here decided to honor Kit Carson for some reason. Well, I just figured that was why; simply to honor a famous person. (M479px-Kit_Carson_photograph_restored wikipedia public domainaybe now with Internet I might just look this stuff up.)


Okay, I just looked it up online. Kit Carson (photo right) was a scout for John Fremont (painting below) and his men who came to Klamath Lake in the 1840′s, and made camp here. It was a somewhat brutal experience, and a sad point in history for Carson and Fremont with their deadly back-and-forth skirmishes with the Modoc and Klamath tribes. And history says that Carson was angry with Captain Fremont for ordering that deadly retaliatory skirmish.


But in spite of this great blemish on his character, Carson, in his day, was mostly liked and respected by white-man, and even Native Americans alike (according to Wikipedia, at the time of this writing. Wikipedia’s info often gets changed, you know, to keep current with the oft-changing politically-correct viewpoint). And Carson liked the Indians as well. Also, he probably had more of a conscience than other men of those days. His conscience caused him sorr for following Fremont’s orders to execute a dozen or more people during his stint with Fremont. As for Fremont’s conscience, that might be another story. Carson died at 59 of a blood-clot, by the way.


I can’t believe I’ve never researched this before! My brother could probably recite names, dates, places, and events on this and any other subject concerning Carson and Fremont! But I just didn’t have enough interest in history. And of course, because of Internet, researching these things has now become much easier!


Mazda rx7-1st Generation – wikipedia – GNU-free-user-license

Photo of Kit carson – courtesy Wikipedia. Public Domain.

John Frémont Wikipedia US public domain







(lyric from the 1965 mega-hit, “California Dreamin”, by the “Mamas & Papas” with the word, “another” added)


Anyway, I was glad to find the door not locked, and so I went in. There was a secretary inside, doing some paper work. I asked if I could go into the sanctuary.


She said, with a smile, “That’s just fine”.


The sanctuary was not nearly as large as I thought this big building was capable of having. And I was surprised at how—uh— unorthodox everything looked. I hadn’t been to church but very rarely. And always, those churches looked very traditional: pews, murals with angels and cherubs…stained-glass windows & tall cathedral ceilings. And a pipe organ.


But not in this church!


But here were simple folding-chairs and a portable podium. And there were guitar amplifiers, and mic stands, as if there was a rock band or something. And the ceiling wasn’t even as tall as my ceilings at home! And just white sheet-rocked walls, like in most homes. No stained-glass! No statues! No murals! No angels! No Cherubs! And…no-o-o-o…pipe organ!


How odd!


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

Woodward Avenue Presbyterian Church pipe organ wikimedia share-alike license







(lyric from the 1965 mega-hit, “California Dreamin”, by the “Mamas & Papas”)


Nevertheless, it was a church! I would have preferred the first church, however. It looked much more holy and reverent than this place. But I was desperate! So this place would have to do. So I got down on my knees in front a folding chair. But then I decided to move up closer to the altar (podium) thinking I could get as close as possible to God.


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license







(lyrics from the 1965 mega-hit, “California Dreamin”, by the “Mamas & Papas”. Actually the original lyrics were “I pretend to pray”, but Mama Cass mistakenly sang, “I began to pray”)


And I began to pray…“Oh God, please come back into my life. I’m sorry I let you down. Don’t leave me forever, God, etc…” As I knelt there, I just thought that maybe I felt something like my head move up and down, ever-so-slightly, almost as if He was saying “Yes. I’m here.”


“Is that you God?” I didn’t really know if my head moved or if I was simply imagining it. And so I continued to pray. And I pleaded some more. And afterward, once again, I thought I could barely feel my head nod almost unnoticeably , “Yes”.


But just then, several people came into the sanctuary talking together. So I got up and left.


Outside I hopped back into my Rx-7, jubilant over the prospects that the Lord of Heaven might be back! As I drove down the road, my head began to nod continually as if He was saying, “Yes! I’m here! Yes. Yes. Yes!” By now, tears were streaming down my cheeks. I was so happy! I decided to just drive. Anywhere! It didn’t matter, now that God was back in my life!


And so, up the Kit Carson Highway I drove. Northward! To Chiloquin! My head now nodding up and down continually. Tears still rolling down. ”You’re back!  OH HAPPY DAY!!!”


I was like that Bible parable of the “Prodigal Son” (although at that time, I knew nothing about that parable of the prodigal son). A son who—at last—came home to his Father! (see Luke 15:11-32)


But I was really happy He was back! And I just wanted to go for a drive! I didn’t know where. And I really didn’t care! So I drove northward towards Chiloquin, about 30 miles north of Klamath Falls.


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

Chiloquin OR – welcome sign wikimedia creative commons license







(lyric from the 1965 mega-hit, “California Dreamin”, by the “Mamas & Papas”)


Now as I was driving northward, the Spirit began to speak! This was too good to be true! What a victorious moment!


And so He spoke and I listened intently…


“Oh Chuck, I have big plans for you.”

“Why are you talking to me Lord?”

“Oh I have big plans for you. (in Los Angeles!)”

“What kind of plans?”

“Big plans, Chuck. Very big plans!”,_USA),_Hollywood_Boulevard,_%22The_Beatles%22_--_2012_--_5.jpg


You can just imagine how absolutely great this kind of news was to me! After all, I had just gone through almost two months of absolute Hell! Now the Lord was telling me that I was in store for very good news! He spoke of my going to L.A. to get back into the music business! Whoa! The music business!?


So I asked, “Why me? Am I someone special?”


“Very special Chuck. You were someone very special. In a former life.”


I just sensed where he was going with this… “Was—I—Jesus?”


My head began to nod in the affirmative.


“I was Jesus Christ!? In a former life!?”


“Yes Chuck. You were Jesus in a former life!”


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

Los Angeles (California, USA), Hollywood Boulevard, ‘The_Beatles’ wikimedia share-alike license








After this, I was urged to drive to a public park near Chiloquin, about 30 miles from Klamath Falls. Chiloquin was a little town where my great-grandparents settled just after the beginning of the last century, in the early 1900′s. It was originally an Indian village, of the Klamath Tribe, led by Chief Chiloquin. My great-grandparents started a general store, post office, and I think maybe even a small hotel, in about 1905, or thereabouts.


“Oh Chuck, I have very big plans for you. But first let Me tell another reason you are very special. Besides being Jesus in a former life, you have someone in your family line who was very special. Someone I owe a big favor to.”


Now I didn’t know much about my family history. I did hear that we had someone who was on the “Most Wanted” list. Someone like “Machine Gun Kelly” or something. And I also heard we were related to the Nelson family who starred in that old TV show, “Ozzie and Harriet”. But I began prodding him as to who it was he owed a favor to.


“Oh Chuck, it was your Great-Grandmother. She was a great lady. Oh I loved that lady.” At times, the spirit sounded like he was getting all choked up. Like he was sobbing. But I kind-of got the slight impression that he was doing so in a mocking way. Nevertheless, this story made sense. And I was really happy about all this…uh…information the Spirit was feeding me. Because, when talking to people, I liked to always work into a conversation about my Great-Grandparents starting the first store there in Chiloquin, and My Great-Grandma being the first Postmaster there.


But the spirit began telling me many stories about my great-grandparents, and the wonderful things they did. And he kept this up for a while until his speech turned again towards me.


“I loved that woman. But I hate you!”


Why do you hate me?” I asked.


“I hate you because you are a great sinner! And you’ve done a lot of rotten things in your life. But I also love you, because you were Jesus Christ in a past life. And I have big plans for you. You are going to do something very special for Me.”


And so began a guessing game as to what it was that I was going to do. But finally He revealed what it was I was going to do for Him.


Photo of the Nelson’s copyrighted. But used under “fair use” rationale. Information provided by Wikipedia. See “Fair-Use” rationale. Just click here.


“The Candy Kid”, Richard Reese Whittemore & girl-friend, “Tiger Lil” Public domain







(Title of the 1965 mega-hit, “California Dreamin”, by the “Mamas & Papas”)


“I am going to give you songs. And you are going down to LA to record them! You are one lucky S#%$!&B! You are going to be famous very soon! You are going to write some religious songs, and some that aren’t religious! And with these songs yUrban3355 wikipedia public domainou are going to turn many people to Me!”


I always wanted to get into the recording industry. It was my dream for many years! I even moved to San Francisco many years earlier, to attend a unique school dedicated to rock-n-roll (see the chapter, “One Flew INTO The Cuckoo’s Nest: Do You Believe In Magic?”).


As I continued northward, I kept after him to tell me about all my former lives. And so I found out that for nearly two thousand years, I had been repeatedly re-incarnated. And in each former life, I had performed some great thing in the religious world. But He was very vague, however, as to any details. But I did manage to get out of Him that I had been a pope, a number of times. (LOL!) And also, I’d been a cardinal, and a bishop sometimes. And each time I did some necessary deed: some great accomplishment!


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

Pope Urban – wikipedia – public domain






“YOU KNOW THE PREACHER LIKE THE COLD (cold snow, that is!)…”

(word-play on lyrics from the 1965 mega-hit, “California Dreamin”, by the “Mamas & Pappas”)


After a while, the spirit directed me to return to Klamath Falls. And at some point southward, he urged me to pull over. He told me to get out of the car. “Now run up that hill, you S&%$ B#@%&!” I ran up the small embankment. “Now fall down, you $%^&#$@!” I fell down into the snow. “Now eat snow! You ^%$#@!” I hate you—but I love you (sobbing) I love you…Jesus…Christ! Eat snow!!” So I ate snow. But inside I was feeling very good. I’d take this over the “mental ward games” any ol’ day!


Even if I had to eat snow…on such a winter’s day!


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

Snow Angel Man wikimedia the GNU Free Documentation License








At this point, the spirit began to speak of eternal life as though it was re-incarnation. No Heaven! No Hell! Just one lie after another…uh…I mean one LIFE after another!







According to John Phillips (of Mamas & Papas) in a Bravo documentary, and Michelle Phillips in an NPR piece, the song, “California Dreamin”, was written in 1963 while they were living in New York.

The Mamas and the Papas Ed Sullivan Show 1968 WIKIPEDIA PUBLIC DOMAIN


Phillips dreamed about the song and woke Michelle up to help him write it down. (This information provided by Wikipedia, but has since been removed from Wikipedia, or so it seems. Wikipedia’s info often gets changed, you know)


The Mamas and the Papas Ed Sullivan Show 1968 WIKIPEDIA PUBLIC DOMAIN

Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license








.Judgment Day license plate

To go to Chapter 15,  just click here,


Ch. 19 “I AM Music”…


This spirit proves himself to be a pretty good song-writer!

. .


Ch. 17: “Silent Night”

By admin On December 8th, 2012


Click on credit links below each photo, for licensing names/details/tags/etc.. Most images cropped/reduced in size








If we would, ever-so-carefully, watch, look, and listen, there are clues to be discovered, which only confirm that we humans are not alone in this so-called “atheistic, accidental, cosmic explosion called, ‘The Universe’.


And this true account of my own personal introduction to the unseen and invisible spiritual Armageddon which rages all around us has various proofs to this fact! 


Yes, these proofs can be seen, if the truth-seeker would just set aside his or her skepticism and unbelief long enough to consider these affirmations which are often hidden “between the lines”.


And even nature itself has its own various proofs, that we’re not here by some accidental explosion, chaos-to-cosmos, but rather, by the design and forethought of an infinite and loving Creator Being.


Just listen to the ancient Book of Job (Job pronounced with a long “o”)…


But ask now the beasts,

and they shall teach thee;

and the fowls of the air,

and they shall tell thee: 

Or speak to the earth,

and it shall teach thee:

and the fishes of the sea

shall declare unto thee. 

Who knoweth not in all these

that the hand of the LORD hath wrought this? 

In whose hand

is the soul of every living thing,

and the breath of all mankind.

Job 12:7-10 

., all of nature has been masterfully engineered to give us hints and clues as to just Who created all this awesome and beautiful and marvelous universe!


So read on, and maybe you will likewise agree (or not agree) with my observations of just a few of the so-called “coincidences” which occurred through the first 50 days of this my encounter with the unseen spirit-realm (which “coincidences are found towards the end of this chapter).


Father & Son – Wikimedia – Public Domain

South American Butterfly – cropped image – Wikipedia – Share-Alike License

Family Portrait – cropped image – Wikimedia – Share-alike License

ABOVE PICTURE – Starry Night at La Silla – cropped – Wikimedia – Share-Alike license














About December 23rd, 1979






I had been in the hospital since about the middle of November. It was now almost Christmas. And as far as the mental-ward staff was concerned, I was greatly improved. The “medicine” which they injected in me, seemingly had done its assigned task: bringing me back into normalcy.


And I desperately wanted to get out of the hospital! My family was planning to spend Christmas at my Aunt’s and Uncle’s cabin at the Oregon coast.


Finally at the last moment, I was released!


The Scream of Nature – by E. Munch – Wikipedia – public domain by edvard munch c.1893








(1969 improvised song by Richie Havens, based on an old spiritual, “Motherless Child”)

. you can’t imagine just how absolutely great it felt to walk out of that hospital, free at last! And to hop into my several-month’s-new RX-7, and zoom off! Well, it was like the first time I drove it, all over again! Not to mention that being outside in the fresh air, once again, was like being born all over again!


Oh yeah, I was still pretty shaken up over what I had been through for the last two months! And yes, no one needed to tell me that I’d never be the same, ever again!


But, the torment had stopped!


For now, at least, it stopped!


Mazda Rx-7 dash – cropped image – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license








On a high, wind-swept, tree-lined cliff, overlooking the blue Pacific (sometimes green, or gray, etc., not far from this photo, as I recall), were two houses next to each other. My parents stayed with my aunt and uncle in their large two-story cabin. The next-door house, where my brother and I stayed in, was a smaller, two-story, octagon-shaped cabin.


Both cabins were just 20 or 30 feet from the edge of a very high cliff overlooking the beautiful Pacific.


My brother was probably the only one who could have handled me at that point in time. Not that I was hard to manage. I was just extremely sullen, melancholy, and quiet. Too depressing for most others, no doubt. 


But gimme a break! After all, I was still rocking and reeling from the past 50 or so, days! But my brother didn’t usually let adverse circumstances get the best of him. Plus we had been best buddies since the days we first came into this world! So this little octagon-shaped cabin worked well for my brother and I…and for every one else, I suppose. 


Oregon Coast at Lincoln City – Photo above by Scott Catron – Wikimedia – share-alike. Click here for link.






(Lyrics from the 1966 hit tune, “Hey, 98.6!”)


Now, during this Christmas time at the coast, I was returned to my former condition prior to my supposed, “insanity”. It seemed like the spirit had left for good. And while I was in a very quiet and melancholy state, it just seemed that all that spiritual battle was now behind me.


Those 50, or so, days had been like a spiritual Armageddon! It was like being picked up in a giant cyclone for 7 weeks. And now I was let back down to the ground once again.


This spiritual holocaust was presently behind me. And if ever there’s space for the human spirit to heal, there’s no better place than the Oregon coast. The awesome grandeur of the ever-restless Pacific Ocean! The solitary beaches. The timeless roaring of the waves. The sounds of gulls as they sweep back and forth above the shoreline, hoping for some new morsel of food to show up. It really seemed weird to not feel the presence of this spirit (or spirits).


I clearly remember standing at the cabin’s cliff’s edge, at one moment during this December, gazing over the steep and abrupt edge at the powerful ocean below. And yet, a very strange feeling came over me. It was so peaceful, except something was missing. The spiritual battle and the spirits themselves seemed so far away now. It was like Heaven and Hell, and the battle of Armageddon had just packed up and moved on!


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

Picture of Lincoln City area courtesy Wikipedia. Share-alike license. Click here for link. 






(1971 hit song by Creedence Clearwater Revival)


So, have you? Have you ever seen the rain?


Well, if you’ve ever spent any length of time at the Oregon coast, you, no doubt, have seen LOTS AND LOTS OF RAIN! .

But to my thinking, there’s no greater natural beauty to be found anywhere in the world! The entire Oregon coast is an amazing drive! As long as you don’t mind the slow-driving/much-winding/quite-narrow/constantly-repaired, Highway 101, plus lots and lots of mist, rain, and/or fog!


