Daily Devotional, Year 4 – October 1 (And He Spake as a Dragon! Part 1: “Internet: The Ultimate Great Tribulation Weapon!”)

By admin On December 1st, 2023




Daily Devotional, Year 4 – October 1






And He Spake as a Dragon!


Part 1

“Internet: The Ultimate Great Tribulation Weapon!”

To read Part 1, click here…January 11 (Cuttlefish & The False Prophet, “And He Spake As A Dragon!”)








https://theheavensdeclare.net/flood-waters-of-satan/“And I beheld another beast

coming up out of the earth;

and he had two horns like a lamb,

and he spake as a dragon.

Revelation 13:11

ABOVE PICTURE: Satan, The False Prophet who now in these last days destroys the churches via a world-loving prosperity-driven false gospel – www.signsofheaven.org












One of the most amazing creatures ever created is the Cuttlefish! 


The reason why this creature is so incredible, is that it can just glance at its environment and instantly change its body to imitate that environment!


As a matter of fact, whatever the Cuttlefish passes over, it instantly begins to change into a similar color and shape, of that undersea object!


Cuttlefish.ogv – cropped image – Wikipedia – Creative Commons License








Well, God has created this little predator to give us further insight into the inner working of the kingdom of Satan.

(As this little 26 second video below shows, the Cuttlefish has the ability to paralyze his potential victims, by using his hypnotizing strobe-light effect! Amazing!)


Certainly Satan and his unseen armies love to make themselves invisible! That way, they can work their misery and woe upon this unsuspecting world, without its inhabitants becoming alarmed causing us to rebel against Satan’s kingdom, as we flee to God!


And isn’t true that the pleasures and riches of this world, like the cuttlefish’s strobe-hypnotizer, have a mesmerizing effect upon us, just like this above little video reveals?






“THE KISSES OF AN ENEMY ARE DECEITFUL!”http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:GiantCuttlefish6.jpg

Proverbs 27:6


Truly it can be said, we live in a “Cuttlefish World”.


Yes, like that incredible impostor, this world was changed into a seemingly benign and beneficent society to a great degree. Oh yes, there has always been many underlying dangers and evils lurking out there!


Giant Cuttlefish – cropped image – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution








“And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.

Revelation 13:11


This second Beast of Revelation 13 speaks of this current-day phenomenon in which the media goliaths have become totally satanic, foisting the most hideous and evil antichrist ideologies upon the world. 


From totalitarianism, to antichrist-atheism, to immorality, to murder of the unborn, to persecution/murder of Jews/Christians/moralists (conservatives), to sodomy and child-mutilation, to racial hatred, to bullying in various forms, etc., the media has become the mouthpiece of Satan.


Yes, the media has devolved so greatly into a snake-pit of lies, corruption, hypocrisy, cover-ups and the like, to the degree that they have lost any sense of honor, decency, or honesty.






https://theheavensdeclare.net/television-the-image-that-speaks/“The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted”

Psalm 12:8


If you haven’t noticed, there has been a rise of political tyrants in the western nations.


Yes, and along those same lines, there has also been a rise in those who desire to use the high-tech to control the thoughts and actions of the general populace.


TV – Television, the Image that Speaks – TV – www.theheavensdeclare.net – for non-profit use only – commercial use by permission only- copyrighted by signsofheaven.org






“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”

Ephesians 6:12 


Now, of course, as Bible-believing Christians, we are not ignorant of the fact that the spirit of antichrist is the true source of all this tyrannical uprising, which is systematically eliminating our freedoms, day-by-day.


But we must not be deceived into believing that all this merely happenstance. No, the Internet and the devices which employ this new power of the airwaves is to become Satan’s ultimate Judgment Day weaponry, holding the supreme position in Satan’s multi-arsenal against humanity, and ultimately against God’s sheepfold!


Satan presiding at the Infernal Council – Wikipedia – US Public Domain






https://theheavensdeclare.net/woman-the-altar-the-most-holy-place/https://theheavensdeclare.net/mark-of-the-beast-seal-of-god/THE HIGH-TECH ‘FURNACE OF AFFLICTION’ AWAITS US!


The Bible foretells of the day in which, “no man might buy or sell, saving him which has the mark, or name, or the number of his name…six-hundred-threescore-and-six”


And as we all know, present-day high-tech society has the capability of allowing or preventing each individual from buying or selling.

ABOVE PICTURE: Most Holy Place within the heart – Signs Of Heaven

ABOVE PICTURE: Mark of the beast – pub. dom. – Wikipedia







https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Home_quarantine_stamp_BMC.jpg“no man might buy or sell, saving him which has the mark, or name, or the number of his name…six-hundred-threescore-and-six”

Revelation 13:17, 18


And Satan is working around the clock to add even more technology which will give government and business absolute power to control every aspect of life, individually tailored and custom-fit for each and every, man, woman, and child!


And while most will be able to move freely about, the few who refuse to become indoctrinated into this antichrist world-system will find themselves incapable of even the smallest conveniences. They will be blacklisted. Cancelled! Cut off! Banished from society! At least, this seems to be the general direction which the world is headed.

Covid – Mark Hand – Home quarantine stamp – cropped and altered Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license

Policemen Strangle Girl for no mask – Wikimedia –







“And whoso falleth not down and worshippeth (the Golden Image) shall the same hour be cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace”

Daniel 3:6 

Fiery Furnace by Gustave Dore' courtesy of adelaide.edu.au.

So, just what is the solution to all this?


Well, just as the three Hebrew boys were cast alive into the King of Babylon’s fiery furnace, so too will God’s faithful ones be cut off and eventually killed for refusing to bow down to the true King of Babylon, Lucifer.


And those who do bow down will become little more than devils-in-human-bodies, as they ruthlessly persecute God’s true sheep! And since society is fast becoming totally computerized, it will be no problem to differentiate “between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not!” Malachi 3:18


Fiery Furnace by Gustave Dore’ courtesy of adelaide.edu.au






https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Christianandapollyon.jpg“Behold, I have refined thee, but not with silver; I have chosen thee in the furnace of affliction”

Isaiah 48:10


And in conclusion, let it be said that God is allowing all this tribulation to refine His vessels of gold and silver via the fiery trials before us!


Christian and Apollyon – Pilgrim’s Progress – Wikipedia – US Public Domain















http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:GiantCuttlefish6.jpgREAD PART 13, CLICK HERE…

December 2 (Cuttlefish & The False Prophet, Part 13: “And He Spake As A Dragon! ” Spewing Hateful, Racial Madness!)

Giant Cuttlefish – cropped image – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution







“Dear Lord, Help me to not be fooled by this very deceptive world…







To explore deeper into this subject, please read…October 4 (And The Nations Were Angry! Part 3: “Summer of Love, Winter of Hate”), or you can also read… August 26: The False Prophet, Part 34 (“And I beheld another beast (The False Prophet)”)

Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license






.picture - soldiers of the cross - armor up!



















Info & pics of constellations on this site from Wikipedia & International Astronomical Union (click here)







“Multitudes, multitudes in the ‘Valley of Decision’…


for the day of the Lord is near in the ‘Valley of Decision’.”

Valley of Decision w/names


“The sun and the moon shall be darkened, and the stars shall withdraw their shining… 


“The LORD also shall roar out of Zion, and utter His voice from Jerusalem…


“And the heavens and the earth shall shake…


“But the LORD will be the hope of His people, and the strength of the children of Israel.


Joel 3:14-16








“Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, and to the house of the God of Jacob; and He will teach us of His ways, and we will walk in His paths: for the law shall go forth of Zion, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.” Micah 4:1, 2

Valley of Decision + O Destroying Mountain Constellation Group


Look eastward in the early summer through fall. Find the Cassiopeia Constellation. Cassiopeia is the Mount of Blessing. In this sketch, it is the farthest mountain to the left. In the sky, it is the northernmost of these three mountains when facing eastward. It somewhat resembles a pyramid, as do the other two.


Then find the second pyramid to its right (south).


Then go a little further south to the next third pyramid. The third snow-cap is the Destroying Mountain Constellation.


These three pyramids are the snow-capped portion of these three mountains in this sketch. (of course, you won’t see the snow-caps in the sky. They are just an embellishment in this sketch to present a concept-EDITOR).








Valley of Decision & O Destroying Mtn. Constellations


They appear in mid-summer in the eastern skies in pre-dawn hours. These are made of Cassiopeia (mount on left), and various stars from the Andromeda Constellation (valley) and  Pegasus (Mount of Cursing (middle mount) and the “Destroying Mountain” (right)), and Pisces (“The Broad Way to Hell”). The galaxy which appears to be climbing the Mountain of Blessing is the Andromeda Galaxy


The above Wikipedia star-chart shows this amazing constellation group as it appears from June to fall, just prior to the winter constellation group. Actually, these Valley of Decision Constellations appear in early summer in the pre-dawn hours. (Editor of this website has sketched in this constellation group onto this above Wikipedia star-chart.) 









The ‘Valley of Decision’ Constellation

Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license






October 2 (Habakkuk Says “Run!”, Part 20: “Paradigm Shifts: Swifter Than Leopards!)” 

Persian leopard – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Internationa









This massive constellation is comprised of the various constellations on this websiteTHE DESIRE OF AGES, BY ELLEN G. WHITE


Dear Lover of Truth, this is a chapter of the audio book about the Gospel of Jesus Christ in His life and ministry.


Chapter 20 – Except Ye See Signs and Wonders



Sign of the Son of Man Constellation – made of the various constellations on this website









ALL ‘NOBLE BEREANS’ (open-minded seekers of Bible truth) are invited to listen to this small 30 minute sampling of the late Harold Camping’s nearly 50 year series of 90 minute nightly talk shows…This is Open Forum Show #114



ABOVE PICTURE: Holy bible – cropped image – Wikimedia – Creative Commons 



Those who are interested in using photos on this page may click on the provided image credit link below each photo, to get to Wikimedia Commons for various licensing names, details, and tags, and all other necessary info on any particular photo. 







Daily Devotional, Year 4, September 30 (Here Comes the Thought Police! Part 3 “The Sound of One Hand Clapping”)

By admin On December 1st, 2023




Daily Devotional, Year 4 – September 30 





“Here Comes the Thought Police!”


Part 3

“The Sound of One Hand Clapping”

To read Part 1, click here…August 11 (“The Thought Police Have Finally Arrived!”)






https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:OneHandClapping.jpgMany political commentators have borrowed this phrase, “the sound of one hand clapping”, using it as a metaphor to describe totalitarian governments in which there is no opposition party to challenge the oppressive authoritarianism of the various dictatorships in this lost world.


And, tragically, we are seeing this same totalitarian mind-set beginning to rise up on a massive scale in the formerly Christian nations of Europe and the Americas. The governments, the Internet/media-goliaths, and even much of the populace are now embracing such iron-fisted ideologies!


Non-free media information and use rationale for One Hand Clapping (novel)







“(The world) Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools”

Romans 1:22


https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Defund_the_police.jpgMost everyone remembers when politicians trumpeted the call to “Defund the police! Defund the police!”


And so, many cities began a campaign to do just that! “After all”, they said, “people just need a helping hand! And police are so evil!”

