SPECIAL PAGE: YouTube Song: “Sinnerman, Where Ya Gonna Run To?”

By admin On December 15th, 2012





“Because I have called,

and ye refused;

I have stretched out My hand,

and no man regarded…

I also will laugh at your calamity;

I will mock when your fear cometh;

When your fear cometh as desolation,

and your destruction cometh as a whirlwind;

when distress and anguish cometh upon you.

Then shall they call upon Me,

but I will not answer;

they shall seek Me early,

but they shall not find Me:

Proverbs 1:24, 26-28.

Judgment Day – by sweet media – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license
















I had heard this little song in the past, but like most others, it did not have its designed effect on me. It’s stark warning completely missed me as I went headlong after the selfish pleasures and earthly treasures of this short life.


And after all, some versions of this song really obscured the message, burying it under a mountain of self-aggrandizing musical filigree, thus greatly losing the intended warning.


Well, the following version seems to capture the true intent of this song.


And now I was listening to it.


And to my surprise, Judgment Day was now a reality, and not just a warning in a song!


Much to my surprise, I had been cast into the Devouring Fire of God’s wrath…


The Scream – by E. Munch – Wikipedia – public domain by edvard munch c.1893







Listen to this youtube song, if you like…

Click on record









“Sinnerman where ya gunna run to?…

Sinnerman where ya gunna run to?…

Sinnerman where ya gunna run to?…

All on that day...


The Scream – by E. Munch – Wikipedia – public domain by edvard munch c.1893






“WMoon Shall Be Turned to Bloodell I run to the moon, moon wontcha hide me!…

Run to the moon, moon wontcha hide me!…

Run to the moon, moon wontcha hide me!…

all on that day…


“The Lord said sinnerman, the moon’ll be a bleedin’…

The Lord said, sinnerman, the moon’ll be a bleedin’…

The Lord said sinnerman the moon’ll be a bleedin…

all on that day…









“Well then I run to the stars, stars wontcha hide me!…

I ruhttps://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Andromedid_meteors,_November_1872.jpgn to the stars, stars wontcha hide me!…

Run to the stars, stars wontcha hide me!…

all on that day…


“The Lord said sinnerman, the stars’ll be a fallin’…

The Lord said sinnerman, the stars’ll be a fallin’…

The Lord said sinnerman, the stars’ll be a fallin’…

all on that day…                                                      










Well then I run to the sea,  sea wontcha hide me!…

Run to the sea, sea wontcha hide me!…

Run to the sea, sea wontcha hide me!…all on that day…


“The Lord said sinnerman, the sea’ll be a boilin’…

The Lord said sinnerman, the sea’ll be a boilin’…

The Lord said sinnerman, the sea’ll be a boilin’…all on that day…









……………………….LORD, LORD

Oh Lord, LorThe_Scream-Wikipediad, wontcha hide me!…  

Lord Lord, wontcha hide me!… 

Lord, Lord, wontcha hide me!… all on that day…


The Lord sinnerman, ya shoulda been a prayin’!…

The Lord said sinnerman, ya shoulda been a prayin’!…

The Lord said sinnerman, ya shoulda been a prayin’!…all on that day….


The Scream – by E. Munch – Wikipedia – public domain by edvard munch c.1893









Oh Lord, Lord, look at me prayin’!…

Lord, Lord, look at me prayin’!…

Lord, Lord, look at me prayin’!…all…


The Lord said sinnerman, ya prayed too late!…

The Lord said sinnerman, ya prayed too late!…

The Lord said sinnerman, ya prayed too late!…All on that day…











Well then, Satan, Satan wontcha hide me!… 

Satan, Satan wontcha hide me?…

Satan, Satan wontcha hide me!… All on that day…


“Satan said sinnerman, come right in!…

Satan said sinnerman, come right in!…

Satan said sinnerman, come right in!…All—on—that day—–




The Scream – by E. Munch – Wikipedia – public domain by edvard munch c.1893

Andromedid meteors, November 1872 – by Amedee Guillemin for Wikimedia – Public Domain 

Sea boiling – Pahoeoe – fountain original – Wikipedia – Public domain








.Judgment Day license plate www.devouringfire.com

To go to the next chapter, just click here …


Ch. 4 They’re Coming To Take Me Away, Ha Ha!…


The 3rd day of my troubles. Things get even worse!







Ch. 14: “TV Demons & The Chess-Game From Hell” Part 3

By admin On December 15th, 2012

Click on image credit links below each photo, for licensing names/details/tags/etc.. Most Images cropped/reduced in size.

I suppoThe_Scream Wikipedia public domain by edvard munch c.1893se it was now about two or three weeks of this Spiritual Armageddon, which I had been thrust into.


“Mental-Ward 3600” had been converted into the Devil’s, Chamber-of-Horrors, at least, for me it was!


For everyone else, well, it was most likely normal (well, as normal as a mental ward can be!) But as far as I was concerned, there seemed to be nothing…nothing…that wasn’t, in some way, being manipulated by the Unseen Powers! It mattered not whether it was animal, vegetable, or mineral. Nothing seemed beyond the reach and use of these invisible beings!


And the television was no exception! Yeah, it seemed like these spirits were literally everywhere…even in the very television stations…working in harmony with the unseen beings here within Ward 3600. It appeared as if they had perfect ability to communicate one with another, and also with me.


Unit 3600 Judgment Day RX-7

And I had become a player in some sort of contest, maybe you could call it a “chess-game” of sorts, against these unseen spiritual entities.


Yeah…a “Chess-Game From Hell”!


But just let me simply tell this story…


The Scream of Nature – by E. Munch – Wikipedia – public domain by edvard munch c.1893

















.checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.org

The contest continued. I underwent similar tests. And I was losin’ em all!


Not only were the spirits and the TV condemning me, but also, the patient-representatives were preparing for release from the ward.



chess – checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.org




Oh yeah!


In this contest, the old man in this lock-down ward, whom I was informed (by the spirits), represented the Shah of Iran, was having troubles of a different sort. Physical health troubles, in addition to whatever mental troubles he was already experiencing here in the ward.


http://www.wikigallery.org/wiki/painting_269247/Friedrich-Moritz-August-Retzsch/Die-SchachspielerYou see, this “chess game” was concerning America against the hostile takeover of Iran. And so, the Shah would be akin to the king on a chess board.


And his physical condition was worsening. At one point, they even put a bag of liquid on a pole. Then they connected it with tubes to the “Shah’s” arm. The “Shah” would push this pole on wheels around the mental ward. And this made this already frail, sickly man look even worse! So I knew this meant that the real Shah was in danger of being permanently ousted from his kingdom! And he was the King in this incredible game of chess!


And so, if I lost him, I lost everything! The game would be over! So naturally, I watched him intensely…to see if he was getting better or worse.


Photos of Shah & public domain – by Wikipedia.
chess – checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.org








And more frightening than this, on the TV, they kept showing the Ayatollah looking stronger and stronger! He would, of course, also be akin to an opposing king on a chessboard. And this dark, foreboding figure was getting more and more defiant, seemingly making the entire world bow to his demands, as he just sat there on his rug.


In the mean time, over there in Iran, there were a number of hostages let go until there were now only 52 hostages. To me, this only made sense, since the U.S. had 50 states and two territories (we learned back in school at that time, that there were two US territories in the proximity of the US, considered for statehood. Now maybe there were more, but I was taught there were only two such US territories. Of course, I didn’t always pay close attention to my teachers, so it’s possible that I could be mistaken about that number. LOL! And so, whether or not this was the actual reality, the spirits were working within the parameters of my ignorance.)


So these 52 hostages seemed to me, to be a very fitting symbol of America.


Now I must put in this disclaimer. Looking back on all this, I have no idea just what these two men were like, in real life. The Shah and the Ayatollah, I mean. I was just going by what these unseen spirits were communicating to me, and as the news networks were portraying them. But I was merely a pawn in this chess-game. I knew I was actually, “a big dumbo” about these matters. And so, I had no choice but to believe what I was being told! The spirits were definitely in control! And I had no ability to resist nor contradict their superior knowledge and abilities!

Ayatollah Khomeini – خمینی_در_نماز – wikipedia – public domain








checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgAs I’ve already said, it seemed as if there were both, good spirits as well as evil spirits in the ward. At various times during this contest, I was directed (by the spirits) to go to my room. I would then lay down, and stare up at the ceiling. With the spirit in partial control, my eyes begin to cross—very slowly. As I did this, the designs on the ceiling tiles began to appear to mesh together. I crossed my eyes so much, it felt like my eyes actually made a full 360 degree turn! (Now looking back, I’m sure they didn’t. But thoughts to this effect were being fed into my mind by the spirits.)


At this point, it seemed like I had achieved a half-trance-like state. And in this state, I could communicate freely with this “good” spirit. It was then I could ask questions and the spirit would cause my head to shake up and down for “yes”, and back and forth for “no”. And so, I was very happy to get myself into one of these so-called “trances”. And I would try to ask as many questions as I could to give myself every advantage in the game.



Nevertheless, in spite of these “helpful” trances, I was losing the tests. Every test! And several of the patients (representatives) were released. I was getting more and more afraid! The “Shah” was looking worse and worse! I was constantly checking on him. The TV was still mocking me! Even a few of the other patients were making ominous comments! I didn’t know if these patient were mocking me knowingly or merely being used by the spirits without realizing that fact. But whether or not these patients realized what they were saying, it didn’t matter! Their taunts were like sharp arrows…


“Hide me from the secret counsel of the wicked; from the insurrection of the workers of iniquity: Who sharpen their tongue like a sword, and bend their bows to shoot their arrows, even bitter words:” Psalm 64:2,3 (Of course, it wasn’t those patients, but rather, the spirits’ speaking through them, whose bitter words were like arrows!)


chess – checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.org
Cross-eyed – Not me, but an unknown individual – cropped & altered image – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.








Now if all this seems crazy to you, I fully agree with you! But remember this: there are many thousands of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ganzfeld.jpgpeople, perhaps even millions around the world, who are putting themselves into trances, each and every day! Oh yeah,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:PsychicBoston.jpg many, many occultic books have been written on such topics. And these curious books are filled with so-called mystic spells and magic potions and complicated rituals of all sorts. And it’s not that any of these rituals, potions, spells, etc., have any inherent power in themselves. But those who dabble in these things are as deceived as I was! There is no actual power in rituals: it’s merely a ploy by demonic forces! But there definitely is a power in charge of these occultic rituals! Make no mistake about that! But please don’t think that there is any power in the rituals I was led to perform. Well, it just seems that spiritual entities are happy for people to ascribe power to such meaningless rituals. And people obviously like them too!Three_Books_of_Occult_Philosophy-Book_III-Page_440 wikipedia public domain


So if the trance described above sounds crazy, just think about all those cats who donated their bodies and blood and bats their wings, and all the trances, dances, and prances, and potions, and magic spells spoken, and whatever else has been used over the centuries, to seemingly, “conjure up” the unseen powers of the Dark World around us!


Anyway, I guess maybe, I’m just trying to justify these crazy rituals I was performing at this point in time.

headphones – photo-psychic-Ganzfeld-Wikipedia-public-domain
Occultic book & psychic trance photos-Wikipedia public domain.
Psychic shop window-Wikipedia-share-alike license. Click here for full size link.








checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgBut the spirit was not finished with my tests.


And there was one night in which a strange test emerged. It was like some bizarre Judgment Day test! Let me explain…

Name That Commandment


I had to recite the Ten Commandments, and perhaps other similar Bible questions. As I said, it was night. The lights in the ward were dim. There were no noises, like in the day-time. Everything was quiet except for the soft low hum of the air coming through the ducts from the hospital heating system, and the occasional faint whispers of the night-staff.


Each time I got one commandment correct I would advance down the hall by one patient sleeping-room. Whenever I advanced to the next room, I tried to peek into the window to see if the patient in that room was okay. Needless to say, I didn’t advance very far. I simply did not know the commandments!

chess – checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.org



This was all going on just 20 feet or so from the nurses station. And as far as the night-staff could tell, I was merely standing quietly in front of the sleeping rooms. Very harmless. And then after a time, I would simply move forward about ten feet. What they couldn’t see, was all the terror which was raging through my mind!


The sad thing, or should I say, the really tragic thing about this, was that I had never studied the Bible! Oh yeah, I attended church as a boy. But that was so long ago. I didn’t even know the Ten Commandments!


And I’m not even sure if my church ever taught us the ten Commandments.


Nevertheless, I suppose I got one or two correctly. You know, like maybe, “Don’t kill” and “Don’t steal”.

Ten Commandments National Museum of Scotland Wiki. commons share-alike license.

I remember a few years earlier, that some “Bible-Thumpers” came to my door, offering some studies on the Bible. The response to them was that the Bible was, “A crazy old book about a man getting swallowed by a fish, or man thrown into a den of hungry lions and lived? HELL NO!!!”


If only I had let those people in! If only I had studied with them!


But now it was too late! And just now, my Day of testing had come…AND I WAS TOTALLY UNPREPARED!

Ten Commandments National Museum of Scotland – wikimedia – share-alike license

https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Clinton_09.jpg?uselang=eo“THE…LIGHT…THAT SPLIT THE NIGHT”…

(lyrics from the 1964 mega-hit song, “Sounds of Silence”)

checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgFinally, doing really awful, I came to the next room. And after answering badly, I tried to peek into the window to see if the person inside the room was okay. It was “Lady-Blue” (the very disturbed lady: she being the chessman who represented this mental ward). As I tried to peek in the small window to see if the girl was alright, the light inside the room instantly flashed on and then off. I was completely startled by this! This phenomenon could’ve knocked me over! I mean, it happened so quickly! I wondered if this flash-in-the-night signaled that she had expired. At least, this was the fearful thought the spirits were just now putting into my mind!







“Her face, at first just ghostly…”

(Lyrics from Procol Harum song, “Whiter Shade of Pale”, courtesy www.lyricfind.)

I went back to my sleeping room after this contest. I was worried about how this patient was doing after this flashing of the lights from her room window. Did it mean that her life-light had expired? Did I lose this important representative?






“…turned a whiter shade of pale”

(Lyrics from Procol Harum song, “Whiter Shade of Pale”, courtesy www.lyricfind.)


And so, back in my room I stared intently across the ward, where there were the windows on each door of the other row of sleeping rooms.


After all, I was extremely and desperately concerned about how the representatives were doing! And of course, mostly concerned about the young lady, Lady Blue!


As I looked at the window of the sleeping room of the disturbed young lady representative, to see if she was okay. I saw a very faint, but very distinctly, a ghostly image like a skull appear in that window for just a flash of a moment. It was terrifying! Really terrifying! I just can’t describe the terror that ran through my veins at this moment! This frightening sight only made me fearful of losing another contest chessman!


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license
chess – checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.org








In just an instant, the ghostly image disappeared.


Did this mean that she died?


I couldn’t tell!


All I knew was that I was in this hellish chamber of horrors! And as far as I knew, nothing was beyond the realm of possibility in this total surrealistic “Bizarro World”, in which I was now an invited guest, or maybe I should rather say, “a helpless captive”!








checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgAt some point in time, I somehow became convicted that I must spend an entire night awake, perhaps praying. Well, I don’t know how I knew about the biblical concept of, “watching and praying”.


But no matter where I learned about this concept, the spirit compelled me to stay awake for an entire night.


Well, I started off my sleepless night okay. But as the night began to wane into the morning hours, I couldn’t seem to help myself to just lay my head down.


My eyes opened.


It was morning.


I suddenly realized that I had once again blown this test!


I didn’t stay awake!


Horrific condemnation swept over my soul like an ocean wave of fire!


But every night was the same! I’d eventually lay my head down in exhaustion. Then I would open my eyes some hours later. And then, once again, I would fall under the same terrifying condemnation that, “I blew it once again!”


Night after night, this same test came back around! And night after night I would eventually fall asleep, followed by awakening to utter condemnation!


I’m not sure how long this went on.


Maybe weeks of this post-nocturnal terror!






“And He (Jesus) cometh unto the disciples, and findeth them asleep, and saith….’What, could ye not watch with me one hour?'”

Matthew 26:40


Thinking back on this, I suppose this test was probably some vague reference to the test put to the three disciples (Peter, James, and John) to stay awake with Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane, when Jesus prayed until great drops of sweat-like blood ran down his brow. The disciples were commanded to stay awake and pray. But of course, they all fell asleep, thus failing the test.


Now I didn’t know a thing about this Bible story concerning staying awake. But obviously, the spirit did. And I failed just as miserably as did those disciples back in the garden. Oh, I would try to stay awake. But sooner or later I would once again doze off. And then in an hour or two, I would wake up only to discover that I failed again. Then an overwhelming sense of guilt-ridden grief would sweep over me. “I blew it again!”


chess – checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.org
Sleeping Disciples – Agony in the Garden of Gethsemane





checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgWell, November brought about that much-beloved holiday, Thanksgiving.


But I was amazed on Thanksgiving, as I watched the television.


Usually I would expect to see some nice show about Thanksgiving. Maybe an old movie which somehow fit the occasion. Or perhaps a great old movie, like “It’s a Wonderful Life”. And also, as a child, I always loved the magical old black-n-white version of the movie, “Miracle On 34th Street”.


But on this Thanksgiving, I was shocked to see a Thanksgiving special with Hugh Hefner dressed up as an Indian Chief, with tomahawk, doing a war-dance with his tribe: consisting of a half-dozen or so, scantily-clad Playboy Bunnies! They were all following him around the set, doing a mock war-dance!


chess – checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.org
Photo of Hefner courtesy © Glenn Francis, www.PacificProDigital.com








Now don’t get me wrong. Prior to all this, I was an avid reader of that magazine up till all-Hell-broke-loose in my life. But to see him on prime-time TV engaging in this Thanksgiving special!?! It just seemed so surreal!


And so, as I watched this spectacle, I wondered if the Devil had taken full control of television. After all, Thanksgiving is a time for family. It’s a time for….giving thanks! It’s NOT a time for decadent lust to be displayed on TV!


Even a hedonistic young wretch like myself could comprehend that concept!


Photo of Hefner courtesy © Glenn Francis, www.PacificProDigital.com








It was as I said earlier in this chapter: The television (and the world) now seemed like some hellish version of Alice in Wonderland’s magic mirror.


Only this was no Wonderland!


It was more like, “UNDER-Land”.


“Under” as in, “WAY DOWN UNDER!”


Op-art – 4-sided spiral tunnel – Wikimedia – Public Domain








In the front of the ward was the nurses station. A row of desks in front of several rooms, with large windows, behind the desks. There were three shifts throughout a 24-hour period.

checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.org


It was impressed upon me, that there were certain staff-members who were representatives of my team. Then there were those who were representatives of the opposing team. Both of these comprised the “insiders”. But the problem was, I didn’t know which were which!