Sunny days at the Oregon coast are at a premium, to say the least!


Now, Lincoln City is not such a big town. At least it wasn’t, back at this time (1979). But it was long. It lay smack-dab on Highway 101 in Northern Oregon. And Lincoln City is a conglomerate of several smaller towns, Nelscott, Taft, Delake (short for “Devil’s Lake”), Oceanlake, Cutler City, which all got swallowed up together over the years. So it is now five or more miles long! And much of it consists of sharp cliffs above the awesomely beautiful Pacific Ocean.


There are many rustic and weathered old cabins throughout Lincoln City. And there are many old and quaint little tourist shops along Highway 101, and even some tiny salt-water taffy factories/shops along that five-mile stretch. And there’s a lot of nice beaches, just right for agate-hunters, and clam-diggers, crabbers, and those who take long walks along the beach. And it’s a great old fishing mecca! But I haven’t been there for some years, so it’s probably changed now (I hear there’s now a big new casino).


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

Beach View of Yaquina Head Lighthouse – Fog Starting to Clear – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license

Sunrise along the Oregon Coast – Wikimedia – by Jim Helvey for Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license







Lincoln City Oregon wikimedia public domain


Yeah, But in spite of the weather, I still maintain that the Oregon coast is a fantastic place to visit!


It’s my favorite place to be!


I learned to appreciate the coast as a young boy. My parents or sometimes my grandparents would drive the 50 miles from our hometown of Salem, to stay in a rented cabin at Newport or Lincoln City. We kids would play on the beach for hours, and jump into the surf.


Lincoln City Oregon – wikimedia – public domain







I still vividly recall one week-long summer vacation back in our early years, when my brother and I were down on the beach, trying to make a fort out of a few of the countless logs which had washed up on shore. 


Well, all was going according to plan, until one heavy log we were carrying dropped, having a large rusty nail, which went right through my brother’s foot just above his toes! Of course, he let out a loud “Owww!!!”.


He then yelled to me to “put it down!” Unfortunately, instead of setting my end down carefully, I simply (and stupidly) just dropped it in obedience to my older brother’s command, causing the log and nail to further agonize him!


But, for some reason, he started to laugh. And so, thinking he was okay, I began laughing along with him. But then, he suddenly yelled, “WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING!?” I realized that he was probably laughing out of shock, and sheer agony!


Well, after hobbling off the beach, and up several hundred VERY steep old wooden stairs he got back to our rented cabin. And after a trip to a nearby doctor’s office, a tetanus shot, and some stitches, he was well enough to resume our vacation.


Lincoln City – Sep 63 – the two kids far in the background not us, but this old photo shows lady in foreground wearing  typical apparel for that era – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license








Well, my 11 year-old brother was probably not able to return back down to the sandy beach in his now-wounded condition.


But about that same time, the weather got bad. So we spent the last few remaining rainy days indoors at “Gakkie’s Cabin” there in Lincoln City (also high on a cliff, overlooking the ocean).


Actually, this rustic old cabin belonged to Dr. Gatky (Gakkie was how I mispronounced his name when I was 4 or 5).

., Doctor Gatky lived across from my grandma on 23rd Street, just one of Salem’s many beautiful old tree-lined and flowered streets. He rented that cabin to our family for the “exorbitant” sum of about $5 per day (And that was cheap even for the early 1960’s!)


But in spite of the pouring rain outside the large ocean-view windows, we young kids (and everybody else too) had lots of fun playing games, peeling off our sunburn blisters, and listening to the thin-sounding music on a small radio (little or no TV reception back in those days, in Lincoln City. But they did have a radio station there).


One other unforgettable aspect to this vacation was when that almost toneless old radio began playing two songs for the very first time, which were big new “hit songs”. One hit tune was called, “She Wore An Itsy-Bitsy-Teenie-Weenie-Yellow-Polka-Dot-Bikini”. 


Yes, bikinis had become the newest rage across America at that time by young girls who hadn’t yet lost their teenage figures. And that song glorified the new craze.

. if that new “Itsy-Bitsy-Teenie-Bikini” song wasn’t enough to send a youngster’s mind for a spin around the block, the next hit tune was sure to catapult a kid’s brain clear up to the Moon! This second little number was titled, “Never On A Sunday, Cause That’s My Day of Rest!” And although fresh out of the 4th grade, the not-so-quaint gist of that little ditty didn’t escape my tiny 9 year-old mind!


Well, those two songs got a lot of airplay that week, often mixed in between the other, mostly relatively benign, tunes. We heard them over and over again…until their dicey lyrics no longer caused us to go “saucer-eyed”. 


Nevertheless, these naughty-but-nice little songs must have made a deep impression on me, cause I still vividly recall hearing them! (Now I’m fully aware that, in 2020, those two songs, with their light-hearted melody/lyrics might even be considered kid-friendly, compared to much of today’s sexual/violent/scuzzy/graphic music and videos. But even though the “Sexual Revolution” was already well underway back in 1961 U.S.A., these two world-wide mega-hits were just another “bold new step forward” in the further sexualization of America and of the world!)


But in spite of these few glitches, our summer vacation was otherwise filled with lots of innocent fun (as I’ve already stated), laughing, snacking, playing games, etc., during those rainy days at Gakkie’s Cabin. 


Polka dots.svg – Wikimedia – Public Domain

Salem Oregon Path by the River – wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license

Front view of an Arvin radio, – 1940s. – wikimedia – No known copyright restrictions

prostitute taking her shift – Wikimedia – Public Domain in country of origin








Now Doctor Gakkie was kind enough to allow us (about 9 guests or more, including relatives) to rent his old beach cabin (and it still stands there today). 


But truth-be-told, I was kinda scared of the old gent, ever since the day (back in ’56’, or so) when he chased us kids out of his prize-winning, half-acre flower/rose/shrub garden (at least it seemed to us like a half-acre or more). Man, that vast garden had so many flowers, shrubs, etc., it was like walking through the winding pathways of a thick jungle! And we, most likely, were sizing it up as a potential new battle-field, for the next time all us kids would play, “Army”!

And so, our curiosity got the best of us, and we couldn’t resist the temptation to check it out. But no sooner did we make our way through the first leg of our search/quest, we heard a loud and very angry voice, “You kids stay out of my garden!” (Well, my brother’s recollection was that I had plucked one of Gakkie’s prize roses which provoked the old gent’s angst. Imagine that! How intolerant! LOL!)


And so we hightailed it back to the safety of Grandma’s big old front porch (Grandma pictured here, and my Grandma’s incredible flowered/shrubbed yard was perhaps the neighborhood’s showcase as well, back in those days. Not-so-much these days…new owner)!


And that was the first and the last time we would ever explore that “mysterious jungle” of Doctor Gakkie’s garden!


‘Ready to Engage the Enemy’ – wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license








Now just whatever kind of doctor Gakkie actually was, to this day, I’ve never found out. But I do remember when very young, I saw two ladies walking down the old Salem sidewalk in the direction of his house, and one of them was laughing hysterically.


And so I turned to my grandma and asked, “Grandma, is that lady going to see Doctor Gakkie?” Well, my grandma laughed and laughed, and said, “No, Chuckie”, still laughing.


And so I instantly deduced that he was not, “that kind of doctor”.


But to tell you the truth, in all those years of countless visits to Grandma’s house, I don’t think I ever actually saw the old man!


Just heard his angry voice that one time.

. well. (And for all I know, under different circumstances, he might have been a really nice old guy! And really! Who would want a bunch of irresponsible little neighborhood rapscallions-on-the-loose, traipsing through your prize-winning flower garden, not to mention that I might have plucked one of his prize roses, as my brother insists!?)


And if time permitted, I’d tell about the day when our neighborhood Army-Club members decided to embark on a search-and-rescue operation (a fruit/vegetable scavenger-hunt in another neighbor’s vegetable/fruit garden!)


Taiwan 2009 Tainan City Organic Farm Watermelon FRD – wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license








But it was now the Christmas of 1979, and those old days in the 50’s were just a few, distant and faded old memories.


But now, BUT NOW…I WAS THE ONE WHO NEEDED, “THAT KIND OF DOCTOR”! And yet, I can fully assure you, that I was not laughing hysterically at this moment, like that lady was laughing her way down the sidewalk, some 25+ years earlier!


No, I wasn’t laughing at all, right now!








But in spite of my somber demeanor, all that remained in the former spiritual battlefield of my mind, was peaceful silence! Yeah, this battlefield now lay desolate, except for the dead bodies strewn from one end to the other (the dead bodies of all my former atheistic ideas and philosophies, and other misguided notions about life, which I had accumulated over the years!)

.,_Lincoln_City,_Oregon_-_panoramio.jpgAnd now, before me was just the timeless and soothing roaring of the waves, and the sound of the gulls as they swept back and forth above the shoreline.


But even though, to a certain degree, I felt like my old self again, yet I didn’t feel quite right for some reason.


Something was missing!


Northern Oregon Coast wikimedia Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license

Sea Gypsies, Lincoln City, Oregon – cropped image –  wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license









USA-Oregon-Newport-Yaquina-Head-Light-Seagull-wikipedia-GNU-Free-Documentation lic


Another foggy day in Oregon. The rain had stopped—for a while. But the air was heavy with the cold, wet mist. The gulls were now making their endless sweeps back-and-forth along the shore-line. The tide had receded, leaving a table of food for the ever-hungry, never-satisfied scavengers.


Down below, a solitary form lay atop a mound of a rock, close to the incoming surf. A few of the gulls, seeing, swept down for a closer inspection of the wounded bird. They couldn’t understand why their fellow gull just sat down there instead of flying with them like usual.


The gull lifted up his head as if to remember his former friends/rivals, who were still winging back-and-forth, making their daily coastline inspection. 


But just then, another great wave swept over the wounded bird, causing the bird to hurt once again with its open wounds. Besides being caught in a large piece of fish net, the bird had a fish-hook caught in his flesh. The pain made each moment seem like an hour! (“…in an evil net, as the birds that are caught in the snare; so are the sons of men snared in an evil time, when it falleth suddenly upon them.” Ecclesiastes 9:12)  


The bird vainly struggled to get itself free. But he was totally helpless! And now the tide was once again coming back in, sweeping over the bird. Wave after wave swept over the bird. (“Thy {God’s} wrath lies hard upon me, and Thou {God} hast afflicted me with all Thy waves. Selah.” Psalm 88:7) 


Finally came the night. The Moon, fully illuminated, stood watch high above the dark blueness of the sea.


The exhausted bird just lay there throughout the long night. And before the morning, even the Moon turned away his face from the gull; turning toward the East, as if eagerly awaiting the arrival of the morning Sun, as He (the Moon) resumed His appointed place once again.


But in the early morning hours, just as the Sun shone His bright rays through the heavy mist, a dark silhouette blocked the Sun’s rays, casting his great shadow over the wounded gull.


The bird was tired. Too tired to struggle. Too weak to flee from this dark enemy! And as he lay there, knowing he had arrived at the end, a large, wrinkled hand reached down and lifted up the bird. But before the bird knew what happened, the Fisherman was out of sight. The gull was surprised that this strange form was now gone, but hadn’t killed the gull! No, the bird realized he was free at last from both the hook, as well as from the net. Hobbling over the rocks until he finally came to one great rock by a large drift log. “A quiet place to sit. To heal. To think”, the bird decided. To rest until he was healed enough to fly once again.,_South_Africa.JPG


The cool breezes seemed to sooth and restore this bird. The old fisherman had mercifully given it a second chance.


The gull would soon again be flying, once again making his endless sweeps back-and-forth along the sand of the sea. Seeking.


USA Oregon Newport Yaquina Head Light Seagull – cropped image – wikipedia GNU Free Documentation License

wikimedia:Moon Over Mombasa.

Kelp Gull South Africa – wikipedia – Share-Alike-3.0.jpg








checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgReflecting back on those “mental ward games”, as I earlier said, they seemed to be a weird sort of analogy to the Gospel story of Lucifer’s rebellion and Christ’s redemption of the world, represented by the Ayatollah and the Shah.



Fortunately, the fate of the world didn’t actually rest on my shoulders, as I was led to believe by the spirits. And thankfully, Christ, the Son of God has already won back the world by His own sinless life here on Earth, and by His own sacrificial/redemptive death on the Cross.


The problem is, I just didn’t know any of this at that time! So I was a real “push-over”, an “easy mark” for the spirits, who had, no doubt, gleefully orchestrated that whole business back in Unit 3600!  


chess – checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch

Public beach entrance at Lincoln City, next to chowder house. Photo courtesy Wikipedia. Share-alike license. Click here for link







Iran hostages wikipedia public domain


And just a side-note. I was much later surprised that some months later, while listening to the news, to hear that the American hostages were finally released from Iranian captivity on the 444 day of their captivity. A spirit reminded me that 444 is two-thirds of 666. Maybe that’s just a coincidence. But it’s an interesting coincidence.


No big deal, I guess.


Iran hostages – wikipedia – public domain








And as long as we’re talking about interesting coincidences, here’s another one for ya! how I told you that our restaurant had the address, 3600, South 6th? And of course, if you’ve followed along with this story, you know that the mental ward I was in, was Unit 3600. And remember how shocked I was that our restaurant address and the mental ward I was tormented in, both had the same number, 3600?


Now do you also recall that I mentioned that it seemed as if I was much like that rich man in that parable of the Rich Man & Lazarus, who was tormented in Hell (painting to left)? And I was being tormented by fire and brimstone (“spiritual fire & brimstone”, not literal)?


Well, the other day (Fall, 2013), I was doing a word search in my “Strong’s Concordance”. And I just so-happened to look into the Greek for the word, “Torment”. And I discovered that there are several Greek words for “Torment”. 


But to my amazement, it just so happens that the very Bible passage this particular Greek word #3600 (in Strong’s Concordance) is used in, is none other than that very parable of the Rich Man & Lazarus!


Listen… “And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented (Greek word #3600) in this flame. But Abraham said, Son, remember that you, in  your lifetime received your good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and you are tormented (Greek word #3600).” Luke 16:24, 25.


Coincidence? Not a coincidence? Well, whichever way you decide, I certainly won’t argue with you!


But you have to admit, it is a very, very, interesting co-incident, if that’s all it is!


Brooklyn Museum – The Rich Man in Hell – James Tissot – wikimedia – public domain








But please indulge me in one last, yet extremely interesting “coincidence”, in my hospital stay!


Remember how the sun shining on the window mesh-screen in the high-security lock-down room flashed an incredible cross-like light-beam, as I was praying?


Well just look at this 300-plus-year-old graphic plate showing almost the exact same “coincidence” occurring to an “insane” individual praying back in those times, and thinking the sun shining on his cross was a sign from Heaven!






Same old Devilish Deceiver today as in olden times?


You be the judge!







. Judgment Day license plate

To go to the next chapter, just click here…


Ch. 18: “On Such A Winter’s Day”…


The spirit returns. Big-time!



Ch. 16: “…And then it still ain’t over”…

By admin On December 8th, 2012


Click on image credit links below each photo, for licensing names/details/tags/etc.. Most images cropped/reduced in size







Here’s a little riddle I heard years ago, when just a boy.


It goes something like this…“Pretend that you’re locked inside of a prison cell. This prison cell is made out of very thick and solid iron. And this iron prison cell has not one window, nor even a door! The warden of the prison can’t hear you, and frankly, doesn’t even want to hear you! He actually wants you to remain there forever!”


Now the question is this: “How do you get out?” (Remember, there’s no windows or doors.) And no, it’s not the answer that I heard to this riddle as a boy, “You run around in circles till you wear yourself out!”


No, this is a serious question. Because there are many people who are actually in such an iron prison-cell, of one kind or another. And they feel as if their situation is hopeless.


Well, if you read this article, you will find the answer to this riddle. Because on this fateful morning I was in such a prison cell. And to top it off, I was looking to do hard time in the Devil’s Prison…Hell!!!!!! And there was gonna be NO parole for good behavior in the Devil’s prison! The Judge had handed down my jail sentence of life+eternity! In hell-fire! In eternal torment! For ever and ever and ever and ever and ever……..And the jailer of that prison-house couldn’t care less about my happiness! His only desire was to make me to suffer as intensely as he possibly could!