Defund the police – the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license – cropped image







Anarchy…”and the cities of the nations fell…”

Revelation 16:19



Well, as you probably already know, the results of defunding and defaming the police has brought disastrous results! Those same cities have become increasingly lawless and unresponsive to crime!


But the question which many are scratching their heads over, is this: “Why on earth could any half-intelligent person possibly believe that defunding the police could somehow be a good thing?!”


Columbus BLM Protest – defund police – Wikipedia – cropped image – the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license








“…giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron;”

1st Timothy 4:1, 2


Well, let’s not be simple-minded and naive! The truth is, these same people who called so loudly to defund the police, are actually planning to bring society under total authoritarian control! As a matter of fact, they are working feverishly right now to turn this once-great nation into a giant police-state! And if it weren’t for the push-back from freedom-loving dissidents, we’d already be under totalitarian control!


So, let’s all say, “we won’t get fooled again”, as one songster sang!


Yes, the sad fact is, that society is now able to control every aspect of our lives! And their abilities are increasing daily!







George Orwell’s “1984”


In George Orwell’s little book, 1984, he presented a world in which the rulers had succeeded in complete totalitarian control over the masses.


And there were even “Thought Police” to control the people’s thoughts.


1984 Big-Brother is watching you – Wikimedia – Copy-Left license








https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:1984first.jpgWell, about the only thing that Orwell had miscalculated in this predictive novel was the date for this super-society to come into reality. He was about 40 years off!


But that day has finally arrived in which society can (and will) be brought under the control of dictatorial rulers! Orwell’s book should have been titled “2024”!


https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Is_this_tomorrow.jpgYes, by means of the modern media, “Big Brother” (aka Satan) can now completely control the masses.


And now, these high-tech devices are beginning to blacklist all those who do not hold to the maxims which our society now approves and condones.


1984 – By George Orwell – Wikipedia – Public Domain

Communism – Wikimedia – Public Domain








Just like in every totalitarian society, past and present, the new “Thought Police” are beginning their war against the Bible.


Nazi Stabs Bible – Wikimedia commons – US Public Domain (2)

Book Burning – Santo Domingo y Los Albigenses – Wikipedia – Public Domain






 https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:MarioSavio.JPGFREE SPEECH ENDS WHERE IT BEGAN?


It is more than just a little ironically strange and weird that in the very place which became the centerpiece for the modern-day protection of “freedom of speech”, has now become the centerpiece to stamp out “freedom of speech”!



And perhaps even stranger, it is the very same political party who have long prided themselves as being the arbiters and protectors of that freedom, who are now the very same political party applauding any media outlet or violent mob which squelches the free speech of their political foes!


Mario Savio Berkeley Protest – cropped image – WIKIPEDIA – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license

Berkeley protests – cropped image – Wikipedia – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.









It’s truly frightening to see all this totalitarianism being ratcheted up so swiftly.


But the Bible foretold that this day would finally arrive…“And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:17


Now this verse by itself may not give us enough understanding into the current-day phenomenon of censoring.


Duct Tape Mouth – cropped image – Wikimedia – Share-alike license






“Buy the truth, and sell it not!”


But this next verse complements the previous verse found in Revelation 13:17.


This complementary verse is found in Proverbs 23:23…“Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.”


Now from this and other similar verses, it is revealed that “buying and selling” actually has to do with preaching the Gospel of Jesus.


And so, the Bible prophesied that the day would come when the true and unvarnished Word of God would be cut off…“And that no man might buy or sell (the truth)” (parenthetical comment by website editor)


Duct Tape Mouth – Wikimedia – Share-alike license







Proverbs 25:25



But the Good News in all this coming totalitarianism, is that God’s Word is still available to read!


And most everyone is familiar with this next verse…“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” John 8:32


Yes, the continuing search for knowledge of the Bible and the Bible’s Jesus will make us free indeed!  


However pressing his duties STM2-c James Lee Frazer always finds time to read a few chapters from his Bible each day. I – NARA – 520675 – Wikimedia – Public Domain





TODAY’S PRAYER…https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:USMC-100506-M-2360J-038.jpg

“Dear Lord, Strengthen my faith that I may endure the fiery trials which are just now coming upon the horizon for God’s people… 

Marine Praying – Wikimedia – USMC Public Domain







To explore deeper into this subject, please read…January 21 (Mark Now Given, Part 4: “Internet Censorship”)“, or you can also read this next article…February 26th (“Here Comes The Totalitarians!”)

Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license







.picture - soldiers of the cross - armor up!

















The info and pics of the constellations on this site are all taken from Wikipedia and from The Internation Astronomical Union (click here to view their site)











“Let my prayer Flower of Heaven Constellation w/leavesbe set forth


before Thee as incense;


and the lifting up


of my hands  as the evening sacrifice.”


Psalm 142:2







This “Golden Altar” Constellation is only seen in winter through spring, in mid-sky.  It is to the south of the “Fleeing Woman Constellation” (AKA Ursa Major or The Big Dipper).


The “Fleeing Woman of Revelation 12” Constellation is in the northeastern sky in this sketch. You would be facing east and looking very high up almost to mid-sky to see this constellation group this way. The altar is farther south but still in the eastern sky. This altar itself is commonly known as Leo Major“, with the smoke rising beingLeo Minor“.



A little farther down this page is the sketch of this same constellation in the latter part of winter, when you look at them facing westward. You will notice that what looked like Gospel seed being cast from her left hand and left foot (see “Woman of Revelation 12-The Fleeing Woman” article for explanation of casting “Gospel Seed”) now appears like smoke or incense rising from the altar. It is not clear why the altar is sideways in back of the Woman. It would make more sense if it were directly under the Woman. However, the Lord must have some spiritual truth to convey concerning this odd positioning of the Altar. The 7 Stars (Big Dipper) is easy to see with its very bright 7 stars. But the Revelation 12 Woman (Ursa Major) must be seen on a dark starry night, away from city lights.



It is not the purpose of www.theheavensdeclare.net to give any validity to the Zodiac or any pagan deities. But the common names of many constellations (such as Scorpio or Sagittarius, etc.), must be given, solely for the purpose of locating them on star-charts.









To explore deeper into this subject, please read… Woman of Revelation 12, (“The Woman on the Altar”)

Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license







October 1 (“And He Spake As A Dragon! Part 1: “Internet: The Ultimate Doomsday Weapon!”)

Internet Sign – I Cawi2001 for Wikimedia –  Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license








THE GREAT CONTROVERSY BY ELLEN G. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Luther95theses.jpgWHITE


This 44 chapter audio book is a brief history of the Church, from the Cross of Christ forward to the Return of Christ.


Chapter 40 – Gods People Delivered



Martin Luther – 95 Theses – Wikipedia – US Public Domain









This is a small 30 minute sampling of the late Harold Camping’s nearly 50 year long series of 90 minute nightly talk shows…This is Open Forum Show #92



ABOVE PICTURE: Holy bible – cropped image – Wikimedia – Creative Commons lic.




By admin On November 29th, 2023






July 1: (World of Lies, Part 18: “Escaping the City of Confusion”)


July 2 (How to Breeze Through the Coming Crisis! Part 10: “They That Sow in Tears”) 


July 3 (“What Is True Grace?”)


 July 4 (Sodom Rising, Part 20: “Great Balls of Fire”)


July 5 (The False Prophet, Part 35: “Misguided Mercy Toward the Homeless”)


July 6 (Time of Jacob’s Trouble, Part 11 (“Bird’s Nest in Your Hair?”)


July 7 (The False Prophet: “Deceiving The Elect With Loud Mics!” Part 15 CONTINUED)


July 8 (Darby & Scofield’s Pre-Trib Rapture, Part 15: “Miss the Rapture? No Worries…Second Chance!”)


July 9 (Why Do People Vote for Destruction?)


July 10 (Dawn of the Dead! Part 7: “The Walking Dead Conscience”)


July 11 (Harold Camping vs. Fast-Talking Preachers)


July 12 (A 3-Finger Judgment Day, Part 16: “The World’s Most Oppressed People-Group”)


July 13 (Wake-up Call, 911! Part 2: “Why All the Insanity!?”) 


July 14 (Look Up, Lift Up Your Heads, Part 7: “Over the Rainbow? Or Stay Down Here?”)


July 15 (Taking Back This Nation for God! Part 22: “The Death of Common Sense”)


July 16 (Sodom Rising, Part 21: “Sodomy: Mankind’s Last Experiment in Sin”)


July 17 (Sodom Rising? Part 19: “A Sodomite Church-world?”)


July 18 (Here Come the Thought Police! Part 4 “Conquering By Fear”)


WORK-IN-PROGRESS – July 19 (July 19 (Darby & Scofield’s Pre-Trib Rapture, Part 16: “Doctrine Made of Straw?”)


JULY 20 (Free-will? What Free-will? Part 6: That One Unanswerable Question!)


July 21 (Come Out of Her, My People, Part 62: “Teachers of Babylon”)


July 22, Year 4 (Darby & Scofield’s Pre-Trib Rapture, Part 7: “The Heretical False-Teaching of a 2nd Chance”)


WOK-IN-PROGRESS July 23 (Noble Bereans, Part 6: Re-thinking Harold Camping On Allegories! 


July 24 (Cuttlefish & The False Prophet, Part 15: “Kiddie-Land Transforms into Groomer-World”)


July 25 (Darby & Scofield’s Pre-Trib Rapture, Part 10: “The ‘Behold, I Come as a Thief’ Hoax!”


July 26 (The Devil Made Me Do It! Part 35: “Why Have the Cities of the Nations Fallen?’”)


July 27 (Apocalypse Now! Part 28: “Signs of the End”)


July 28 (Cuttlefish & The False Prophet . Part 16: “The Words of the Wicked”)


July 29  (The Evil-Eyed Pharisee Scorner, Part 8: Angels On My Shoulders”) 


July 30 (Who Are The Daughters of Sara? Part 3: “Ye Shall Be as God’s!”


WORK-IN-PROGRESS – July 31 (Look Up, Lift Up Your Heads, Part 9 “That Day Come Upon You Unawares”)








August 1 (Noble Bereans, Part 14: “Where Were All The ‘Noble Bereans’?”)


August 2 (Noble Bereans? Part 62: “Did Ellen G. White Plagiarize?”)


August 3 (A World of Lies “Every Man a Liar”) 


August 4 (Taking Back This Nation For God! Part 19: “Can America’s Cancer Be Cured?”)


August 5 (5th Head of the Beast: The Man of Sin?)


August 6 (“Ostriches & Us!”)


August 7 (The False Prophet, Part 26: “The Perfect Pastor?”)


August 8 (Cuttlefish & The False Prophet, Part 13: “And He Spake As A Dragon!” FURTHER CONTINUED:  “The Media Mansons!”)


August 9 (The Two Spirits In The World, Part 5: “Flat-Earth ‘Truthers’, & Such!”)


August 10 (February 10 (AM I A TEACHER OF BABYLON?) 