However, there were clues. You see, some of the staff were nice, even cheerful. But others were serious, and even distant, maybe even a little dark, personality-wise. Some were rather innocent looking. Others were not. I began to suspect that these were the evidences of which side they were on. So I tried to hang close to the ones I thought were on my side, in order to possibly hear them say something that would be helpful to the games.


chess – checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.org







(Wordplay on the common sarcastic, negative phrase, “Thanks alot!”)


425px-Anch wikipedia public domain

One night, while most patients had already gone to bed, I walked by the desk and saw one of the night nurses reading a book titled “The Omen”. On the cover was the Egyptian symbol known as the “Ankh”. So I suspected this person to be working for the enemy. And my suspicions were validated several nights later, when I saw this same person wearing a necklace with an Ankh.


A day or two later, I saw another nurse reading the same book, and maybe also wearing a necklace with that same symbol. I mustered up the courage to ask her, “What does that symbol mean?”. She said, “It indicates a belief in after-life, but not any specific idea of what that after-life would be like.”


As I thought about this, and about the meaning of that symbol, I became convinced that these were two “insiders” … on the enemy side. After all, an Ankh was obviously some sort of pagan symbol.


Even a scripturally-challenged dumbo like myself could figure that much out!

Ankh – wikipedia – public domain



checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgOver the years, our buffet restaurant served a large amount of churches and religious groups. So I knew many Christians around town. We sometimes catered church groups. Yeah, for a few dollars extra per-person, we would set up a buffet line anywhere in the county. Unfailingly, these religious groups were very nice, and easy to deal with.


Well, anyway, I often cut roast beef and ham on Sundays, when things got really busy. And so this gave me the opportunity to examine these Christians close-up, as they came down the buffet line. Well, as I said, they were all nice. Some were jovial…always making funny comments. I liked them. I could relate to those types. But there were several which I really saw as being…well…really holy! Those were not exactly the type of people I would try to joke with. I even had several friends among them…I mean among the ‘good-ol-boy’ types. But I had no friends among those few “holy types”. Nevertheless, I respected them anyway…but kept a little distance from them, because of their sober demeanor.


chess – checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.org






“He that saith he abideth in Him ought himself also so to walk, even as He walked.”

1st John 2:6


checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.org

At some point, one of these “holy types” came by to pay a visit to Unit 3600. He always seemed like a devout Christian. As a matter of fact, he was about the most holy-behaving of all the Christians I knew. He was a very serious type person. Oh yes, he would smile. But he was a man of few words. Very stoic in demeanor. A lot like my conception of how Jesus would behave. Anyway, I had a high level of respect for him as a Christian! But even though I would never seek him out under normal conditions, yet now, he was my first choice to seek answers from. As I just said, this guy really reminded me of Jesus. He exuded the same type of holy…uhh… reverence, that I would expect to come from Jesus.


I guess my point is: even though I was “yer-typical-heathen-dog-type”, I was still convicted in my heart of just who reminded me of Jesus, among the hundreds of Christians I saw each week at the buffet. Now don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that all the others were not Christ-like in other ways. I just seemed to instinctively know that Jesus was very holy and serious during His life on earth. That was just something most people took for granted! Even so, did most Hollywood movies of those years!


chess – checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.org






“Is this my Judgment Day?”


checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.org

Anyway, he was here at the hospital. I desperately wanted to ask him a question. Of all the people I knew around town, he was the Christian I wanted to talk to. So I asked him the question that was plaguing me…


“Is this my Judgment Day?”


He answered, “I don’t know. Maybe it is.”


Needless to say, this wasn’t what I wanted to hear. Not very comforting.

chess – checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.org



checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgAnother man came by to pay a visit. He also was a very nice person. He told me of all the wonderful miracles and healings that went on at his church services. He told me that his church would be praying for me during their 7-pm Wednesday night service. And I was extremely happy to hear this. It was now Wednesday afternoon, so I was excited that I might be delivered from this horrible thing, or at least helped somewhat.

chess – checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.org




I waited eagerly all day for 7 pm to arrive.


Well, that evening, as it approached 7 pm, it was impressed upon me to go into my room. I could envision this congregation standing around in a circle or something, praying for me (somewhat like this photo I found on-line). As it got close to 7 pm, I was instructed to sit on my bed with my back against the wall.


But at exactly 7 pm I felt something very incredible. I felt my stomach began to protrude out as far as possible. Then my lower lip began to go into a pouting manner. I couldn’t figure out what in the world was going to happen! I just sat there in this ridiculous pose (kind-of like a little pouting child, sulking in the corner, after being caught with his hand in the cookie jar). And then all of a sudden, I felt like I was being slammed against the wall. It was as if the spirit was grabbing me by my shirt, and shoving me against the wall. As if God was angrily saying to me, “YOU’D BETTER NOT BLOW THIS CONTEST!!!”


Photo of people praying on share-alike license.



checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.org

Now this wasn’t the first time I’d been shoved up against a wall. An old high school buddy, also a member of our rock band, reminded me of a time back in high school when Mr. Ediguard, our hard-nosed, never-smiling, crew-cut donning, ex-Marine, Vice-Principal, raised me up by my shirt, slamming me against a hall-locker, and asked me, “Don’t you think your hair is getting too long, Whittemore?” I can’t remember exactly what I answered back, but probably something like, “Uh…yeah, I guess so, Mr. Ediguard!”


But even though I forgot all about that high school body slam, I was never gonna forget this mental ward body slam.


I was terrified, to put it mildly!




Well, there were many other experiences which I went through up there in Ward 3600. But I’m just relating the most memorable ones.


“Mr. Applewhite” came over to me one day with a Webster’s Dictionary. He pointed to the word “rue”. Of course, I looked at the word in the dictionary. I thought of that old movie, “Murder in the Rue Morgue”. So I figured the spirits were making reference to that “Rue Morgue” for some unknown reason.


Okay, so you’re asking yourself the question, “So what?” Well I would much later encounter someone crying out this little word saying, “Rue! Rue! Rue!”


And the one who did so was not a human being! Nor was he a spirit-entity.


And this NON-human was prophesying to me! (But keep reading to discover who said it and why he said it.)

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Poster from Wikipedia under fair-use-rationale.

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  6. The poster is used on various websites, and its use on Wikipedia does not make it significantly more accessible than it already is.
  7. The poster’s use on Wikipedia is entirely encyclopedic in nature.






(Lyrics from the 5th Dimension song, “My Beautiful Balloon”)


The next day or so, I fell asleep and was having an incredible flying dream in which I was soaring past colorful planets and asteroids. The colors were bright and beautiful. It seemed that God Himself was taking me on this magical tour through the heavens. And in a moment of euphoria, a voice spoke saying, “Promise God that you’ll always do what is right”. And in my rapturous euphoria, I said, “Oh yes, yes, I promise! I promise!” .


I never wanted this dream to stop! But as soon as I made that promise, I woke up and realized it was just a dream. But just before I awoke, I saw a vision of a picture of four strands of thick rope coming from four different directions, converging into a single knot. It was exactly like a picture in my room on the wall. I was devastated to realize that I had made a rash vow, that I could not possibly keep or get out of. (I only wish I had read the story of Jephthah in the Bible, who made a rash and stupid vow, and how that vow cost his daughter’s life, as God allowed him to perform that vow. Of course, by this true account, God is teaching us to not make such foolish vows! See Judges 11:30-40)


Anyway, I should never have made such a promise. I wish I had known this verse…


“Again, ye have heard that it has been said by them of old time, You shalt not forswear yourself, but shall perform unto the Lord your oaths: But I say unto you, Swear not at all… But let your communication be, Yes, yes; No, no: for whatsoever is more than these comes of evil.” Matthew 5:34-37


I was overwhelmed with grief over this new development. But I didn’t know exactly why. Only the future would tell. And the future was almost here!


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license
Above photo from NASA-Chandra public domain.



checkmate by Friedriech Moritz August Retzsch wikigallery.orgBack to the story. This bizarre chess game had come down to the “bare wire”, as the saying goes. I knew I was in serious trouble! The family who represented Oregon had all left the ward. (Not an actual family, I think. Just a man, woman, and teen, in the same sleeping room, as I recall. Or, maybe they were an actual family. I dunno).


The “Shah” was so ill, he was now confined to his room. Only “Lady Blue” and “Mini-Me” were left (the young lady who was the mental ward rep, and the boy who was my rep). So I was getting close to a total defeat!





On one Sunday morning, a very amazing phenomenon occurred. The TV was going in the main sitting area. A very well-known evangelist was on TV. Standing in front of the TV was Mr. Applewhite (the man who looked like the Heaven’s Gate cult-leader, Marshall Applewhite). I went over to listen to this evangelist on TV. This evangelist was very excited (and so was Mr. Applewhite).


You see, this TV evangelist was preaching on the soon-coming of the Lord Jesus. And he was really pumped up about this, and was shouting as he preached! And Mr. Applewhite was also getting caught up in all the excitement. He was standing right in front of the TV, waving his hands in the air, and all the while this evangelist was getting more and more wound up!




The evangelist proclaimed that it was a lack of faith that prevented the Lord’s return. As I listened to the evangelist get excited, and as I faintly recall, I watched “Mr. Applewhite” perhaps doing a little jig, and waving his hands in the air. I felt an overwhelming euphoria come over me. And soon I was lifting up my hands into the air, as Mr. Applewhite, the evangelist, and myself were a heavenly trio… celebrating the imminent countdown to Rapture. And it seemed like I was almost getting swept up in a spiritual cyclone. Everything around me began to look white and swirling!


I kind-of remember it as if we were swirling around. It was a very awesome experience! And so I tried to “exercise my faith”, so as to not doubt. Maybe this evangelist was right. Maybe we only need more faith! And it just seemed like at any moment, we would be taken up. The euphoria continued to grow! I just wanted to be lifted up, and out of this entire hellish mess! And so did Applewhite….I think! The evangelist got more and more excited. It almost felt like this would be the moment that we would be taken up. As if some cyclonic heavenly whirlwind was beginning to lift us up and whisk us away into eternal bliss!




As the countdown continued, the evangelist finally began to wind-down his sermon. The evangelist mentioned something about a ten year delay (at least, that’s what I thought he said). “Oh no!” I could feel the spirit of the moment begin to wane. I tried harder to keep it all going.


But the show ended. And the euphoria likewise ended for me.


And well, I guess we’d just have to wait for another Rapture chance in ten years, like the evangelist seemed to say.


Too bad! To get zapped up outta this entire hellish mess woulda been nice.



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Ch. 15 ” It Ain’t Over Till It’s Over”…


What to do when the entire world wants to cut you in pieces.

Ch. 30: “Goodbye Cruel World!”

By admin On December 8th, 2012



Click on image credit links below each photo, for licensing names, details, tags, etc.. Most images cropped/reduced in size




The_Scream Wikipedia public domain by edvard munch c.1893It’s time to get to the final act of this story. Now it is the moment of truth, as far as this e-book is concerned.


And so now it’s time to wrap this story together. So let’s get started, and complete this story and tie up the remaining loose ends, bringing this story full circle …


The Scream – Wikipedia – public domain – by edvard munch – c.1893







https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Clinton_09.jpg?uselang=eoCHAPTER 30:



(Title of the 1979 Pink Floyd song)

Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license






July 1980

(almost 9 months after my troubles began) 









Well, after the Devil ceased his condemnation that I was Adolph Hitler in my former life, things began to go well for me.


As a matter of fact, I was feeling so good, I became a general nuisance around the hospital ward. For one thing, I started a ‘petition-signing’ amongst the patients when the hospital started serving us these pathetic tofu squares at breakfast, instead of the scrambled eggs they previously served!


And then also, I began giving my own counselling sessions to one or two patients. The staff told me nicely to “cease and desist”.


Hey, you’d-a thought they’d like the extra help!


At no charge!


Go figure!


Adventist Medical Center entrance – Portland, Oregon by M O Stevens & Wikipedia – share-alike license









Becky came to visit and we decided to go sight-seeing in Portland. We found a large shrine called Mother Mary’s Grotto. It was a big garden that you could walk through with different shrines dedicated to various aspects of the Gospel. It was a really beautiful shrine, with lots of really nice statues. And since I didn’t actually kill the Virgin Mary (as the Devil mercilessly accused me. See “Fantasy Island” for explanation), .

I could now visit this shrine without any dread.


We then went to a large chapel where people were entering. And so I asked Becky to go with me. I was really excited to hear a Bible sermon! After all, through my ordeal, all I ever heard in English was the Devil’s sermons, so to speak! So a real biblical sermon was “just what the Doctor ordered!”


But as we took our place in this church, the minister, or priest, or whatever, began speaking in some foreign language! Latin, or Greek or something! And then, we all got up in line to go by the priest, who handed us each a wafer and a tiny cup of grape-juice!


And then, to my disappointment, the service ended and everyone began leaving. I really wanted to hear a sermon…in English! Oh well. I guess I would just have to wait!


Photo of similar Mary shrine courtesy Wikipedia share-alike license. Click here for link.








https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marlboro_(cigarette)After this, we went into a gift shop where I bought 3 or 4 Bibles and maybe a dozen large crucifixes on necklace chains. As I was coming out of the gift shop I saw a priest. I asked him if he would bless these Bibles and necklaces. He made some gestures with his hands and said some things. I thanked him. But as I walked away, I noticed this priest was lighting up a cigarette. Well, I didn’t know hardly anything about Christianity, but I guess I always viewed smoking as a sin. And for such a holy-man, a Christlike individual, to be smoking really disappointed me, causing me to think his blessing on my Bibles and crucifixes was not so much of a blessing.


And so, here was my first Christian-encounter with hypocrisy (not his, but my own hypocrisy, since I myself was still currently smoking!)


Marlboro – Wikipedia – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license








NAW…DON’T WORRY!…I’M BUYING!!”… https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Small_crucifix.jpg


When I got back to the hospital ward, I waited until the patients and staff were all together in the living area. I then gave a crucifix necklace to each patient and each staff-member. I suppose I should have bought smaller crucifixes. These over-sized crucifixes were about 2 or 3 inches tall. But hey, it’s the thought that counts. Everyone was obviously so overwhelmed with gratitude, that they didn’t know what to say! LOL!


Small crucifix – Wikimedia – uploaded by Raul654 – GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version








After thirty days, the hospital staff told me I was well enough to leave. I told them that I was still hearing that voice. But they still insisted that I was well enough to leave. And it was a lucky thing I left when I did! Because when checking out at the front desk, the receptionist informed me that my 30-day-insurance-coverage ran out that very same day!


Adventist Medical Center entrance – Portland, Oregon by M O Stevens & Wikipedia – share-alike license








I was more than a little disappointed that virtually nobody in the hospital staff believed I was being tormented by a devil. It was assumed that my problem was a mental condition. There were instances, however, in which I received good spiritual advice.


On the other hand, I was treated very nicely by everyone. By far this was the most polite staff I’ve ever encountered!


Adventist Medical Center entrance – Portland, Oregon by M O Stevens & Wikipedia – share-alike license






July/August 1980






https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Clinton_09.jpg?uselang=eo“YOU TALK TOO MUCH…YOU WORRY ME TO DEATH!”

(First line from the 1960 song by Joe Jones, “You Talk Too Much”)


And so I returned to Klamath Falls. But the voice didn’t go away. He just kept talking and talking. After some weeks, I became overwhelmed with the fear that I was like a man with a veryhttps://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Christianandapollyon.jpg contagious, killer-disease: namely…I HAD THE DEVIL IN ME!!! I had the “disease of Satan”, which seemed to indwell me to some degree. Well, he had to indwell within me, didn’t he? After all, he could talk to me (in my mind). And he could somehow put thoughts into my mind. And somehow he seemed to know many things I was thinking.


As the days went by, the voice didn’t go away. I decided that I needed to do something to rid myself of this satanic voice. I decided to go back up to Portland to the Multnomah Falls. It was where that Indian jumped off to save the rest of the tribe from some disease. Even though that legend was a little suspect, nevertheless, this still seemed like a fitting place to end my life. And I too would be engaging in a “noble act” by eliminating this satanic voice that was speaking through me, and to me. I suppose, in the back of my mind, I was doing what I’d seen in that movie, The Exorcist, when Father Karras was filled with the Devil and jumped to his death, onto the streets far below.


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

Christian and Apollyon – Pilgrim’s Progress – Wikipedia – US Public Domain






https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Clinton_09.jpg?uselang=eo“THE WORDS OF THE PROPHETS ARE WRITTEN ON THE SUBWAY OLD BARN WALLS…(and horse’s stalls)!”

(Word-play on lyrics from the 1964 Simon & Garfunkel mega-hit, “The Sounds of Silence”)  


As I was driving up to Portland on Interstate 5 (still very intent on doing myself in), something caught my attention. An old barn…sitting off to the west of the Interstate 5 freeway…in a field…just south of Salem…a barn…standing there as a monument to days-gone-by. And as I drove by, I was surprised to see a Bible concept inscribed on its old weathered wooden walls. Someone had painted the following sentence on the side of that old relic…


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license







Soldiers of the Cross, Armor Up


These words made a strong impact on me, at that moment. “Profound statement!”, I thought to myself. “Whoever painted those words must also be aware that Judgment Day is at hand.”


But now, I had a little hope. “That inscription on that old barn just might be the answer to my problems.” I might have thought… ”put on the armor of God. Very interesting concept. Hm-mm.”









Upon arrival at the falls, I looked up and saw that the trail to the top was going to be a good climb. But hey, I climbed for eight hours up from the bottom of the Grand Canyon (see Chapter 1)! And this climb would only take an hour or so.


Probably the voice was talking to me all the way along the trail upward. The climb was steep but very scenic with lots of beautiful trees, shrubs and ferns, etc.


But the sun was going down, and I knew I had better “high-tail” it up this hill before it got too dark!


(Multnomah Falls photo: Kelvin Kaye). Photo on right by www.oregon.com.








Well that’s my story! Now you know the basics of what I’ve gone through for over a year.


So can you really blame me for wanting to take a plunge to my death?


How would you have handled this, if you were in my shoes?


When I think back on it all, it seems like a dream…a really bad dream! But I found out, that the truth is stranger than fiction! And now this will hopefully be over for good! And hopefully I will die a death that will separate me for all eternity from this voice! From this spirit! And from this Devil!






It’s now time for me to take this leap of faith. “Lord, forgive me and receive me into your eternal kingdom….”



My body plunges down into the water…






…In a moment my head bobs out of the water. Hands begin to clap upon the announcement…


“Welcome Chuck! Welcome into the family of God!”






I carefully inspect my baptismal robe to see if every inch has water on it. I don’t want even one inch of my body to be unbaptised.









What happened to jumping off the falls, you ask?