Question Mark – at a loss – Wikimedia – Share-alike license
















In theUnit 3600 Judgment Day RX-7 morning, I lay in the ash-heap of defeat! My life as empty as my lock-down room! I miserably lost this chess-game with the Devil! A complete failure! Humanity was doomed! All was hopeless on this cold, cold day in December!

checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch


The representatives (the few still remaining) were getting ready for discharge, it seemed. The “Shah” was probably in the Intensive Care Unit by now (or so I thought). But the Ayatollah was still on TV, looking as strong and defiant as ever! The 52 hostages were still being held captive. All four of my suicide attempts were miserable failures (2 swan-dives to the hard floor, 1 scissors to the brain, & 1 self-drowning in the toilet (which the spirit promised to keep my head under water till I was dead)).


chess – checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch








And as for God, well, He was nowhere to be found! He was far, far, away! And Heaven had brass doors! Nothing could penetrate those thick gates of hard cold brass! Nothing! Certainly not my prayers! Maybe someone else’s prayers. But not mine! At least, that’s how it seemed at the moment. It was like this following Bible passage…


“The LORD shall send upon thee cursing, vexation, and rebuke…And thy Heaven that is over thy head shall be brass, and the earth that is under thee shall be iron.” Leviticus 28:20, 23


Yes, the earth under me was like iron, and the Heaven above was as brass over me! Hell was my destination! Death was the vehicle that would take me there! The Angel of Mercy had taken flight! And the angels of Hell were ready to usher me out of this world, down, down, down, to my final reward!


Words cannot describe the abject terror and utter hopelessness which were crushing me at this moment!


Unit 3600 Judgment Day RX-7 – inspired by Munch Painting, ‘The Scream of Nature’








At least an atheist has his disbelief of the Bible and his self-deception (plus a bottle or bag of forgetfulness) to keep his sanity in tact for one more day! An eternity of nothingness would be a blessing compared to an eternity of fiery punishment under the ruler of Hell, “The Angel of the Bottomless Pit!” (Revelation 9:11)


Of course, atheists will one Day discover our atheism was only just a lie, perpetuated by the Father of Lies, i.e., the Devil (Satan)! But for the time-being, he (an atheist) can merely eat, drink, drop, or smoke himself into a fog, to try to forget about his (or her) inevitable date with that infamous one, The Grim Reaper, also called, “Death”!


But now, but now…this ex-atheist was destined to dance with The Devil! Or maybe I should rather say, The Devil was destined to dance on top of me! Like this picture to the right!


I was truly locked in an iron room with no doors or windows! There was no way out! An eternity of hell-fire was my punishment; and all Hell’s guests eagerly awaited my arrival! This was their only joy: to welcome one more miserably wretched sinner, to share in their eternal agony and suffering!


Hell’s Torment and Tormentor – Wikipedia – public domain











Yeah, ol’ Hank was right, of course! That “midnight train”, indeed, was “whining low!” But I wasn’t “so lonesome I could cry!” No! At this very fateful moment, I was so terrified that I could break into little pieces…like an icicle hitting the hard floor!


But as I said, that midnight train was pulling into the station. And there was one empty seat….with my name on it!


The conductor driving this train was that infamous Grim Reaper! And his fiery, lazar-like eyes were, no doubt, darting straight in my direction! Piercing though the Stygian blackness of my hopeless fate! And he was, no doubt, grinning from ear-to-ear, at the prospects of snatching away another miserably lost soul…casting it mercilessly down, down, down; down deep into that fiery Inferno somewhere in the Land of Forgetfulness, that bottomless hole of no hope. The Place of No Return! HELL!!!


Listen to this horrible sentence upon unbelievers…“The same (those with the Beast’s mark) shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his (the Devil’s) name.” Revelation 14:10, 11. (parenthetical comment by this Editor)


Yes, as this passage plainly reveals, there’s no let-up for those who served the “god of this world”, in this life! Yes, I had served the gods of selfishness! And now the smoke of my torment would rise up for ever and ever! And Jesus and His holy angels would stand there and watch me with approval, and countless others too, those who are all suffering in flames of fire forever-and-a-day!


And the Angel of Mercy had taken flight, and was gone forevermore! And the Angel of Death now stood with his Death Sword raised up over me!


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

Train at Station – Hans Schnellzug – 1909 – wikimedia-public – domain








As I sat there in an icy and frozen state of shock and horror, the thought came to me that, “Maybe I should pray for a second chance.”


Pray for another chance!!!????




Well, on second thought…..what harm could there be in trying?


It’s a one-in-a-million shot!


So I got up, and went into my room. I got down on my knees on that hard, cold, mental-ward floor, where just a day earlier, I tried to crush out my life. (Unbeknownst to me, the morning Sun was just now rising slowly and steadily). And there on that cold and unforgiving floor, I knelt.


I had lost all earthly hope! (Slowly and steadily and faithfully, the bright morning Sun was now arising.)


I didn’t know who God is. (The Sun still rising up, closer and closer, almost coming up over the hospital buildings). But prayer was all I had left!


And I began to pray… “Oh God! Give me another chance! Have mercy on me, oh God…”


(The Sun now rising up above the hospital buildings. Finally a beam of light flashed into this pale hospital-drab lock-down cell. And as it did, this ray of hope hit the metal mesh security screen on my window like a lightning bolt!)


And like a Lazer beam, there instantly flashed the most beautiful cross on the window screen! Like a heavenly messenger of light!


I got up off my knees. I looked up. And I saw the light! It flashed like the glittering sword of that returning Angel of Mercy! It was as big as the window, maybe two feet wide by four feet high. But it was big enough to get the message across to me!








As I looked at this ray of hope; this symbol of mercy and love, I began to wonder if this was a sign from Heaven. “Could this be the answer I was looking for?” (similar to this photo)


I walked cautiously to the small window of my door, and nervously peered out at the nurse’s station. I saw there what I assumed were the remaining representatives bustling back to their rooms! The entire ward seemed astir! Could they be getting ready for a second contest out there? Could it be?… could it actually be, that God had heard my prayer?


Photo of star-crosses of nebula IRAS 05437+2502 in the Taurus Constellation – courtesy NASA & Wikipedia. Public Domain








checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgI began to feel a resurgence of the spirit! Hope swept over my soul, just as surely as that morning sunlight swept down over those Canyon walls: those Grand Canyon walls which I saw that last summer!


I went out of my room, cautiously making my way through the morning hustle-bustle of nurses and patients! I knew what I must do, with this one chance given me!


Yeah! I picked up a cue stick and began to shoot pool!


The spirit was once again in control. The pool-balls went into the pockets with razor-like precision (or so it seemed)!


Yeah! This was more than enough to let me know that the merciful God of Heaven was not through with me yet! I practiced. I moved in harmony with the spirit. Like a sword-wielding soldier, I whet my glittering spear (my cue-stick) till it was razor sharp (chalked up). I was wearing the Armor of God. I now had the full-body suit of the Armor of the Spirit. My mind fortified with God’s precious promises. And a force-field of grace was now blazing around me! I was girded with the belt of God’s Truth! I had on the Helmet of Salvation! I had the Shield of Faith in my left hand! The Sword of the Spirit in my right hand. And the Breastplate of Righteousness!






“Put on the whole armor of God,

that ye may be able to stand

against the wiles of the Devil. ”

Ephesians 6:11









checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgA nurse came around and showed me her Santa Clause pin which she wore. She then pointed to other staff members in the ward who were also wearing similar kinds of Christmas pins. I took this to indicate that these were the “insiders” on my behalf! And this nurse was just tipping me off, as to just who was on my side…or should I say…just “who is on the Lord’s side”.


But what would my tests be? What battle must I fight? And how would the enemy come against me?


chess – checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch








checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgBut wait a minute! What would I do? Most of the “chessmen” had been discharged!


Well, that was not really going to be a problem. Replacements were on their way!


LADY-LIBERTY… There was a very pretty young lady just admitted to the ward. I heard that she was a hospital nurse who was having some sort of mental issues.


However, the spirits informed me that she was a replacement representative, to replace those who had been discharged. She symbolized “America”…a type of “Lady Liberty”.






(“Bluer Than Blue” is the title of a 1978 song recorded by Michael Johnson. Wikipedia)


At some point in time, I sat down at a table. The noise of the hustle-bustle died down in the ward. And there I sat, not sure about all that was just now happening. The excitement was soon replaced by calm. Eventually it all became quiet. The noisy chatter gave way, once again, to the ever-present low hum of the heating/air conditioning system overhead. It seemed like I was all alone. I might have even begun to doze off at this large round table. (I’m a little fuzzy about the details of this description.)


All of a sudden, I heard someone screaming for help. The cry came from one of the patient sleeping rooms. It was the room of “Lady-Blue” (the really disturbed girl that represented the mental ward patients, whom I mistakenly thought had died some days earlier, seeing a ghostly skull through the window of her door).


I ran into the room. I was horrified to see her lifeless body hanging from a long thin soft rubber tubing, that was somehow attached to the ceiling, or fire-sprinkler-head! Her round, contorted face was blue, from suffocation! She was just hanging there lifelessly! So I ran in and grabbed her body and lifted her up, while the nurse who screamed, tried to untie this rubber hose. After a moment she was untied. They laid her on her bed. By now other techs were there. An effort was no doubt made to bring oxygen back into her lifeless body!


She began to revive! Hallelujah!


As far as I remember (And my memory is vague) was this my first RE-test? Had I passed? The girl who represented the mental ward was saved! Hallelujah!


(Note: I’m not sure exactly when this incident precisely happened. I’m just fitting it in at this point. I really can’t even remember whether this was actually a test. But it fits well, so I’m gonna go with it, even though I’m not sure! But as far as what happened to this young girl, it was just this way I’ve recounted it.)


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

chess – checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch










checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgThat night I was back in the lock-down room. But I was no longer in the leather restraint-straps attached to my bed. And the spirit began to urge me to go out into the the main lobby. “Okay. Not a problem” , I thought to myself. Go out into the lobby! Okay!


But the spirit began another test. He urged me…no he compelled me, to go out there naked! Now that WAS a problem! “Show your faith, Chuck”, said the spirit. (I can’t remember if he spoke audibly in my mind, or just put thoughts in my mind.)


So the spirit was urging me to “show your faith” by walking out into the main lobby naked. To “show my faith”. I really, really, really, really didn’t want to do this! And really, there was nothing about my naked body worthy of such a public exhibition!


But…if this would help me win the contest, well…I was willing to do just about anything not to “blow it” again…

Listen to this passage about Jesus being tempted to do something ridiculous…“Then the devil took Him (Jesus) up into the holy city, and set Him on a pinnacle of the temple, And says unto Him, If you be the Son of God, cast yourself down… Jesus said unto him, It is written again, You shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.” Matthew 4:5-7


Oh that I had known this verse! It could have saved me, not only from this, but other stupid things in the future! Yes, in this passage, Satan tempted Jesus to do a really stupid and presumptuous thing. But Jesus knew it was not true faith, to do something like this.


And neither was this the way that my faith should be tested! That’s for sure!


But sadly, I didn’t know about this verse. Nor did I know anything about this concept. Because I never bothered to read the Bible.


As I remember, the spirit indicated that he would help me do this, since I didn’t have the nerve to do it myself. And so, I felt the spirit take control of my entire body. And after a moment, he slowly walked me out into the main lobby. I kind-of involuntarily walked like a zombie, because the spirit was causing me to do this. He was now in control over me. And just as I did, the pretty lady who represented America walked out at the same moment. I don’t know who was more embarrassed, her or me. She quickly turned away, and scurried away to her room. I came back to my room. But after I did, the spirit urged me to go out once again. “Oh boy!”


chess – checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch

James Tissot Brooklyn Museum Jesus Carried up to the Pinnacle wikimedia US public domain








checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgNow normally, I wasn’t an ostentatious-type of person. No, I wasn’t into, say, wearing loud-colored clothing, nor anything to stand out in a crowd. And so, to bear my nakedness in front of “Lady-Liberty” was a totally repugnant idea! (And while on this subject, I must say, that disclosing all my weak traits and private sins on the Internet is likewise repugnant! I’m embarrassed about my past in many ways. But truth is truth! And frankly, right now I’m being guided by a434px-Statue_of_Liberty_7 wikipedia public domain spirit to write down all these events. So it’s not like I really have a choice in the matter!)


Another nurse quickly came over and led me back into my room. Back inside my room, she hugged me in attempt to prevent me from going back out there. But the spirit was turning me back out again. “Show your faith Chuck!”, the spirit kept urging. The nurse said (with a chuckle) “you really have no reason to be doing this. No reason at all!”


So when she saw I was determined to return back out there, she called for help. Shortly, help arrived and I was once again put into restraints. This time naked! So there I lay! Tied to my bed with thick leather belts! Naked! All night long! And this time, they had a 24 hour shift of guards watching over me. I think at one point they put a bed sheet over me.


chess – checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch

Statue of Liberty – wikipedia – public domain








The next morning, I was still there! The spirit was not happy with just one showing. So he urged me to throw off the one sheet covering me. And so, with checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgdoctors and nurses coming in and out of my room, I lay there naked to the world. Showing some more faith, I suppose. People were coming in and out all day. Small conferences were being held there in my room. This, my lock-down room seemed like “it became as busy as a miniature Grand Central Station”, as the saying goes!!


I can’t really remember why, but the spirit didn’t allow me to move or talk. After some time in this silent state, I overheard the doctors say that I was in a “catatonic” state. But I knew it was the spirit making me still and speechless.


I have since read in Scripture of people who couldn’t talk as having a dumb spirit. There’s even the Bible account about the father of John the Baptist losing the ability to talk, by God’s power, until John was born. (see Luke 1:20)


But at this point, I felt that this was just another test. And I wasn’t going to lose the contest over this test. So I just lay there, not deaf—but dumb.


chess – checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch








Hours later, at some point in time, someone came into the room and put adult diapers on me.


At this point, the room cleared out. And so I just laid there, probably wondering what else was on the spirit’s agenda for me, for that day. After laying there a good share of the morning (in my diapers), the thought came to me to simply climb out of this situation.


That would likewise require faith! The spirit once again urged me to “show my faith!”. So I decided to go for it. So I just climbed out—by faith! And so I began to climb over the side-rails. But as I was climbing out of this high-rail, crib-like security bed, wearing only my diapers (and happy with my new-found, “great faith”), I realized that I must have looked ridiculously like an overgrown baby, climbing out of its crib (wearing nothing but diapers!). “Some faith!”, I thought, “a big baby climbing out of my crib!”


Nevertheless, I was glad to be out of that situation! And so, after climbing out, I got my clothes on, and walked out into the main area. I guess I passed another test! Another test of “faith”, I guess!


Hallelujah once again!!


Unit 3600 Judgment Day RX-7 – inspired by Munch Painting, ‘Scream’








As I later analyzed this and the many other embarrassing and/or unnerving things that happened to me up there in Unit 3600, I concluded checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgthat this might just be divine pay-back for some of the heartless things I did in my past. For instance, as I’ve already repeatedly confessed, I still remember tauntingly imitating the way a crippled girl walked, back in high school. I can’t believe I did that! But I did. And also, about a week before all this Hell had begun, I did the exact same thing to a man down at the club. I walked behind him and imitated the “funny” way he walked, just to make some ladies laugh. Well, in the fourteen years that had passed between these two incidents, I still hadn’t learned my lesson! I was as big a fool at age 29, as I was back in high school! But now, a few months after the last incident of mocking someone, I was now cured. Now I knew that there was divine pay-back!


Listen…“Give, and it shall be given unto you;

good measure, pressed down,

and shaken together, and running over,

shall men give into your bosom.

For with the same measure that ye mete withal

it shall be measured to you again.”

Luke 6:38.




Yeah, this above passage has positive implications, as well as negative implications: the good we do…or the evil we do, will eventually be given back to us in our lap…abundantly!

.Unit 3600 Judgment Day RX-7

I lived as a fool, and now I was receiving a fool’s reward! I was reaping what I had sown! I was getting “paid back in spades”, as they say! It was now my Judgment Day! I was acting like a complete idiot! I was being “tormented by fire and brimstone…of the wrath of God”! And there wasn’t a single thing I could do about all this! The spirits were too powerful for me to resist!