REPLACE, DUPLICATRE OF YEAR 1, FEBRUSRY 26TH August 11 (Here Comes the Thought Police! Part 1)


August 12 (The Evil-Eyed Pharisee Scorner, Part 9: “God, Motherhood & Apple Pie”)


August 13 (A 3-Finger Judgment-Day, Part 15: “The Power of the Air Mockers”)


August 14 (The Christian’s Mite!) 


August 15 (Sodom Rising, Part 7: “Planet Earth: Earthly, Sensual, Devilish!”)


August 16 (Cuttlefish & The False Prophet, Part 10: “And He Spake As A Dragon!” FURTHER CONTINUED: “Brainwashing The World!”)


August 17 (Revelation 16:17-21: “The Seventh Plague: Cry ‘Uncle’?” CONTINUED) 


August 18 (Mark Now Given? Part 12: “The Internet Mob’s ‘Cancel-Culture'”)


August 19 (How To Keep The Sabbath, Part 5: “The Mark of the Beasts”) 


August 20 (The False Prophet, Part 30: “The Right Horn/7th Head of Antichrist: Morality, Counterfeit of Christianity”) 


August 21 (And The Nations Were Angry! Part 11: “Ring Around The Rosies…We All Fall Down!”) 


August 22 (He That Hath An Ear To Hear, Part 5: “Truth Falling On Deaf Ears!”)


August 23 (Noble Bereans? Part 58: “Rightly Dividing The Word of Truth”)


August 24 (How to Breeze Through the Coming Crisis! Part 9: “Three Rules for Constant Victory!”)


August 25 (3-Fingered Judgment Day, Part 14: “A ‘Careful What You Wish For’ Story” )


August 26 (The False Prophet 35: (“And I beheld another beast (The False Prophet)”)


August 27 (Come Out of Her, My People! Part 59: “Come Out of Her Public Schools, My People!”)


WORK-IN-PROGRESS – August 28 (A 3-Finger Judgment-Day, Part 12: “Every Man…His Labor…(Is) The Gift of God” STILL FURTHER CONTINUED)


WORK-IN-PROGRESS – August 29 (Here Comes the Thought Police! Part 2: “Defunding the Police or Defunding Freedom?”)


WORK-IN-PROGRESS – August 30 (and rejoiceth as a strong man to run a race.)


WORK-IN-PROGRESS-August 31 – Kunta Kinte Christians, Part 4: “Sitting Still” CONTINUED










WORK-IN-PROGRESS – September 1 (The Time of Jacob’s Trouble, Part 13: “The Giant, ‘Despair’”)


WORK-IN-PROGRESS – September 2 (The Straw Man Ploy, Part 9: “Imagine There’s No Heaven!”)


WORK-IN-PROGRESS – September 3 (The Straw-Man! Part 10: “Radio’s Straw-Man Warriors”)


September 4 (The Heart, Part 5: “The Human Heart: Wonderful? or Woefully Wicked?”)


September 5 (The Armor of God, Part 4: “Satan’s War Against the Family!”)


September 6 (“O Taste & See That The Lord Is Good! Part 3: Is a Dog, Man’s Best Friend?“)


September 7 (Noble Bereans, Part 22: “Re-thinking Harold Camping Regarding The Spirituality of the Bible”)


September 8 (Noble Bereans, Part 31: “Re-Thinking Harold Camping Concerning ‘Cults’”)


September 9 (Noble Bereans, Part 18: “Re-thinking Harold Camping Regarding The Sun Standing Still”)


September 10 (Noble Bereans, Part 5: “Re-thinking Harold Camping Regarding Jeremiah”)


September 11 (Noble Bereans, Part 13: Re-thinking Harold Camping Regarding Jeremiah (continued))


September 12 (Noble Bereans, Part 12: “Re-thinking Harold Camping Regarding His Carefulness in Bible Study”)


September 13 (Here Come the Thought Police! Part 3: “Christians Meet Totalitarians”)


September 14 (Noble Bereans, Part 30: “Re-Thinking Ellen White Concerning ‘Cults’”)


September 15 (Noble Bereans, Part 29: “Re-Thinking Ellen White Concerning Jesting”)


 September 16 (Noble Bereans, Part 19: “Re-thinking Ellen White Regarding The Mark of the Beast & The Sunday Sabbath”)


September 17 (Noble Bereans, Part 20: “Re-thinking Ellen White Regarding Her Old Testament Statements”)


September 18 (Noble Bereans? Part 56: “Ellen White’s Views On The Two Beasts of Revelation 13” CONTINUED)


September 19 (Noble Bereans? Part 57: “Ellen White’s Views On The Two Beasts of Revelation 13” FURTHER CONTINUED)


September 20 (Noble Bereans? Part 54: “Ellen White’s Views On The False Prophet”)


September 21 (How To Keep The Sabbath, Part 3: “Ellen White’s & Harold Camping’s Views of the Sabbath”)


 September 22 (Noble Bereans? Part 53: “Ellen White’s Views On the Final Conflict”)


September 23 (The Orion Phenomena, Part 2: “Ellen White On Orion”)


September 24 (The Orion Phenomena, Part 2: “Ellen White On Orion” CONTINUED)


September 25 (Noble Bereans, . Part 47: “Do Ellen White and Harold Camping Agree?”)


September 26 (Noble Bereans, . Part 43: “Re-Thinking Ellen White Concerning the Adventist Apostasy”)


September 27 (The Natural Man & Bible Prophecy, . Part 2: “Ellen White & Harold Camping”)


September 28 (Noble Bereans? Part 62: “Did Ellen G. White Plagiarize?”)


CHANGE LINKS, DATES –  September 29 (Eternal Torment? Part 2: “Proper Weights”)


WORK-IN-PROGRESS –  September 30 (“Here Comes the Thought Police!” Part 3 “The Sound of One hand Clapping”)









WORK-IN-PROGRESS – October 1 (“And He Spake As A Dragon! Part 1: “Internet: The Ultimate Doomsday Weapon!”)


October 2 (Habakkuk Says “Run!”, Part 20: “Paradigm Shifts: Swifter Than Leopards!)” 


October 3 (How To Deal With Cringe Moments)


October 4 (The Armor of God, Part 5: “Satan’s War Against the Family!”)


October 5 (The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius? . Or Rather, The Dawning of Day of Judgment?)


October 6 (Taking Back This Nation For God! Part 23: “Is America Really Becoming a ‘Banana Republic’?”)


October 7 (The Devil Made Me Do It!” what are all the desires of the flesh and mind? sports, hobbies, careers, etc…)


October 8 (The False Prophet, Part 24: “Woe unto You, When All Men Shall Speak Well of You!”)


REPLACE – DUP. OF Y3, OCTOBER 9 (Noble Bereans, Part 63: “Ellen White & Harold Camping on Coming Out of Babylon”)


October 10 (How Do I Become Jesus’ Disciple?)”


OCTOBER 11 (Noble Bereans, Part 3: Re-thinking Harold Camping)


October 12 (And He Spake as a Dragon! Part 3 “Satan’s Media-Attack on Israel)


OCTOBER 13 (Noble Bereans, Part 4: Re-thinking Harold Camping! Continued)


October 14 (The Gospel According To Pollyanna, Part 7: “Did Jesus Hang Out with Sinners?”)


October 15 (Noble Bereans, Part 23: “The Messages of the Three Angels of Revelation 14”)


October 16 (Noble Bereans, Part 24: “The Message of the First Angel of Revelation 14)


October 17 (Noble Bereans, Part 25: “The Message of the Second Angel of Revelation 14)


October 18 (Noble Bereans, Part 26 “The Message of the Third Angel of Revelation 14”)


October 19 (Noble Bereans, Part 28: “The Messages of the 3 Angels” CONTINUED)


October 20 (And He Spake As A Dragon! . Part 2 “Satan’s Cheerleading Squad”)


WORK-IN-PROGRESS – October 21 (And He Spake as a Dragon! Part 4 “How to Read the News in this Era of Yellow Journalism”






Daily Devotional, Year 4: January 5 (Noble Bereans, Part 36: “Harold Camping vs. Ellen White”)


Daily Devotional, Year 4: February 5 (Noble Bereans, Part 49: “Dead People Speaking!?”)


Daily Devotional, Year 4: February 4 (Noble Bereans, Part 48: “Ellen White & Harold Camping Regarding Eternal Torment?”)










Daily Devotional, Year 4 – July 13 (Noble Bereans? Part 62: “Did Ellen G. White Plagiarize?”)

By admin On December 14th, 2022



Daily Devotional, Year 4 – July 13





Noble Bereans?


Part 62:

“Did Ellen G. White Plagiarize?”

To read Part 1 of this series, click here…September 2nd (Noble Bereans? Part 1)







“These were more noble than those in Thessalonica,

in that they received the word with all readiness of mind,

and searched the scriptures daily,

whether those things were so.”

Acts 17:11






So, in this little series, the subject of those noble Bereans has been introduced. And today, it is still worthy of a little more exploration into another area of concern.

St Paul Preaching in Athens (Raphael, 1515) Wikipedia US public domain


Let’s review the key Bible passage… “And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming there, went into the synagogue of the Jews. These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.” Acts 17:10, 11


St Paul Preaching (Raphael, 1515) – Wikipedia – US public domain








Okay, so those in Berea were more noble, because they:


1. “Received the Word with all readiness of mind.”


2. “And searched the Scriptures daily, whether those things were so.”


And because of this excellent, open-minded Spirit, the Bereans were ready to receive new teachings, which no doubt, conflicted with the supposed, “orthodox” teachings of that day.


Thus, there was an open-minded love for truth which permeated their hearts, and a willingness to search the Scriptures daily, in hopes that these seemingly new teachings were indeed true!


La Bible, Notre-Dame – cropped – Wikimedia – Share-Alike License









A recent phenomenon we witness today, is what has become tagged as “Cancel Culture”.


And this seemingly new phenomenon is the act of attempting to weaponize some misdeed or sin as a way to discount or even destroy some individual.

Some bits of academic bullying around us based on a thread by @hapyresearchers. – Public Domain – Wikimedia









https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3A120310censorship.jpgBut as most us realize, this so-called “Cancel Culture” has been a favorite means of cancelling out some individual even as far back as the Garden of Eden, when Lucifer, speaking through a serpent, tried to cancel out the Creator God, by accusing Him of selfishness…“For God doth know that in the day in which you shall eat of it, ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil!” Genesis, Chapter 3.


Yes, so many humans have been “cancelled” over the past millenniums, because of some accusation, either a true one but also many false accusations.

Eve & The Whispering Serpent – wwwsignsofheaven – Share-Alike License

Government Censorship – Wikimedia – Public Domain







“Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity”

Matthew 23:28


And a very troubling aspect to today’s Cancel-Culture is to find fault with some person because of something they might have done or said in past decades. But one of the problems which critics of the cancel-culture point to concerning this current practice is that the morals of society are changing so rapidly that what some accused individual said or did years previous, were acceptable back in those decades.


One example of this is how today’s cancel-culture fanatics have tried to cancel the founders of this nation because of some words or deeds they supposedly did, which were in sync with the commonly acceptable standards of those times.

Christopher Columbus Statue Torn Down at Minnesota State Capitol – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license









“yea, the time cometh, that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth God service”

John 16:2


Now, many of us in the Christian community gaze out on our society and look with disgust at today’s cancel-culture for their dishonesty and hypocrisy.