Oh that! Yeah! You’re asking if I jumped off the falls. Well, no, I didn’t. What happened is this: I got to about half way up the trail, and it was getting dark. And frankly, I lost heart, and decided not to jump. So I climbed back down and drove back home to Klamath Falls.


And then back in Klamath, I decided to start going to church in a little Baptist congregation. And after a short time, I decided the best way to rid myself of this spirit that’s been plaguing me for over a year was to die; that is, I would “die in Jesus”. I would go to that watery grave of Baptism. And so here I am! At a Baptist church! Getting baptized! That would be my final plunge! What better way to get rid of Satan than to take a plunge to almost certain death…a death that leads to life… a new life in the Lord Jesus Christ!


But after the baptism, I’m noticing a dry spot on my baptismal robe. I ask the Pastor later if that mattered. He says “No”.


Still it bothered me.








So I guess you could say that God plucked me out of Satan’s spider-web.


Oh the mercy of God to a very miserable wretch like me, who wasn’t even looking for God!


Could I have stood up to Satan on my own? The “Mental Ward Games” only proved that I was no match for Satan. I miserably lost the contest! But who wouldn’t have lost the contest with the Devil? He’s way out of my league…and yours too! There’s only One who could defeat Satan. And to my great joy, that One defeated him on that hill called “Calvary”. And that One defeated the Devil, on your behalf, and on my behalf.


And though I was cast into “Tophet” (see Jeremiah 7:32), and tormented by fire and brimstone, I nevertheless came out of it unharmed. And the smoke of my torment will rise up forever and ever, no doubt. This awful lesson-book of sin will never be forgotten! And I learned a lesson that I’m sure I won’t forget through the days of eternity. And I’m telling you this story because you should be aware of just who is this “Wicked One” who has seemingly all but erased himself out of existence; because even though he’s covered his tracks pretty well, he’s still out there working his deceptive and destructive satanic arts upon this unsuspecting world.


But I’m also telling this story so that maybe, just maybe some person, living in unbelief and atheism like I was, might turn from their sin, becoming a Follower of Jesus.


But don’t wait till Judgment Day!


And truth-be-told, ya never know when your Judgment Day begins!







“What? Did you (the readers) say something? I thought I just heard a voice. Everyone be quiet for a moment.”


“Are you still here Satan? Is that you, Satan?”


(Silence for a moment.)


“I’m still he-e-e-r-re !!”













Dear Reader: A question still lingers. And that question is this…



“Who will be next to take a ride in an “RX-7” (an “Our Ex-Heaven”)?”


Well if you do, just make sure NOT to be like me.


Yeah, don’t you get caught on that day without having on your “Armor of God”!








.Judgment Day license plate www.devouringfire.com


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Well, Chuck is finally released from the devilish torment, and begins a new chapter in his new life from a forgiving God.


Ch. 29: “HELEN ASHES” Continued: “O Lucifer, Son Of The Morning”

By admin On December 8th, 2012


Click on image credit links below each photo, for licensing names, details, tags, etc.. Most images cropped/reduced in size








There was a song on the radio in the 70’s called “Ball of Confusion”.


“Ball of confusion Oh yeah,

that’s what the world is today

Woo, hey, hey…”

Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Norman Whitfield / Barrett Strong
Ball Of Confusion (That’s What The World Is Today) (Single Version / Mono) lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC


So even the people of the world are bewildered as to why this world is so crazy evil!


Oh yeah, this song http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Martin,_John_-_Satan_presiding_at_the_Infernal_Council_-_1824.JPGasked some of the same questions as this website asks: Have you ever wondered why the world is so evil? Why all the murders? Why all the rapes? Why all the hatred over skin colors? The molestations of innocent children? The wars? The sickness and disease? Why suicidal spending in Washington? Have you wondered why so many religions? Why so many differing ideologies? Why so much hatred…and bigotry…and bizarre, unexplainable phenomena?


Is all this ball of confusion merely the result of some ancient freak and chaotic explosion?


And isn’t there any hope in this universe?

The_Scream Wikipedia public domain by edvard munch c.1893


Well, if you are bewildered at this world’s wickedness, please read this chapter. Hopefully you’ll come away with a bit different view of why all these things are occurring around the globe.


But, perhaps you already know all these things contained in this chapter. And yet, it’s possible that you’ll read a few things here that will make you wonder if some of the phenomena we simply write off as just “natural occurrences” are actually the product of “Ol’ L.S.D.” (Lucifer, Satan, the Devil).


Well you be the judge as you read on…


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

Satan presiding at the Infernal Council- Wikpedia – US Public Domain

The Scream – by E. Munch – Wikipedia – public domain by edvard munch c.1893








“HELEN ASHES” Continued:










June 1980 (about 8 months since my woes first began)








Okay, I was now firmly embedded in this brand-new private Christian hospital mental ward up in Portland Oregon. I was being terrorized by the Devil(s). Things looked hopeless for me.



My parents came up to Portland to see me. My mother looked really troubled over my situation, and stood off in the distance of the little family/TV room where we all three were, at the moment. (Nobody else in the room at this moment.)


My father began asking how things were going for me.


He asked, “Son, are you still hearing God talking to you?”


I said, “It’s not God talking to me, Dad.”


He looked puzzled. “Well who’s talking to you, if it’s not God?”.


I said, “It’s Satan talking to me.”


This took my dad by total shock. “WHAT!?” he exclaimed, as he jumped up. 


My mom, standing too far from hearing, said, “What did he say, Honey?”


My dad answered, “He said it’s not God who’s talking to him. He now says it’s Satan talking to him!”  Upon hearing that, my mom couldn’t take it anymore, and began sobbing as she hurried outside.


Adventist Medical Center entrance_-_Portland_Oregon – by M O Stevens – Wikipedia – share-alike-license








After that visit with my parents, I was walking back inside, and saw a poster on the wall. It showed a clock, and the following words, “Time to get off drugs.” As I looked at this poster, I noticed the time on the clock hands pointed to 8:23.



“Eight twenty-three?!”, I thought to myself, “I wonder if this poster has anything to do with what Satan was taunting me about, back in Guatemala?” (On the last day there in Guatemala, the Devil kept repeating that he couldn’t wait until “The Big Eight-Twenty-Three Skidoo”. Read the Chapter “Coming To America” for context)


But I wasn’t taking any illegal drugs. So I couldn’t figure out what this poster had to do with anything. Nevertheless, I just filed this into my memory-banks, as a possible clue to this puzzling riddle by the Devil, concerning “The Big 8/23-Skidoo”.


Very mysterious!







I had a number of sessions with my counselor. He was great spiritual help. But there were other counselors too. Another one told me that he didn’t believe in Jesus. So he wasn’t much help for me. Maybe he was good for others. I don’t know.


Adventist Medical Center entrance_-_Portland_Oregon – by M O Stevens – Wikipedia – share-alike-license








http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ghost-BlackDog.jpgOne young lady staff-member was talking with me about God. I wanted to know if I was the “The Devil’s Dog”. She told me, “No, there’s no such thing as the “Devil’s Dog in the Bible”.


She then began to tell me that, “God is our loving and kindly Heavenly Father! And as our Father, He has love and tenderness for us, just as a loving father has for his own children. God would never do anything bad to His children!”


Well, although she didn’t quote any Bible verses, she nevertheless put things in a very nice way. God was a nice, loving Father. I wanted to believe her (not to mention that her attractiveness and well-groomed appearance made her look like a person who really had her life “all-together”.)







110413-NOAA-tornado-02 public domain


However, her explanation didn’t quite fit what I had been going through for the past eight months. I’d been cast into a whole lot of very fiery situations, so I knew there had to be more to God than just being a kindly and loving Father.


There must be a wrath-side to God also. I didn’t know hardly anything about the Bible. But there were pieces missing to this mega-puzzle known as God. Some VERY BIG pieces!


I also asked the hospital chaplain the same question, as he was walking down the hall. He stopped for a moment and told me virtually the same thing…“No, there’s no such thing as The Devil’s Dog.”


But I wasn’t totally convinced. Nevertheless, I really really hoped they were correct!



However from that point forward, the Devil never tried again to taunt me concerning “The Devil’s Dog”. And so this ended the accusation that Satan clobbered me over the head with, during my “Vacation From Hell” in Guatemala.


One more thing to cross off my long list of torments!


Ghost-BlackDog – wikipedia – public domain

110413 – NOAA – tornado -National Weather Service/F. Smith – 02 – public domain







 portland adventist hospital "Jesus of Portland"


It wasn’t too long after I arrived, that I discovered the Chapel Room. It was a good long walk from the mental ward towards the front entrance to the hospital. It was a very nice hospital Chapel room. I was told that the wall-sized mural had cost $10,000 (maybe as much as $30,000 $40,000, or even more, in 2020 money), and was just recently painted. And it had to have been just painted. You see, it had Jesus standing in a meadow with His outstretched arms.


But in the background to the left, behind the tree, the artist depicted the smoke from the recent Mount St. Helens volcano rising up from the horizon, just as I had seen it rising outside the hospital, a day or two earlier. So it had to have been finished within the last 30 days or so.


Anyway, I began to go there often to pray. It was wonderful to go in this little quiet haven, away from the hustle-bustle out there, and try to get close to God!


 Portland hospital “Jesus of Portland“, used by special permission from that hospital.







It wasn’t too long into my stay, that a field trip was planned. And so, we all got into a hospital van, and headed east…to Multnomah Falls.



The falls are beautiful and very dramatic, as you can see in the photo. There was a historical ledger at the park, which told the story of some Native American who jumped off the falls to save the rest of the tribe from a sickness. I’m not sure how my spirits were, on this outing. But I’m sure they weren’t far!


What I didn’t realize, is that I would come back to this falls in just a few months… TO JUMP OFF!


Photo courtesy kelvin kay for wikipedia share-alike license. Click for link.







https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Clinton_09.jpg?uselang=eo“LONG AGO, AND OH SO FAR AWAY…”

(Lyrics from the 1975 Song, “Superstar” by The Carpenters)


There was a pretty young lady in the ward, with dark hair. As a matter of fact, I took note that she had a striking resemblance to Karen Carpenter, the singer who died of Anorexia a few years after this incident. The girl looked a bit younger than Karen. But she seemed to have the same problem (of course, at this time (1980) I had no idea that Karen Carpenter had this problem. Karen died three years later, in 1983).


Anyway, as I was standing close by in the hallway, near my room, I overheard the nurses and doctor trying to convince her to take a drink of a diet soda. But she kept politely objecting, saying it was too fattening. Her gentle persuaders told her the soda was diet and only had one calorie. But to my amazement, the girl said that “No, well thank you…but…ah…I  just can’t drink that. ONE CALORIE is way too many calories!”



“WHOA!”, I thought to myself, “ONE CALORIE IS TOO FATTENING!?” And as I walked away from this gentle little confrontation (probably shaking my head in unbelief), I thought… “MAN! This girl has some serious issues!!”


So walking away, this battle of the wills kept up. The staff still urging and the girl still (politely) refusing. I thought to myself… “Maybe she’s got a problem with the Devil too! Maybe that’s why she’s got this stuff happening. Maybe the Devil is behind all this.”


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

Karen Carpenter photo courtesy wikipedia & Carpenters under share-alike license, Click for link.








A THINNER ME… But this little exchange of a hospital staff trying to get a very thin person to eat, was just a harbinger of the future. And NOT just the future of Karen Carpenter’s… BUT MY FUTURE AS WELL!! Because little did I know, this was exactly what lay in store for me too!


Yes, I never dreamed that in the future, I too would be afflicted by a similar problem, dipping below 100 pounds myself! I actually looked like a walking skeleton. Little did I know that a hospital staff would likewise be trying to force me to eat, exactly as this staff did to her! And in the future I’d be finally committed to the Dammasch State Mental Hospital. And I would be tormented by demon angels, while confined for three months with liquid being fed me through my nose! Not only this, but while in the hospital, the other patients would prophesy about my future. This was to be a very satanic experience. And my weight problem was due to evil angels. But this was all to happen in the future. And if you do get a chance to hear my similar story, you too might likewise decide that some “eating disorders” are spiritual problems, and not just “psychiatric”.


The new Dammasch State Hospital – 1960 aerial view








One day as I was in the prayer chapel, the spirit began to suggest that I was not Adolph Hitler. He began to suggest that I was, as he originally claimed… Jesus, in a previous life. But I was very leery at this point. He had done way too many flip-flops in the past!


And so I thought of something…“If I really was Jesus in a former life…Then…make me write that statement on that expensive new mural of Jesus.” I thought to myself,God would never allow me to write that statement on this very expensive, and very holy painting.’” And so I sat there waiting for him to compel me to do this deed.

 portland adventist hospital "Jesus of Portland"


And sure enough, in a few moments, I found myself under his power, getting up. I went straight for a pen laying by a guestbook. I walked toward the mural. I began to write (the spirit controlling me) the following words on this mural, in very tiny letters, “Chuck was….” I stopped for a moment. “I don’t want him to give this spirit “wiggle room”. So he had me write, “Chuck was the ORIGINAL Jesus in a former life”.


“Wow… that’s incredible! I must really be Jesus!”, I thought to myself. (Just a note. I wrote very small. I doubt anyone could ever find it.)


Well, as you can imagine, this really relieved me. This proved to me that I wasn’t Adolph Hitler! I probably cried tears of relief at this moment!


Well, this event in that Prayer Chapel that day, ended all that Hitler stuff. Up to this day, I’ve never again been plagued with the assertion that I was Adolph Hitler in my last life.


Now just because my Adolph fear was put to rest, is not to say that I was Jesus in a former life. That false notion also came to an end, eventually.


Portland hospital “Jesus of Portland












One day as I was talking with my counselor, I asked him how Satan could do all these things to me. This young counselor with an Abraham Lincoln-style beard began to tell me a story from the Bible. He told me about a man named Job (Job is pronounced with a long “O”).


Job was a rich man who loved God. But the Devil took everything away from Job. So Job spent months going through illness, and heartache. And Job was tempted to curse God, because of all the evil that the Devil brought upon Job.


Job (oil on canvas) by Bonnat, Leon Joseph Florentin (1833-1922) – Wikimedia – Public Domain






https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Luther%27s_Ein_Feste_Burg.jpg“AND THOUGH THIS WORLD WITH DEVILS FILLED, SHOULD THREATEN TO UNDO US…”

(line from song, “A Mighty Fortress” by Martin Luther c. 1527)…





Another important issue should be mentioned. At some point in time, I learned that the Devil has many “unseen helpers”. These are fellow angels who also fell from grace, long ago, at the same time that Lucifer fell. These “Evil Angels” now roam the Earth, under the leadership of their commander, Lucifer, doing their evil deeds and manipulating and orchestrating the events of the world, in order to carry out his evil master-plan; which master-plan is detailed within the pages of Scripture.


One reason I’m making this point, is to say that…I don’t know if I was being harassed by Satan himself, or just your “run-of-the-mill garden variety” evil angel. But from what I gathered at about this time in my experience, I learned that there were enough evil angels to “go around” for everyone. In other words, this unseen “breed” of spirits, up to this point in time, have been in no danger of being added to the “Endangered Species List”! Ha ha…that’s a joke! (But not a very funny joke, however.)


From what I was told, there are millions, but probably billions of these devils running around on this Earth.


(The Good News is, however, the Devil and his angels will very soon be on the endangered species list…“And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.” Revelation 20:10).


Martin Luther – A Mighty Fortress – Public Domain – Wikipedia

Engraving by Gustave Dore, from www.creationism.org, public domain. Click here for gallery of Dore’s Bible pictures.

Gustave Dore – Paradise Lost illustration – Lucifer becomes Satan – Wikimedia – US Public Domain








At this point, someone might possibly ask, “Why are they so evil? Why don’t they simply turn from their wicked ways?”


The answer to this perplexing question is found in Genesis, in the third chapter… And the LORD God said to the serpent… Because you (Satan) have done this (tempted Adam and Eve into sin), you are cursed above all… And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; It shall bruise thy head, and you shall bruise His heel.” Genesis 3:14, 15


And so, at the very beginning, God put a curse on Lucifer. God was not just talking to the serpent. He was speaking to Lucifer who came to Eve through that serpent; making it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Martin,_John_-_Satan_presiding_at_the_Infernal_Council_-_1824.JPGseem to the woman, that it was the serpent speaking, when it was actually just old “L.S.D.” (Lucifer, Satan, the Devil). And so if God put a curse on Lucifer, then there was nothing Lucifer could do to escape that curse.


Now I know this all sounds like some children’s story to many who read this. But when you think about it, you have to ask yourself the question, “Why is this world so evil? Why are there so many unthinkable atrocities occurring on a daily basis around the globe? And why does all this evil seem so well orchestrated at times?”


Satan presiding at the Infernal Council- Wikpedia – US Public Domain










Well doesn’t it seem orchestrated? I mean, it’s like…how could Hitler mesmerize an entire nation to get behind his demonic attempt to take over the world? I have a very elderly neighbor who was a little boy in Germany. He told me that he, as well as the entire nation of Germany, believed that Hitler was some sort of “deliverer” to help bring about good into the world (still being mostly ignorant as to his atrocities against the Jews). And it wasn’t until Hitler was crushed by the Allies, that my German neighbor and his fellow countrymen woke up to just how evil Hitler really was, and what he’d been up to.


Rows of bodies of dead inmates fill the yard of Lager Nordhausen, a Gestapo concentration camp – Wikimedia – Public Domain







Rwandan_Genocide_Murambi_skulls wikipedia public domain


And how could a multitude of people in Africa be mesmerized in just a few months, to carry out that hateful and ruthless act of slaughtering thousands of their fellow humans and countrymen; neighbors, who just happened to be of a slightly different blood-line? I saw an interview with one of the men involved in this mass slaughter. He confessed that he and others were brainwashed by the leftist college students who were orchestrating this brutal mass-murder. And after it was all over, he woke up to the reality of the atrocities that he and his fellow countrymen had committed. And then he felt really bad about what he’d done to those innocent men, women, and children of the Tootsies.


So how could this be? How could an entire throng of people be so easily manipulated, if there was no Satan and his evil fellow angels working behind the scenes, to inspire hateful madness within the hearts and minds of these aggressors?


Rwandan Genocide Murambi skulls – wikipedia – public domain







(Word-play on the lyrics of the John Lennon song, “Imagine”)


Well, these are just two examples of the well-orchestrated evil that has long plagued Mankind.


And I could give a lot more examples. And so could you, no doubt!


Nevertheless, it seems like there is an orchestrated effort to erase Satan out of existence. Most don’t even want to acknowledge that there is a Devil; even many Christians have joined in this effort.


Even many in the Christian community will start pointing the accusing finger, if you speak about Satan. “Oh we’re not supposed to be talking about Satan.” Well who says? There seems to be some unwritten rule regarding this. The Bible doesn’t say anything like this!