Listen again… “…behold, therefore I (the Lord) also will recompense your way upon your head…” Ezekiel 16:43. And now, my Day of Recompense had fully come! And my past deeds were now being returned back upon my head!


chess – checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch

Unit 3600 Judgment Day RX-7 – inspired by Munch Painting, ‘The Scream of Nature’








checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgLater on, as I was sitting at the round table, close to the nurses station. And as I sat there, Mr. Applewhite came walking by, being escorted by two men: one man on each side of him. He looked like a man being escorted to his execution! But Applewhite seemed as jovial as ever, with his wide-eyed expression, and big grin.


But just as they were escorting him toward the exit, he beamed back at me, saying something like, “They’re taking me to Salem! See ya!”. This bizarre scene was really disturbing to me! It was like some sick, twisted scene from a horror movie! It seemed that the spirits were using Mr. Applewhite to taunt me, making me fearful that going to Salem was in my near future too! Oh man! I didn’t want to suffer the same fate as Applewhite! I didn’t want to go to Salem!


But (if memory serves correctly), just before he rounded the corner out of my sight, he turned back and exclaimed gleefully, with a bright smile, “See ya in Salem!” This comment was like a sharp arrow into my side. The thought of going to the State Mental Hospital in Salem, and Salem being my hometown (I was born and raised and schooled in Salem) was more than I could bear.


Could this be an omen of the future?


More than you know. More than you know.


chess – checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch

Marshall Applewhite – Wikipedia – Fair Use Rationale. Click here for Fair-Use Rationale Guidelines – Image germane to this story – Could not find suitable free replacement on Internet – reduced size & quality.









(Lyrics from the 1971 hit song, “Knock Three Times”, by Tony Orlando & Dawn)


The doctors in Unit 3600 were now urging me to begin taking medication. Up till now I had refused drugs. checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgFor one thing, I knew that I couldn’t be cured with pills. After all, how could you possibly cure spirit beings with pills!?!


The doctor (who looked somewhat like Satan or perhaps, Satan’s “Mini-Me” representative) was telling me that Lithium was just something that came out of the ground. “Harmless! A natural substance!”, said he, “Tony Orlando takes Lithium”, he continued, “And he’s doing just fine!”


This comment triggered my memory. Because I had just seen Tony Orlando perform that last summer in either Las Vegas or Tahoe. Tahoe, I think. He gave an absolutely incredible performance! At one point in the show, he grabbed a rope, let down from the ceiling, and swung out into the audience, landing on the booths above where we were sitting. Then he danced and sang, skipping from booth-top to booth-top. (And I remember well, wh he danced on top of the booth where I was sitting, he made like his eyes were popping out at my very beautiful girlfriend, and pointed his finger at her. I didn’t know whether to be proud or jealous. I guess I was both. Anyway, my lady-friend didn’t mind. And after all, she really looked stunning that night!)


But Orlando’s performance was so energetic that, after being informed by “Doctor Satan’s Mini-Me”, that Orlando was on Lithium, I wondered if it was that Lithium which made him so hyper-active. As a matter of fact, as we were leaving, one of the waiters commented that, “This was Orlando’s best performance by far!” But very hyper! And I wasn’t sure if I would like to be dancing on top of tables, if I too, took that Lithium stuff!


Naw! Dancing on table-tops was not something I wanted to do! Nope!


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

Photo of Tony Orlando courtesy Alan Light & Wikipedia share-alike license. Click here for link.








checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch

But my not taking the drugs became one of my “tests of faith”. And yet, the hospital wasn’t going to let this matter drop. I pointed them to a poster on the wall saying I had legal rights to refuse anything which went against my religious beliefs.


So they had to get a court to order me to be given those drugs.


chess – checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch








The day finally came when the hospital got the go-ahead to give me drugs. So they decided to shoot me up with a drug that would last for up to five weeks.

Prolixon Chemical Compound


I think it was called Prolixon. I didn’t put up a fight. So in a while, the drug took its effect. But there was a side-effect to this drug that was intolerable! It made me uncomfortable, wherever I was. If I was sitting, I had to stand. If I was standing I had to sit. Or walk! Or lay down! It was like having Restless-Leg-Syndrome…but throughout every square-inch of my body! Not good! Not good at all!


But there was a sidekick drug that counteracted this negative side-effect of Prolixon. And, after some hours of this torment, they finally got an order for this side-kick drug. I took it gladly! And after another hour, that horrible Restless-BODY-Syndrome went away.


Fluphenazine3Dan prolixon Wikimedia share-alike license






The remainder of this hospital visit was fairly tame. I had visitors. It was painful for me to have them see me like this. But I was still glad they came.








Well, these three “tests” (saving Lady-Blue & exposing myself before “Miss America” ) were the three “tests of faith” that I can remember. Oh yeah, and climbing out of my lockdown crib, by…uh….”faith”. And these few other “tests” that I’ve mentioned.

.checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch

And so ended the Chess-Game From Hell! I don’t suppose it amounted to anything anyway. But I would say that I learned that to be tormented with fire” doesn’t necessarily mean literal fire.


“…and he shall be tormented

with fire and brimstone

in the presence of the holy angels,

and in the presence of the Lamb:

And the smoke of their torment

ascends up for ever and ever.”

Revelation 14:10, 11


And the smoke of my torment ascends upward to the throne of God. Because, though it was severe punishment, it nevertheless changed me for the better, in the end.


chess – checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch








I would like to say that I never ever made an unkind remark or joke about another person ever again. But I would be lying if I checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgsaid that. Yet this experience and other similar experiences made a dramatic change in my life. And whenever I did slip with my tongue after this experience, I became very afraid. Very afraid indeed! Cause now I know how serious such a thing is, before a holy and righteous and sin-hating God!


And this is how I began the upward journey to find the Lord.


But would I ever find Him?


chess – checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch









Oh yeah! I forgot all about the riddle! Sorry!


So how do you get out of a totally impossible situation, which seemingly has no possible earthly way of escape? How do you escape from that iron cage with no doors or windows, and no possible way out?


No, you don’t run around in circles till you wear yourself out…


No, rather, “You pray your way out!” That’s the answer to this riddle!


And if the answer to your prayer doesn’t seem to come, you pray some more! And you just keep on praying! And you pray, and pray, and pray some more! And you never give up praying! And you humble yourself before the Almighty Majesty of Heaven! And you confess that you are a wretched sinner! And you wait patiently, believing, doubting nothing!


And that is the way out of an iron-barred prison-cell, with seemingly no windows or doors. Because there is no prison too strong, nor bars so thick, so that God cannot hear your cries for help!


Only wish I had known this following passage…Fools because of their transgression, and because of their iniquities, are afflicted…Then they cried unto the LORD in their trouble, and He saved them out of their distresses. He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death, and brake their bands in sunder…For He hath broken the gates of brass, and cut the bars of iron in sunder…Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men!” Psalm 107:17, 13, 14, 16, 15


Yeah, this passage really says it all, concerning this young fool…me, back in the day when I was held in chains of darkness, in a prison made of iron, up there in Mental Ward #3600!


Unit 3600 Judgment Day RX-7 – inspired by Munch Painting, ‘The Scream of Nature’




.“Whither shall I go from Thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from Thy presence?


If I ascend up into Heaven, Thou art there:


if I make my bed in Hell, behold, Thou art there.


If I take the wings of the morning, and dwell in the uttermost parts of the sea; Even there shall Thy hand lead me, and Thy right hand shall hold me.


If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me; even the night shall be light about me.


Yea, the darkness hideth not from Thee; but the night shines as the day: the darkness and the light are both alike to Thee.

…when I awake, I am still with Thee…lead me in the way everlasting.”


Psalm 139:7-12, 17, 18


Brooklyn Museum – The Rich Man In Hell – James Tissot – Wikipedia – US Public Domain

Sunset & The Seagulls- Commons Attribution 2.0 license.







.Judgment Day license plate

To go to next Chapter, just click the following link…


Ch. 17: “Silent Night”


The spirits take a vacation to get a much-needed rest, and I go to the coast!



Ch.15: “It ain’t over till it’s over…”

By admin On December 8th, 2012


Click on image credit links below each photo, for licensing names, details, and tags, etc.. Most Images cropped & reduced in size.



The_Scream Wikipedia public domain by edvard munch c.1893There was a guy from high school, and let’s call him, Steve. He seemed like such a nice guy. A good athlete. Always was smiling and joking. A well-liked person at school. But some years after high school, Steve took his own life. Rumors circulated that he was having religious delusions, and some even blamed it on the long northern winter nights, where he was then stationed.


Well, maybe that’s true…Steve just got very depressed with those long winter nights. Lots of people do.


Nevertheless, as you read this chapter, maybe you might gain some doubts, as you read of what happened to me…


The Scream – by E. Munch – Wikipedia – public domain by edvard munch c.1893













checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgI can’t recall how long this bizarre “contest” continued…probably about a month. Oh, maybe less. Or maybe more.


The TV continued to terrorize me. Patients continued to make taunting innuendos. Visitors would say things that had some vague encouragements, hidden ‘between the lines’. But as I recall, just about everything and everyone were being used by the spirits to communicate to me, whatever hidden message I was supposed to receive.


It seemed as if some messages were for my encouragement, but others, simply to terrorize me! In spite of any encouragements, I was losing every single test!


chess – checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch

RX7 – Unit 3600 – inspired by Scream by Munch







.checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch

Well, the time came for these frightening tests, and this horrific game of Chess-With-The-Devil, to finally end. I can’t really remember the details of just how it all came to a finale. All I do remember is that there was not one single test that I passed. It was a total flop!


But I can recall how the message came to me, to let me know just how I did.


chess – checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch








checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgThe next day, the spirit directed me to do a puzzle from one of those miscellaneous puzzle magazines. This particular puzzle was some sort of maize, in which I moved the pencil around from the letters “A” to “Z”. And honestly, I can just barely recall the details of this puzzle. But I do remember this: by the time I reached the letter “Z”, there was either something on the puzzle, or something spoken on the TV, which was playing just a few feet away, or something spoken in my mind: anyway, something was conveyed to my mind, regarding the end of the world by a nuclear holocaust. And just as I reached the last letter, “Z”, either this puzzle, or the TV, or simply the spirit communicated to me there was for certain, going to be a doomsday holocaust! And the spirit quickly and chillingly chided me, by saying “Now you know it…from ‘A’ to ‘Z’!”

Castle_romeo2 nuclear bomb Wikipedia Public Domain


I got the message! I had lost this contest, and now the world was going to explode…all because of me!!! Now as I said, I cannot recall whether the puzzle said this, or the spirit, or somebody on TV made this terrifying statement, “Now you know it…from ‘A’ to ‘Z’!” But upon hearing this, I quickly turned away from the TV! Sheer terror ran through my already chilled blood-veins!


So there I was, walking nervously around the ward, pacing back and forth, perhaps, trying to convince myself that I hadn’t lost these games!


chess – checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch

Castle – romeo2 – nuclear bomb – Wikipedia – Public Domain – #9699d9








checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgSometime, a little later, the spirit indicated that I should watch the football game currently playing on the TV. And it was a crucial game. Not just for the two football teams, but also for me! Because this was the chosen means for the spirits to let me know how I did in the mental ward games. I was still devastated over the rapture that didn’t happen, and my lack of faith which resulted in that failed rapture.


But now this football game was on. I can’t remember who was playing. But the spirits were leading me to believe there was a reason why one team represented ‘the bad guys’, and a reason for the other team as ‘the good guys’. I think ‘the good guys’ team was either the Patriots or the Saints. And probably the bad guys had a conversely bad something or other about their name. I really can’t remember. But I was impressed that one particular team represented my team, and the other team represented the bad spirits.

Super-Bowl XLIII Thunderbirds Flyover wikipedia public-domain


I hadn’t followed football since my childhood years, so I wasn’t up on who’s who.


But this particular game I cared about! Oh yeah! The stakes were very high! Souls were hanging in the balance! The ‘good guys’ were winning! It looked like they were a ‘shoe-in’. This went on for most of the game. And then the ‘bad guys’ all of a sudden rallied and brought about a last minute defeat over ‘the good guys’. I don’t remember the score or even which team was ‘the good guys’. But I did know that my team lost. I suppose there were a lot of disappointed fans that day.


Normally I couldn’t have cared less. But now the spirit was impressing on my mind that this game was the indicator as to how well or how badly I was doing in these mental ward games. And since my team had lost, I feared that this entire ordeal I’d been going through for several weeks, was going down in flaming defeat!


chess – checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch

Super-Bowl XLIII Thunderbirds Flyover wikipedia public-domain.








checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgThe spirit then directed me to go to my room and lay down. The spirit was urging me to go into one of my trances. He indicated to me that I was going to see ‘The Face of God’. And so I did what I ‘normally’ did. My eyes began to cross. It felt like my eyes were going very slowly around in a 360 degree rotation. I’m sure they didn’t. But it felt like they did. Nevertheless, this was how the spirit had me go into these trances.


Anyway, I was gonna see ‘The Face of God!’ Or at least, that’s what I was told. I didn’t know what I would see, or how I would see ‘The Face of God’. But I kept this up. Of course as I was crossing my eyes, the ceiling tiles appeared to be crossing as well. I kept straining and straining my eyes. These rather old-fashioned, 12-inch-square asbestos ceiling tiles with little holes dotted throughout, kept appearing to converge together.


But finally, my crossed eyes made the ceiling tiles seem to cross each other in such a way that I saw what the spirit actually wanted me to see.


I was so shocked and amazed!


But it wasn’t ‘The Face of God’.


No, instead my crossed eyes made those tiles appear like a GOAT’S HEAD!!!


The ceiling tiles came together, and meshed into the shape and similitude of a pencil drawing of a GOAT’S HEAD! (The little dot-like holes, together with the straight edges of each 12 x 12 inch tile square, converged in such a way as to make them appear like the head of a goat! And how these spirits knew in advance this would happen shows how clever they actually were!)


And I knew the joke was on me…AGAIN!!

GoatEatingWeeds wikimedia public domain


Of course, even though I knew I’d “been had” by these incredibly intelligent spirit beings, I didn’t know that goats were a very prominent animal in Scripture. I knew nothing about the parable of the “sheep and goats” or anything about the temple service in which both sheep and goats were used as sacrifices. And I knew nothing about the Scapegoat in that temple service.


I just instinctively knew that God doesn’t have a head like a stupid goat!


chess – checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch

Cross-eyed – Not me, but an unknown individual – cropped & altered image – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

Goat Eating Weeds – wikimedia – public-domain.jpg








checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgThe chess players seemed to be all getting ready for discharge. The Shah was getting so bad, they transferred him away to the regular part of the hospital. This football game showed that I had lost the mental ward games. There were no more games for me to play. The Shah was the “king” in this bizarre chess-like game! With him gone, it was all over!


Now there was only complete silence. I felt the controlling power of the spirit leaving my body. It seemed like I was all alone again. All this spirit stuff seemed to be totally gone! It was like they all packed their bags and left town. Just like that old Don McClean song, “Bye, Bye, Miss American Pie”. You know, where it says regarding the “Father, Son, and Holy Ghost”They caught the last train for the coast.”


I felt like they were leaving me forever! And I was left alone to ponder the enormous consequences, which failing the contest was sure to bring! I lost the mental ward patients! I lost the residents of Oregon! I lost the citizens of the U.S. and I lost the entire Middle East! And now there would be a nuclear war which would result in world-wide annihilation!


All because of me!


BN caboose, Eola Yard, 1993 by Sean Lamb for Wikipedia – share-alike license








checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgWords cannot convey the enormity of this situation. The spirits had condemned me for something so terrible. It was beyond belief! It was sheer terror! It was as if I was in a horror movie! But this all was for real!!!


Now, had I been familiar with the Bible, I might have shrugged the whole thing off, as “just another satanic attack”. But I didn’t know the Bible. And so the spirit could tell me anything, and I would have to believe it. And because there were so many other things confirming this, how could I doubt it was all true?

. all, living in an atheistic society, I’d never heard of anyone being in such contact with the spirit world: certainly nobody being told these horrendous things. And it cannot be emphasized enough, that these spirits are powerful enough to completely dominate one’s thinking. I was totally powerless to resist the thoughts coming into my mind!