And yet, sadly, the Church has engaged in the exact same practice, many times!


Book Burning – Santo Domingo y Los Albigenses – Wikipedia – Public Domain






https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ellen_G_White.jpgELLEN G. WHITE


For example, one of the most common criticisms which her detractors make is that Ellen G. White stole or plagiarized some of her writings.


Well, what today’s church-leaders ignore is that back in the 1800’s, it was a commonly acceptable practice to borrow the writings of other Christian authors.


As a matter of fact, Christian authors were mostly delighted to have their written thoughts shared by other authors! They viewed this practice as a glory to God, to think that their writings were shared!

Ellen G. White – Wikimedia – Public Domain









https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ellen_G_White.jpgAnd let’s not forget, that we now live in a day in which there are strict copyright laws, and very jealous attempt to prevent others from borrowing from another Christian author. But it wasn’t like this back in previous generations.


For example, Ellen White was asked by various people to condense a rather large volume on the Book of Acts, written by another author. She made no effort to cover this up, as if she was some sort of plagiarist. No, she freely made clear that her simplifying that author’s work, was merely done to make the book more easily readable.


But her critics today ignore that the laws and common practices in the 1800’s were vastly different from today’s stringent standards!

Ellen G. White – Wikimedia – Public Domain










Ellen White often made use of literary sources in communicating her messages. In the Introduction to one of her most popular books the editors wrote:

“In some cases where a historian has so grouped together events as to afford, in brief, a comprehensive view of the subject, or has summarized details in a convenient manner, his words have been quoted; but in some instances no specific credit has been given, since the quotations are not given for the purpose of citing that writer as authority, but because his statement affords a ready and forcible presentation of the subject. In narrating the experience and views of those carrying forward the work of reform in our own time, similar use has been made of their published works”

(The Great Controversy, p. xii).


As we can easily see here, Ellen White lived in a day in which Christians were delighted and honored to have their efforts magnified by others if that resulted in God and the Bible being magnified!







Another historian wrote…“American legal history, Ramik issued a 27-page legal opinion in which he concluded “Ellen White was not a plagiarist, and her works did not constitute copyright infringement/piracy.” Ramik points out several factors that critics of Ellen White’s writings have failed to take into account when accusing her of literary theft or deceit. 1) Her selections “stayed well within the legal boundaries of ‘fair use.'” 2)”








“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death”

Revelation 12:11


Yes, there’s be a whole lot of cancelling going on throughout the ages.


Burned at the stake.


Tortured by cruel devices.


Banished from the church.


Families killed.


Burned at the stake – Wikimedia – US Public Domain








https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Crucifixiondarkness.jpg“The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil”

John 7:7


And so, as already declared, the cancel-culture was alive and well, even from the original Garden, and to the day in which they cancelled Jesus, and to the apostles also being cancelled, and even the various Christian martyrs, who were cancelled.


Crucifixion darkness – Jesus on the Cross – Gustave Dore – Wikipedia – US Public Domain







https://theheavensdeclare.net/mark-of-the-beast-seal-of-god/CANCEL-CULTURE COMING FOR CHRISTIANS


And even the Bible prophesied that in these last moments, faithful Christians will likewise be cancelled, many forfeiting their jobs, livelihood, and even their very own lives simply because they boldly proclaim the true, unvarnished Gospel.


“And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” 


Here is seen that Revelation 13:17 foretells of humanity’s last big cancelling of Christians, in which they will be prevented from buying and selling.


ABOVE PICTURE: Mark of the beast – pub. dom. – Wikipedia







“He that overcometh…I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before My Father, and before His angels”

Revelation 3:5


So, dear Christian, let’s get ourselves ready for the coming “time of trouble”, which is now already here!


But praise be to God our Savior, who will bring us into that long-awaited Promised Land, in the earth-made-new. And in that wonderful and happy place, there will absolutely be no more cancelling!


And in that wonderful land, we (and all who loved Jesus throughout history) will live forever and ever, and there we will be forever happy and forever young!


Soldiers of the Cross-Armor Up










https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:USMC-081218-M-4507D-001.jpgTODAY’S PRAYER…

“Dear Lord, Give me the heart of the Noble Berean as I search for truth. Give me a love for truth even though I may have to eventually stand alone from general consensus of the “group-think” mentality…

Prayer – USMC – Wikimedia – US Govt. Public Domain








To explore deeper into this subject, please read…May 25th (What’s An Aristaphagist?) or you may also read…July 29 (What’s An Aristaphagist!? Part 2: “Eat For Strength!”)or you may also read…September 6 (Nature’s Witnesses, Part 12: “The Health of Creation!”)

Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license








Soldiers of the Cross - Armor-Up!.


















Info & pics of constellations on this site from Wikipedia & International Astronomical Union (click here)







“Then the moon shall be confounded, and the sun ashamed, when the LORD of hosts shall reign in mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and before his ancients gloriously.” Isaiah 24:23


When God created the Moon and the stars, He ordained them to “rule the night” (Gen. 1:16). The Moon, especially when it is full, can light your pathway through the night, as it reflects the light of the Sun.


So too, the Christian is to be a light to the world: to this sin-darkened world. But as the Moon must reflect the light of the Sun, in order to be a light to the world, so also must the Christian reflect the light of Jesus, to be a spiritual light to this planet in rebellion. Listen…


“Ye are the light of the world…Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” Matthew 5:14-16

.This is a drawing of a winter-time total lunar eclipse, first published in Bilder- (Picture Atlas of the Stemenwelt) in 1888

However, during an eclipse, the Earth passes directly between the Sun and the Moon, preventing that sunlight from shining on the Moon’s face. This is an incredible object-lesson about when the child of God allows the world to come between him and his Lord. Like the eclipse, that person no longer reflects the light of Jesus, because his or her love of this dark world of sin has eclipsed the light from the “Sun of Righteousness” (see Malachi 4:2).


And so, this is just one of the many poetic truths seen in the Moon. (For more on this subject of an eclipse, you may link to the article… “Lunar Eclipse & Spiritual Eclipse”)


Dutch Painting: Um_moinho_dominando_a_baía_à_luz_lunar wikimedia US public domain

This is a drawing of a winter-time total lunar eclipse, first published in Bilder- (Picture Atlas of the Stemenwelt) in 1888







To explore deeper into this subject, please read… “Moon Into Blood Trilogy: 1st Face: The Night Watchman”






September 29 (Eternal Torment? Part 2: “Proper Weights”)

Lady Justice – Not-so-blindfolded – Wikimedia & www.openclipart.com – Public Domain









https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Christ_and_the_pauper.jpgMINISTRY OF HEALING, BY ELLEN G. WHITE


ALL ‘NOBLE BEREANS’ (open-minded seekers of Bible truth) are invited to listen to this sampler of the audio book about the practical aspects of everyday living, such as diet and child rearing…


Chapter 23 – “Diet and Health”



Christ and the blind Pauper – Mironov – cropped image – Wikipedia – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.








ALL ‘NOBLE BEREANS’ (open-minded seekers of Bible truth) are invited to listen to this recording #215, a small 30 minute sampling of the late Harold Camping’s 90 minute nightly talk shows. This particular program aired in the last few years of his 50 year radio ministry, and includes caller’s questions regarding his teachings on “the end of the church age”…



ABOVE PICTURE: Holy bible – cropped – Wikimedia – Creative Commons 




Those who are interested in using photos on this page may click on provided link below each photo, to get to Wikimedia Commons for various licensing details & tags, and all other necessary information on any particular photo. Most tall, narrow photos have been cropped or reduced by this website to make them a better fit on phone screens.





https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Christ_and_the_pauper.jpgMINISTRY OF HEALING, BY ELLEN G. WHITE


ALL ‘NOBLE BEREANS’ (open-minded seekers of Bible truth) are invited to listen to this sampler of the audio book about the practical aspects of everyday living, such as diet and child rearing…


Chapter 23 – “Diet and Health”



Christ and the blind Pauper – Mironov – cropped image – Wikipedia – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.








ALL ‘NOBLE BEREANS’ (open-minded seekers of Bible truth) are invited to listen to this recording #215, a small 30 minute sampling of the late Harold Camping’s 90 minute nightly talk shows. This particular program aired in the last few years of his 50 year radio ministry, and includes caller’s questions regarding his teachings on “the end of the church age”…



ABOVE PICTURE: Holy bible – cropped – Wikimedia – Creative Commons 




Those who are interested in using photos on this page may click on provided link below each photo, to get to Wikimedia Commons for various licensing details & tags, and all other necessary information on any particular photo. Most tall, narrow photos have been cropped or reduced by this website to make them a better fit on phone screens.

Daily Devotional, Year 3 – December 25 (The 4 Winds of Revelation 7:1 Now Blowing! Part 1: “The 4 Winds of Doctrine”)

By admin On February 6th, 2018



Daily Devotional, Year 3 – December 25






The 4 Winds of Revelation 7:1 Now Blowing!


Part 1:

“The 4 Winds of Doctrine”





“That we henceforth be no more children,

tossed to and fro, and carried about

with every wind of doctrine,

by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness,

whereby they lie in wait to deceive;”

Ephesians 4:14





Does it seem like we’re having a lot of bad weather lately?



The world, that is. Does it appear as if the world is experiencing a lot of extreme weather? Well, it sure seems like it is, wouldn’t you agree?


Another question: are we getting a lot of bad weather in the political and social realm?


That is, doesn’t it seem as if hurricane winds of strife are now blowing amongst the nations of the world?










Here’s another question: Is the Christian world getting a lot of extreme weather lately?



In other words, are there seemingly storm clouds and winds of doctrines blowing from every-which direction? Does the Christian world seem as though there are countless different variations of the Gospel of Jesus blowing in the wind these days?


Yes, there are many Christians today, complaining about all the different viewpoints being tossed about in the world.


Church after hurricane – Wikimedia – Creative Commons lic.








It appears that, no matter which way a Christian turns, there are preachers preaching with all the boldness and confidence of the Apostle, Paul!



The problem is, they are mostly  preaching many different things from each other! You could possibly say, that if Christendom were an ice cream parlor, you would have to call it something like “The 1,001 Flavors Gospel Ice Cream Parlor”!


Oh yes, a person can choose just about any flavor of the Gospel that tickles his (or Her) fancy! “Give me a scoop of ‘Hip & Trendy’, please” “And I’ll take some ‘Heart-tugging Humanitarianism’, too!” “But don’t give me any ‘Old Fashioned”, please! I tasted it as a kid when my parents gave it to me, and it’s just too bland!”


Helados – Wikipedia – share-alike license by Mackbeth24 at en.wikipedia








Well, you get the idea of this ice cream analogy. It’s getting to the point of craziness in the Christian world today!


So how does one discern what is true and what is just a “look-alike” gospel? Because, let’s face it! The counterfeits which are blowing in the wind today are quite often so close to the truth, that it’s extremely difficult to discern the true from the false!


And it’s not hard for true worshippers to see that Satan is wreaking havoc upon the Church-world!


But why should we be surprised? After all, the Bible forewarned us… “For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall show signs and wonders, to seduce, if [it were] possible, even the elect.” Mark 13:22.