Oh yeah, I totally agree, we’re certainly not to become obsessed about Satan! Our daily thoughts should be mostly about Jesus and the Bible.


Satan presiding at the Infernal Council- Wikpedia – US Public Domain






https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Clinton_09.jpg?uselang=eo“IT’S JUST THE NATURE OF MY GAME”…

(Lyrics from The Rolling Stones song, “Sympathy For The Devil”)



These are just two very quick examples of the orchestrated evil in the world. But with some careful consideration, there could be shown, perhaps thousands of examples of Satan’s orchestrated evil the world over. Take, for instance, the current-day phenomenon in which a vast percentage of Americans now believe that the USA must be completely destroyed and replaced by a so-called “Utopian” Socialist regime.


Nevertheless, Satan has done a marvelous job of “erasing his tracks” behind him. And as already stated, he has all but “erased his self completely out of existence” in the minds of most of the Human Family.


I heard someone say,  “The greatest feat that the Devil ever performed, was to convince the world that he doesn’t exist!” Well, actually, I think that even a greater feat than that was when he convinced much of the world that God doesn’t exist!


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

Stuck Luzifer ca – 1890 – wikimedia – public domain









The Bible reveals that Lucifer was given dominion over this world long ago. The Bible calls him, “The God of This World” in 2nd Corinthians 4:4.


And also, he is titled, “The Prince of This World”, three times in the Gospel of John (John 12:31, John 14:30, John 16:11).


And in Isaiah, Chapter 14, it is explained that Lucifer was jealous of God.


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Martin,_John_-_Satan_presiding_at_the_Infernal_Council_-_1824.JPGListen…“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like The Most High.” Isaiah 14:12-14


Yes, Lucifer, being very powerful and extremely intelligent, had long ago taken control of this world, turning it into his very own kingdom, with his own selfish attributes, using them as tokens of his character, to be loved, admired, and even worshiped by this world’s deceived citizenry! And so, by this means, he can maintain an invisible presence, and still be worshiped


Satan presiding at the Infernal Council – Wikipedia – US Public Domain








But it’s high time that we humans fulfill this following prophecy from Isaiah…


“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!… They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, ‘Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms?’” Isaiah 14:12-16


Hey, at least let’s just look upon this subject “narrowly” as it says in the above verse. At least let’s give credit where credit is due! People have spent a lot of time blaming God for everything bad. How come the Devil rarely gets the blame? And he’s the one who is behind most of the evil on this fallen planet!


Well, maybe this little e-book has given us this narrow examination of Lucifer, and how he operates in this fallen world.


But it seems that Satan gets “let off the hook” almost 100% of the time.


And why?


Well, it really seems like anyone who even dares to mention the Devil is immediately scorned, as if he’s saying, “The Devil made me do it! The Devil made me do it!” Well, maybe “The Devil did make me do it!” is a much truer statement than most people think! Maybe, just maybe, the Devil is making a lot of people do a whole lot of things in this world, that they might not otherwise do! Not that we’re just “little ol’ innocent bystanders“! Not saying that!

Dragon of Revelation 12


But when you stand back and see giant societal movements coming in and back out again, like the waves of the ocean, it makes you wonder, doesn’t it? At least it should make a person wonder.


But hey! People, for the most part, don’t like to entertain such ideas.


Nevertheless, the almost flawless orchestration of political and social phenomena in this world, is just too well-orchestrated to chalk off as being merely, “a coincidence”. And the horrendous depths to which so much evil sinks to, makes it quite impossible to believe that there’s no literal Satan! He just has to exist! This extremely evil world is proof-positive that Satan does indeed exist!


But hey, for the past 8 or so months, I was freely conversing with an evil spirit on a daily basis!


For my own self, I didn’t need any further proof!


Lucifer Falling – lithoraph by Gustave Dore’ – Wikipedia – Public Domain

Dragon – www.theheavensdeclare.net








Anyway, back to the story.


So as soon as my counselor told me this story of Job and how http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Hans_Thoma_Jupiter.jpgJob was tempted to blame God, something happened. A strange phenomenon began to occur within me. From that moment forward, I began to become tempted to blame God whenever anything bad happened. And yet, before I heard this story of Job, it never even occurred to me, that God was to blame!


But now, I was always encountering this temptation: blaming God, as Satan did to Job. This became a real plague in my life. I began to think of God as a big-meanie-in-the-sky. It got so bad that I began to be tempted, “to blame God for even a hang-nail” (as the saying goes)!


But these were temptations. I’m not saying I gave into those temptations. But I’m not saying that I didn’t give into a few of them, either.


Hans Thoma – The angry god, Jupiter – Wikipedia – Public Domain








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Ch. 30  “Goodbye Cruel World!”


Will Chuck take that final plunge over the falls? Will the voice be gone forever? Read and find out!




Ch.28 “Hellen Ashes”

By admin On December 8th, 2012


Click on image credit links below each photo, for licensing names, details, tags, etc.. Most images cropped/reduced in size




Oh so wonderful…to be back in the good ol’ U.S. of A.!!!


My “Vacation From (in) Hell” was now just a memory!


Now just a bad dream!




But now it was June, and already fully summertiThe_Scream Wikipedia public domain by edvard munch c.1893me…but the livin’ was not so easy!


Because even though I was ecstatic to be back, there still hung that heavy mountain over my head!


“What mountain?” you ask?


Well, that mountain was the Law & Judgment; God’s Law had already judged me guilty!


So all that awaited me was for my sentence to be carried out. And the mountain was about to drop on my head! And the executioner was ready, willing and very eager to get to it!


“Why Don’t We (NOT) Do It in The Road!?”

(Title of 1968 Beatles song with the word, “NOT” added by this website)


As I said, I wanted to get to a place where I would be away from the public, i.e., the mental ward.


The Devil was threatening that he was going to have me do those crazy and embarrassing things in public, prior to my soon-coming demise. If you remember from two chapters back (The True Meaning of “RX-7″), the Devil was going to snip off my middle-finger, and various other body parts, take out my right eye, and sundry other equally horrible things!


And so, I wanted to be somewhere so I would be out of public view, so I could die without creating a big scene and an embarrassment! (And, well, maybe, subconsciously, I thought being in such a high-security setting might somehow provide me protection from these hateful, hellish beings, who were Hell-bent on cutting me into various pieces! But probably not.) 


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license.

The Scream of Nature – by E. Munch – Wikipedia – public domain by edvard munch c.1893












June 1980





https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Clinton_09.jpg?uselang=eo“BABY COME BACK!!!”…

(1977 song by Player)


It had been several days since I saw Becky. I actually hadn’t seen her since we got back. And needless to say, I didn’t hold out much hope of ever seeing her again. And as you can well imagine, I was sad. But I still had to do what I had to do: get myself into a safe place before the Devil did what he was planning to do to me!


800px-Volkswagen_Beetle_wikipedia public domainBut one day, as I was coming home from our restaurant, I drove up to my little home in the woods (actually a woodsy subdivision). I was shocked to see Becky’s little orange VW Bug parked in front of my house. She was back! WOW! Was I ever happy to see that she was back!!


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license.

Volkswagen Beetle – wikipedia – public domain








After telling her I was going to commit myself back in Unit 3600, she immediately went to work to find another hospital. Soon she had one lined up. It was a brand new Christian hospital up in Portland. I instantly liked the idea of going to a Christian hospital. I figured they would be understanding of the existence of Satan. And more than this, maybe they could offer spiritual help because of their belief in God.


Yes, maybe they could somehow help me in my seemingly hopeless death-sentence.








(lyrics from the 1964 tune from Lennon/McCartney, written for Peter & Gordon, “A World Without Love”


In just a couple days, we were on our way up to Portland. I was crushed and hopeless because of the condemnation I was going through! I distinctly remember some birds were singing on this sunny June morning. But to me, their songs sounded discordant! The Devil was still stealing what little hope was left for my life, for my future!


And now, even the joyful little songs of the morning robins sounded sour in my ears! Their otherwise melodious singing was now like somebody scratching their fingers across a chalkboard!



This brought back an old memory of a song our music combo sang years earlier, when we were teens. It was a currently popular song by Peter & Gordon (actually, written by the Beatles, Lennon/McCartney), called “In a World Without Love”.


And one of the lines of that nice little song went, “Birds sing out of tune, and rain clouds hide the Moon, etc….”.


But on this particular sunny June morning, I finally understood those words. They definitely were coming back around in a very hard-hitting manner. They bopped me over the head like the proverbial baseball bat! Their out-of-tune song can only be heard by those who have lost all hope!


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license.

Erithacus rubecula Norway singing – cropped image – Wikipedia share-alike license







(1st Thessalonians 5:17)


Finally we arrived at the proposed place of my departure from this world. This brand new hospital was very impressive. The staff was extremely friendly, courteous, warm, and nice!



They first gave me a room with a TV. But I just turned it on and stayed there in my room watching it. And I must say, it really took my mind off my troubles! But before long they moved me into a room without a TV.


At least I now had a nice room all to myself.


When I first was left alone in my new room, I decided to get down before my bed to pray. And I prayed. And I prayed. And then I kept on praying. I kept this up for about twenty hours, well into the next day. Obviously, I was praying for mercy. God’s mercy!


Finally, the next day, a young guy came in and sat down. I was still kneeling before my bed in a prayer position. He was in his twenties. He had an Abe-Lincoln-style beard. He just sat there, watching me pray.


After a short time, he began asking me questions. He then, in a somewhat round-about manner, convinced me I had prayed enough for now. And I figured he was right. So I got up and sat in a chair, and listened to him.


He introduced himself as a mental-health counselor. And so we talked about spiritual matters. He actually was quite good, as far as relating to me according to the Bible. And in spite of his young age, he was maturely well-versed in his knowledge of the Bible.


And of course, I desperately wanted to know what the Bible had to say, concerning my circumstances.


Medical Center entrance Portland, Oregon by M O Stevens & Wikipedia share-alike license








On the second day, I went out into the living area. It was nice, but much smaller than the mental ward in Klamath Falls. One of the nurses gave me a guided tour of the unit. She pointed out that the mental ward was divided into two sections. There was a high security section for difficult patients. And then there was the section I was in. She told me I could go outside if I wanted. “I can go outside?!” I exclaimed. “Oh yes, the patients on this side can go outside as long as they get permission.” Of course this made me very nervous, since the main reason I came here was to get myself into a high security atmosphere where I could wait for the Devil to “finish me off”.


Photo: hospital, courtesy M. O. Stevens, Wikipedia share-alike license, click here.






“LOADED QUESTIONS”…https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Christianandapollyon.jpg


One of the first things I did, was to take a very long questionnaire. It had about a hundred questions or more.


I was doing okay until it asked such questions as, “Do you think anyone is following you?” Of course I had to answer “Yes”. And another question, “Do you think someone is out to get you?”. So again, the only clear answer had to be “Yes” again.


Christian and Apollyon – Pilgrim’s Progress – Wikipedia – US Public Domain









Then they showed me some ink-blots. I think I probably saw them fairly normal.


After all, when an ink-blot looks like a butterfly, it looks like a butterfly!


Kerner Kleksographien – wikimedia – public domain








After this, I asked if I could talk to the chaplain. And it wasn’t very long till I found him. Actually, I saw him walking down one of the hospital corridors.


Needless to say, I was eager to ask him about devil possession. “Sir, I want to ask you about devil possession. I think I’m possessed.”


He answered by saying, “Those things don’t happen anymore…except for idle rumors you might hear from time to time, coming from some of the third-world countries.” I was really disappointed in his answer.


But then he continued, “Now you might be HARASSED by Satan.” I thought about this. Now that’s a possibility! Harassed!




Devil Exorcism – Goya Painting – Public Domain








I returned to the ward. There was one patient, a sweet looking little old lady. I was introduced to her. Her name was Lucy. She had a nice little sweater I think, and her grey hair up in a little bun. Lucy just sat in a wooden rocker, rocking back and forth. Her thick glasses magnified her eyes, making them look, maybe twice as big. The only thing missing was a ball of yarn and some knitting needles.


Very sweet-looking!








A nurse came into the main sitting room and said in a very nice tone, something like, “Lucy, it’s time to take your meds.”


And for some reason, Lucy began cussing and shouting obscenities, calling the nurse every name in the book! I couldn’t believe what was coming out of this sweet little old lady’s mouth! And she kept calling various people… “YOU CRETIN!” (Lucy used that ‘Cretin’ expression constantly. “You Cretin this!” or… “You Cretin that!”)








Anyway, the nurse hurried out of the room. It was now just me and Lucy. As I possibly just kind-of looked around, trying not to make eye contact, I saw that she stopped rocking her rocker. She just fixed her big eyes (magnified by her thick glasses) on me, leaning forward a little, staring intently at me through those thick lenses. And so, I looked back at her. She just stared at me.


Was she going to say something?


Was she going to do something?


And as I watched out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a puddle of urine growing on the floor under her rocker. “This lady seems like a senior citizen version of Linda Blair (the possessed girl in the movie, “The Exorcist”).” Lucy just kept giving me her icy stare as the puddle grew under her. The only thing missing was the green vomit!


Well, I soon discovered that this was poor little Lucy’s standard behavior. And the staff was very patient with her. And because of these kinds of things, I began to suspect that Satan was taking advantage of this science of psychiatry as a cover, in order to carry out his evil on us, using a person’s dementia or whatever, without being detected.


And never again after all my experiences, would I scoff at those movies about Satan, like “The Exorcist”.







Revelation 14:11


These first days were really bitter! All I wanted to do was to sleep. Anything to forget my woes! But I dreaded to wake up! Reality was too hard to handle! I was still under the condemnation that I was Hitler in the last life. And I was just waiting for my life to end in some horrible way!


“When I lie down, I say, When shall I arise, and the night be gone?

and I am full of tossings to and fro unto the dawning of the day…

…My days are swifter than a weaver’s shuttle,

and are spent without hope.”

Job 7:4-6


I remember dozing off, while sitting in a chair. After a short time, I woke up, only to realize that I was still in serious trouble with God Almighty. I just wanted to go back to sleep…forever…anything to escape this horrific doom hanging over my head!









The next day, my sister, who lived in Portland at that time, came to visit me. It was a nice day as I remember. Just the kind of day a person might go for a walk. Take in the view!


So we went outside to chat.


While out there in the courtyard, I looked up and saw a large plume of smoke rising from over the horizon. “What’s all that smoke?” I asked. “Oh that’s Mount Saint Helens. You know about the volcano that erupted last month, don’t you?” I thought to myself, “Man, I’m in big big trouble!” And this volcano took me by complete surprise, since I had been out of the country when it first erupted! The Devil chimed in, “Yes, Chuck, this volcano shows just how angry God is with you…HITLER!!!”


Just a side-note of interest. A long time ago, when I was about 10 or 12 years old, my family went camping at this very place, Spirit Lake, which was at the foot of Mount St. Helens. I thought it was one of the most beautiful lakes I’d ever seen. The big dark green forest was thick around that lake! I remember walking along side the beautiful lake trail and the really cool little rustic log cabins for the campers to stay in. And there was the great Mount St. Helens, towering high above, like a majestic overseer of this beautiful blue lake!

800px-St helens 1 day before eruption wikipedia public domain


The Devil however, made some comparisons about the names “Helens” and “Spirit Lake”, as if they were significant to me. In other words, I was being punished by evil “spirits” from “Hell”, because I was Adolph Hitler in my former life. This made perfect sense to me, at the time. “Yes Chuck, we brought you up here to see this plume of ashes. To see this volcano which is just for you…Adolph! This is Mount St. HELL-ens and SPIRIT Lake!”


So the Mount St. Helens explosion became the theme for me in this Portland hospital.


PICTURES: Mt St Helens 1 day prior to eruption – 05-17-80 – and after eruption – 05-18-80 – Public Domain





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Ch. 29 “Lucifer, Son Of The Morning”…


This chapter discusses how “The Devil made me do it” is a lot more true than most of us would care to admit.




Ch. 27: “Coming to America”

By admin On December 8th, 2012


Click on image credit links below each photo, for licensing names, details, tags, etc.. Most images cropped/reduced in size





https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Watch_out_for_the_Wasps%5E_-_NARA_-_534615.jpgI was the reincarnation of Adolph Hitler.


Well, at least, this is what I was being told by the unseen ones, who were making my life an absolute hellish nightmare!


Yes, I was informed that I had been brought back to earth to begin paying for Adolph’s crimes. This is what the powerful spirit-being was now telling me!


Now, The_Scream Wikipedia public domain by edvard munch c.1893all this ultra-condemnation was being rained down upon me just a day or two before our departure back to the USA (read previous Chapter 26, “The True Meaning of ‘Our Ex-Heaven’“).


And this invisible spirit-entity kept up his condemnation and threats about all the horrible things I must endure in the near future. I spent the next day or two, walking aimlessly through the neighborhoods of this quaint little Guatemala City residential subdivision, listening to his, “hell-fire torments”, and his, “damning condemnations”!


http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Holy_bible.jpgNeedless to say, I was about as low as a human can go, and not die! Or so it seemed to me.


Fortunately this month-long “vacation” was just about to come to an end.


And this had truly been the proverbial, “Vacation From Hell”!


But this was no proverb! (Or so it seemed to me.)


No, this truly was a nightmarish, “Vacation IN Hell”, brought upon me courtesy of these invisible super-beings, whom the Bible refers to as, “evil angels”! (Psalm 78:49)


Adolph Hitler – Wikimedia – Public Domain

The Scream of Nature – by E. Munch – Wikipedia – public domain by edvard munch c.1893

Paradise Lost – G Dore – Wikipedia – Public-domain






https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Clinton_09.jpg?uselang=eoCHAPTER 27:



(Title of the 1980 Neil Diamond song, “They’re Coming To America”)

Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license







Devil-goat wikipedia public domainBut finally it came time to go home. And it was only hours until the plane-flight departure.


I decided to go for another walk, to use up the remaining hours here in “The Land of Eternal Spring” (in my case, “The Land of Eternal Torment”). And so, I began walking on a busy street in an older commercial area. I was totally crushed by Satan’s overwhelming accusations. Nevertheless, I wanted to get back to America…in the worst way! As beautiful as Guatemala’s scenery may have been… I just wanted to be back home! And now our 30-day “vacation” was almost over…thank God!


This truly was the ultimate Vacation From Hell! Not to cast any negative aspersions on that beautiful little country. As a matter of fact, I would recommend anyone to take a vacation there in Guatemala. JUST DON’T TAKE THE DEVIL WITH YA, WHEN YA GO!!


Devil-goat – wikipedia – public domain








But I had little hope!


Yeah, my few remaining strands of hope had all but vanished away from my sight! Hope was nowhere to be found. And mercy? As the Devil said on that boat-ride to that Belize Cay…“Mercy? Oh Mercy is just a lady that lives down the street!”