I can sympathize with Judas Iscariot when he realized that he caused the death of Jesus.


And I was now a modern-day Judas Iscariot!


Atheist sign, Wisconsin State – wikipedia – share-alike license








checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgI thought about the millions of people who would lose their souls because of my stupendous blunder.


But more than this, I thought about the millions of persons who would be angry at me, once they found out that I had let them down! The thought came into my mind that the “insiders” here in the ward would tear me limb-from-limb as a last act of vengeance. I nervously looked over at the nurses station. They were talking together. Then one of them would glance over my way.


“Oh yeah” I said to myself. “They Know! They already know!”


And so, the hours passed by, until all was quiet in the ward. And I just sat there in the dimmed lights of the mental ward. No television jabbering! No “Born Free” booming on the stereo! Just a few quiet conversations.


I thought about what was going to happen to me when everyone found out they were doomed. The spirit began to terrify me with threatening forebodings. They were going to cut me into little pieces as slowly and carefully as they could. But they would do it in such a way as to keep me alive as long as possible!


And after this was completed, they would send these parts to many of the “insiders” elsewhere in the world.


Now for those of you who have studied the Bible, you are no doubt reminded of the story of the Levite and his Concubine, how he cut her dead body into pieces and sent those pieces into all the coasts of Israel (see Judges 19:29).


Well, I didn’t know it at this time, but obviously, the spirits knew that story! Because, that’s the scenario they were presenting me with!






(Line from the hit song, “Bad Moon A-rising'”)


checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgDesperate, I looked around for the highest thing I could jump from. But the windows were barred, and the exit doors locked. Just about the highest and most effective place I could think of, was my bed, which was a little higher than most of the other beds, as I recall.


And so I got up on my bed. I stood as high as I could. And then I jumped as high as I could, and did a nose-dive, holding my arms by my side, hoping to crush my skull on the hard-tiled floor.


The next moment, I was laying on the floor looking up. I failed. Oh yes, my head hit the floor. But it didn’t crush my skull!


So I got up on the bed and repeated my dive. Head first into the floor. This time I was looking up again. But after this second attempt, the staff rushed in. They no doubt heard the noises from both dives. They picked me up and delivered me to a special room. It was the same room from where I heard screaming, when I first arrived.


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license








In the room was a bed that had high metal rails, all around. Kind-of like an over-sized crib. The bed also had straps, that attached to each arm and each leg. They called these, “restraints”. They put me in the restraints, and there I lay. Oh I don’t know. For several hours, maybe.


But then after those hours passed by, for some reason, they let me out of the restraints.









2nd Peter 3:10


checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgIt was somewhat late in the evening. I went out of my room to one of the tables in the dimly lit main hall. There were some newspapers, and so I decided to peruse them.


Nothing intense.


Just browse.


You know, something to get my mind off my troubles.


I came across an ad for a “Fire Sale”. It said “everything must go”. All of a sudden, it hit me like a ton of bricks! This ad was to me! It was a hidden message! The ad had something about it that just seemed weird. At least it did to me. It gave the date of the fire sale, and I took it to indicate the date of the nuclear annihilation of the world. This was probably put in the paper by the spirits or maybe an “insider”.










I next started reading the Sunday comic section. It seemed that most or all had similar hidden messages. For instance one comic strip, Nancy was angry at her brother, and she looked at him. And the brother looked like his body was sliced up into little pieces, like he was a jig-saw puzzle. At the time it seemed like this was a cryptic message about me getting cut up into little pieces by the insiders.


Now that I look back, I finally get the joke. Nancy looked at her brother as though he was a big puzzlement. Hence the brother who looked like jig-saw puzzle pieces. Pretty funny actually. But at that moment it was terrifying, because I was getting an entirely different message than the intended joke. And most of the other comics had some similar hidden message, maybe not quite as direct as the Nancy comic.


Nancy – by Ernie Bushmiller – (June 5, 1960) – Fair Use Rationale – WikimediaClick here for Fair-Use Rationale Guidelines – Could not find suitable free replacement on Internet – reduced size & quality








And then there was another ad for mobile homes. It had a little poem about a lady named, “Queena Lena”. This caught my eye, since that was my dear Grandmother’s name (this was my other Grandma, not my, “Driving Miss Daisy”, Grandma Imah).


This ad went something like this…


“Queena Lena found a diamond in the rough. But all she had was an agate to trade. So she traded away that agate for this diamond. And she now lives happily ever after.”


I’m not sure exactly how that ad went, but something like that. Anyway, as I read this, I was convinced this was talking about me. I was that worthless agate! I was that agate which my Grandmother was going to trade in. And she will live forever, now that she traded in the worthless agate (me). My grandmother Lena was really a very sweet little lady. As humble a person as you’d ever meet. So I had no trouble thinking that she was heaven-bound. And she did have at least, one picture of Jesus hanging in her home. And this comic seemed to say that my Grandma was gonna escape the doom that was sure to soon come (even though this newspaper ad was merely about buying a mobile home).


And so, I became very frightful of what lay in store for me. That Nancy comic really ‘nailed it’ as to what I could expect at any moment. And so after reading these comics, and every other comic, they all convinced me that I was gonna get sliced into itsy-bitsy little pieces… soon. VERY SOON!!! And then I was gonna be thrust into Hell. BURNING HELL!!! FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER!!!!








(Line from the song, “Bad Moon A-rising'”)


checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgI can’t remember how I spent the rest of the night. But I do know that all these things were spelling the word, “doom!” Not only my doom, but the doom of the entire planet. All because of my terrible failure of the Mental Ward Games!


The next morning I was still intent on doing myself in. I saw a nurse with scissors in her pocket. I walked up to her and grabbed the scissors. And before anyone could stop me, I held the sharp end to my right eye. I fell face-flat to the ground, still holding the scissors to my eye, hoping to penetrate my brain, thus killing myself. I fell just right. But the next thing I knew, they were picking me up from the floor. It seems the scissors only glanced off the bone of my nose.

800px-Fiskars-scissors wikipedia public domain


Before I knew it, I was back in the restraint room. I was laying face down on a gurney. There were about four or five nurses around me. I didn’t have my shirt on. They were all standing around me, talking. I should say, whispering. I couldn’t really make out what they were saying. But as they talked, one of them would make an imaginary line across my back with her finger. And then another line with her finger. This actually felt like getting a nice massage (even though I figured that they must be deciding how to slice me up into little pieces). But their whispering and drawing lines on my back, and the ever-present low-hum of the air-system put me to sleep.

suicide attempt #2.

About 11 pm that night, they let me out of restraints. I was still in the Restraint Room. They decided to make that my permanent sleeping quarters. By now, the desire to kill myself had somewhat lessened. They allowed me to smoke. So I began to smoke as I was sitting on the floor, back to the wall (don’t forget, this was still 1979).


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

Scissors Photo – Wikipedia, public domain.






BAD MOON A-RISING: “Run to the moon, moon won’t ya hide me…the Lord said Sinnerman, the moon will be a bleedin’, all on that day!


blood moonAfter this attempt, they put me back in restraints for a while. It was late at night. The moon had arisen outside my window, as if now watching, watching, down at the earth in horrified astonishment! The spirit back in control of my body to a certain extent. I knew the spirit wanted me to do something. I asked him, “What should I do?” In response he made my head slowly turn toward the bathroom. I took this to mean that he wanted me to go to the bathroom and kill myself by drowning myself. He let me know that he was in control of my body enough to hold me under the water long enough to get the mission accomplished.


I asked him for permission to finish my pack of cigarettes. But as I smoked them, he took control of my body so that I began puffing incessantly. And to make things even more miserable, he kept turning my head cryptically back toward the bathroom, as if to say, “Hurry up and get it over with!” So I was puffing and puffing, and turning and turning my head toward the bathroom between each puff.







(Title of the 1950 Ella Fitsgerald song, composed by George Gershwin in 1926)


But before I finished my pack, the staff had someone come in to watch over me. So I knew this was why the spirit was so impatient. He knew they would bring someone in soon, making it harder for me to kill myself. But when they did come in, I felt the spirit release his control over my body. So I knew I’d better get the deed over with. And so I told them I had to use the restroom. I went in, closed the door, and urinated and threw my last cigarette and started to flush. But the spirit prevented me from flushing indicating that it would be much more fitting to not flush. This made sense. So I stuck my head in the urine-filled toilet, and held myself under as long as I could. The staff must have heard me, and they came running in and began pulling me out. But it was quite a struggle. But finally they overpowered me away from the toilet.


Needless to say, I was back in restraints in my crib-like restraint-bed. After a while these merciful nurses decided to let me out. They had a nurse come to my room and sit with me, to keep watch. The nurse tried to give therapy as to what was troubling me, and how could I overcome my problems. Meanwhile I was trying to go into a trance to communicate with the spirit. She no doubt thought I was totally whacked out.


And for all intents and purposes, I was…whacked out!


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license






Well then, Satan, Satan wontcha hide me!”…


checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch

Seeing that I didn’t have many options open to me as far as this planet was concerned, the thought came to me of the possibility of playing organ in Hell. After all, I was under the notion that Hell was somewhat like “Dante’s Inferno” (I didn’t specifically know about Dante’s Inferno at this time, but I was presented with this concept by the spirits)


Anyway, the thought came to me that playing organ for the Devil might be less torment than what I would otherwise experience as just another sinner in Hell.

800px-Yoke pipe organ wikipedia public domain


I realize how funny this might seem to someone. But for those who believe the old traditional Catholic version of Hell, why would this seem illogical? For those who hold to this view of Hell, I guess the only illogical aspect to this, is to think that I’d have a chance to be chief organ player! After all, just think of all the competition I’d have for the job! Just think of the long lines there would be, if there ever was a job-opening down there! I mean, playing organ would be infinitely better than boiling in a vat of burning oil. It would even be better than freezing in the River Styx!


And anyway, I’m a piano-player! Oh yeah, I once played a combo-organ in our little pop band back in high school. But playing a big church-organ is a ‘whole different animal’, as they say, than playing piano, or even a combo-organ. But on the other hand, I’d have a lotta time to re-learn! But until I did re-learn, I can just imagine all the boos and jeers by everyone as I was playing some really bad organ music!


Yoke pipe organ – wikipedia – public domain








I remember one night (on this Earth) when I actually was jeered so bad, I had to make a quick exit from an angry mob (Maybe this is a little bit of an exaggeration.) But can you imagine all the billions of the disgruntled throngs down in Hell throwing tomatoes, or balls of brimstone (or whatever) at me, as I was trying to get on-the-job experience as an organ player? And if you really wanna think this thing through, can you imagine how good the organ-player must be who currently holds the job? After all, he’s had that job for, well, who knows how long! And anyway, why would he even think of resigning such a cushy job? So he could go back to the vats? Or back to the freezing River Styx? This wishful desire just didn’t make any logical sense!


Of course, “logical sense” was never exactly my strongest character trait!


Anyway, I never thought all this “Organ Playing in Hell” idea through, back there in the mental ward. So please humor me as I just now have been musing on that crazy idea I had back then! But though I muse, be assured this was not the least bit funny at the time! But this incident really did happen! I actually did seriously consider this! And I’ve just stated… it wasn’t a bit funny at that moment!


No, it wasn’t one bit funny! At all!


But there was one last gig I knew was definitely gonna be awaiting me very soon: yeah, that gig was an eternity of me…screaming for mercy as I am roasting in HELL-FIRE!!!!!!!!!!

Hell photo – Wikipedia, public domain.





.Judgment Day license plate


To go to the next chapter, just click here …


Ch. 16: “And then it still ain’t over!


Yogi Berra was correct of course, when he said “It ain’t over till it’s over, and then it still ain’t over”


So the question to be answered is: How do you escape when you’re in an iron room with no doors or windows? Is it all over? Well, just read this next chapter to find out. It’s all about just that kind of situation! But like Yogi added, or at least should have added, “…and then it still ain’t over!”



Ch. 13: “TV Demons & The Chess-Game From Hell” (part 2)

By admin On December 8th, 2012


Click on image credit links below each photo, for licensing names/details/tags, etc.. Most pics cropped/reduced in size.





Have you ever been really frightened about the future?


Well, almost every adult can say “Yes” to that question!


The_Scream Wikipedia public domain by edvard munch c.1893

But what if the television began to warn and threaten you about the future!? You personally!? That would be really terrifying, wouldn’t it!?


And what if total strangers stopped you and made really ominous innuendos about Hell? And what if those same strangers began making taunting and vague whisperings about the eternal torment which occurs there? And then, what if you picked up a magazine, or a newspaper, and began reading, only to see even more frightening allusions about Hell…eternal Hell?!


Well, that’s exactly what I was going through up there in Unit 3600! And so, as you read, just try to place yourself in my shoes. And maybe, you just might be able to get the feel of just how it was for me, to have the Horror-Factor go COMPLETELY OFF THE CHARTS!…


So read on…


The Scream of Nature – by E. Munch – Wikipedia – public domain by edvard munch c.1893

















And so began this bizarre contest.


And what started off badly, quickly got worse!


I was losing miserably, every test which came my way!


Friends would come by to visit. And they would say things like, Well Chuck, this is just a test you are going through.” And I would answer them back with something like… “Yeah, I know!”

checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch


As the days went by, things deteriorated rapidly.


Each day, I would go out to the main sitting area, to see what the TV had to say. I learned quickly that the TV was somehow in-sync with this contest! Often, some sports announcers might be joking about the, “terrible defeat”. They might make remarks about, what a great loss!” They would use phrases such as, “a very poor showing”. This would “greatly reduce the odds for a chance in the finals”.


NOW OF COURSE, I’m fully aware that such things are normal sports lingo! But it seemed that I always turned the TV on at just the exact right time to hear what the spirit wanted me to hear!


If I happened to sit down and someone happened to be watching cartoons, then it wouldn’t be long until I became terrified by the message from the cartoon characters!


And this flawless timing was the true impetus of the television’s demonic torment! It wasn’t so much what they were saying. But it was how timely and omniscient the television became! It almost seemed to be alive! Well, at least it certainly seemed to be very controlled!


Anyway, these were the kinds of pertinent remarks I would hear during my contest. Stinging innuendos! Ominous whisperings! Terrifying forebodings!


However, one could easily make the case that I happened to sit down, “just at the right time”.


Or you could merely chalk it all up to, “He’s an extreme paranoid”.


Well, I will say that, yeah, it’s definitely true that I could have been manipulated by the spirits to sit down just at the right time. But even if true, the spirits had to have known what was going to be said on the TV programs prior to me watching them! So whether or not these TV shows were actually being produced by the spirits, or whether I was merely being scheduled by these spirits to watch something on TV at the appropriate moment, it was basically being manipulated and controlled by these Unseen Ones. I have a notion that, to a certain extent, both cases were true.


Nevertheless, these timely remarks were like fiery darts piercing through my flesh and striking to the depths of my soul!


Oh-h, if I had only had protection from these fiery arrows! Oh-h that I had some sort of armor of protection…


“Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places…above all, taking the shield of faith, that you may be able to extinguish the fiery arrows of the wicked.” Ephesians 6:13-16.


If only I had known that this world was filled with spirits, both good and evil! If only I had realized that there was a way of protection!


But sadly, I didn’t know a thing about the “Armor of God”! And I knew nothing about “fiery darts from the Wicked One”!


checkmate – by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch –

ABOVE PICTURE – winter constellations – Orion & Revelation 12 Dragon (Hyades, Pleiades, etc…) seen at Eagle Ridge – Signs Of – Not for profit use!








checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgOh-h the TV! The TV! It was little comfort during this contest! And though I would often go to it, in order to check my progress. But it was amazing how it always seemed to have exactly the wrong thing to say! It was amazing how the sarcasm seemed always exactly what I didn’t need to hear! And equally amazing was, that even cartoons and situation comedies just seemed to fit the occasion perfectly! All the tongue-in-cheek insinuations! The elbow-in-the-ribs needlings! I can’t think of a Hollywood horror flick that would be a good example of how TV could be so satanic in a satirical way! But maybe there is such a movie. I just haven’t seen it. It got to the point that I became afraid of watching TV!