So, these satanic counterfeits will be so close to the truth, that even God’s knowledgeable and elect people might be deceived, if possible (howbeit, not to their damnation)!


Audience hands – cropped & altered – Wikimedia – Universal Public Domain








One thing that many of these false gospels have in common, is that they quite often try to be fashionable and up-to-date.


Quite often they will mingle some faddish and trendy things of the world, in attempt to attract large audiences. Maybe some hip music. Maybe some “beautiful people”. Maybe some “cool” talk. And many preachers today strive to behave just a little like stand-up comedians, keeping their audience laughing. Many other gospels mingle their ethnicity, which only divides and never unifies the body of Christ (see Colossians 3:10, 11).


But the true Gospel has a timeless quality about it. The truth doesn’t need to be dressed up or updated. Heaven is not “like some fickle schoolgirl”, as the saying goes! It is as timeless as Jesus.


And Jesus is “the way, the truth and the life!” John 14:6


Laughing – (color added) – Fotothek df roe neg – cropped and colored image – Wikimedia – Share-alike License








But the great problem is, that many of these so-called gospels mingle a whole lot of Bible into their preaching!


Well, Satan is not as dumb as he would like us to suppose! Everyone knows that mice will not take the poison unless it’s mingled with lots and lots of oatmeal! And since Satan has an I.Q. far http://theheavensdeclare.net/flood-waters-of-satan/beyond our comprehension, why then would we imagine that he’s just a fumbling and bumbling old fool?


Oh yes it’s true, that Satan has raised up some really poor counterfeit gospels. But even those bad ones only make the really clever counterfeits look that much more convincing!


But when you lead people to believe that they can have Jesus, and still pursue the things of the world, that’s going to attract large crowds! And when you give people attractions such as sensual music, comedy, beautiful people, all sorts of social activities, etc., it’s going to attract large crowds!


That’s a powerful potion! Pursuing your earthly dreams and selfish delights, and a lively social/fraternal organization coated with a thin veneer of religiosity to attend each week, and then, go to Heaven too! That’s powerful stuff! (see Matthew 6:24)


ABOVE PICTURE: Satan, The False Prophet who offers a world-loving gospel – www.signsofheaven.org








So here are some questions to ask yourself, concerning any particular ministry in question:


Does that ministry constantly encourage to study, study, study the Bible? (see Psalms 119:97)


Does that ministry add to the Bible, further revelations, such as dreams, and visions, and voices? (see Revelation 22:18)


Does it appear as if that ministry encourages, either by word or by example, the seeking after the cares and pleasures of this world? Do the followers seem to worship one day per week, followed by six days of going headlong after the pleasures and treasures of this life?



Or does that ministry try hard to keep from mingling fashion, trendiness, entertainment, “hip-talk”, comedy, ethnic, programs, non-biblical holidays, or any other earthy, non-Christ-like additions into their presentations? (See Ephesians. 5:3, 4)


And is the focus of that ministry on becoming Christ-like in every way? Or do they rather focus on other things, instead of focusing on Christ, and our overcoming the world? (see 1st John 3:3)


Well, perhaps there are more biblical “acid-tests” that one could apply to some of these modern-day gospels which are currently blowing in the wind.


The important thing is to not let any one of these blow you away from the truth!


Holy Bible – cropped image – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Lic.







Psalm 119:105


And if a person wants to NOT be misled, he or she must know the Bible well, and have a mature understanding of the spiritual nature of the Bible.


Or do we just let the “spirit” lead us?


In Martin Luther’s day, some groups rose up, proclaiming that because they had the “holy spirit” talking to them, they didn’t need the Bible anymore!


Regarding these groups, Luther commented… “They cry, ‘The Spirit, the Spirit!’. But what spirit they are speaking of, I know not!”


Luther 95 theses – Wikipedia – US public domain








The point is, God has given us the Bible.


And instead of studying all the counterfeits, we need to study the true! Because most everybody knows, it is by being thoroughly familiar with the real thing, that one can easily spot the counterfeit! And so, let’s get to know the Bible!

10000 bill wikipedia public domain.

It is only by having a very good knowledge of the Bible, that any of us can expect to get through the troublous and confusing days we’re now entering into!


A genuine 10000 bill – Wikipedia – public domain

THREE DOLLAR BILL – Wikipedia – Public Domain








And really, why not simply turn off all those fancy and cool-talking evangelists and teachers, and just study for yourself?


After all, the Bible says… “But the ahttp://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:US_Navy_040327-N-1261P-058_Navy_Chaplain,_Lt._Marc_Massie_assigned_to_Naval_Mobile_Construction_Battalion_Seventy_Four_(NMCB-74)_studies_his_Bible_for_an_upcoming_service.jpgnointing which ye have received of Him abideth in you, AND YE NEED NOT THAT ANY MAN TEACH YOU: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in Him.” 1st John 2;27.


Yes, God’s Spirit abides in every true worshipper, and will lead each and every child of God into all truth. So why even get mixed up and confused by so many of today’s preachers?


After all, the Bible foretells… “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;” 2nd Timothy 4:3.


Many of us believe that this day has fully arrived in the churches, when by preaching or by example, we’re seeing a very worldly gospel being preached.


Chaplain reads Bible – Wikimedia – US Govt. Public Domain.








“Dear Lord, Give me a very good knowledge of your Word, that I may be so well-grounded that I won’t fall into a selfish gospel of man’s making…

Prayer – USMC – Wikimedia – US Govt. Public Domain






https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Question_book_magnify2.svgREAD MORE…

To explore deeper into this subject, please read… “Fleeing to the Mountains: The Abomination in the Church, Part 1” or you can also read… ““Vanity Fair” & The False Prophet”

Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license







picture - soldiers of the cross - armor up!.






















Info & pics of constellations on this site from Wikipedia & International Astronomical Union (click here)









An easy way to find Arcturus is to follow the arc of the handle of the Big Dipper, in the spring through fall (these are the months in which Arcturus is visible).


SUMMER CONSTELLATIONS: (Sketch to right: constellations span the heavens (Ark in south, 7 Stars in north), and travel from east to west through the night.


This sketch is of the Summer Constellations as they appear when in the western half of the night sky. The box-like constellation is the The Ark of the Covenant (AKA Sagittarius) is in the south. To the right is both the Flower of the Field Constellation (AKA Scorpius) and the The Cross/Scepter Constellations. Further to the north is the Crown of Revelation Twelve (AKA Corona Borealis Constellation) and the star, Arcturus. Farthest to the north is the 7 Stars Constellation (AKA The Big Dipper )








To explore deeper into this subject, please read… “Arcturus (the star that wise-men follow!)”







December 26 (Cuttlefish & The False Prophet, Part 7: “It’s a Glad, Glad, Glad, Glad World!”)

Mad world poster – Wikimedia – Fair Use Rationale

















Prophet Jeremiah – www.christianimagesource.com – Public Domain


Click on image credit links below each photo, for licensing names, details, and tags, etc.. Most Images cropped & reduced in size.

Daily Devotional, Year 3 – December 24 (1st Corinthians 13…the Love Chapter: (“Love Does Not Insist Upon Its Own Way”)

By admin On February 6th, 2018



Daily Devotional, Year 3, December 24





1st Corinthians 13…the Love Chapter:


“Love Does Not Insist Upon Its Own Way”







https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Cleaver_family_Leave_it_to_Beaver_1960.JPGGod has put us in a world in which we all want to have things our own way.


In centuries past, the family was often ruled over by the stern hand of the father. Divorces were rare and family members knew they had to obey when in the sight of the father.

Cleaver family from the television program Leave it to Beaver. – Wikipedia – Public Domain







http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Intl._Church_of_Christ.jpg“As for My people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O My people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths”

Isaiah 3:12  


Fast-forward into our current-day society. The father does not enjoy such supreme authority. Maybe in some other cultures. But not the western nations so much. And decreasingly so in all cultures, pretty much.


Yes, today’s world is far different than former generations. Not that the previous generations were so wonderful! 


But let’s face it! It’s a very stubborn world today!

Church worship music – Wikipedia – Share-alike license







https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Affordable_uncontested_divorce_in_calgary.jpg“As for My people, children are their oppressors, and women rule over them. O My people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths”

Isaiah 3:12  


https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Fearless_Girl_at_Paternoster_Square_in_3D_2.jpgYes, sad to say, it’s a very stubborn world today!


Just imagine how many marriages would be saved if each spouse did not insist on having their own way!?


Just imagine how many children would be happier and healthier if they didn’t insist, “I pretty much know better than Mom & Dad!”

Divorce – Wikimedia – cropped image -the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license.

File:Fearless Girl at Paternoster Square – Cropped & altered image – C.Suthorn cc-by-sa-4.0 commons.wikimedia.org







https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Medusa_1895.jpg“For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.”

1st Samuel 15:23 


The Word of God reveals the following…“For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry.” 1st Samuel 15:23 


So, this above verse makes a very startling revelation! Rebellion and stubbornness are connected with Satanic powers.


Medusa 1895 – Wikimedia Commons – Public Domain based on age






http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:PProg_09_p29_Obstinate.jpg?uselang=de“He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy”

Proverbs 29:1


And let’s face it! Even many faithful churchgoers might actually argue this point!


In other words, stubbornness within the church-world tends to deny Satan’s intense warfare and innate presence in the hearts of many professed “Believers”.


And one doesn’t need to look very deeply into Christianity to see that rebellion and stubbornness exists in the hearts of those same faithful skeptical churchgoers!

Pilgrim’s Progress – 09, p29 – Obstinate – Wikimedia – Public Domain







Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He shall lift you up.”

James 4:1-10


So, just what can we Christians do about our undone condition? How can we overcome our stubborn ways and our rebellious heart?


Listen to the New Testament Book of James…

“From whence come wars and fightings among you?

come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members? 

Ye lust, and have not: ye kill,

and desire to have, and cannot obtain:


…Wherefore he saith, God resisteth the proud,

but giveth grace unto the humble. 

Submit yourselves therefore to God.

Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 

Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you.

Cleanse your hands, ye sinners;

and purify your hearts, ye double minded. 

Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep:

let your laughter be turned to mourning,

and your joy to heaviness. 

Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He shall lift you up.”

James 4:1-10


The entire Book of James was given to help us realize where we so often go astray. And along with the rest of Scripture, and aided by the indwelling Holy Spirit, we stubborn ones can begin to obtain the knowledge and strength to overcome this world, our flesh and the Devil, whose antichrist spirit is now working in the children of disobedience!


So, let’s follow James’ advice, and “Be afflicted, and mourn, and weep: let your laughter be turned to mourning, and your joy to heaviness. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He shall lift you up.” James 4:9, 10









“Dear Lord, Please do a work in my life and heart, to make me humble and submissive to Your Word

Family Prayer Before Meal – Wikimedia – US-Govt. – Public-Domain








To explore deeper into this subject, please read…May 9 (We Wrestle Not Against Flesh & Blood! Part 2, “Dealing With Defiant Children!”), Or, you may also read…June 26th (The War Nobody Prepared For! Part 3 (“Meekness”))

Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license







.gospel ship





















Info & pics of constellations on this site from Wikipedia & International Astronomical Union (click here)







This phenomenon begins in October, in the pre-dawn hours. It then begins a little earlier each night.