There were only more bad times waiting for me when I would get back to the USA!


As I walked along a busy multi-lane street, there was a big billboard (not this picture) which had a large picture of an orange. It was advertising the soda pop called, “Orange Crush” (mostly written in Spanish, of course).


But as I passed by this large billboard, the Devil began taunting me, saying, “Just wait for the big ‘Orange Crush’, Chuck!” And, “‘Orange’ you sorry that you were Adolph Hitler?” He kept repeating this line to me, “Just wait for the big ‘Orange Crush’, Chuck!”.


“What’s this “Orange Crush” stuff all about!?”, I asked myself. And so these threats just made things even more hopeless! “Just wait for the big Orange Crush, Chuck!” Did this cryptic message mean that something was going to crush me? “What’s the ‘Orange Crush’ all about!?”


Orange Crush Ad – 1921 – WIKIPEDIA – PUBLIC-DOMAIN








http://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/File:Devil-goat.jpgAs I kept walking, he also began scaring me about another thought. There must have been some reason why he began warning me about the “big 8/23 Skidoo”. He kept repeating about the 8/23 Skidoo, as if that meant I was gonna be annihilated on that date, or something. Maybe he was talking about August 23rd. Because August being the 8th month of the year would be 8/23. And it was now June. So August was only months away! I just couldn’t tell for sure, and he just wasn’t revealing what he meant.


But I did know that “23 Skidoo” was an old saying that someone was going to be swept away, or cleared out as though they were dirt. And so I began to think that this was some sort of reference to my being swept off the face of the Earth. “So what’s the Big 8/23 Skidoo all about?”


Devil-goat – wikipedia – public domain








As I kept walking down this busy street, I passed by various shops.


I just happened to stop by one shop and looked through a barred window at a woman inside, sweeping her shop floor…a dirt floor!

Dirt Floor & Happy


She carefully swept the dirt in the same direction, so that the lines from the broom bristles created a very straight pattern, all in the same direction. Of course if someone walked on this dirt floor, it obviously would make footprints over the pattern. But that didn’t seem to discourage her!


As I looked into the window of her shop, I really, really, envied this person! She’s probably very happy. She has everything! She has her health! She has the sunlight! She has the rain! She has hope for tomorrow! Yes, and she probably has her family. Maybe she even has the Lord and His wonderful gift of Everlasting Life!









.Chuck in Dumpster

I, on the other hand, was like that comedy skit (see Chapter 1) in which the comedian ended up in a dumpster, having lost every worldly possession! Now I was virtually in the same position as the comedian in the skit.


Oh no, I wasn’t literally in a dumpster. But believe me, I would’ve traded places with any dumpster-diving hobo out there in the world, at this moment! Yeah, even a lowly tramp’s life would be infinitely better than what I was now facing…eternal hell-fire as I went through the ages, being punished for my past crimes!







https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Clinton_09.jpg?uselang=eo“But not without a star…Free!”

(lyrics from the 1980 Neil Diamond song, “They’re Coming To America”)


Yeah, this “dirt-poor” Guatemalan lady was infinitely wealthier than me! I had nothing! I had no future! I had no hope! No God! I only had an “eternal pay-back” ahead of me! I must pay for countless ions of time, for the crimes I committed!

Dirt Floor & Happy.

It’s one thing to be sick, or homeless, or whatever. But it’s quite another thing to be without hope! That’s the one thing you don’t ever want to lose! Hope!


My star had fallen. Her star was shining brightly. She was free! I was in prison! Yeah, the bars on her window almost seem as if they were the bars of my own prison cell…in the Devil’s prison for the damned!


Yeah, and even in her so-called “poverty”, she was infinitely richer than me…and…FREE!


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license







“KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCKIN’ ON HEAVEN’S DOOR!” (no, rather, I’m knock, knock, knockin’ on HELL’S door!)

(Title of the 1973 Bob Dylan Song with parenthesis comment added by me)

Guatemalan style weaving and tapestry Wikipedia public domain


Now I saw this relatively poor country in an entirely new light! Now it looked rich…compared to me! I suppose it’s much the same for any dying person. The richest person on earth becomes the poorest of the poor, when knocking on Eternity’s Door. Everybody seems rich, when you’re just about to die! All those “poor” people you once pitied are now shaking their heads out of sheer pity for you!


You’re just a lowly beggar on that day!


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

Guatemalan style weaving and tapestry – Wikipedia – public domain








Thinking back on my life, I now realized I should have invested all my money in long-term investments, back in the days when I had the chance to! Instead of investing in real estate here on this, Terra-not-so-Firma, I should have rather invested in the Rock! You know, like Prudential advert_1909-wikipedia-US-public-domainthat old ad… “Invest in the rock…the Prudential Rock!” Well, as good as an investment company that it might be, there is a much more prudent Rock to invest in. It’s called “The PRUDENTIAL ROCK OF AGES!” And it pays long-term dividends. Really long-term dividends! LIKE, ETERNAL LIFE DIVIDENDS!!


Ah, but here again, my Grandpa Frank was correct in that little saying of his… “If wishes were horses, then beggars could ride!” Now it was too late to think about all that! Now I was doomed! Now I was condemned! Now my number had come up, and there was nothing I could do about it! I had my chances! But I let them slip through my fingers like ropes of sand!


Prudential advert_1909-wikipedia-US-public-domain

Oh yeah, people tried to tell me about Jesus! But I just didn’t listen! I had too much going for me in this world! Why worry about some “pie-in-the-sky-in-the-sweet-by-and-by”? After all, I was a young guy! I didn’t need God! All that religious stuff was for losers in life! I was a winner! I had another 50 or 60 years ahead of me! And that’s a long, long time!


Isn’t it?


Well isn’t it?


Prudential ad – 1909 – wikipedia – US-public-domain.jpg









When I got back to Becky’s parent’s home, everyone was busy getting ready. Dorcas, the parrot, who was so shy for the entire 30 days, was not so shy anymore! No! He was now pacing back and forth on his perch like an expectant father, crying “Rue! Rue! Rue!!” . I thought to myself, “That’s the same word that the crazy guy (I call him, “Mr. Applewhite”) had me look at in the dictionary, back in unit 3600!” “Rue! Rue! Rue!” Dorcas cried out again. I didn’t remember what the word, “rue” meant. But whatever it meant, it freaked me out that this bird was saying that word. Was this some kind of devilish taunt? Well, why shouldn’t it be? Everything else was a devilish taunt. “Rue! Rue! Rue!” But anyway, we got all our luggage together, and out the door we went. “Rue! Rue! Rue!”, cried Dorcas the parrot.


Okay, so I just now looked it up in the dictionary. Here it is…

rue 1 v.

v.tr. To feel regret, remorse, or sorrow…


So I guess this little parrot was prophesying to me of the ‘woe and sorrow’ that was coming on me. It was as if he, in essence, was crying… “Woe! Woe! Woe!”. And now that I think of it, there is a Bible passage which has three woes. Listen… “And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice,


‘Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound!'” Revelation 8:13. Maybe these symbolic trumpets were now sounding for me!


Well, it wouldn’t be long until I found out!


Okay, okay, I know what you’re thinking! And it’s true…that word, Rue, probably means something entirely different in Spanish. But I was going through a very supernatural experience with The Unseen Spirit-Realm. So these powerful and highly intelligent, unseen spiritual beings were manipulating circumstances. And I have no doubts, that they had set up this little scenario with Dorcas, like they did everything else. Especially since “Mr. Applewhite” had shown me that very same word in the dictionary, months earlier.


Was that just a coincidence too?


“Rue” definition courtesy Free Online Dictionary

Photo of parrot wikipedia share-alike license.








http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Papagaio_(F%C3%AAmea)_REFON_010907.jpgAnd so, the continual taunting squawks of Dorcas the parrot had the profound effect upon me which it was intended to have! And no doubt, the unseen spiritual being who orchestrated this little terror, has also has planted his land-mines in my story.



What I mean is this: I’m convinced that this cunning warrior named Satan…or Lucifer…or the Devil…or whatever name you wish to call him by, is an extremely artful foe! He is so far beyond our intelligence and abilities! And his army of unseen evil angels are likewise capable beyond mortal men. These beings are thousands or perhaps, hundreds of thousands of years old. Maybe millions of years old!! Who knows!? But whatever their age happens to be, none-the-less, their intellect is far, far greater than ours!


Okay, so I got sidetracked from the point I wanted to make. I’m simply saying that it is humanly IMpossible to out-wit Satan! He covers his tracks well! And he seems to weave his attacks on people through natural occurrences, so as to cover those tracks! Anyway, I just thought you oughta be informed. Sorry.


Photo of parrot wikipedia share-alike license.

Satan presiding at the Infernal Council wikipedia US public domain






https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Clinton_09.jpg?uselang=eo“…On the planes They’re coming to America! Never looking back again!”

(Lyrics from the 1980 Neil Diamond hit tune, “They’re Coming To America”)


We were late to the airport. Well, we were just barely going to make it. We rushed into the terminal and to our departure-window. I just wanted to go home so bad, I could hardly stand it!



For some reason they informed us that we might have to wait for another day or two. When I heard this, I began objecting. I wasn’t gonna stay here another day! I WANTED OUTA HERE…NOW!


After my loud objections, and after some more conference and confusion, they cleared the way. We were told we could board the plane. And so we did.


Goodbye to this, “Vacation from Hell”.


And, “Hell-o America!”


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

Photo share-alike license wikipedia click for link






https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Clinton_09.jpg?uselang=eo“THEY’RE COMING TO AMERICA”…

(Title of the 1980 Neil Diamond hit song, “They’re Coming To America”)


The jet began charging down the runway. I had absolutely none of the fear of crashing, as I normally would. At this particular moment, I couldn’t have cared less whether the plane crashed or not!


Compared to the last 30 days, I supposed that, CRASHING WOULD’VE BEEN FUN!!!



As the charging plane began ascending, the passengers looked back down at this beautiful little country fading from their view. But I likely just sank back in my seat and closed my eyes and sighed a long sigh, in relief. This nightmare was over! And I, no doubt, merely sat there and thought about all the horrors I had just gone through: The Torture of Noises, the truck with Nazi-Like Soldiers, eating my own feces (at least it was MY dung, and not another’s!), and all the continuous talking, talking, talking, as I walked through the neighborhoods… continuously condemning me in my head. Plus the various phenomena such as Right Turns Only Phenomenon, and the screams of, “Rue, Rue, Rue” of Dorcas the Parrot. The various lightning storms, during which the Devil condemned me. And all the other unmentioned torments that I suffered over the last 30 days. This was truly the “Vacation From Hell” (or rather, “IN Hell)!


But soon we were up in the air. I probably looked down at the beautiful little country. The Land of Eternal Spring. But as I’ve already said, for me it became The Land of Eternal Fire and Brimstone! I would think back on all the beautiful places, and all the lovely people (well… mostly lovely).


But the spirit (or spirits, plural) had turned all these otherwise nice experiences into one great big giant HELLISH NIGHTMARE!!!


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

Photo courtesy wikipedia & United Airlines. Share-alike license. Click for link.






http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Statue_of_Liberty,_Silhouette.jpg“SWEET LAND OF LIBERTY”…


Soon we touched down in Miami. And as we came into the terminal, we passed by a McDonald’s in the terminal. McDonald’s! What a beautiful sight! (I remember my father saying that when arriving back in America from an unpleasant vacation in another country, he actually got down and kissed the ground. At this moment, I now understood why!)



“My country ’tis of thee
Sweet land of liberty
Of thee I sing
Of thee I sing

(Lyrics from the 1980 Neil Diamond song, “They’re Coming To America”)


Statue of Liberty, Silhouette wikimedia creative commons attribution






JUNE 1980




When we got back to Klamath Falls, Becky went her way, and I went home. After several days, I pretty much figured that I’d never see her again!



As soon as I returned, I was determined to get to a safe place, so I would check back into Unit 3600. Not only did I feel totally hopeless, but the Devil was threatening to make me do crazy things…IN PUBLIC ! Before he outright killed me! So I felt that I better get myself somewhere safe, so that I could be tormented by the spirits, and ultimately killed in a somewhat controlled environment.


Nevertheless, I was very sad that Becky had gone. I sure didn’t blame her though! I must have been terrible company on that trip!


Now I was all alone! No God! No hope! No Becky!


But the spirits? Oh yeah, they were still very present! And they weren’t gonna leave me alone!


“Farewell Becky!”






.Judgment Day license plate www.devouringfire.com

To go to next chapter, just click here…


Ch. 28 “Hellen Ashes”


This next chapter has some very prophetic moments.



Ch. 26: The True Meaning of “RX-7″

By admin On December 8th, 2012


Click on image credit links below each photo, for licensing names, details, tags, etc.. Most images cropped/reduced in size



The_Scream Wikipedia public domain by edvard munch c.1893

Now began the start of the last leg of our return trip to Guatemala from Tikal Mayan Indian temples. And also began the climactic finale of the torment which I was experiencing on this Vacation From Hell!


Things were going to get hotter!


Much hotter!


The Scream of Nature – by E. Munch – Wikipedia – public domain by edvard munch c.1893











The True Meaning of “RX-7″










(play on words on lyrics from 1969 Arlo Guthrie hit, “Comin’ Into Los Angeles”)

After seeing the ruins at Tikal, and hearing about my glorious return to them (me being the reincarnation of Jesus), we began our return bus trip to Becky’s parent’s home, back in Guatemala City.



These “Chicken Buses” as they call them, were filled to the brim with passengers. But there was room for two more (standing room only!)


So Becky and I climbed aboard. 


I guess I don’t need to tell you why they call them, “Chicken Buses”. But the chickens were perhaps, all sitting well-behaved in their places, in the laps of their new owners. They weren’t “flying everywhere around the place” as that old Arlo Guthrie song sang about.


But if some of those chickens only knew where they were going, and what they’d be doing tonight, they probably would be “flying everywhere around the place!” And if I only knew where I was going, and what I’d be doing…well…like those soon-to-be-roasted chickens, there wasn’t much I could do about my situation.


A 95 year old woman with her pet rooster. Havana (La Habana), Cuba








This return trip got off on the wrong foot! First, we ran out of money. We asked the manager of a motel we stayed at for a twenty dollar loan. And to our amazement, this prince of a man cheerfully loaned us twenty dollars (That would be like 60 or 80 dollars in today’s money, and probably twice or three times that much in Guatemalan money!) We carefully wrote down his name and address, promising him that we’d repay him promptly. He probably realized the slim odds of ever seeing his money again!



Never had the spirit come down on me so hard, as he did on this return trip. This was definitely a “Hitler Moment”.


“Haven’t you considered, Chuck, that I just might not be God?”


Well, I think I did consider this many times since the spirit first came into my life! But looking back, I’m not exactly sure about just what I was thinking, regarding the possibility that he was actually the Devil. I just can’t remember!


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Scream“Isn’t it possible, El-Chucko, that I might be the Devil? Well haven’t you…considered this…Mr. Adolph Hitler?”


Now I was getting really low! Now I was sinking in despair! I remember that this return trip back to Becky’s parents was so depressing, at one point (while we stopped for a lunch break in a little village, and I walked those quaint streets of an old business section), my knees almost buckled under the weight of all his condemnation!


Photo courtesy Soman & Wikipedia. Share-alike license. Click here for link.








Later, on this, our return trip, the bus was stopped by the military. These soldiers were all holding rifles. They commanded everyone to get off the bus. We were told to line up, so they could check our identification for some unknown reason.


But since I was dealing with beings of a much higher authority than these soldiers, I simply had no fear of them. I felt like I was impervious to anything at this point. And in my presumptuous arrogance (and reckless disregard), I decided to just sit down, while everyone else stood up. After all, what more could these soldiers do to me beyond what these spirits were already doing to me?


And so I just sat there, while they went down the line-up of people, checking I.D.. The soldiers looked at this stupid Americano (me), just sitting there defiantly on the ground. For a moment they looked angry, until one of them, perhaps, made some joke about me, I suppose, and they all laughed. After inspecting each person’s papers, they let us go. I was probably very fortunate to not incur their wrath.


Without a joke to diffuse that potentially volatile moment, I could have gotten myself into some serious trouble!


Members of the Guatemalan Inter-Agency Border Unit – by Kaye Richey – cropped image – Wikimedia – Public Domain






https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Clinton_09.jpg?uselang=eo“NOW THAT I CAN DANCE!” (with red ants in my pants!)

(Lyrics from the 1962 Contours hit, “Do You Love Me?” with parenthesis comment by Author)


After the soldiers left, the passengers were given some time for a break, before returning to the bus. And having to go to the bathroom, I saw some bushes off the road a-ways. I went over where I could have privacy. But after pulling my pants back up, I noticed something biting my rear end. I soon realized that I somehow acquired Red Ants from those bushes. And now they were biting me!


I’m not sure about the story-relevance of this moment, nevertheless it hurt! But I managed to get them all off, rather easily and quickly! And then I returned to the bus. 


But anyway, concerning my encounter with those soldiers, I eventually learned not to do foolish things, presuming that God is always going to protect me.


There’s an old saying, “discretion is the better part of valour.” But I’d like to add this to that saying, “…But presumption is a worse part of stupidity.” 


Stupid, young, me!


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

Ant head closeup – wikimedia commons – share-alike license







Hosea 4:6


By the time we arrived back at Becky’s parent’s house, it was probably pretty late. Clouds made the dark Guatemalan skies even darker. As I remember, the spirit was back on his assertion that I was Jesus (in a former life). I didn’t know what to think! How in the world are you gonna argue with a spirit? How in blazes can you resist a spirit’s wisdom? I had absolutely no protection against the spirit’s assertions! I sure wish I had known my Bible! The following verse really says it all…


“Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might.


Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.


For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,


against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.


Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day…”


Ephesians 6:10-13


Oh, if only I had put on this armor! If only I’d been a Christian. But alas, “If wishes were horses, then beggars could ride”, as my Grandpa Frank used to say. But alas, it was much too late to think about this!


Anyway, this thought about God’s armor didn’t even enter my mind! I knew nothing about any such armor! Nor did I know anything about the Bible, nor how it could protect a person from spiritual wickedness. I didn’t even believe there was such a thing as “spiritual wickedness” until just about 7 months earlier!


For more information on God’s Armor, please go to signsofheaven.org, and read… “Orion & The Armor of God”


ABOVE PICTURE: soldiers of the cross – armor up! – Orion & The Revelation 12 Dragon constellation (comprised of Hyades & Pleiades and other constellations) – www.signsofheaven.org








The next morning, back at Becky’s parent’s home, I opened my eyes to hear the ultimate rude awakening by the following pronouncement…




I sat up in bed! This announcement couldn’t have been more shocking had someone thrown a live grenade in my lap! I just knew this pronouncement was for real! I realized that there wasn’t gonna be any more guessing games about who I was!