The Dragon in the Television


And of course, all this was totally overwhelming! Never before in my life had TV taken on a life of its own! Never before had I experienced any such supernatural phenomena with this inanimate piece of plastic and glass and metal known as “Television”! Before all this, it was just a mindless invention of Man! Man was in control of it! It was simply a tool…a machine….like a record-player, or a camera.


But now the TV had become a monster! Now it was speaking as a dragon! Now it had become my tormentor! And now I was no longer in control of it! Rather, it was now in control of me! Now it had a biting wit that could destroy or drive into insanity, anyone it wished to annihilate, for whatever reason! Now it had become the TV Demon! And perhaps as I watched it up there in Unit 3600, I thought to myself… “How many people has this satanic device driven to madness? Have there been others who have been tormented by this fiery demonic device, the TV?”


For me, this incredible invention had always been just a benign little entertainment device. It had always been a real comfort, entertainer, and companion since being a little boy!


And as an adult, it was still my buddy, as I watched it while enjoying a burger & fries, or chips and a beer, or a bourbon & 7-Up.


But now, all of a sudden it had become some sort of satanic, “Tormentor-in-Chief”!









It became apparent that the spirits could use humor in a very devastating way. It was the most effective way that the spirits could destroy me. In other words, taunting ominous humor can be really, really evil…when they come from unseen spirits!


And so I began to realize that the things I loved, such as TV and its humor, could be the most effective weapon in the hands of these spirits. And what I thought was harmless, could be used in an incredibly hideous and ugly way! And what made it even more devastating, was that anyone else watching the TV with me, had not even the slightest hint of a clue of what I was currently seeing and hearing and going through during those moments! Yeah, these spirits seemed to be orchestrating these outside occurrences, but the fear and torment were happening in my mind!


Only wish I’d known and had lived by the following Bible truth…“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2nd Timothy 1:7.


Yeah, if I’d known about the satanic source of fear, I could have instead had the spirit of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2nd Timothy 1:7








(The title of Creedence song, “Run Through The Jungle!”)


Yeah, concerning the fearful torment I was going through, I remember sitting down at one point, just as the final scenes from a James Bond movie was airing on the TV. Now, normally I would have loved a good James Bond flick! That’s the kind of movie I liked! Action! Intrigue! Exotic places and dangerously beautiful women!


But at this moment, it was like watching him through some Mirror From Hell! A television from Hell! It was totally surreal!


As Bond escaped from some dangerous situation, I became shocked at how this all seemed to relate to just what I was going through! As he ran through the jungle from the bad guys, it just seemed to be a very surreal allegory as to what I was now going through. Suddenly, in the midst of the thick jungle foliage, Bond ran smack-dab into the presence of a giant grotesque statue of a pagan god. Bond stopped and looked shocked to see this monstrous devilish-looking stone idol right there in his pathway. Passing around it, he then resumed his escape!

The Dragon in the Television


And as I saw this scene unfold with all these seeming parallels to my situation, I began to wonder if these spirits had made this scene especially for my situation! That stone idol looked very satanic. This scenario seemed to fit this horrible contest I was now going through!


Now I’m not actually saying it was made especially for me. Of course not! James Bond and I are mirror-opposites in almost every conceivable way! But at the time it sure seemed like it was produced for me! After all, the fate of the world rested upon my shoulders (or so I was being told by the spirits.) And just as he ran smack-dab into the presence of that grotesque-looking stone image, so had I run smack-dab into a big ugly being of some type and origin!


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

James Bond – by SteveBancroft – Wikimedia – Creative Commons 4.0 – cropped photo








At some point, I began to wonder if all the programs on television had been developed by these simply to torment the people of the world on Judgment Day.


You know, like maybe the Devil is producing all these shows for just the right time. And even though these programs outwardly seem very benign and harmless. But it also seems like they have many hidden satirical double-entendres, designed to mock and deride people on Judgment Day, as the people of the world try to watch TV on that day.


In other words, the unsuspecting masses will simply turn on the TV, not realizing that Judgment Day has already begun, only to find these so-called “harmless programs” have “grown extremely sharp teeth”, so to speak, and have become the instruments of cruelty and death, in the hands of Satan and his evil-angels!


TV high quality – cropped image – wikipedia – creative commons license







Matthew 13:35…


The Dragon in the TelevisionNow, as to how I was all-of-a-sudden getting hidden meanings, let me just say, this was a brand new phenomenon for me to be interpreting things as allegories. Before my troubles began, I never, never interpreted anything allegorically! I hardly ever got a deeper meaning out of things I saw or heard or read. So why was I now interpreting so many things in an allegorical way?


The Bible is filled with many, many allegories. For instance, the book of Proverbs is filled with many allegories (parables or proverbs). And Jesus often spoke in parables. Ezekiel, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Job, etc., spoke in parables. But those allegories in the Bible are interpreted correctly with the aid of the Holy Spirit.


In other words, when God’s Spirit abides in a Believer, that child of God begins, gently and slowly, to see more and more, the deeper spiritual meaning behind any Bible passage. (But I knew absolutely nothing about all that “spiritual” stuff during those days of my torment.)


So the question to be answered is this: “Was I filled with the Holy Spirit during this time?” Was that why I was seeing allegories in so many things? Or were there evil spirits at work, making me see “deeper meanings” in so many things, counterfeiting what the Holy Spirit performs in a Believer’s heart (mind)?


Listen to this next verse…“And then shall that Wicked be revealed…with all power and signs and lying wonders…” 2nd Thessalonians 2:8 (condensed). Even though I was not aware of this passage, it pretty much explains that Satan, in these last days, can duplicate and counterfeit the workings of God in order to deceive people.

., I didn’t really even question this phenomenon at that point in time. No, right at that moment, I was on a, “roller coaster ride through some sort of fiery-devilish-netherworld-theme-park”! I didn’t have time to do much deep questioning about the “why’s & wherefores” concerning my troubles!


Oh yes, I was amazed and bewildered by what was happening. But as for answers, I didn’t have any! I just knew that there really, truly, actually exists…a spiritual realm!


And I was now very directly in touch with that realm.


Five Wise Virgins – Matt 25 – – Public Domain

Brooklyn Museum – The Rich Man in Hell – James Tissot – wikimedia – public domain








The Dragon in the Television


As I was watching short snippets from sit-coms; the actors might be wryly smiling, as if they were mocking and taunting me with their little sarcastic jests…“Guess who’s gonna flunk his big test today?”, one actor might say to another. “Oh yeah…I know, Dude”, answered the other actor… “Somebody forgot to do his homework!” Then they would both laugh, and walk off together, still laughing! These and more were the types of subtle comments being shot at me from the television, like a Gatling Gun!


As far as I was concerned, the TV had become a dragon! Or a raging wild beast, tearing me “limb-from-limb” as the saying goes. For me the TV had become the, “Prophet of Doom”! It had become the “Great Satan”. The “Subtle Mocker”.


I can think of a Bible verse that seems somewhat fitting for the TV…


“And the third angel poured out his vial the rivers and fountains of waters;

and they became blood.

And I heard the angel of the waters say,

‘You art righteous, O Lord,

which are, and was, and shall be,

because You have judged thus…

and You have given them blood to drink;

for they are worthy’.”

Revelation 16:4-6 (condensed)


Now I’m not saying that actual blood came out of the TV. But drinking literal blood would’ve been a huge step up from what I was drinking in from the TV during these days of torment!

The Dragon in the Television.

And truth-be-told, the Bible speaks of the “hearing of blood”…


Listen…(Blessed is the righteous man) …

”that stops his ears from THE HEARING OF BLOOD,

and shuts his eyes from seeing evil;

Isaiah 33:15


So you see, the above verse talks about “hearing blood”. Thus, drinking blood in Scripture doesn’t necessarily mean literal blood. You can be drinking blood by, say for instance, watching violence on TV. And the violence that I was now drinking in, was directed at me…by the spirits! And I was hearing and I was seeing blood! Violence! Directed at me!


Sea boiling – Pahoeoe – fountain original – Wikipedia – Public domain








checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgNow I realize and fully understand that TV can be a real comfort to people. Especially the elderly, as well as shut-ins. But for me, TV was no longer my friend! I was now the enemy of these invisible powers. And they were out for blood…my blood!


And the Bible does speak about an image in the last days which is given the ability to speak…


And he had power to give life

unto the image of the beast,

that the image of the beast should both speak,

and cause that as many as would not

worship the image of the beast

should be killed.

Revelation 13:15


And if you think about it, the name “television” is made of two Latin words…”tele” and “vision” which literally means “talking vision” or perhaps, “talking image”. Never before in Man’s history, was there ever such a thing as a “talking image.” Jeremiah 10:5 speaks of idols (images) in this way…”They are upright as the palm tree, but speak not” (Jeremiah 10:5). The images (idols) of olden times were made of brass or wood or stone. The Bible refers to them as “dumb idols”. They couldn’t walk. They couldn’t talk.


But the Bible speaks about the day when an image will have the ability to speak. That day has come, or so it seems! Television. Internet. Movies. These are all present-day talking images. Oh yeah, the images are constantly changing. But make no mistake! They are images, which indeed, do speak!


But more than merely a literal image, television, radio, Internet, and motion pictures, along with all the beautiful music you hear on TV, quite often present the attributes of Satan in the most glorious and appealing manner. Listen to what this Bible passage has to say about an image that the whole world is commanded to worship…

“Nebuchadnezzar the king (of Babylon) made an image of gold, whose height was sixty cubits, and the breadth thereof six cubits: he set it up in the plain of Dura, in the province of Babylon…Then an herald cried aloud, To you it is commanded, O people, nations, and languages…That at what time you hear the sound of… all kinds of music, you fall down and worship the golden image that Nebuchadnezzar the king has set up: And whoso falls not down and worships shall the same hour be cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace.” Daniel 3:1,4,5,6 (condensed for brevity & context).

. passage from Daniel in the Bible tells about a golden image in the likeness of the King of Babylon, (who by the way, is referred to as “Lucifer” in Isaiah 14.) Notice in this passage, the herald announces the warning to the entire world regarding the consequences of not falling down and worshiping the golden image. This passage from Daniel ties together very nicely with Revelation 13…


And he had power to give life

unto the image of the beast,

that the image of the beast should both speak,

and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast

should be killed.”

Revelation 13:15


Nebuchadnezzar’s golden image and The fiery furnace – Daniel 3-12 –

Academy Awards Ceremony – cropped image – Wikipedia – Share Alike Lic.








For me, prior to all my present troubles, the TV had become a false prophet. It was like a Pied Piper. Like those proverbial Lemmings, TV was leading me (in former times) down the road of ruin to fall over a cliff of destruction. Not that I had become dysfunctional prior to this. But over the years, without knowing, I became changed, little by little into the same image of Satan, (to a much lesser degree of course!). And the TV had become worse and worse since I was a little boy.


Now obviously, I know it seems like an extreme statement… ”changed into Satan’s character”. I know, I know! But please bear with me, and I’ll explain.


By the time this all began, I came to somewhat possess Satan’s character: Pride, Greed, Anger, Impatience, Lust, Dishonesty, etc…


But the TV had taken me further and further into evil. For instance, in the fifties, a married couple on TV couldn’t even be shown sitting on their bed together, unless their feet were touching the floor. And do I need to tell you how much worse it had become by the seventies?









The Bible says…”Be not deceived. Evil communications corrupts good character.” 1st Corinthians 15:33


The world repeats this biblical concept somewhat the same”You are what you eat.”


Either way you slice it, it comes out the same“Garbage in…garbage out”.


ABOVE PICTURE: TV indoctrination – – not for commercial uses









But let’s get back to the question of “Just what are the attributes of Satan?”


As we read Scripture, we find that Satan’s qualities are Pride, Violence, False Science, Dishonesty, Impatience, Lust, Greed, Hatred, Hypocrisy, and a Form of Godliness (and other similar qualities).


Now, you might be wondering how “a form of godliness” could be one of Satan’s qualities. Satan knows that if he only had evil qualities, he would blow his cover, so to speak. So in order to deceive the world, Satan must work under a cloak of false humanitarianism.


“…for Satan himself is transformed

into an angel of light.

Therefore it is no great thing

if his ministers also be transformed

as the ministers of righteousness;

whose end shall be according to their works.”

2nd Corinthians 11:14, 15


So, before all my troubles began, I had somewhat an appearance of goodness. I suppose I had some morals. I wouldn’t think of killing anyone. Okay, that’s one good quality……Oh, there must’ve been other good qualities in me. Well, when I think of another one, I’ll let ya know.


Okay, okay, I know one! I was a good tipper at restaurants! And I could be friendly, and maybe even charming at times. Oh yeah, and also, I was punctual getting to work! And I tried to do a good job at work! Okay, so I had some correct behavior. And I was usually pleasant to people…to their face. So I had good morals…and… I had some bad ones too.








But let’s get back to my story.


The contest continued. I underwent similar tests.

checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch

The chessmen (the reps). I was losing them all! Not only were the spirits and the TV condemning me, but my patient-representatives were preparing for release from the ward.




I was losing the chessmen!!


checkmate – by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch –






Judgment Day license plate



To go to the next chapter, just click here…


Ch. 14: “TV Demons & The Chess-Game From Hell” (PART 3)…


This third part to the previous two chapters, is the frightening story about the interaction between these spirits and the TV. This story raises some issues that are incredible, to say the least!


Ch. 12: “TV Demons & The Chess-Game From Hell!” PART 1

By admin On December 8th, 2012





Have you ever been reading a novel, and imagining yourself walking into that very story?


A horror story, perhaps?


The_Scream Wikipedia public domain by edvard munch c.1893

Well, I haven’t either!


But maybe that’s not quite correct. Because I guess, every time we read a book or watch a movie, we vicariously live out the experiences of the main character, to a greater or lesser degree.


But now everything had changed! It was like I had supernaturally walked through some schism-in-the-universe, or perhaps an invisible doorway, and into another dimension, into some horrific devilish story of the spiritual realm! (Kind-of like something you might have viewed on that old 1960’s TV show, The Twilight Zone)


But all this wasn’t just a horror-novel from the bookstore! Nor was it a “Twilight Zone” episode!


This was for real!


And now…….I was about to be thrust into a bizarre chess-game…hosted by the spirits: a game about Good VS. Evil.


So let me tell you just what happened, to the best of my recollection…


The Scream of Nature – by E. Munch – Wikipedia – public domain by edvard munch c.1893

















During this hospital stay, the U.S. was involved in the Iranian hostage crisis. And little did I know that this hostage crisis was to become the theme and centerpiece of what lay ahead for me!

.Unit 3600 Judgment Day RX-7

And as I watched the TV, I noticed that it too, was sending out personal messages. No, these weren’t direct messages. Just innuendos. It wasn’t like the announcers knew they were giving out messages. Because they were speaking of something completely different; entirely mundane. But as I listened to them, I heard personal messages in their words; interpreting them “between the lines”, as the old saying goes. But at the time this was happening, I couldn’t tell if these announcers knew or not, what they were telling me!








Looking back, I can’t honestly say that these TV announcers were actually saying anything out of the ordinary, as far as they were concerned. But the spirits somehow knew what the TV announcers were going to say…in advance! And as I recall, the spirits seemed to bring me to the TV, at exactly the right moment, to hear just the “right things”, they wanted me to hear!


But it’s also possible that at certain times, the spirits were actually there at the TV stations, manipulating the announcers and what they were saying. I don’t know which was true, but I suspect that both are true to a lesser or greater extent!


It began to appear that much was being controlled by these spirit beings. What a terrifying thought! Wish I had known this following verse…


“…the GOD OF THIS WORLD has blinded the minds of them which believe not, if by chance the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.” 2nd Corinthians 4:4.


So, just who is this “god of this world”, who blinds the world’s inhabitants? 


Studio Télévision – cropped image – wikimedia – share-alike license








Listen again…“the GOD OF THIS WORLD has blinded the minds of them which believe not, if by chance the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.” 2nd Corinthians 4:4


The above verse calls Satan, “the god of this world”! Wow! How could Satan be “the god of this world”? 2nd Corinthians 4:4


Of course, this truth has almost zero acceptance among the people of the world, and not even by many Christians, and certainly not by me! No, prior to all this, you could never have convinced me either, that there existed an unseen spirit realm!