The Cross of Orion Constellation star-chart


This Wikipedia star-chart to the left, has this Orion Constellation sketched in. You must locate Orion, when it is mid-sky, between east and west. You’ll be facing southward most likely, unless you are far south. Try to imagine it as a Cross on a steep hill. The 3-star belt of Orion becomes the crest of the hill. The 3 very faint stars that make up Orion’s head become the very top of the Cross.


Next, locate the 7 Stars Constellation. This 7 Stars Constellation is seen by facing northward. It stands upright a little later in the night. Eventually, Orion will lay down and no longer be seen as an uplifted Cross! Beginning in November, the 7 Stars (AKA Big Dipper) can be seen as a Cross a little bit later in evening.


When you are comfortable in locating Orion & The 7 Stars Constellations, then show a friend. This can be a great witnessing tool!


ABOVE CHART: The Cross of Orion Constellation star-chart – wikipedia star-chart with orion drawn in by this website – not for commercial use








To explore deeper into this subject, please read… “’7 Stars’ Imitate ‘The Cross of Orion’”











December 25 (The 4 Winds of Revelation 7:1 Now Blowing! Part 1: “The 4 Winds of Doctrine”)

ABOVE PICTURE: Hide Thyself in thy Chambers – inspired by Tornado Over Kansas by Curry

















Prophet Jeremiah – www.christianimagesource.com – Public Domain



Daily Devotional, Year 3 – December 26 (Cuttlefish & The False Prophet, Part 7: “It’s a Glad, Glad, Glad, Glad World!”)

By admin On February 6th, 2018



Daily Devotional, Year 3 – December 26





Cuttlefish & The False Prophet,


Part 7:

“It’s a Glad, Glad, Glad, Glad World!”

To read Part 1, click here…April 1 (Cuttlefish & The False Prophet)






“Faithful are the wounds of a friend;

but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful.”

Proverbs 27:6 






God originally created this world to be a beautiful home for Mankind.


Yet, when we fell from grace, this world began to change in many ways.


Nature, to a great extent, began to take on some changes. Many creatures and plants, etc., gradually took on different aspects, eventually becoming dangerous to other animals, and some even dangerous to people.


Cuttlefish komodo – cropped image –  Wikimedia – Share-alike License 








One of the most amazing creatures ever created is the Cuttlefish! 


The reason why this creature is so incredible, is that it can just glance at its environment and instantly change its body to imitate that environment!


As a matter of fact, whatever the Cuttlefish passes over, it instantly and automatically change into the same color and shape, of that undersea object!


Cuttlefish.ogv – cropped image – Wikipedia – Creative Commons License








Well, God has created this little predator to give us further insight into the inner working of the kingdom of Satan.

(As this little 26-second video below shows, the Cuttlefish has the ability to paralyze his potential victims, by using his hypnotizing strobe-light effect! Amazing!)


Certainly, Satan and his unseen minions also love to make themselves invisible, and then, mesmerize their prey with the allurements of sin, rendering them helpless and hopeless victims! And this is how they work their misery and woe upon this unsuspecting world, without its inhabitants becoming alarmed, which would cause us to rebel against Satan’s invisible kingdom, as we would flee to God!








Now, back in the 1960’s, a wacky comedy was created, which became a big hit movie on the “silver screens” around the world…“It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World!”


Well, this carefree comedy was a great way of escaping the oft-grim realities of this truly, “Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World”, for several hours!


And in this respect, that “feel-good” Hollywood movie makes a somewhat appropriate introduction to today’s devotional…


Mad world poster – Wikimedia – Fair Use Rationale








Proverbs 27:6


Truly it can be said, we live in a “Cuttlefish World”.


Yes, like that incredible impostor, this world has been changed into a seemingly benign and beneficent society to a great degree. Oh yes, there are, undeniably, many dangerous and evil things out there!


But just look around at all the smiling faces on so many people! Why, it just seems as if this is such a happy-go-lucky world, to a great degree!


And it’s just about impossible to watch television without seeing laughter, and joking, and smiles galore! And you could possibly say, “In spite of the bad stuff, it’s still a ‘glad, glad, glad, glad world!'”


Giant Cuttlefish – cropped image – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution







Jeremiah 8:10


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Martin,_John_-_Satan_presiding_at_the_Infernal_Council_-_1824.JPGBut don’t be fooled O Stranger & Pilgrim!


Much of this smiley-faced gladness is just an integral part of Satan’s warfare against Heaven!


After all, if Satan can make his kingdom seem more appealing than Christ’s kingdom, then, this gives him a great and deceptive advantage, leading to eventual victory!


Satan presiding at the Infernal Council – Wikipedia – US Public Domain








https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Cuttlefish_-_Sepia_prashadi.jpgListen to 1st John’s analysis of this Cuttlefish world…“And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness.” 1st John 5:19


Yes, the whole world lies in wickedness!



And yet, Satan fully understands that he must put a happy face on it, for fear of losing his tight grip on the world’s citizens!


Conversely, it is Satan’s goal to put the worst possible face on true Christianity.


And so, he not only raises up counterfeit brethren to make Christianity look bad to the general public; but he likewise makes life as miserable as possible for true Christians, so as to hopefully put a sad, and discouraged face on them!


Cuttlefish – cropped image – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0

March – Protest – Thank God For Satan -cropped image – Wikimedia – GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or later version






https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Anti-Christian_sign_in_Federal_Plaza_Chicago.jpgBEWARE O CHRISTIAN, YOU ARE STANDING ON ENCHANTED GROUND!


As a matter of fact, if “the god of this world” were to withdraw all of his deceptive and mesmerizing “Cuttlefish goodness”, the people of the world would begin to show their genuine wickedness, and Christians would be quickly exterminated! (Oh yes, they probably would be tortured first, as was sometimes done to them through the Dark Ages in Europe).


So, this devotional is a warning for Christians to get themselves ready for the moment when this world takes on its true “Cuttlefish” wickedness and comes at Christians with all the venomous hatred that Satan truly has for us!


Protest – Anti-Christian rally in Chicago – cropped image – Wikimedia







January 11 (Cuttlefish & The False Prophet, Part 8: “And He Spake As A Dragon!”)

Cuttlefish – Wikimedia













https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:USMC-100506-M-2360J-038.jpgTODAY’S PRAYER…

“Dear Lord, Help me to not be fooled by this very deceptive world…

Marine Praying – cropped image – Wikimedia – USMC Public Domain







To explore deeper into this subject, please read…November 26 (The False Prophet, Part 21: “The World’s Most Evil People!”), or you can also read… April 1 (Cuttlefish & The False Prophet)

Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license






.picture - soldiers of the cross - armor up!



















Info & pics of constellations on this site from Wikipedia & International Astronomical Union (click here)







“And after three months we departed in a ship of Alexandria, which had wintered in the isle, whose sign was Castor and Pollux.” Acts 28:11


Most theologians interpret this verse to be speaking of two pagan gods known as Castor and Pollux. Beyond that, they are puzzled as to what significance do these twin gods have. Some believe these gods to be the patrons of safe ocean travel. Certainly God would never want His people to board such a pagan ship!


But there is much significance to Castor and Pollux. No, not to those twin-gods. But there are two stars named Castor and Pollux. They are twin-stars, and not twin-gods. They are the two bright stars of the constellation commonly known as Gemini. But as “Signs Of Heaven” points out, these two stars also happen to be the two brightest stars on Orion’s sickle.


And these two stars are also known as The Narrow Gate Stars. And if you will explore this concept, you will see that Castor and Pollux possess great significance… 


“Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” Matthew 7:13-14. Castor and Pollux represent this Biblical concept of the Narrow Way. 

. ..








These two sketches below are the same picture, one with stars only, the other with embellishments. These stars appear more or less like this when they are in the western sky, just before they sink below the western horizon (please excuse the less-than 100% accurate sketch). At the top of the sketches in the center is the Big Dipper. But with other surrounding stars, the Big Dipper is known as Ursa Major or the Great Bear. But as this website points out, Ursa Major is actually the Revelation 12 Woman. (Ursa Major appears much larger in the sky than this sketch shows. But in order to fit her into this drawing, the artist had to depict her much smaller) 








To explore deeper into this subject, please read… “Castor and Pollux & The Mystery Ship of Scripture”






December 27 (Come Out of Her, My People! Part 56: “The Evangelical Cult!” CONTINUED)

Audience hands – cropped & altered – Wikimedia – Universal Public Domain















Prophet Jeremiah – www.christianimagesource.com – Public Domain



Click on image credit links below each photo, for licensing names, details, and tags, etc.. Most Images cropped & reduced in size.

Daily Devotional, Year 3 – December 27 (Come Out of Her, My People! Part 56: “The Evangelical Cult!” CONTINUED)

By admin On February 3rd, 2018



Daily Devotional, Year 3 – December 27





Come Out of Her, My People!


Part 56:

“The Evangelical Cult!” CONTINUED

To read Part 1, click here… “May 12th (Come Out of Her, My People?)”







“For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus,


whom we have not preached,


or if ye receive another spirit,


which ye have not received,


or another gospel,


which ye have not accepted,


ye might well bear with him.”

2nd Corinthians 11:4






http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Anger_during_a_protest_by_David_Shankbone.jpgIn the 1st part of this “Evangelical Cult” devotional (click here), it was brought out that mainstream Christianity likes to point the accusing finger at the so-called cults for their false doctrines!


And yet, the fact is, mainstream Christianity has just as many false doctrines, placing them in the very same category as those they scorn: a false gospel, howbeit, a very large false gospel!


Anger during a protest – by David Shankbone – cropped image – Wikimedia – Share-alike-License








Now of course, mainstream Christianity is correct in their accusations against those false gospels.


Yes, a certain radio talk show host was criticizing the so-called “cults” for subscribing only to the verses which seem to prove their false doctrines, while at the same time, ignoring other verses which disprove those same false doctrines.


And this talk show host was indeed correct. Anyone can manufacture just about any false doctrine they wish to, by merely lifting certain verses out of the context of the Bible in its entirety.


Announcer with microphone – svg – Wikimedia – Public-Domain








“For example”, this talk show host remarked to his caller, “there are certain verses which seem to suggest that Christ was a created personage, instead of being the eternal Son of God.”


“But to do this”, he went on, “these false gospels must simply ignore or explain away such passages as Hebrews 1:8…’But unto the Son He saith, Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever: a sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of Thy kingdom.'” 


And then, he correctly concluded by saying, “This is just one of many verses which only confirms that Christ was and is the eternal Son of God.”  


Announcer with microphone – svg – Wikimedia – Public-Domain









And further on, this Bible talk show host mentioned the “Jesus Only” movement. And again, he correctly pointed out that this group will take certain verses which seemingly suggest that Jesus only is God, and also is both the Father and the Holy Spirit as well!