“You are the unluckiest SOB that ever walked the face of the Earth! You have been brought back so we can punish you, you no good “&^%$#@!—S–O–B!!” Now you are going to pay for all those Jews! Now God is going to make you return three million times to pay for what you did! Three million Jews! You murdered three—million—Jews!! And don’t think you can pray to God. God won’t hear your prayers. God hates you, Adolph! God hates you with a passion! And He can’t wait for you to get off of this planet!”


I threw on my clothes and hurried out to the living room. And just as I entered the living room, a very loud “musical” horn honked to some tune like the first line of the old tune “Dixie”. This startled me, because I’d never heard a musical horn up to this point in time (remember, this was 1980).


And to my amazement, as the horn honked, I saw outside, a military truck with soldiers, or police riding by in the open back-bed…ALL WEARING NAZI HELMETS! I just about fell over in stark terror at the scene of Nazi soldiers riding by on a military truck outside the window.


“That’s right Adolph. We got every thing prepared in advance for this special homecoming. We arranged this little surprise party just for you—Adolph Hitler. We brought you back here to Guatemala. Even threw in the Nazi Helmets to boot. Get it Chuck? To boot? To boot, as in Nazi Jack-boots. That’s supposed to be funny, Adolph…Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha…uh hum (pretending to clear his throat). OK, I guess that wasn’t so funny!! OK, so sue me, Adolph! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!”


The spirit bombarded me with one terrifying thought after another! He presented many possible punishments that I would have to endure, throughout the ions of time. I had to pay for three million Jews (three million was the number of Jews killed according to many back then. At least, that’s the number I heard back in those days. Nowadays, the estimates are much higher.)

Nazi execution wikipedia public domain


“Yeah, you’re gonna have to pay for a lo-o-o-o-ng time! And with all the other people you killed in the war…I suppose that adds up to about double the lives…say six million lives. And if you add let’s say, 40 years times 6 million souls…that means you’re gonna be paying for at least 240 million years.”


At this point, I returned to my bedroom, and sat down to listen to this outrageous and terrifying scenario which this spirit began to paint. The spirit was now telling me that God wished for me to begin paying right now, for all the sins I committed in this, my present life. Yes, my first punishment would be for my own sins, not yet for Adolph’s sins…


“Let’s see now. Since you had such a good eye for deals and steals on houses…why don’t we take out your right eye!?! And don’t worry. We’ll be glad to give you all the help you need to cut it out.” And I knew this spirit could deliver what he promised!


“And since you liked to give women the “bird”…why don’t we take off that bird finger!?!”


I was sinking lower and lower with each new punishment pronounced against me! And on and on he went, about all the punishments that were waiting in store for me! I don’t know how long this went on. Maybe an hour or two. No, now that I think of it, this went on all day, as I began to take walks through the neighborhood. And as I walked, the spirit condemned. I was being crushed under the weight of this devilish condemnation to the point that my body got so weak, to the point of urinating. But I didn’t.


Nevertheless, something was awaiting me a lot worse than urine! 


Stahlhelm by Rama for Wikipedia – share-alike license

Nazi soldier firing squad – courtesy – Wikipedia – Public Domain. 








So after enduring this long list of horrors and promises of him maiming me, The Devil continued…“God hates you, you dirty scum! We can’t wait to get your filthy carcass off this planet! Eat s&%$#t! you no good rat! No I’m serious! Eat s&%$#t!, Adolph!”


The spirit was now compelling me to go into the bathroom and do just that. And so I did. I didn’t eat a whole lot. But just one piece of feces. But it was enough to make me wretch. But I didn’t.


After this, I leaned on the bathroom sink, and coughed and spit and dry-heaved. I then washed out my mouth.


The_Scream Wikipedia public domain by edvard munch c.1893

Just remembering this disgusting moment makes me sick. But what are ya gonna do when the Devil talks to you?


I was that startled man in “The Scream of Nature” painting.




I was that, “Ya-Prayed-too-late!” man in the unnerving song, “Sinnerman”.






I was that pleading-for-mercy-rich-man-in-Hell”, from that Bible parable!!!


The Scream of Nature – by E. Munch – Wikipedia – public domain by edvard munch c.1893

Brooklyn Museum – The Rich Man in Hell – James Tissot – wikimedia – public domain









The Devil continued…“And ya wanna know what that little black coffin you drive is all about? Here’s the real meaning. It doesn’t stand for Rx-7 as in prescription drugs. And it doesn’t stand for “Our Ex-Seven”, as in your ex-lucky number. No, no, no, no, no-o-o-o! It stands for… ‘OUR….EX….HEAVEN’!!” That’s right, Chucky, ‘El-F——y’! This Earth was your heaven! But now it’s your “EX” heaven! It’s now your HELL! And ‘to Hell with this B——-t’ !!”



(Just a note of context, the words, “To Hell with this B——-t” were the last words which one of my two Grandfathers was purported to have said just before he took his own life with a gun, some years earlier. You see, my poor old Grandpa Bill’s body was riddled with cancer, and he was on powerful hallucinogenic medications (Percodan, etc….) when he took his own life. So I knew exactly what the spirit was referring to, with that comment! He was making reference that I, like my Grandpa Bill, was on my way to Hell)


To Hell with you, you piece of  s&^%$#@t!. This is your EX-HEAVEN you SOB! Get off this planet!! GET OFF THIS G..D… PLANET!!!”


The shouts of this demonic force possibly kept reverberating in my mind…or at least they should have…






This is OUR EX-HEAVEN!!!”


This is OUR EX-HEAVEN!!!”


Judgment Day license plate www.devouringfire.com












https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Clinton_09.jpg?uselang=eo“HOPE YOU GUESSED MY NAME!”…


The spirit began to…OK I guess I don’t have to call him “the spirit” anymore. Now I can call him by his rightful name: The Devil. You know…ol’ “L.S.D.” (Lucifer—Satan—The Devil). He was now “out of the closet” as the current saying goes! I guess I suspected it all along. No, he wasn’t as everyone thinks he is. As I had found out over the past months, besides being evil, he could also be downright funny when he wanted to. He could be charming if it suited his purpose. He could behave warm and graciously if he needed to. The Devil could come off any ol’ way he chose to.


He could even be religious…


“…for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers

also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness…”

2nd Corinthians 11:14, 15


If only I knew these Scriptures! I might have been able to shield myself from this 7 month-long deception!


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license






https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Clinton_09.jpg?uselang=eo“NO MORE MR. NICE GUY”

(Title of the 1973 Alice Cooper song)


But now the Devil didn’t need to fool me. No more did he have to pretend to be anything other than he really was…the Devil!


Now he could be just plain ol’ Satan. Now he could be as mean and as nasty and as evil as he really is!


It’s amazing to meet someone who is totally evil and is very content to be totally evil! Very few humans wish to be thought of as totally evil. Most people would like others to like them. Even your average Satan worshipers try to be somewhat likable. It’s seldom that you find someone who really tries to be as evil as they possibly can be! Oh, I suppose it happens in the movies. But not very often in real life! So when the Devil has no reason to be nice, he no longer needs to pretend to be good.


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license






3,000,000+  RE-INCARNATIONS…


The Devil frightened me with the prospect of how many lives I would have to live, in order to pay for all those Jews I murdered. He told me that there were planets all over the universe. He told me that I would be re-incarnated on many different planets, in order to repay for my countless crimes. I would come back in many different life-forms, under the worse conditions. “Yes ‘Chucky-You-^!$#y’, you will be re-incarnated out there in the universe. And then you will pay for your crimes in a different way, in each life you will live. Three million Jews! Three million excruciatingly torturous lives! Three million planets. And another three million for all the others you killed!” (Now as I’ve already said, the current estimates are six million Jews killed. But back then, I believe, the general consensus was three million. But I could be wrong.)








The next terror began as this Devil announced to me, “You, El-Chucko are, “The Devil’s Dog!” And as the Devil’s Dog, he would use me as his “beast of burden”, so to speak. I would be kicked, and whipped, and treated as his favorite “object of abuse”. And so far, considering what I’d been through for seven months, I had no doubts I was indeed, The Devil’s Dog!





Now, prior to all this, I had no idea that there was such a thing as the Devil having a dog! Of course, prior to all this, I was instructed by society, that the “Devil” was just a myth! There really was no Devil! He simply is the product of religious folklore!


But now I knew that he does indeed exist! And let me tell you, if the Devil tells you he has a dog, who am I to argue!?!


Of course, I could’ve argued about ME being the Devil’s Dog! But I had never even heard of the Devil really talking with a human. That was just something only seen in horror movies. The Twilight Zone! So I just figured that if the Devil was talking with me, it must be something “really big!”


So with all this horror rolling around in my head, I just had to conclude that, yes, I probably was the Devil’s Dog.










And while we’re on the subject, I assumed he was the Devil. At this time I didn’t realize that there were many devils. So if I say Devil, it may be just a generic devil. Or it might be The Devil, Lucifer. I don’t know. So you decide for yourself if it was “The Devil”, or just “a devil”.








As the condemnation continued, I was now sitting on my bed in Becky’s parent’s home. The bedroom door closed, of course! And I was being assaulted with every kind of damnation and threatening accusation you could possibly imagine!


Eventually, the obvious question to ask him was … What will the very next planet of punishment be like as I live out my next jail-sentence?” In the flash of a moment, there appeared on the white plaster wall of my bedroom, an image. It was about 2 or 3 feet long, and not quite as high. It was a very faint image. It looked like a Spanish town from back, probably in the 1800′s. It looked like the city center of a quaint little Spanish market-place, with old-looking two-story buildings, even with balconies, as I vaguely recall. There were donkeys pulling carts, and Spanish people walking to-and-fro. It was, perhaps, the main intersection of some little Spanish city.


But the strange part of this was that each of their faces was blurred out. So you couldn’t see their faces. Puzzling. Very puzzling!


There were antiquated buildings in the background. It looked like a very happy scene. It was not a still picture. The people and animals were moving; just like a TV. But it wasn’t a television. Nor was it some picture on the wall. It was a 100% vision! But this vision only lasted for a few moments and then completely vanished away!


Needless to say, I was confused by this vision. It seemed to be a hopeful picture! It actually looked like a pretty good place to live!  It didn’t go along at all with the Devil’s current barrage of condemnation. Really puzzling!








I can’t honestly say how long this wake-up call from Hell lasted.


But finally, a little “sunbeam of hope” appeared in my otherwise dark world…


“Maybe just maybe, God might hear one last prayer. Maybe one…last…prayer.”


“But you have to do something first, Chuck. You’re gonna have to plop down on your head just like ya did back at Unit 3600.”


I was terrified right now at this horrible thought. Nevertheless, I still had a little hope here. After all, if God might hear just one last prayer…that’s alotta hope! A whole lotta hope! With all this condemnation going on, to have one last prayer….well…that was a very big deal!


So to simply fall on my head as he demanded, was the only obstacle between “hope”…or “NO hope”, should I NOT fall.


Now, I had no mind to jump as high as I did back in the hospital. I wanted to live! I didn’t want to die at this moment in time!


Yeah, back in Unit 3600 I really-really-really wanted to die! But now my attitude was vastly different, for some unknown reason.


But I knew I had to do what the Devil was telling me to do, if I wanted to have a prayer-of-a-chance!


So, I glanced up to make sure no one was looking down at me from outside that little window in which Papa looked at me, during the first few days of my visit.


Next, I got on my bed, and leaned over as close to the floor as I could, holding my hands by my side. I got so close to the hard floor, that my head was only a foot or less from the ground. I tried one time, but my hands just reached the floor and broke my fall. “That’s not good enough, Chuck. No fair using your hands!” , said the Devil, mockingly.


And so I got back into position. I took a lot of time preparing. I didn’t want to die. So finally I leaned over and fell again. But again I used my hands to cushion the blow.


“Nope Chuck. That’s still not good enough!. Yer gonna have to do it, over and over and over until you get it right!!”, mocked the Devil, maybe like an old-fashion, “Schoolmarm” might say!


After several failed attempts, I finally succeeded in falling on my head with my hands by my side. I fell onto that hard, ceramic-tile floor on my head, without using my hands!


Yeah, I fell on my head, and I wasn’t hurt. And falling over onto my back made a lot of noise, however. I was hoping that nobody in the house had heard me. “I DID IT! I FELL DOWN ON MY HEAD!!”


Cigarette smoke – wikimedia – share-alike license








But now I felt that I had just one prayer. Oh…I savored that opportunity! One last prayer! It was the only ray of hope remaining for me! And needless to say, it was like the juiciest and most flavorful New York Steak dinner, just awaiting for my taste-buds to delight in its consumption!


But what should I ask for? Maybe I should ask for a long life!








http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Cigarette_smoke.jpgI suppose I could have thought about that old comedy with Bob Hope or somebody. You know, a guy standing in front of a firing squad. And he had one last request. He asked if he could smoke a last cigarette. So he pulls out a two-foot-long cigarette to smoke. And now, that old Hollywood comedy gag would make a whole lotta sense! Now I wanted something that would likewise last me a long time!


So I got down on my knees and carefully chose my words.


Cigarette_smoke – cropped image – wikimedia – share-alike-license.jpg








But what should I ask for? A long life of seeing the worl800px-Yacht_Lady_Moura_in_Monaco wikipedia public domaind? Lots of money also? Fame and fortune? Beautiful women? Maybe I should have asked for that yacht that I was gonna sail away into the sunset with? Or maybe all thebetty boop wikipedia public domain above!


No, there was only one thing that was important right now; and such a wish would also buy me some much-needed time! And this one thing just might give me the knowledge that I needed, to get myself out of this impossible predicament! Because I felt that this one thing contained a lot of hope. And hope was just now in short supply. Very short supply!


And so I prayed the following words…


Yacht – Lady Moura in Monaco – wikipedia – public domain

betty boop – wikipedia – public domain






http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Holy_bible.jpg“Please God, let me read the whole entire Bible!”


That was it! That was my last request! “Please God, let me read the whole Bible.” The Bible!


Read the whole Bible, cover to cover!


That was my last request!


That was it!


Holy bible – cropped image – wikimedia – creative commons lic.






.Judgment Day license plate www.devouringfire.com

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Ch. 27 “Coming To America”


This little chapter tells of the “Orange Crush” and the “big 8/23 Skidoo” and more. Some still unanswered questions.




By admin On December 8th, 2012


Click on credit links below each photo, for licensing names/details/tags/etc.. Most images cropped/reduced in size






Well, our “train bound for no-where” delivered us to the door-step of the little tropical paradise of Belize. 


And up to this point in time, my “Vacation From (In) Hell” was going, so-far, about as enjoyable as perhaps… say… for instance, A SWIM IN THE LAKE OF FIRE!!!


…All the various tormenting experiences I suffered through here in Guatemala/Belize:


The tour of Antiqua (the insane noises),


…or, the “Right-Turn Only” phenomenon. .


…or the “Lost Isle of Hot Thunderbolts”.

.The_Scream Wikipedia public domain by edvard munch c.1893

…or the “Fantasy Island” accusation of me murdering Mother Mary!




But why was all this happening?


I had absolutely no explanation, except for the constantly changing stories which my unseen spirit “companion” was telling me!


Tourist train at Alto Mire Olga by Nils Oberg – cropped image – wikipedia – share alike license

The Scream of Nature – by E. Munch – Wikipedia – public domain by edvard munch c.1893








And here’s another question:  “Why did the spirit change his explanation of ‘Eternal Torment in Hell’ to ‘Re-Incarnation’?”


I was getting assaulted by these spiritual “Fiery Arrows”!


And besides being agonizing beyond belief, it was confusing, to say the least! It was like being taken up in a “Whirlwind” a “Hellish Cyclone”!


But it wasn’t a whirlwind or even a cyclone of my own imagination! Oh no! This all became so real, because of the manifestation of these spiritual powers, which were in full control of this cyclonic tempest which I was now caught up in!


110413 – NOAA – tornado -National Weather Service/F. Smith – 02 – public domain























We continued on our journey toward the Tikal ruins.


But Becky had set up another side-adventure. This little excursion began when we climbed into a long narrow boat.


Our guide was taking us to… somewhere.


But, instead of enjoying this boat-ride, I was so preoccupied with the spirit, I really didn’t know nor even care where I was going! Either I was Jesus, or I was Hitler. Hitler or Jesus! Jesus or Hitler!


These were his on-going assertions and assaults whirling about in my head like a Midwest tornado!


And so, as our guide took us up and down the channel of some river, the spirit was taking me up and down on a spiritual roller-coaster ride, to Hell and back!


Adolph Hitler – Wikimedia – Public Domain

Jesus over Jerusalem – Enrique Simonet Flevit – 1892 – Wikimedia – Public-Domain

Hide Thyself in thy Chambers – Inspired by Tornado-Over-Kansas by John Curry







.fortress Belieze

But though I was being plagued by the spirit, I was still aware enough to remember riding in this boat (actually a very long and wide motorized canoe) along the banks of a jungle. And I do remember that we came to the ruins of an old fortress which was built at a point of an entrance to the ocean.


As I remember, we got out and walked around this fortress. Or maybe we didn’t. But nevertheless, this great stone-and-mortar citadel had probably stood silent for centuries. There was no town nor even any sign of human life anywhere.


This strong fortress, no doubt, protected a people from their enemies. Well, it looked like it did, for maybe centuries! But now it stood as silent as the stones it was built with!


Yes, these individuals conquered every enemy but one: “Father Time”. Oh yes, Father Time had won the final battle.


He always does, you know!


Fortress – Belize – Wikipedia










My memory at this point is a little fuzzy. I’m just going to have to assume that we took a bus toward Tikal. And I recall that Belize was like what I expected Guatemala to be: thick tropical jungle!


And so, eventually we finally arrived at Tikal. Again, it was like a jungle. And very beautiful! We rented a sleeping bungalow at the park. It was really nice, with a thatched roof and open-air style, but with bug screens. It was really a very well run park. All the grass and shrubs were nicely trimmed. All the accommodations well-cared-for. 

.800px-Tikal-Plaza-And-North-Acropolis by Bjorn Christian Torrissen for wikipedia GNU license

The next morning, after eating a big buffet breakfast with all sorts of fresh fruit and granola and pastries, we went for a tour of the ruins. Not a guided tour: just our own personal walking-tour (I was never the type to want to be in a structured setting).


There were beautiful and colorful tropical birds in the trees. There were little monkeys in the trees too.


Walking along the big wide pathway, we came upon the ruins. This was definitely a Jesus day. It was not a Hitler day. And the spirit was really laying it on thick...


“Oh Chuck, these people built all these temples for you. You were the long-awaited One!”