At least, you couldn’t have convinced me…until the day I was thrust into all this!


And I also wish that I had known this next following verse which is just as terrifying…


“Wherein in time past all of you walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, THE SPIRIT THAT NOW WORKS IN WORKS in the children of disobedience…” Ephesians 2:2


How could Satan be the “the spirit that NOW works in the children of disobedience”!? This means that Satan and his angels are NOW working in almost the entire human race!!! These two above verses (2nd Corinthians 4:4 & Ephesians 2:2), are very powerful, when you really think about them! And don’t they speak directly to what has just been discussed? 


I always liked to think I was the captain of my own ship”. It’s repugnant to think that evil spirit of Antichrist is working within me! And out in the world, there are so many people who seem to be so well-behaved, and so well-balanced! But hey…this can be easily explained by such verses as this next one…


“And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.”  2nd Corinthians 11:14, 15


So, from the above verse it becomes apparent that Satan can be a very “nice” devil if he wishes to be. And so can his followers. The Bible says that the people of the world have, “a form of godliness” (2nd Timothy 3:5). Of course, the reason this is so difficult to accept is because society likes to portray the Devil as an overtly, all-evil entity. He’s always associated with witches, and murders, and the most heinous and hideous types of cruelty. He is seldom portrayed as “lovable” and “kind” or even “holy”. So, Satan really does a masterful job of masquerading himself under a cloak and mask of false goodness! And so do his workers of iniquity” (which includes his fellow evil angels plus the entirety of unsaved mankind)! (see Luke 13:27)


Satan presiding at the Infernal Council- Wikpedia – US Public Domain

ABOVE PICTURE: Satan, The False Prophet who offers a world-loving gospel –

Devil-goat – wikipedia – public domain








Okay, okay, let’s get back to the story!


I felt compelled to go over to the pool table, and shoot some pool. At one point, I immediately noticed that it was like my entire body was now being controlled by the spirit being. As I took aim, I felt my shooting become very smooth and under the control of these beings. I was really doing some excellent shooting! No wobbly movements, like I normally would back in my beer-tavern days (which were about a week earlier!).


I sensed that the spirit wanted me to go through this exercise in order to help me to learn “trust”. That is, there seemed to be a “good” spirit helping me to prepare for some contest. And this pool-shooting was some sort of preparation for that contest. I knew that this “good” spirit wanted me to learn to sort-of, keep-in-step with him. To prepare me for this contest. Or test. Or whatever name one might use to describe what I was going to go through. (“Insanity”, you say?) 

.checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch

Whatever the reason for all this was, I felt my body, to a great extent, under the control of the spirit. When I walked, it was slow and deliberate. As if the spirit controlled my every body movement. It was almost like I was floating around, or being carried around. A rather pleasant experience, I must admit!


checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia – share-alike license. Click here for link.








checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch

After a few days, it seemed that some weird contest was emerging! A bizarre chess game or something similar! It became frightening, because I was impressed that the stakes were high!


The spirits, both good and evil, were in charge of this contest, or so I was led to believe.


checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia – share-alike license. Click here for link.










And as I’ve already said, the U.S. and Iran were involved in the current hostage crisis. This became the theme of the game I was thrust into. I had to gocheckmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch through certain tests; actually a series of tests. But I didn’t know what the tests were until I had either passed or failed the tests. Let me explain…


1. The young boy who resembled me (“Mini-Me”), became my representative.


2. A very disturbed and sad young lady represented the entire ward of “mentally ill” patients. We’ll call her “Lady-Blue”


3. Three patients (a man, woman, and maybe their daughter) were staying in the same sleeping quarters, who symbolized my family; my family in a larger sense, i.e., the people of Oregon. Let’s call them the “Oregon Family”.


4. And an old gentleman, with a prominent nose, and somewhat resembled the Shah, represented the real Shah of Iran.

خمینی_در_نماز wikipedia public domain Ayatollah Khomeini


5. The TV was on most of the day showing pictures of the Ayatollah Khomeini, sitting on his prayer rug. And the TV was likewise showing the American hostages. So, these TV images, the Ayatollah, symbolized Satan, taking over Iran, and the hostages of course, represented America. The television news shows were calling this incident, “America Held Hostage”. . .


خمینی_در_نماز wikipedia public domain Ayatollah Khomeini







Shah_of_iran wikipedia public domain


The Shah of Iran, a prince who lost his throne, was replaced by the Ayatollah Khomeini, a dark figure who took the Shah’s place.


خمینی_در_نماز wikipedia public domain Ayatollah KhomeiniI was made aware that, should I lose the contest, the result would be that the Ayatollah would remain in power, and the entire world would be plunged into a nuclear war. But should I win, not losing the “representatives”, then the Shah (the real Shah) would return to his throne, thus preventing any nuclear war. And of course, the hostages would be redeemed and free to return home to the USA. And the world would be saved.


Shah of Iran – wikipedia – public domain

خمینی_در_نماز wikipedia public domain Ayatollah Khomeini








After some days, the Iranians let some of the hostages go, leaving only 52 hostages. The spirit impressed upon checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgmy mind, that these 52 hostages represented the 50 states of the USA, plus our two neighboring territories. At some point, I began to feel that I was also a hostage; the 53rd HOSTAGE! (Now please don’t laugh!)

Iran hostages wikipedia public domain


I suspected these spirits were the actual controlling authorities in this whole hostage crisis. The thought came to me that I should call someone to share this information. “I’ll call the White House!” So I went around the corner from the nurse’s station, where was a pay phone on the wall, inside a small alcove. I called information for the number. I then dialed the number given by information (No coins were required for these calls, as I recall). 


“Hello, This is the White House switchboard. Who can I connect you with?” 


I answered, “I need to speak with the President.” 


The operator answered, “Just a moment, please.”


“Hello, this is the office of the President. What is the nature of this call?”


“I have information about the hostage crisis.”

416px-White_House_North_Side_Comparison2 wikipedia public domain.

“Exactly what kind of information, sir?”


“There is another hostage that you don’t know about. I’m being held hostage.”


“Exactly where is your location?”


“Well, uh, I’m in Merle West Hospital, in Klamath Falls, Oregon.”


“Where did you say you are?” 


“Merle West Medical Center.”


To be honest, I can’t remember exactly how this conversation ended. But I do remember feeling really stupid at this point. Yeah, at this point, the conversation ended with the White House. It dawned on me just how crazy I sounded, and abruptly hung up in embarrassment!


Iran hostages – wikipedia – public domain

White House – North Side – wikipedia – public domain






“Sinnerman, where ya gonna run RIDE to, all on that day?”…

475px-Jesse_James_dime_novel wikipedia public domain




At a different time, the thought then came to me that I should try to escape. I thought about standing by one of the two entrances until someone came in. Then I would just run out as fast as I could.


But then I considered that I probably wouldn’t get very far.


Then I tried to think of someone who might be willing to smuggle in a pistol. I did know one lady who might do something that daring. But then I quickly dismissed that idea.




Then I thought about making a banner which said something like, “Help! I’m being held hostage!” I could hang it out the big window in the front living area. But I quickly dismissed that idea too. LOL!


Jesse James Comic Picture – courtesy Wikipedia. Public Domain.








Just a comment about all this. There really wasn’t a thing I could do to get myself free from this situation I was now icheckmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgn.


But at the time this was happening, I didn’t know anything about the Bible. I didn’t realize how helpless I really was. But it didn’t take long for me to figure it out!


As a matter of fact, the call to the White House was about the last time I did anything to try to free myself from what I was going through. I soon realized I was as helpless as a bug in a spider-web…. “For man also knows not his time: as the fishes that are taken in an evil net, and as the birds that are caught in the snare; so are the sons of men snared in an evil time, when it falls suddenly upon them.” Proverbs  9:12. And oh boy! Was I ever ‘snared in an evil time’!! Just as this above verse proclaims!








checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgThe following Bible passage speaks about that day which was to come upon me. Had I known this verse, it would have warned me to not let eating and drinking and the cares and pleasures of life get in the way of my preparation to stand during the Judgment Day to come…


“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations… the sea and the waves roaring;…And take heed… so that… your hearts won’t be overcharged with eating, and drinking, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. FOR AS A SNARE SHALL IT COME ON ALL THEM… of the whole earth. Watch… and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.” Luke 21: 25-36 (condensed for brevity & context)


Oh-h that I had these verses memorized, so that I might have prepared for what came upon me!








checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgMy Father came to visit me during this time. Of course, he had no idea of what was going on, except that I had some sort of breakdown. At some point, I was informed that the hospital staff were theorizing that I might have taken some LSD, perhaps.


Well, I guess in a way, you could actually say I was on LSD, depending on just what you think those letters, “L.S.D.” stand for.


But the fact is, the strongest drug I ever took was Mescaline, and that was about eight or so years earlier, while at college, and just several dozen times, but mostly just a very small dose.


However, one of those trips was a bad one, and during that bad trip, I asked Jesus into my life. So after that bad trip, I never wanted to touch anything ever again! I did take Marijuana a handful of times after that. But all those drugs scared me! Even Marijuana!


No, the only L.S.D. I ever came in contact with, was that old serpent, Lucifer, Satan, the Devil!


Magic mushrooms – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.








“What bad mescaline trip did you have?”, you ask?


Actually what happened was, while in college (At Oregon State University), I went skiing at Mt. Bachelor in Bend Oregon. And while staying overnight at a of old high-school friends, I began to experience a weird sensation. Yeah, things got weirder as the very long night finally turned to morning! My friends went to sleep, but I was being plagued with dreadful thoughts, fearing that I was going insane! As the long hours went crawling by, the thought came to me, that I must surrender my life to Jesus as the only way of escape out of my present mental condition. And so, this decision brought me some degree of peace. In the morning, when getting ready to leave, I asked my friends what was in the wine the previous night. One of them said “It had mescaline in it”. I was really upset with them, but held my tongue.









Well, after this incident, my mental troubles continued on through the winter. I never told anyone what was going on in my mind, but at one point, I almost went to the campus psychiatrist, but decided not to. And I suppose the clinical description of my condition might be “extreme paranoia”. Life was extremely difficult during these months. But no one knew but me.


For instance, I distinctly recall walking across campus one evening, to a concert, I think with a new musical group named Jethro Tull. As I was almost there, I had a really dramatic experience in which I saw the world as giant globe, spinning in the universe. And I became almost terrified as I questioned just “What is this life was on earth all about?” Was this planet just a meaningless existence? And if we were all merely a freak accident of nature, then “what purpose is there in life? What are we doing here?” This was the first time I can remember ever questioning mankind’s existence in the universe. And because my years of public schooling had transformed me into somewhat of an atheist, life’s meaninglessness was extremely difficult to deal with in my young and confused mind.


Well, after months of similar mental torments, winter finally turned to spring, and my problems cleared up all of a sudden. I met several nice young ladies, and life, once again became enjoyable.


Hair pulling stress – frustration – cropped image – Wikimedia – Share-alike License

Jethro Tull – cropped – Wikipedia – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license

Planet Earth – Wikimedia – Public Domain (altered image)







.,_El_sue%C3%B1o_de_la_raz%C3%B3n_produce_monstruos.jpgBut now, in my current encounter with the unseen spiritual realm, I realized that those supposed mental troubles I had way back then at college, were probably also brought on by these spirit entities. I then began to wonder if ALL mental problems were actually caused by evil spirits.


And a similar incident happened in a bar in 1979, when a current girlfriend commented on my personality suddenly changing. Could all this phenomena be from these spirits? I knew it was…for sure! It had “Hell” written all over it! It was like stepping into a horror movie. But I knew this was for real!


DEMONS-wikipedia – US-public-domain






(Title of a Gordon Lightfoot song)


Anyway, as I just said in the section called “Dabbled In Drugs”, my dad came to visit me. And he was looking for something to do during this visit. He suggested that I read a book. He went over to a bookshelf. And a strange phenomenon happened.


As he would begin to pull out a certain book, I heard a voice or suggestion in my mind that the book he was choosing was not the right book. And after the voice spoke (in my mind), Dad would push the book back into place and run his fingers over the books, looking for another book. And when he found another book, he began to pull it out. But again a voice in my head said “no”. And again Dad would push that book back into place, also. This little exercise went on, maybe about 3 or 4  times, it seems, until the voice in my head and my father finally both agreed on a book.


I think this little “spiritual wonder” is significant. It’s called “Clairvoyance”, people might say.


But I knew it was the spirit doing all this.


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

Bookshelf icon svg – wikimedia – Creative Commons license








checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgAs the days went by in Unit 3600, at a certain point in time, I was compelled to go on a fast, in order to be successful in this contest. And so I began refusing all food. The staff was not very concerned about this, since I was still drinking water.


But after a short time however, it began to get harder and harder to even get water. The reason for this is, I started to question the purity of my water supplies. This would render my fasting impure, causing me to lose the contest. But I was becoming desperate for water!


I would have gladly drank water, but whenever I put my mouth to my bathroom sink faucet, the fearful thought came to me that this is a dirty way of getting water, because of my germs. And the one drinking fountain became contaminated when I saw a boy spit on it as he was walking by. At least that’s how the spirit was compelling me to think. And these occurrences and other similar ones made it almost impossible to get water!


The fact is, the spirits were compelling me to get fanatical about the purity of this water.








checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgI found a Styrofoam cup and kept it under my bed, so I could drink water from my bathroom sink. This worked for a short time until the housekeeper removed it. So then I simply put it on the ledge of my window.


The staff was now getting concerned about whether I was getting enough water. So they insisted that I save my urine each time I went. And they brought me styro-cups to save it. And each time they came in to see, they put the dirty cup on the ledge so I could use it again. And then when I went to get my cup, I became fearful that I was using the cup that had the urine in i


You see, the spirits were forcing my mind to become very extreme and fanatical regarding the purity of my fasting. Without them controlling my thinking, I normally couldn’t have cared less about such insignificant details! After all, I’ve dumpster-dived on a few occasions since this experience…and relished every bite of my meal!! But now the spirits were exerting such a control over my thinking, that I became very extreme about being pure in my fasting!


Well, these kinds of things were making it harder and harder to get water, until I finally went without water for about 24 hours, as I recall. I was getting desperate. I hadn’t eaten for a number of days, and now I wasn’t even getting water!


Photo of cup by Glane23 for wikipedia share-alike license. Click here for link.








checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgFinally after hours or days of going without water, it got to the point that I became so desperate for water. So finally, I couldn’t take it anymore. I rushed to the bathroom, and gulped down as much water as I possibly could, from the bathroom sink! I figured, if I acted fast, I could gulp enough water before the spirits could prevent me from drinking!


So after getting as much water as I could, I wiped my mouth in satisfaction, no doubt. But very soon after this, I became convicted that I failed my first test.




I thought I was just doing this to prepare for my test! I was informed that I showed a “lack of faith”. And had I waited on God, God would have supplied my water in due time. As I’m writing this, there is a verse of Scripture that speaks about water…


“The sinners in Zion are afraid; fearfulness has surprised the hypocrites. Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings?  He that walks righteously… bread shall be given him; HIS WATERS SHALL BE SURE.”  Isaiah 33:14-16.


Of course, I’m not saying that this test was from God. And this Bible passage maybe has no true application to my experience. But as far as I’m concerned, I was now in devouring fire, as this above passage speaks of.


But I blew it! I was frantic with terror! After all, the entire fate of the world rested on how I did in this contest! At least that’s what I was now being told by the spirits.






Judgment Day license plate



Please go to next Chapter…just click here…


 Ch. 13: TV Demons & The Chess-Game From Hell” PART 2


Did it ever occur to you that the television is greatly controlled by Satan? This expose on television is a real “eye opener”!



Ch. 11: “Welcome Back Hotter!”

By admin On December 8th, 2012


Click on credit links below each pic, for licensing names/details/tags/etc.. Most pics cropped/reduced in size






(Line from the 1969 Creedence Clearwater Revival hit song, “Bad Moon On The Rise”)


So now it was about 11 days or so, since my woes began.


For about the last 4 days or more, since getting out of Ward 3600, my torment returned: yes, I had really been put through the proverbial, “meat-grinder”, as the saying goes! (Not saying that the first 7 days were any “picnic in the park!”)