And he continued by pointing out that in order to prove this to be true, they must ignore such passages as Matthew 3:16, 17… “And Jesus, when He was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon Him: And lo a voice from Heaven, saying, This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”


“So here is just another example”, the talk-show host correctly concluded, “of how to fabricate false doctrines by merely ignoring or twisting Scripture: refusing those scriptures which could have given proper balance and a correct understanding of any Bible truth if they would only have been recognized by these cultists.”


Announcer with microphone – svg – Wikimedia – Public-Domain






 “O My people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths”

Isaiah 3:12


Well, you get the point. As this talk show host correctly illustrated, there’s a whole lot of this kind of bad theology going on in those false gospels.


And yet, this same talk show host doesn’t realize that mainstream Christianity does exactly the same thing!


Yes, there are a number of cherished doctrines in the so-called “orthodox” churches which are based on certain verses, while excluding other verses which should be and must be included in order to strike the proper balance necessary to achieving a correct understanding of truth.


Listen…“O My people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths” Isaiah 3:12


This verse from Isaiah warns God’s people to not put their confidence in their mainstream evangelical leaders, since this end-times apostasy goes far beyond those little cults over there!


Announcer with microphone – svg – Wikimedia – Public-Domain








For instance, the doctrine of the so-called “Pre-Tribulation Rapture” is based on a certain number of verses which seemingly suggest it to be true. And yet, the adherents to this doctrine must ignore certain other verses, such as John 6:39, which says… “And this is the Father’s will which hath sent Me, that of all which He hath given Me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up again at the last day.”


This verse, along with three other similar verses from John, Chapter 6 present a completely different scenario for the Resurrection of God’s people. Pre-Tribulation Rapture adherents argue that this “last day” resurrection will instead take place 7 years prior to the “last day”.


But there are so many verses and passages which refute the “Pre-Tribulation Rapture Theory” that it is amazing how theologians could ever believe such a false doctrine!


Announcer with microphone – svg – Wikimedia – Public-Domain








Another great error in the mainstream church-world is the grievous heresy referred to as “Eternal Torment”. Again, if one takes the Parable of the Rich Man & Lazarus, along with some other passages, it is easy to assume that God indeed endlessly torments all rejectors of His grace in some netherworld chasm.


And yet, this long-held heresy was formulated by ignoring so many passages, such as this one from the Book of Job…“Why died I not from the womb? why did I not give up the ghost when I came out of the belly?…For now should I have lain still and been quiet, I should have slept: then had I been at rest, With kings and counsellors of the earth…Or with princes…There the wicked cease from troubling; and there the weary be at rest. There the prisoners rest together; they hear not the voice of the oppressor. The small and great are there; and the servant is free from his master.” Job 3:11, 13-15, 17-19 


Now if Eternal Torment was the fate of all rejectors of God’s grace, then Job would have never made this statement; nor would he have wished to be dead, only to suffer “Eternal Torment”!


This whole notion that God has erected some netherworld torture chamber is so utterly ridiculous that it’s hard to believe that theologians still cling to it! 


Announcer with microphone – svg – Wikimedia – Public-Domain






“COME OUT OF HER, MY PEOPLE!”http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Tissot_The_Flight_of_the_Prisoners.jpg


But these are just two examples of many other false doctrines borne out of the “cherry-picking” of certain verses, removing them from the context of the Bible in its entirety.


And this is just one more reason why God is now calling His people to, “Come out of her (Babylon, the City of Confusion), My people, lest you partake of her sins, and receive of her plagues” Revelation 18:4


James Tissot – The Flight of the Prisoners – Wikipedia – US Public Domain







Isaiah 33:16



We should not expect that the apostate churches and denominations are ever going to repent of these errors. They are the chaff which must be driven away by the winds of false doctrines! But all those who have received a love for truth must, “Flee out of the midst of Babylon, and deliver every man his soul: be not cut off in her iniquity; for this is the time of the LORD’S vengeance; He will render unto her a recompense.” Jeremiah 51:6


God has provided abundant Waters of grace and life-giving heavenly Bread upon the high (spiritual) mountains of our refuge in these last moments prior to His return!


Picture – Lot Escapes Sodom – www.thebiblerevival.com offers free Bible clipart – Public Domain.






https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Cheers!_(3162940696).jpgTO READ PART 57, CLICK HERE…

December 28 (Come Out of Her, My People! Part 57: “Drinking Babylon’s Wine”)

Hands Toasting Drinks – Cheers! – cropped image – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0









“Dear Lord, Help me to come out of this Babylon of confusion, and worship Thee 100%…

The Christian Martyrs Last Prayer – Wikipedia – US Public Domain








To explore deeper into this subject, please read… Running The Christian Race (Part 2, Sensual Music)or you can also read this shorter article…June 23rd (The Natural Man’s Prosperity Gospel)

Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license







.picture - soldiers of the cross - armor up!



















Info & pics of constellations on this site from Wikipedia & International Astronomical Union (click here)







“And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her (Babylon), My people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” Revelation 18:4 


The Pleiades: Mystery Babylon: Mother of Harlots


God has a people in Babylon. Yes, Mystery Babylon is the Mother of Harlots. The sketch to the left shows her riding this beast with 7 heads and 10 horns.

.Captive Angel Constellation

But in that spiritual city, there are those who still love God to a certain degree. And before the final plagues are poured out upon her, God has been and will continue to call His people out of her… “And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her (Babylon), my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” Revelation 18:4


And so in addition to The Pleiades appearing as the Harlot Mother, we also see this second depiction of The Pleiades as an angel, which symbolizes God’s people, walking the downward pathway to destruction. They must be called out of Babylon before it’s too late!








To explore deeper into this subject, please read… “The Pleiades: The Captive Angel & Mystery Harlot Constellation”








December 28 (Come Out of Her, My People! Part 57: “Drinking Babylon’s Wine”) 

Hands Toasting Drinks – Cheers! – cropped image – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0















Prophet Jeremiah – www.christianimagesource.com – Public Domain



Click on image credit links below each photo, for licensing names, details, and tags, etc.. Most Images cropped & reduced in size.

Daily Devotional, Year 3 – December 28 (Come Out of Her, My People! Part 57: “Drinking Babylon’s Wine”)

By admin On February 2nd, 2018



Daily Devotional, Year 3 – December 28





Come Out of Her, My People!


Part 57:

“Drinking Babylon’s Wine” 

To read Part 1, click here… “May 12th (Come Out of Her, My People?)”






“Stay yourselves, and wonder;

cry ye out, and cry: they are drunken,

but not with wine; they stagger,

but not with strong drink.”

Isaiah 29:9








Isaiah 24:10


Babylon was given its name during the building of that infamous Tower of Babylon, because God confused their speech…


Listen… “Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.” Genesis 11:9 


And so, the name, Babylon, actually means, “City of Confusion”. Isaiah 24:10


by G. Dore’ – The Confusion Of Tongues in Babylon – from www.creationism.org-public domain








The Bible pronounces a curse upon all those who refuse to, “Come out of Her (Babylon) My people!” Revelation 18:4


This New Testament reference to Babylon actually concerns our captivity in the apostate church-world, as this website has painstakingly attempted to make that spiritual connection.


And the reader is encouraged to click on and begin reading this series of devotionals called “Come Out of Her, My People”, to gain a full understanding of just why God considers today’s churches to be spiritual Babylon.


Yes, upon all those who refuse to join the Exodus out of this “City of Confusion”, the apostate churches, the following sentence is pronounced… “Come out of her, My people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” Revelation 18:4


James Tissot – The Flight of the Prisoners – Wikipedia – US Public Domain









The Constellation, Pleiades, is a two-fold constellation. In other words, it can either be seen as the “Harlot, Mystery Babylon” (click to read), or it can also be seen as the “Captive Angel” (click to read). Admittedly, the Captive Angel is much easier to find when looking at this great cluster of stars. It actually looks like an angel.


Nevertheless, both these two women represent the two portions of God’s people: the church-apostate and the church-faithful: the foolish virgins and the wise virgins: antichrists and true Christians. (Study Galatians 4:21-31, and begin reading this “Come Out Of Her, My People” (click to read) series of articles, to gain a full understanding)


ABOVE PICTURE: The Pleiades: Mystery Babylon: Mother of Harlots

ABOVE PICTURE: The Pleiades: The Captive Angel Constellation








A radio Bible teacher gave a very nice 25-minute Bible study on that incredible Passage from Romans 12:1, 2


Listen…“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” 


This amazing passage should be emblazoned upon the hearts on each and every child of God.


And to his credit, that pastor really gave a great discourse on those two verses.


Audience hands – cropped & altered – Wikimedia – Universal Public Domain








But in spite of his nice presentation, he unfortunately mingled into his study, a whole lot of funny little quips, jests and laughs.


In other words, this 25 minute plea for Christians to become transformed into the image of Christ was salted with unchristlike behavior!


So sad to witness such a contradiction between a pastor’s correct teachings and his duplicitous behavior!


Audience hands – cropped & altered – Wikimedia – Universal Public Domain









Now, as far as this particular Bible teacher, he may indeed be a sincere child of God. But http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Burgkmair_whore_babylon_color.jpgunfortunately, he has obviously been drinking of that intoxicating wine of Babylon.


Yes, as Revelation 2:20 warns… “Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication, and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.”


And that Old Testament vixen, Jezebel, was symbolic of the New Testament Harlot, “Mystery Babylon, Mother of Harlots”. Thus, this above verse warns that Jezebel (an adulterous gospel) can find her way into any congregation, if the parishioners allow her in.


And bringing in all her false doctrines and world-loving ways, that congregation begins to become spiritually drunken with her idolatry. 


ABOVE PICTURE – The whore city, Babylon, the apostate church-world – Burgkmair – 1523 AD – Wikimedia – US Public Domain








And as most people know, people who are intoxicated often behave in a silly and giddy way.http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Bastille_Tumble_2010_Toulouse_Wine.JPG


And when drunkards get together, they really enjoy hearing one-another behaving so silly and so giddy! That’s how drunkards behave. And so it should be no surprise that congregations today will love to hear such worldly behavior from their pastor.


They’ve all been drinking Babylon’s wine!


Drunk partier (Photo cropped and altered)- Bastille Tumble 2010 Toulouse Wine – Wikimedia – Share-alike License








Well, it should make any of us very uncomfortable to criticize anyone else, especially when most of us are likewise guilty of the same sins! Yes, those of us who have behaved in the same way need to hang our heads in shame too! We’re all in the same boat! We’ve all sinned.


The fact is, we’ve all been drinking of Babylon’s wine, haven’t we? Yes, anytime we watch TV or listen to the radio, etc., and hear all the unchristlike joking and jesting, are we not partaking of Babylon’s wine? It is a lack of watchfulness that causes us to join in with the world in their unchristlike behavior.


Because, let’s face it! Neither Jesus, nor Paul, nor John, nor Peter, nor any other New Testament role-models ever engaged in such silly behavior, according to Scripture.


ABOVE PICTURE: the accusing finger share-alike license www.signsofheaven.org








And truth-be-told, to mingle the great commission of warning the world “to flee from the wrath to come”, with jokes and quips and foolish talk greatly sets our audience at ease, lessening the utmost seriousness and solemnity of the moment, when hearts are deciding for or against Salvation!