As I walked along, trying to see all these grand structures, the spirit was now in high gear, plaguing me with comments, questions, assertions, and things I couldn’t combat nor resist! He was really talking up a storm on this particular day! But as I said, it was mostly benign conversation at this moment, even though it was driving me crazy.


Chuck attempts to reach out to shy monkey at Tikal








These temples had been mostly buried for many centuries, partly by dirt, partly by shrubs and trees, but mostly by that ultimate bury-er, “Father Time”.


But somebody finally discovered them in the mid-nineteenth century, and they were uncovered and eventually made into this incredible park in the mid-twentieth century!


These Mayan ruins have enough to see that really makes it an awesome sight for any tourist! I only wish I could have seen it under different circumstances!


Tikal Plaza And North Acropolis – by Bjorn Christian Torrissen for wikipedia – GNU license








In the main plaza was a courtyard surrounded with various temples. But the main temple seemed to be the Jaguar Temple, towering above all the rest. I decided to climb the steps of this temple.


So I did.



As I ascended up these ancient temple steps, the spirit was telling me that these ancient Mayans built this temple, in hopes that, some day, the long-awaited Messiah would come here. And me, being “Jesus”, was the fulfillment of their prophetic hopes (of course, I was obviously late in arriving, by a millennium or so! “Oops! Sorry guys!”)


I finally reached the top. I stood there on high, gazing out across this very grand and impressive temple complex, the spirit telling me, no, SCHMOOZING me, perhaps, something like this: “Oh Chuck! Oh Jesus! This is such a long-awaited moment! You…Jesus Christ, have returned! I think I’m gonna cry! I’m getting all choked up! Somebody give me a hankie!” As he was saying these kinds of similar things, I couldn’t tell if he was mocking me or not. But by now, I was extremely suspicious about anything he said! 









Temple-1-tikal-feb-2006 wikipedia GNU free-use license


Anyway, I stood at the top. It was a great view! I decided to make it a “Marlboro moment”. So I lit up, and took in this grand and memorable scene.


Now, whether or not I was Jesus, I couldn’t honestly say, as I listened to his non-stop rhetoric. After all, I didn’t know a single thing about the Bible! So what could I do, except to just take the spirit’s word!? Or not take it! And frankly, he changed his story so many times, I didn’t really know what to think or believe!


Oh yeah, I desperately wanted to believe him!


Because, “Choice B” was that I was Hitler (in my previous life).


And I sure didn’t want that to be!


Temple-1-tikal – feb-2006 – wikipedia – GNU free-use license









Well, after the cigarette, there wasn’t much else to do up there. (That door at the top, in the above photo, was just a “dead end”, and it was really disappointing that there were no inner-doors nor some secret descending inner-stairway.)


And so I began my descent the same way I came up.


But just as soon as I tried to take my first step downward, I immediately realized that these steps were tall and narrow! And very steep! And it made me somewhat dizzy, trying to descend.


So I decided to scoot down on my rear end, one step at a time. I’m sure this proud civilization, had they been here to behold their “messiah”, would’ve been scratching their heads, and shrugging their shoulders at me. I, no doubt, would’ve been a big disappointment to them, as I cautiously scooted myself down these steps.


“Some Messiah!”, I probably thought to myself.


To tell you the truth, I was even embarrassed at myself for being so wimpy about my descent! But hey…better to be a safe messiah, rather than a dead one! Right? And I was frankly glad these ancient people weren’t around anymore! The embarrassment over my less-than-majestic-descent woulda been much-too-much!


(Just a point of interest. I heard later, on the news, that these steps were closed to the public after someone had fallen to their death while, no-doubt, walking down these steep steps!)


And so, looking back on all this, as I stood high atop this grand monument, all the while being told that this was all built for me, was likewise exhilarating! And though these Mayan ruins were truly the highlight of this…uh…“vacation”, the next days and weeks would bring me down, down, down, to the depths of Hell! And if ever there was some self-aggrandizing moment in which I had developed any sort of ego bubble, the spirit was standing by with a very big and extremely sharp needle, eagerly waiting to burst it!


Ramphastos sulfuratus – Belize Zoo – by Snowmanradio for wikipedia – share-alike







Lamentations 1:1


http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:At_a_loss.svgThe question has to be asked… Where did all the people go? Why did they abandon this great and impressive city?


Did they move on because of some famine or pestilence? Did they become a licentious society, and die off from some new virus or venereal disease? Maybe their enemies became too strong and scattered them. Perhaps they simply moved on, merely ceasing from building up their ambitious society. Or maybe they just crumbled from “the enemy-within“. These deserted temples were guarding this secret from a curious planet.


http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Temple_of_the_Great_Jaguar.jpgAnd so, these deserted temples remain as a now-silent monument, to a once-mighty-and-ambitious society, and a people who probably eventually gave up their pagan religion, to once again return to a humble agrarian culture.


Now, this place was totally deserted (except for us tourists). I mean, here was a bunch of nice old buildings (Oh yeah…fixer-uppers, to be sure…but with a whole lotta potential for temple-flipping!). You’d think that somebody woulda taken over this town, wouldn’t you?


My guess is, that the man on the train had been here too! You know, the hit man on the “train bound for nowhere” (see previous chapters).


I guess that the Destroyer has been paying visits to disobedient cities and states…and nations, for a long, long time!


This guy named Apollyon …he really gets around, doesn’t he!?!


The DestroyerBut if they will not obey, I will utterly pluck up and destroy that nation, saith the LORD…the ‘Destroyer’…is on his way; he is gone forth from his place to make thy land desolate; and thy cities shall be laid waste, without an inhabitant.” 

Jeremiah 4:7 & 12:17 


Question Mark – at a loss – Wikimedia – Share-alike license







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Ch. 26 “RX-7″


Finally I find out what “RX-7” actually means!


Ch.23: “On a Train Bound For ‘No-Where’”

By admin On December 8th, 2012


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Have you ever wondered why one nation rises to power…while another crumbles?


Why does a great kingdom fall, just like a castle made of sand down by the seashore?


Perhaps this chapter will be of interest.


“At what instant I shall speak concerning a nation, and concerning a kingdom, to pluck up, and to pull down, and to destroy it; If that nation, against whom I have pronounced, turn from their evil, I will repent of the evil that I thought to do unto them.” Jeremiah 18:7, 8



Anyway, let’s get back to the story…


Sand castle at Cannon Beach Oregon. Cropped image – Wikipedia share-alike license. Click here for link to Photographer’s web page.






https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Clinton_09.jpg?uselang=eoCHAPTER 23…



(Lyric from the 1978 Kenny Rogers song, “The Gambler”)


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license






https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_ScreamWe were dropped off at the train depot in Guatemala City. We found a place on this very old train. The seats were just wooden benches, and most of the windows were broken out! But primitive as it was, this little locomotive was filled with passengers! Excitement filled the morning air! People were chattering! Chickens were clucking! And the spirit still talking at me…NON-STOP!!!


Each person going to his or her own special destination. And we were no exception! And Becky, being a very gifted conversationalist, no doubt had already found someone to chat with and to laugh with, along the way.


We were just about to embark on a trip to the Eastern Guatemalan Coast. Our big destination was Tikal, to see the Mayan temple ruins. The ancient temples! The jungles! The tropics! Mystery and exotic intrigue!


And fortunately, this train-ride happened to be one of my “Jesus days”. And the spirit didn’t let up! He didn’t get tired!


But on this particular day, his rhetoric was all about me…being Jesus in a former life!


Yeah, this spirit was all about talk, talk, talk! He just didn’t let up with all his talking! I was exhausted, to say the least! But thankfully, he wasn’t condemning me for being Hitler at the moment! And so this was definitely a step up from that! I mean a HUGE step up!! I mean…I’ll take being Jesus in a former life, rather than Hitler, AAANY ol’ day of the week, thank you!!! 


The Scream of Nature – by E. Munch – Wikipedia – public domain by edvard munch c.1893

 Guatemalan train station by Nils Oberg share-alike license.







https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Clinton_09.jpg?uselang=eo“GOOD MORNING GUATEMALA…HOW ARE YA?”…

(Wordplay on the 1972 Arlo Guthrie great train eulogy, “City of New Orleans”)


This old relic of a train began to roll down the rickety tracks, taking us to an otherwise wonderful and colorful adventure within that tiny but beautiful little country… Belize (I say, “OTHERWISE wonderful and colorful adventure”, because this excursion would also be part of my “Vacation From Hell”).








800px-Tourist_train_at_Alto_Mire_Olga by Nils Oberg for wikipedia share alike license


Before long, this bumpy train-ride became very uncomfortable. Wooden benches for seats, after all! But we stopped at various times, and I was no doubt glad to get off the train for a few minutes of relief!


At one lingering stop, I remember that Becky befriended a little boy, who followed us everywhere on that 30-minute stop.


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

Photo of Guatemalan train courtesy Wikipedia. click for link to photographer – Nils Öberg.








But we were soon back on the train, and the big steel wheels were rolling once again, down those rickety old tracks, chugging steadily closer to our final destination. 


But as morning turned into afternoon, the passengers began to thin out. We looked at all the scenery. I was kind-of disappointed that there weren’t more trees in Guatemala, at least in the parts that I saw. Oh yeah, there were lots of fields! But I had Guatemala figured for jungle-like terrain. Guess I was wrong!


There were big grass huts in some of the fields. I was a little surprised at how primitive some of these country-folk were. 


As I looked out the train window, my eyes “bugged-out” as I saw one peasant lady outside of her grass hut, just standing there, with not one stitch of clothing, looking at us rolling by! As I said, these country folk were very primitive (This photo I got from the Internet shows a grass hut which was similar to what I remember seeing along the way).  


similar-type hut (not guatemala) – wikimedia-commons – share-alike-license








(Lyric from the 1978 Kenny Rogers song, “The Gambler”)


As the day wore on, the passenger cars became desolate. It was kind-of eerie, being pretty-much the only souls on this antique train, except for perhaps a few others. Yeah, most all the passengers had already gotten off at their appointed destinations. But we still had a long way to go, till we reached our final destination. 


At some point it started raining. And not just your average rain! This was an incredible torrential down-pour! It was like someone upstairs decided to dump a giant bucket of water down onto the earth!



And just now, as I’m writing this, an old childhood memory is flashing back in my mind: Yeah, I can still recall asking my beloved Grandpa Frank, one day as we both walked along (probably after one of those proverbial Willamette Valley, Salem Oregon rainstorms), “Grandpa, does God pour out a bucket of water when He wants it to rain?” Well, all I remember is, he gave me some nonsense about “atmospheric conditions” or something! But still, that answer didn’t convince my little 4 year-old mind! No, I confidently held fast to my “God’s rain-bucket theory”!


But that was years ago! And right at the moment, I’d have to say, this Guatemalan rainstorm we were now riding through, quite possibly made those rainstorms back home in Salem, merely seem like a bad drizzle! And this wouldn’t have been much of a problem for Becky and me, except that most of the windows were broken out on this little old relic of a train, as already stated! So we were forced to search the cars for a seat with windows. But since mostly all the passengers had already gotten off the train, we pretty much had our choice of where to sit!


By now it was dark. Can’t remember if the train had stopped, but it probably did, to let off the last few remaining passengers (or, at least I thought it let off the last passengers!) But somehow, we made it to another train-car. And we found a dry seat. And though there was no way to escape from those hard wooden seats, we were just happy that we had found a DRY wooden seat!


But even though we solved the water-through-the-windows problem, a new dilemma now arose! 


A dilemma in the form of a mystery!


This is because, when we did finally find a seat with windows in-tact, we immediately glanced up to notice this big dark silhouette looming about four or five seats in back of us. Other than this dark lone figure, there was probably not another living soul on the train (not counting the Engineers of course!)


Hard Rain – wikimedia – public domain








(Lyric from the 1978 Kenny Rogers hit song, “The Gambler”)


Okay, okay, so this was no gambler (like the above title suggests). Actually, he looked like a man who didn’t like to take chances. From his appearance, he looked like a guy who made sure the job got done, whatever that job happened to be!  And even though the dim lights inside this train-car were possibly kind-of flickering, as I vaguely recall, I glanced back to get a more detailed perspective of this foreboding-looking “mystery man”.


His out-of-place apparel appeared like he was an American. He had on a dark business suit and an overcoat. He was wearing a Dick Tracy style hat. He just sat there, kind-of intently looking down. Very morose! I thought to myself, “This guy has to be CIA or Mafia! One or the other!” He somewhat resembled Luca Brazzi (remember that “hit-man” in “The Godfather”). Definitely the destroyer-type! A real Apollyon! A formidable Abaddon!


Becky and I were both nervous with this mystery man in back of us.








After a while Becky said, “I’m going to talk with him”. So she went back there and sat down in the seat just in front of him, as I recall.


As I said, Becky was a gifted conversationalist. But I couldn’t hear what she said. I suppose the rain was making such a loud sound on the roof above us, that it would have been impossible for me to hear (not to mention, the sounds of the steel wheels rolling down and stressing against those rickety old tracks below).


When she returned, I whispered, “What did he say?”


But to my disappointment, when she came back she didn’t have much to say about her conversation with this stranger. She probably did most of the talking.


Nevertheless, this mystery-man was most likely on a mission! That seemed for sure! I didn’t need anyone to tell me that! And it didn’t look good for somebody! But just who was that “someone” gonna be? That was, “the $64.00 question!” (as my old high school math teacher, Mr. Finneran (who btw, didn’t like me too much), always used to say!)








(Lyric from the 1978 Kenny Rogers mega-hit song, “The Gambler”)


Eventually we arrived at the end of the line, which was the eastern seacoast of Belize. It was about 10 pm or so. About 14 hours of travel. Hooray!!! No more wooden benches!!! 


The rain had finally stopped.


And as we got off the train (my entire body, no doubt, still vibrating from those hard wooden seats), I immediately noticed that this part of town was dark and completely deserted.


Well, maybe it was completely deserted. Hopefully so!


From all appearances, we were probably in an old industrial section of town. Or maybe the docks and fish canneries, by the ocean.


Yeah, it was the fish canneries, no doubt! 


We walked through the dark, wet, empty streets. And beside us, the only sounds were probably the echoing of our shoes, as we nervously (and hurriedly) made our way through this (hopefully) desolate area, on the other side of town.


And all the while, I probably listened intently, so as to make sure there weren’t an extra pair of shoes echoing!


But fortunately, the long row of tall buildings probably amplified every little sound. Thus, I would have immediately known, had there been somebody following us!


But maybe still, a cold chill ran through my already-adrenaline-laced veins! On such occasions, it always did! And I’ve been beaten up in similar surroundings. And robbed as well!


And really, what are ya gonna do, even if there were an extra pair of shoes echoing? Do you look back? Ya really can’t run! You’d feel stupid doing that! And ya just can’t hide! That would look even stupider! And so we simply…kept…walking. Quickly, quickly!! (maybe occasionally glancing behind us, like this above drawing attempts to portray.)


ABOVE DRAWING: Chuck and Becky hurry through the dark streets, Chuck glancing behind them.







(Wordplay on the lyric from the 1978 Kenny Rogers song, “The Gambler”)


We finally found a room. Fantastic!


The night-clerk told Becky about a nearby restaurant.


Shortly we found it; a large pizza parlor, miraculously still open!


First of all, I was astonished that there was an Italian restaurant here, much less being open at this late hour in an seemingly deserted section of that town! So we were happy about that! The old building which currently housed this large Italian restaurant had big rooms and tall ceilings and totally void of patrons; and there were only several employees, at this late hour.








(Lyric from the 1978 Kenny Rogers song, “The Gambler”)


But as we entered, we were somewhat shocked at what we saw inside! Yeah, over in the corner, sitting at a table, was the Destroyer (the CIA/Mafia man)! Alone, still looking down, this time at his table, as if he were waiting for his next contact, to give him his final instructions!

man in the corner


Now Becky could liven up any room, and I’m sure she did…to a certain extent in this mostly empty restaurant, talking to the one or two employees still working.


But still, “The Destroyer” just sat there, off in the distance…still looking down. The shadows in the far corner of this restaurant possibly providing him with an extra cloak of darkness. Even the light above some persons seems to emanate only Darkness. Either he was trying to find something or someone….or trying to not be found! But if he was trying not to be found, he probably wouldn’t look so CIA-ish! The business suit and hat made him stand out like a pit-bull at a poodle-picnic! So logic would insist that he must be trying to find something…or someone!








(Lyric from the 1978 Kenny Rogers song, “The Gambler”)


Well, happily, we never spoke to, nor saw that mystery man again.


But that’s not quite the end of the story. Yeah, as that wonderful old radio story-teller always used to say, “Now, for the rest of the story!”


You see, one day, some time later, upon mentioning that incident, Becky informed me that she had heard “There was a murder in that sea-town…at that very same time!”


Okay, so I guess my gut instincts were right about that guy! Sometimes you can tell about someone by just looking him in his eye!








And speaking of getting the “heebie-jeebies” about someone, I recall one time, a few https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:NCR_Registrierkasse_Austria.jpgyears earlier, at our all-you-can-eat-buffet, when two guys walked in. I could tell that they were from out-of-town. But the moment they walked in, they just stood in the hallway, glaring at my N.C.R. cash register like it was a New York Steak!! Medium Rare!! I knew that these two cool customers wanted to cash-in on my cash register, real bad! But since I was standing there like a Rooster, guarding the hen-house…well… they probably just figured they’d have to fight me for it, and gave up on that idea! So nothing happened that day!


But those two bad hombres had hungry eyes! And not merely for the buffet!


Yeah, sometimes ya just get the chills…when ya realize that a man’s got murder in his eye!


And this guy was no exception! This Destroyer was sent. He was following orders… orders from the Boss! His orders were to get the job done and apparently he did get it done! I guess this Apollyon has been getting the job done for a long, long time!


So now that his job was finished in this town, where would this hit-man go to next? To the next job, no doubt! This Abaddon would find the next person… or group of persons who weren’t holding up their end of the bargain…with the Commander!


NCR cash register – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license

The Destroyer on a “Train Bound For Nowhere”







“The lion is come up from his thicket,

and the destroyer of the Gentiles is on his way;

he is gone forth from his place

to make thy land desolate;

and thy cities shall be laid waste,

without an inhabitant.”

Jeremaih 4:7 







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Chapter 24: “The Lost Isle of Thunderbolts”


Chuck turns into a “Right-Turn” extremist, and also, buys the world’s costliest gum! 

Ch. 22: “Fantasy Island”

By admin On December 8th, 2012


Click on image credit links below each photo, for licensing names/details/tags/etc.. Most images cropped/reduced in size




May, 1980

(Roughly about 200 days or so, from becoming an Ex-Atheist)






(Lyric from the 1969 Creedence Clearwater hit, “Stuck In Lodi Again”)


Have you ever wished that God was like a genie in a bottle? And maybe you could get just three wishes: perhaps a long, healthy life, marital bliss, and a financial fortune to enjoy? 