And in this pulverized condition, I went down to the restaurant and walked into the office. My brother was at the desk, and looked up and said… “Well, the weather-man says this next week is gonna be just ‘one storm after another’ !”


When he said this, I instantly interpreted it to mean that I was going to go through one torment after another this week. And even though he was merely talking small talk…about the weather, nevertheless, I figured that some spirit was sending this warning to me.


But my troubles had already begun! For the past four days, I had, “no rest, day nor night”. It was truly one storm after another! Many terrorizing things, such as the terror of the “Born Free” song (see Chapter 8 ) in my dad’s car…to the “Last Passover” of being terrorized with the thought that I had been left behind (which fizzled out, fortunately! See Chapter 10.)


(Of course, these few experiences mentioned are just a small sampling of the myriad of horrifying experiences I was going through! These mentioned, are merely the most memorable.)


I never much liked roller-coaster rides as a kid. And this Roller-Coaster-Ride-from-Hell was no exception! The perfect storms were coming my way! And it didn’t look like there was gonna be any break in the weather!


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

Typhoon_saomai – wikipedia NASA – public domain
















The next day, after the Rapture…One Tin Soldier”, the previous afternoon, I tried to go down to work. I knew I was walking on very thin ice at this point. AnThe_Scream Wikipedia public domain by edvard munch c.1893d so I decided to do just some little job to keep busy. I went to the kitchen and began washing pots. “Maybe back here in the kitchen, I can be out of trouble”, I thought.


But before long, the spirit urged me to “show your faith” by me sticking my head down into the pot sink. Now I fully realized that this was a horrible (and stupid) idea! But this spirit compelled me so strongly and overwhelmingly, I had no other choice but to obey. And so I just stuck my head in the empty sink.


And so, there I was, doing what I knew looked insane! Just standing in front of the pot-sink, leaning over with my head down inside. Nevertheless, I remained in that ridiculous position. After all, I had to “show my faith!” Fortunately it was only a minute or two until the cooks found me like this. Well, they called for an ambulance and before long I was put on a stretcher and driven to the hospital, I think, in an ambulance. It may have been a car. No, I think it was an ambulance. Or perhaps it was some sort of hybrid type of vehicle, half ambulance, half automobile. I don’t know. Anyway, it had windows I could see out of.


Yeah it was some sort of “station-wagon” (an old-school version of an “SUV”, or “utility-vehicle”)


The Scream – by E. Munch – Wikipedia – public domain by edvard munch c.1893

Hand wash dishes – wikimedia – share-alike license.






(lyrics from the 1970 Carpenter’s song, “We’ve Only Just Begun”)


On the way to the hospital, I was taken by my house. They stopped and went in to get some clothes or things. And as I was riding in this vehicle, I was laying down. And I looked out the window at a big party, like maybe a wedding reception just across the street from my new house. And just then I remembered that my ex-girlfriend, with whom I broke up, about 18 months earlier, was getting married that very weekend! The house belonged to a friend of her new husband. So this big event I was being driven by, was probably their wedding reception! And I looked at that happy occasion. And then I considered my own present situation. Their life just beginning. My life seemed to be over! They had only just begun. I was headed south. WAY DOWN SOUTH! No, not ‘way down south in the land of cotton’! No, I guess you could say, this was “way down south in the land of ‘caught-in’ “! (as in, “Caught-in Hell!”)


After a brief stop at my house, the ambulance or what ever it was, delivered me back to the hospital mental ward.

(Note: I’m a little cloudy on the timeline of this event. But it happened exactly the way I’m telling it, so I’m fitting it in right here)


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

Long Wedding Dress for Couple with Flowers – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Lic.







(Word-play on the 1964  Simon & Garfunkel mega-hit song, “The Sounds of Silence”)


“Well Chuck, this time is not going to be so fun. This time you’ve got work to do.”  (The Admittance-Nurse said this in a rather school teacher’s authoritarian condescension.)



If ever there was an ominous comment and understatement, this opening remark by one of the nurses was it! “Well Chuck, this time is not going to be so fun! This time you’ve got work to do!”


Oh yeah, it definitely wasn’t going to be fun this time around! But the spirits did have a lot of “fun and games” planned for me, as the old saying goes!


The entire ward was filled with excitement”?


No, that isn’t the right word. “Mayhem”.


No that’s not it either. “Agitation”. Yes. Agitation. That’s closer! Everything and everyone was agitation! “Confusion” too! It wasn’t calm and quiet like my first hospital visit, the previous week!


First, there was a series of blood-curdling screams coming from one of the patient sleeping-rooms. As I fearfully approached the main sitting area, a few of the patients were bickering. The TV was blaring, and so was the stereo, both at the same time! The terrifying thought swept over me that this agitation/confusion was the spirit’s way of greeting me back. As I walked into the ward it all seemed very surreal! It almost looked like I was walking onto some stage-play set! As if everyone was an actor in some nether-world hellish stage-drama! The ward even seemed to have a very slightly dark crimson aura to it!


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license








As I made my way over to the living area, I heard shouting coming from the Multi-Purpose Room (Where I often went to pray during my first visit). The door was slightly ajar, and so I cautiously approached the room. As I tipped the door slightly open, I saw a teenage boy kneeling, just as I did during my first stay, a week earlier! The teen was crying out something like, maybe, uh… “Oh please, oh please, oh please…!!” I wouldn’t say he was exactly praying. It was more like he was simply mocking how I prayed during my first visit! Although I couldn’t see his face, him kneeling and begging, kind-of looked like a caricature of me: a corrupted version of me praying. He was on his knees, just kind of rocking forward and back. His hands weren’t in praying position. Maybe just outstretched.



The boy realized someone was watching him, he stopped his…uhh…prayer, or whatever, and looked my way, with a slight grin. When I looked closer at him, I was startled to see his face! This teen looked like a younger version of—me! I was shocked beyond what words can describe! As the expression goes, this was a real Mini-Me! And I instantly realized that this was some sort of hellish taunt against me. So in essence, this teenage boy was a mere devilish caricature of how I was praying in that room during my previous visit a few days earlier!


Now, I have to emphasize that, experiences like this are things you would only expect to see in some horror movie or read about in some horror novel. But never in the real world! So I cannot emphasize enough, just how terrorizing all this was! It was totally off the charts!



It seemed as if I was in Hell, but I couldn’t tell for sure. Regardless, I knew I was in for serious trouble. I knew this hospital visit was gonna be “no picnic”! And I realized that “Hell from beneath is moved…to meet (me)”, and was gonna take me on a wild rollercoaster ride, to say the least! (Isaiah 14:9 for the Bible quote, “Hell from beneath is moved…to meet thee”)


This scenario was so cutting, so devilishly satirical! The irony was overwhelming and absolutely devastating!


And as I said often, I began to suspect that I was actually in Hell! This whole satanic scenario seemed so unreal, so surreal! Even RX7the very room number on the door of this ward troubled me. Unit 3600! And as I’ve already mentioned in previous chapters, it was the very same as the address of our restaurant! (Our restaurant was located at 3600 South Sixth Street.) 


Here’s a Bible verse that seems somewhat appropriate… “…I cried by reason of mine affliction to the LORD… out of the belly of Hell I cried.” Jonah 2:2. As far as I knew, I was in “the belly of Hell”! I just wish there were words I could write, to convey the horror and unreal-ness of the moment!






“It’s NOT a beautiful day in the neighborhood…NO…it’s a HORRIBLE morning in Ward 3600!”



A ray of the sun shone through my window. I opened my eyes on this new morning. Nevertheless, I dreaded facing this new day in the ward.


Maybe through many of these nights I had unbelievably horrible dreams. “When I say, My bed shall comfort me, my couch shall ease my troubles; Then You scare me with dreams, and terrify me through visions…” Job 7:13, 14








But on this first morning, there were no loud noises. No screams, like last night. No bickering. All was calm, once again, in Unit 3600.


Nevertheless, I cautiously walked out of my room, to see what might be laying in wait for me.


I went to the dining room and sat down. Across the table was a kindly looking gentleman with seemingly, a perpetual smile, and big wide-open eyes. This kindly-looking old gent, I soon found out, was the source of the blood-curdling screams the previous night. For whatever reason, the staff had him in the lock-down room last night, in which he was screaming. But this morning, they had obviously let him out.


He looked very similar to that fellow, Marshal Applewhite. Remember him? Applewhite was the leader of a cult down in LA. “Heaven’s Gate, Hale-Bopp”.


But that “Hale-Bopp” cult incident was years after this, my experience, so I did not make this connection to this old man now sitting here in the mental ward. But looking back on all this, I’ll just call him “Mr. Applewhite”, anyway.


Marshall Applewhite – Wikipedia – Fair-Use Rationale. Click here for Fair-Use Rationale Guidelines and justification for use.








As I sat there at the large kitchen table, I believe he talked about having a giant bomb. I can’t remember exactly what he said about it. Maybe something like, it was his bomb. Yeah, I think he said it was his bomb. And it would blow up the world! Anyway, as far gone as I was at the moment, I still wasn’t buying into his story.


As myself and several others were sitting at the kitchen table, Applewhite was playing a game with a deck of cards. He showed me the cards, and it actually was pretty amazing to me how he had them arranged. I can’t remember exactly how. I think they were in a circle with some in the middle. But every card was perfectly displayed. I thought to myself, “How could this man do this? He must be being helped by one of the unseen powers!” This made me fearful that he was being controlled by the spirits.


Marshall Applewhite – Wikipedia – Fair-Use Rationale. Click here for Fair-Use Rationale Guidelines and justification for use.

Comet Hale Bopp – wikipedia – share-alike license






(lyrics from the Kenny Rogers hit, “The Gambler”)


Sometime later, the same man (Mr. Applewhite) asked me, “Do you want to play a game of cribbage?” I said, “Great!”. This is just what I needed! Something to take my mind off my troubles. Cribbage! Yeah! That’s my game! I used to go across the shopping center where our restaurant was located, to play cribbage with another shop owner. So I knew how to play cribbage. I also went through a period of time when I played 5-Card Stud Low-Ball at a tavern downtown on my afternoon breaks. And occasionally I’d go across the border (25 miles away) to an all-weekend-long card game in the smoky back room of a certain old bar in Tulelake, California. And about twice a year I’d go down to Reno. So what I’m saying is, I knew cards. And though I wasn’t much of a poker player, I was fairly decent at cribbage.


We began playing our little cribbage game. It wasn’t long before I began to get far ahead of Mr. Applewhite. My pegs began a steady advance over his. I was a player! I was competitive! “YES!!”

800px-120-hole_cribbage_board by Aerion for wikipedia share-alike license


The game proceeded. It was about mid-way in the game. I was far ahead. It looked as if I was a “shoe-in” to win. Then, all of a sudden, Applewhite triumphantly laid down a rather mediocre hand and began to take points. I was looking down at him counting. He began counting. Me watching. 15-2, 15-4…and all of a sudden, he started moving his peg up the board (My eyes following)—and then back down the board (still my eyes followed) until his peg went over the finish line. He must’ve moved a hundred points or more, it seemed! I looked up at him stunned! No doubt, my mouth open in jaw-dropping wonderment!


A big bright smile flashed over his face! He jumped up, and said, “I won—see ya later!” I just watched him happily walk away. And then, at some point, he turned to me, and gleefully exclaimed, “I’m going to Salem ya know!” I took that to mean he was going to the State Mental Hospital in Salem (The infamous Cuckoo’s Nest!). I sat there for a moment, then probably shook my head in unbelief. “Ay yi yi!!”


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

Marshall Applewhite – Wikipedia – Fair-Use Rationale. Click here for Fair-Use Rationale Guidelines and justification for use.

cribbage board by Aerion for wikipedia – share-alike license







I began to worry about his comment, “I’m going to Salem!”. The last place I wanted to go, was Salem! After all, I grew up living about a mile or two from The Oregon State Mental Hospital in Salem. I remember, as a kid, riding by that old creepy-looking place one day with my Grandma. I saw a man sitting on a park bench on the hospital grounds, feeding the birds, and maybe even talking to them. The only problem was—there weren’t any birds I could see! So from that moment on, the place gave me the creeps!


My Grandma (her strong personality, by the way, was somewhat like that lady in “Driving Miss Daisy”), not nearly as cranky, though. A very proper lady! But stern.


She also lived very close by the Oregon State Mental Hospital, though I never connected her closeness in proximity to that spooky place.


One day, to my utter shock, she slowly pulled her shiny Buick into the parking lot of the Oregon State Hospital (the same hospital in which the man was feeding the seemingly invisible birds!)


As she got out, I asked her why she was going into that place. But with her brown leather purse, in her black gloved hand, she turned her face sharply toward the hospital, simply telling me, “I have some business to take care of here.”  I knew better than to push an issue with my “Miss Daisy” Grandma, so I just had to bite my tongue and wonder. “What was this mysterious visit to the Oregon State Mental Hospital by my Grandma?” (I found out much later, that she had an unknown, mentally-disturbed sister, who spent her entire adult life as a patient/resident in that same mental hospital! I now guess that this unfortunate circumstance is why she lived so close to that Sanitarium)


Oregon State Hospital – c. 1900 – Courtesy of The Oregon State Hospital – Wikipedia – Public Domain








But now, here in Ward 3600, in Klamath Falls, as I heard Mr. Applewhite (Marshal Applewhite’s look-alike) cheerfully chirp about going to the Oregon State Mental Hospital, I became really uncomfortable. After all, I grew up in Salem. I went to school in Salem. I knew many people in Salem. Many of my old high school buddies lived in Salem. My old girlfriends too! So the thought of my being committed to the State Hospital in Salem, was a horrible idea! I envisioned myself in that mental facility, being locked up there, while the rumor spread to all my former Salem crowd, “Have you heard? Chuck’s in the Cuckoo’s Nest!”


Not good! Not good!







(Title of the 1966 Matt Monroe song)


It wasn’t long until I heard those horrible words once again…


“Born free…


“as free as the wind blows


“As free as the grass grows…


“Free to follow your heart…”


I whipped around to see where that song was coming from! In the main living area a somewhat tall guy with dark hair and a mustache, who looked about my age (29), was sitting by the large console stereo, loudly playing that song; the same song that tormented me in my Father’s car!


While I sat there suffering through this song (Which song I didn’t particularly like anyway. After all, I played dance music down at the clubs around town. And “Born Free” was…just…not…well, you know…), “Is this song going to haunt me all through eternity?”, I possibly wondered. And he just kept playing that creepy song over and over, seemingly numb to the loud protests of those trying to watch TV! He nevertheless, just kept playing it over and over again, in spite of the TV watchers telling him to shut it off!


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

Born Free Poster – wikipedia – fair-use-rationaleClick here for Fair-Use Rationale Guidelines.

Record player – wikimedia – share-alike license






"The Goodly Doctor"“COMETH THE WICKED ONE”…

Matthew 13:19


At some point in time, a nurse came over and announced to me that the good doctor who was assigned to me last week, was on vacation (You know, the one who looked like a kindly college professor, similar to this drawing). And she further informed me that I would have a new doctor.


A little later I met my new doctor. Doctor Bacchus! (Not his real name).


Dr. Bacchus was from out-of-town. He didn’t look like a college professor. No, he looked like…Satan!! He had big bushy eyebrows which maybe curled up into “little horns”. He had big eyes, so big, you could see the whites all the way around the pupils. And as I recall, he had a somewhat pitted face and a long pointy nose. And to top it all off, he was wearing a deep red cardigan sweater with animals embroidered on it. (I associated red with the Devil. You know…the Devil is always seen wearing a red suit and has a long forked tail). About the only thing my new psychiatrist was missing was the forked tail and horns! I really wondered if this was the Devil. And if he wasn’t the Devil, he certainly was doing an excellent imitation of the Devil. I then suspected that he was possibly just a “representative” of the Devil. Like a “Mini-me” of Satan or something (I’ve slightly embellished this drawing of him, adding the goatee!)


Upon seeing this individual, I once again, quite possibly, suspected I was actually in Hell!


And I absolutely feared about just what terrors were awaiting me in my immediate future!





.Judgment Day license plate


To go to Chapter 11, just click here…


Ch. 12: Chess-Game From Hell!


The spirits had all sorts of “fun & games” planned!