And as Paul warned…“But fornication, and all uncleanness, or covetousness, let it not be once named among you, as becometh saints; Neither filthiness, nor foolish talking, nor jesting, which are not convenient: but rather giving of thanks. For this ye know, that no whoremonger, nor unclean person, nor covetous man, who is an idolater, hath any inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and of God.” Ephesians 5:3-5 


Laughing – (cropped and color added) – Fotothek df roe neg – Wikimedia – Share-alike License








Listen to that great Church reformer, Thomas Brooks as he speaks about false teachers in the pulpits…


Listen…“They preach more to please the ear than to profit the heart…False teachers handle holy things rather with wit and trifling, rather than with fear and reverence. False teachers are soul-murderers. They are like evil surgeons, that skin over the wound—but never heal it…False teachers are Hell’s greatest enrichers.”


Here are some very scathing words concerning those who think it’s a good thing to keep the congregation laughing.


Thomas Brooks on, “The 7 Characteristics of False Teachers”


Laughing – (color added) – Fotothek df roe neg – Wikimedia – Share-alike License







Deuteronomy 4:2 


Now, many church-goers will make excuses for their foolish talk and jesting by saying such things as, “Well, Jesus probably joked around with His disciples, even though it’s never mentioned in the Bible.”


All such presumptuous statements as this above statement, makes a person guilty of adding his own personal notions to God’s infallible Word.


And this kind of presumption is nothing less than sin of the highest degree!


ABOVE PICTURE – Adding to or taking from God’s Word, the Bible






END-TIME EXODUS OUT OF BABYLONhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Tissot_The_Flight_of_the_Prisoners.jpg


Well, the Good News in all this is, that it’s still the Day of Salvation!


And all those who truly desire to “come out of her (Babylon) My people”, can cry and plead for Jesus to come and cleanse his or her compromised and polluted heart! 


And all those who escape out of Babylon, and join the end-time spiritual exodus away from this Babylonish world, will be delighted to discover that the love, joy and peace that Heaven offers is of far greater value than any earthly treasure or trinket that we might have to forsake to become disciples of Jesus!


James Tissot – The Flight of the Prisoners – Wikipedia – US Public Domain 







http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Tissot_The_Flight_of_the_Prisoners.jpgTO READ PART 58, CLICK HERE…

February 12 (Come Out of Her, My People! Part 58: “The Final Destruction of Babylon”)

James Tissot – The Flight of the Prisoners from Babylon – Wikipedia – US Public Domain









“Dear Lord, Give me the incredible and wonderful gift of Salvation. Open my eyes that I may behold this world as You see it. Let me not be deceived by the counterfeit gospels which pervade the today’s church-world…

Woman Praying – cropped image – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license







To explore deeper into this subject, please read… “Ark of the Covenant Constellation, Pt. 2: How To Enter The Most Holy Place”, or you can also read… ” April 7th (1 Preacher! 2 Sermons!)” , or you can also read…JANUARY 10th (How a Joke Killed!)

Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license








.picture - soldiers of the cross - armor up!



















Info & pics of constellations on this site from Wikipedia & International Astronomical Union (click here)







Serpent Constellation


A new constellation has been revealed, as of about May 29th, 2014. This constellation appears as a snake. Its body is comprised of stars from the Bootes Constellation, and its jaws are made of the four stars which Babylonians saw as the head of Draco, the Dragon. It also has a small single star for an eye.


Now in this constellation is a group of five stars, which will be called “The Five Foolish Virgins Stars”. These are located on the opposite side of the Glorious Crown of 12 Stars, from the Five Wise Virgins Stars. But one big difference between the two is, that The Five Wise are curved around the Glorious Crown, while the Five Foolish are curved away from it!


ABOVE STAR-CHART (with constellation drawn in by this website)- Serpent with Wise Virgins not Attached – seen late summer into fall only – Serpent Constellation – comprised of the head of Draco, plus stars from the Bootes Constellation – www.signsofheaven.org – not for profit use







To explore deeper into this subject, please read… “The Five Foolish Virgins Stars” 








December 29 (The City of Morality, Part 10: “What’s My Badge of Honor?”)

Peacock – cropped image – Wikimedia – the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license















Prophet Jeremiah – www.christianimagesource.com – Public Domain



Click on image credit links below each photo, for licensing names, details, and tags, etc.. Most Images cropped & reduced in size.

Daily Devotional, Year 3 – December 29 (The City of Morality, Part 10: “What’s My Badge of Honor?”)

By admin On February 1st, 2018



Daily Devotional, Year 3 – December 29






The City of Morality,


Part 6:

“What’s My Badge of Honor?” 

To read Part 1, click here… “January 5th (The City of Morality








Have you ever heard anyone say about someone else, “They’re as proud as a peacock’? Well, it’s been a very commonly used expression over the years, and probably through the centuries.


And just one look at this incredibly beautiful bird, and it’s small wonder why this connection is made!


https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Peacock_Feather_Close_Up.JPGNot only is it a dazzling creature to behold, but even its proud strut, in royal blue, makes it appear to be the chief figure in a royal procession.


But when this amazing bird fans out its plumage, it appears to have many eyes looking at it, as if it is boasting, “All eyes are on me! ME, ME, ME!!!”


Peacock – cropped image – Wikimedia – the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license

English: Close up of a Peacock Feather – cropped image – Wikimedia – the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license








https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Peacock_feathers_close.jpgNow, let’s talk about people. 


Have you noticed that we humans always seem to have one or more positive traits of character which, well, just seem to be a type of “badge of honor” for us?


Well, the Pharisees of old had their own badge of honor.


Do you know what that badge of honor was for that group of religious leaders?


Yes, it was their morality, prosperity, position, and cleanliness. This made them feel as though they were just a bit more righteous than, “the great unwashed!”


Peacock – cropped image – Wikimedia – the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license










And let’s face it! Cleanliness, position, prosperity, and morality are perhaps the most common “badges of honor” even to this current day.


And especially in the most prosperous nations, a great number of people live in this self-deception that they are more righteous than others, because of their prosperity and position; or because they are very moral; or because they are very neat and clean.


Peacock – cropped – Wikimedia – the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license









But it always seems like each and every person has some sort of badge of honor which causes pride and self-justification.


For some, it might be their friendliness.


For some, it might be their merciful acts of charity.


For others, it might be their quick-witted jests.


For still others it might be their superior work-ethics.


Yes, the list goes on and on!


Peacock – cropped – Wikimedia – the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license









There are perhaps hundreds or even thousands of personal traits that make people feel just a little better than others.


Oh, maybe it’s one’s punctuality; or his knowledge of the Bible; or his humbleness; or generosity; or superior intellect; or honesty; or some talent; or his knowledge of some sport, or of some philosophy.


Actually, the list seems almost endless as to the possible attributes which humans consider to be “my badge of honor!”


Peacock – cropped – Wikimedia – the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license







Psalm 51:17


Now of course the Bible totally condemns all such self-exalting and proud thinking!


Listen to Paul speak about his own badges of honor…“If any other man thinketh that he hath whereof he might trust in the flesh, I more: Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, an Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee; Concerning zeal, persecuting the church; touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless.’ Philippians 3:4-6


Yes, Paul was one of the greatest of all Pharisees! He was an extremely well-disciplined and hard-working person! He had a lot of excellent virtues which he could boast of!


Peacock – cropped – Wikimedia – the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license









And yet, listen to Paul’s testimony about these supposed badges of honor…“But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ…for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them, but dung, that I may win Christ, And be found in Him, not having mine own righteousness…but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God by faith:” Philippians 3:7-9


Yes, when Paul finally met Christ, he suddenly realized that he was a just another miserable sinner, saved by grace!


Listen…“For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing:” Romans 7:18.


Yes, Paul’s new desire was no longer his own self-exaltation, but rather, to now exalt the Lord Jesus, and learn everything he could about Him! And Paul knew that Jesus was meek and lowly in heart (see Matthew 11:28-30).


Peacock – cropped – Wikimedia – the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license







Isaiah 2:11 



The Bible leaves little room for we sinners to remain self-deceived regarding any worthiness we might imagine that we possess! Yes, when we fix our gaze on the glorious and majestic One, it lays all our supposed goodness in the dust!.


And of course, God at times allows the Devil to put us through humbling circumstances of one type or another, to lay all pride in the dust, forever!


And this is best illustrated by Paul’s testimony…“And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure.” 2nd Corinthians 12:7


Not only Paul, but also King David, Solomon, Job, and Peter all went through humbling circumstances, so that God could forever purify their hearts from all foolish human pride.  


Peacock – cropped – Wikimedia – the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license








The Good News is that there exists a true goodness!


And this true goodness is now being offered to each and every member of the human race! Yes, the gift of Salvation is now available to any and every willing recipient who begins to follow Jesus by faith on an upward, Heavenward journey to the Celestial City of God!


And instead of a mere outward display of moral behavior, Jesus can come and live out His life through each and every Heaven-bound pilgrim, as he or she walks that narrow pathway (comprised of every Word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God!)


Upward Pathway – by böhringer friedrich for – cropped/altered image – Wikimedia – Share-alike License








“Dear Lord, Drive out all my foolish proud judging! Purify my heart. Give me the mind of Christ, so that I too can become meek and lowly on heart…

Pray for Our Nation sign – Wikimedia – Share-alike-lic.







To explore deeper into this subject, please read…January 20th (3 Fingered Judgment-Day), or you can also read… “September 30th (How To Spot The Biggest Sinner!)”

Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license







.picture - soldiers of the cross - armor up!

















Info & pics of constellations on this site from Wikipedia & International Astronomical Union (click here)







https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Once_in_a_Blue_Moon_(40034339832).jpg“For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, AN EVIL EYE, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: All these evil things come from within, and defile the man.” Mark 7:18-23 


Please tilt your head to the left. Do you see a man with a very long pointed nose. (Obviously, the sketch to the right is just an exaggeration in order to help you find the face in the photo to the left.)


Do you see an angry look? His right eye-brow is raised as if he is judging.


This second face in the Moon appears to be that of a combination of a man as well as a fox. Or maybe a wolf. Doesn’t he have a long narrow nose like a wolf or fox? Maybe even a dog. Nevertheless, the expression on his face, as he appears to look down upon the Earth, is that of scorn. Unlike the first Moon-man’s sad shock and awe; this ‘man/fox/wolf/dog’appears to be that of anger and scorn. As if he is disgusted at the sinful planet below.


He is very moral, you see!


Moon – Public Domain – 2nd face Pharisee Scorner – by Cezar Popescu for Wikimedia – Universal Public Domain – cropped, highlighted & rotated photo








To explore deeper into this subject, please read… “Moon Into Blood Trilogy: 2nd Face: The Evil-Eyed Pharisee Scorner”







December 30 (The Devil Made Me Do It! Part 19: “Sleeping To Satan’s Lullabies!”)

Violin Lullaby – Satan – Tartini’s Dream – Louis-Léopold Boilly 1761-1845 – Devil’s Trill Sonata – Wikimedia – Public Domain
















Prophet Jeremiah – www.christianimagesource.com – Public Domain



Click on image credit links below each photo, for licensing names, details, and tags, etc.. Most Images cropped & reduced in size.