Well this little excursion promised to be just that! 


https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:160_%C4%9Cino.svgYes, maybe, just maybe God is perhaps a “genie in a bottle”, or some kind of a, “heavenly goose that lays golden eggs”!


As the songster once sang…“Seekin’ my fame and fortune, lookin’ for a pot of gold!”


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

Genie – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license








https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The_Rake%27s_Progress_8.jpgWell, I couldn’t make up such a far-fetched and even crazy story; or maybe I should rather call it, “A true account”, which this chapter is.


But I’ll simply report it like it happened and you can decide if you’re going to believe it or just decide that, “The writer of this chapter is out of his ever-lovin’ gourd (like this poor deluded individual in an insane asylum, depicted in this very old picture to the right”).


Nevertheless, if you do decide that this is merely the work of a crazy man, never fear, you have plenty of established medical and psychiatric professionals who will backup your assertion 100%!


Anyway, I’ll mostly recount this true little story, trying not to make too much analysis, and let you decide for yourselves…


Insane Asylum – Wikipedia – Public-Domain

















We arrived at a little resort on the Pacific ocean. We parked our car, and went over to the little ferry, which would take us to this little island resort (not the island photo here, of course! Just a very tiny island).


But just as soon as we boarded the ferry, the spirit began talking in a sort of mocking way, “Oh yeah, this is your fantasy! This is your fantasy!” And actually, it did somewhat remind a person of Fantasy Island. Very beautiful and jungle-like.


So we boarded the ferry, and in a very short time, we arrived on the island. But the spirit kept telling me, “Yes Chuck, this is going to be your Fantasy Island!” And so I was somewhat anticipating a sort of exotic mystery (which would be a welcomed respite from the torment which I had been abundantly experiencing!).


Maybe I was to find riches here! Or maybe some promise of future glory!


Well whatever lay in store for me had great promise of being that proverbial, “pot of gold!”


Photo Hawaii, courtesy Wikipedia under share-alike license. Link here to photographer, Julius Silver.









By the way, for your information, Fantasy Island was a hit TV series, in which various people went to a certain resort on an unnamed island, to have some semi-magical or semi-mystical dream-come-true experience. And there was often a life-lesson which would be learned by the participants, by the end of the show.


Carlos Montalban played Mr. Roarke, who orchestrated these semi-magical experiences each week. Well-cultured and always dressed in white, Mr. Roarke guided his guests into a fantasy which would often change the life of his guest…always for the better. Here’s what Wikipedia says about that show…






FANTASY ISLAND… Airing from 1978 to 1984, the original series starred Ricardo Montalbán as Mr. Roarke, the enigmatic overseer of a mysterious island somewhere in the Pacific Ocean, where people from all walks http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ricardo_Montalban_Herve_Villechaize_Fantasy_Island_1977.JPGof life could come and live out their fantasies, albeit for a price.


Roarke was known for his white suit and cultured demeanor, and was initially accompanied by an energetic sidekick, Tattoo, played by Hervé Villechaize. Tattoo would run up the main bell tower to ring the bell and shout “De plane! De plane!” to announce the arrival of a new set of guests at the beginning of each episode – Information courtesy Wikipedia.


Ricardo Montalban – Herve Villechaize – Fantasy Island – 1977 – wikipedia – public-domain








So we arrived on the island, and immediately rented a little bungalow. It was only $15 American dollars per day, which even back then, was a bargain for an ocean-front resort, not to mention, this was an island resort!


And of course, I was totally focused on what the spirit hhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ricardo_Montalban_Herve_Villechaize_Fantasy_Island_1977.JPGad in store for me, especially with his suggestions that this was gonna be some sort of Fantasy Island experience. I wondered about what might happen, to make this experience like that TV show. I honestly was looking around to see if there was some sort of Mr. Roarke, or at least a “Tattoo”. But there was no Mr. Roarke here to conduct anyone’s fantasy, and not even a little “Tattoo” riding around in a golf cart! As a matter of fact, there was hardly even another living soul on this tropical island, as I recall! (Oh, maybe I was just not paying much attention to anybody but myself, and my own set of issues.)


Ricardo Montalban – Herve Villechaize – Fantasy Island – 1977 – wikipedia – public-domain.jpg









It was obvious that the spirit had something else in mind. But what? I was hoping for something magical or even a mystical fantasy. After all, I knew I was dealing with spirits possessing powers beyond anything I’d ever imagined! And so, I knew these spirits were well capable of bringing about whatever was in-store for me!


As I said, there weren’t very many people at this resort, as I recall. At least not on the week days. It was almost like we had the place to ourselves! But it was a nice place. Not a five-star resort, mind you. It was a very nice little island though (aside from the restaurant help, needless to say! I’ll explain a little further down this page)


Ricardo Montalban – Herve Villechaize – Fantasy Island – 1977 – wikipedia – public-domain.jpg







Fantasy Island


Not long after we arrived, Becky decided that some other family members needed to be here. So she went back to Guatemala City. I stayed on the island.


And so, with the spirit having such a gift of gab, and always willing to TALK MY EAR OFF, there was not a moment of boredom here, (nor of silence). And so I merely roamed the little island, sometimes sitting in a hammock, under the shade of a palm tree, and talked with the spirit. And mostly, I remember that he went over and over on this burning question, as to just who I was in a former life….Jesus….or Hitler. But I must say, most of the time on this so-called, “Fantasy Island”, he inundated me with the possibilities of me being Jesus (in a former life), and of all the glorious things awaiting me.








(Title from the 1974 Paul Anka/Odia Coates hit, “You’re Having My Baby”)


But as I was sitting under a palm tree, he then began to present to me a big story of how, not only I, as Jesus, was reincarnated, but also other Bible people, namely Mother Mary. “Yes Chuck, Mother Mary has also been brought back many times over the centuries. As a matter of fact, remember when you talked your girlfriend into getting an abortion, she didn’t want to have?”


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license








(lyrics from the 1974 Paul Anka/Odia Coates hit, “You’re Having My Baby” with the word, “NOT” added)


The_Madonna_in_Sorrow wikipedia public domainThis inconvenient event happened a number of years earlier. I was an atheist. But I tried to convince myself that abortion wasn’t murder. In spite of that, the thought kept coming back to haunt me, that having an abortion would be preventing a life from coming into the world. So it was an undeniable fact that this abortion too, would be preventing a life: a human life from coming into the world!


So upon deciding to have one anyway, I tried and tried to shake this thought, “Outta My Head!” But I couldn’t! I just couldn’t shake it! This inescapable and inconvenient truth kept coming back again and again to torment me, even though I was pretty much an atheist, back in those years! I would be preventing a life from coming into the world. Dirty rotten MURDER!


In my heart of hearts, I knew it was!

The_Madonna_in_Sorrow wikipedia public domain


But on the day of the scheduled abortion, my girlfriend had a miscarriage (at least that’s what I was told at the time.) “That little girl you had, or should I say, almost had, was the soul of Mother Mary. You killed Mother Mary, Chuck! God was going to bring Mother Mary back into the world! And you killed her! You murdered Mother Mary!” The spirit was now telling me, that my insistence on her having an abortion put a stress on her, ultimately causing my girlfriend to have the miscarriage.


And so began the spirit to bombard me with guilt about this sad chapter in my past. “Do you know what that little girl’s name was going to be that you killed? I had never really The_Madonna_in_Sorrow wikipedia public domainthought about this. “You were going to name her “Heather”.


At this point I felt horrible! Not only was I responsible for that miscarriage, but that child had the soul of Mother Mary! And now the spirit was personalizing this by telling me the name that would’ve been given her: Heather!

(NOTE: As I look back on this episode, it seems that this horrible scenario presented to me by the spirit, was possibly a somewhat bizarre twist on that old anti-abortion argument…”What if Joseph had convinced the Virgin Mary into having an abortion of the Savior of the World?”)


To explore deeper into this subject, please read…“The 6th Head of the Antichrist Beast: Cruel Compassion Regarding Abortion” or you can also read this…“Hands That Shed Innocent Blood: “God’s Providence in the Womb”


The Madonna in Sorrow – wikipedia – public domain








Anyway, I was wearing a ring my former girlfriend had once given me. It was a gold band with myThe_Madonna_in_Sorrow wikipedia public domain birth-stone.


The spirit began coming down on me hard, about how I treated her. “And she gave you that ring with all her love, you schmuck! And all you gave her was that tiny diamond ring! You no good piece of…” s#!@&t !”


All I could do was just to take this verbal whipping! And oh man, was I feeling really low! A real creep was I!


The Madonna in Sorrow – wikipedia – public domain








Then the spirit reminded me of an incident which I went through a few years earlier, when an old public-school friend from back in Salem came by to visit me while I was working at the restaurant. He just showed up one day at our family restaurant. (This incident was in about 1976 or so, 3 or 4 years prior to this Island experience.)


This old friend was dressed all in white: peasant shirt and pants. Clothes you might expect to see on a person living in the tropics. And now that I think of it, he did say he was currently living somewhere in the Hawaiian Islands.

mr roarke


RING OF FIRE… My old friend was saying some strange things! And at one point, he saw this very same ring now being discussed. He told me it was a very special ring, and that it glowed with an aura emanating from it. He asked if I would take it off. So I did, and gave it to him. He started dancing around the back banquet room (which was closed off to the public at that moment), holding up this ring above his head, saying weird things about the ring: saying that the ring glowed with some supernatural light! He talked about the ring as if it was of great importance. He then climbed on one of the banquet room chairs, and held the ring as high as he could. He was saying something about the ring being “very high” or something like that. Making such a big deal about a ring!


“Poor guy”, I thought, “He’s really flipped out!” My old school buddy and his white suit was totally “off his rocker”!


Now, years later, on this so-called Fantasy Island, the spirit was reminding me of this incident from the 70’s, with my old friend and this ring. “He was prophesying to you Chuck. I was controlling him. He was telling you how precious was the love given you by that girl!” I had little trouble accepting what the spirit was telling me. As a matter of fact, I still believe that my old friend in white was being led by spirits. His behavior was so bizarre that day, I can’t attribute it to anything else!








(play on lyrics from 1965 hit song by Gary Lewis & The Playboys, “This Diamond Ring”)


“I want you to take that ring and toss it into the ocean! Toss it, you no good p#$&%S%$T” I began to walk down to the black-sand beach which was only a hundred yards away, looking at this “special ring”, overwhelmed with guilt of how I rejected her love… “God really hates you because of how you treated her! And she only gave you love! Toss that ring you no good SOB!! TOSS IT!!”


And so I took this nice ring and tossed it as far as I could…into the ocean.


I really felt bad about the way I treated almost all my girlfriends. And I really never realized how heartless I could be at times.


Belize – wikipedia – share-alike license








Well, these flashbacks of the past ended, perhaps as quickly as they began.


And I must admit, because of this experience (and others), I became a changed person. In the future, I would try to be more honorable. Not that I was perfect, because I wasn’t.


Just better.


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

Belize – wikipedia – share-alike license






”LUNCH IS SERVED”http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Belize20D_242.jpg


Now Becky arrived the next day with her family. So things became much more lively.


And this little island had several large swimming pools, and an open-air restaurant. Becky’s parents also came there. We all had lunch on this nice restaurant patio overlooking the ocean, just a few hundred feet away, or less.


Belize wikipedia share-alike license. By Eseiglihp. (Sunset on Caye Caulker). Click here for link.









The waitress took our order. They ordered Spanish food. I, being from the good ol’ U.S. of A., ordered a chicken salad sandwich. The waitress soon brought our food. I opened my chicken salad sandwich to inspect it. Upon opening it, I saw a big fat oversized black fly still in mint condition, laying there in the chicken salad, hidden under the bread. I lodged my complaint in English, and it was interpreted to the waitress And after a little discussion, Becky interpreted to me that the waitress replied, “Just take it out”. I objected. And my objection was interpreted back to the waitress, saying that I wanted another sandwich (Which, of course, would be standard procedure back in the states!)


http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Chicken_salad_sandwich_01.jpgIn a few minutes she came back with “another sandwich”. I opened it, and thankfully, there was no large fly in it. But upon closer examination, I noticed an indent, very suspiciously in the exact same spot where the fly was located in the “other” sandwich! And after thinking about it for a few moments, I gave up and decided to make no further objections… and just shut up and eat the stupid sandwich!


Now why am I telling this little story? I don’t know. I just think it’s a funny story, even though it wasn’t so funny at the time.


But anyway, in a few days I would be eating something far worse than flies!


Chicken Salad Sandwich – Wikipedia – Share-Alike License








http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ricardo_Montalban_Herve_Villechaize_Fantasy_Island_1977.JPGAfter a few more days, Becky and I got back on that same ferry which brought us to this island. And in a few minutes we were back on the mainland.


But I guess it was kind of anticlimactic at that time, considering how I was led to believe this was going to be some sort of fantasy. But that’s what happened. I was somewhat disappointed that nothing semi-magical happened, like it often did on that TV show.


And there was no little fella named Tattoo running around the island either.


And no Roarke!


And no “pot of gold”!


And no promise of future glory!


Ricardo Montalban – Herve Villechaize – Fantasy Island – 1977 – wikipedia – public-domain








And if that isn’t enough of a wash-out story, I just found out (as I’m writing this) another disappointing fact. Whttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ricardo_Montalban_Herve_Villechaize_Fantasy_Island_1977.JPGE WEREN’T EVEN ON AN ISLAND! We merely took a ferry across an OUTLET OF WATER ALONG THE COASTLINE BECAUSE IT HAD NO BRIDGE! We were actually still on the mainland of Guatemala.




Ricardo Montalban – Herve Villechaize – Fantasy Island – 1977 – wikipedia – public-domain








Now if that’s still not enough of a wash-out, I was also later informed that some time after we left there, a big Pacific storm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Ricardo_Montalban_Herve_Villechaize_Fantasy_Island_1977.JPGcame along and completely destroyed the entire resort!


Well, it serves them right for sticking that fly in my chicken salad sandwich! Not really! Just kidding! Just kidding! Actually, I would eagerly and enthusiastically go back there, flies or no flies! It was a really nice and inexpensive resort! (Well, of course, I did lose that beautiful and expensive gold ring. And oh yeah, I also went to sleep with a lit Marlboro in my hand on the last day, and caught my mattress on fire, which I paid for.)


Ricardo Montalban – Herve Villechaize – Fantasy Island – 1977 – wikipedia – public-domain











(Lyric from the 1969 Creedence Clearwater hit, “Bad Moon On The Rise”)


When we arrived back home at Becky’s parents, the weather became cloudy. During a dark night, there was a thunderstorm. I went up on the roof, because I learned by experience, that the spirit would answer questions using the lightning.


And up there. all alone on that roof, it seemed like I could see across all the houses and townhouses for blocks. The night looked like one of Van Gogh’s more dreary paintings! And the lightning put on a show for free!



In the distance, the electric air and the kaboom of the lightning caused the dogs around the city to bark and howl, which only made things that much more eerie! And as I said, the spirit would answer simultaneous to the lightning flashing. So I would ask something concerning whether I was Hitler or Jesus, and other such things. I could perceive no time delay between the lightning flash and his answer in my mind. His answers would be either “yes”, or “no”. If he didn’t want to answer, he didn’t say anything.


I’m not sure how many nights this went on. Maybe just that one night. But I was bombarded with guilt over the miscarriage I caused, which resulted in the death of “Mother Mary’s” reincarnated soul. Of course by now, I didn’t know what to believe at this point. This spirit was as changeable as a fickle teenager.


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license









(Lyric from the 1969 Creedence Clearwater hit, “Bad Moon On The Rise”)


One night, Becky and I were going to her Father’s church service. He had a very active church, which met seven nights a week, plus twice on Sunday! And as usual, there were many people gathered together on this weeknight service. Of course I couldn’t understand anything they said. It was all in Spanish. But there was lots of music, lots of singing, and an abundance of hand-clapping!




After much music and singing, it came time for Papa to begin preaching. During the service, the lightning began to flash outside. They had left the entry double-doors open, so I thought I would use this opportunity to ask the spirit more questions, and wait for the lightning and the spirit’s response. I figured that such a holy place as church might be the perfect place to get the answer I needed. And so I would look back at the open doors and ask a question, and wait for the lightning to flash. Now I can’t remember exactly what was happening right at the moment, as far as the church service. But I distinctly remember asking the question “Did I really kill the Mother Mary?” The lightning would flash, and a simultaneous answer would come, “Yes!”, or “No!”.








(Lyrics from Paul McCartney song “Let It Be”)


And as I recall, I repeated this question several times. “Did I kill Mother Mary?…..Did I kill Mother Mary?” And about the second or third time…as soon as I asked the question, The spirit shouted, “NO-O-O-O-O-O!!”… and simultaneous to his answer, both the lightning and thunder cracked so loud, it was both blinding and deafening!


But at the very same moment as that answer, the lightning completely turned the neighborhood white with the loudest crack you might have ever heard, resulting in the lights going out in the church and throughout the entire neighborhood!


The lightning had caused the lights in the church and all through the neighborhood to go completely out! Now I was convinced that somehow the spirit had control over the lightning, in some way.

The_Madonna_in_Sorrow wikipedia public domain


Needless to say, the power outage brought the church service to a screeching halt! The noise of the service was quickly replaced by questioning voices throughout this darkened sanctuary. At least for 20 or 30 minutes, the service had ended until the power came back on throughout the neighborhood. Until it did come back on, everyone went outside the church in order to wait.


As I said, the spirit shouted “NO-O-O!!”, totally in-sync with the lightning flash/thunder and the The_Madonna_in_Sorrow wikipedia public domainneighborhood power-outage. This was a loud answer from Heaven, as far as I was concerned. “NO” came the answer I was hoping for! “NO” I didn’t kill Mother Mary, after all!


But then the spirit began to somewhat confuse the issue by saying, “Did God say “NO!”, or did He say, “KNOW!”???


Well, what could I do with such an ominous and confusing answer as this? And so, I decided to just, “Let it be”.


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

The Madonna in Sorrow – wikipedia – public domain









Nevertheless, that lightning storm put the “final lid down tight” on all this “Me killing Mother Mary” nonsense!


But also, this excursion to “Fantasy Island” put the final “cork in the bottle” on all this idea about God being some sort of, Ponzi-scheme”, in which you stroke some brass lamp, and “VOILA!”, a magic genie appears and offers you three wishes!



No, as we left, I was disappointed there was no mystical experience!


No earthly riches!


No promise of future glory!


Only the knowledge of what a miserable wretch and scoundrel I really had been through much of my “adult” life! 


Genie – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license

Ricardo Montalban – Herve Villechaize – Fantasy Island – 1977 – wikipedia – public-domain










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This was more than just a bumpy ride! This was an excursion to No-Where’s-Ville!