Ch. 29: “HELEN ASHES” Continued: “O Lucifer, Son Of The Morning”

By admin On December 8th, 2012


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There was a song on the radio in the 70’s called “Ball of Confusion”.


“Ball of confusion Oh yeah,

that’s what the world is today

Woo, hey, hey…”

Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Norman Whitfield / Barrett Strong
Ball Of Confusion (That’s What The World Is Today) (Single Version / Mono) lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC


So even the people of the world are bewildered as to why this world is so crazy evil!


Oh yeah, this song,_John_-_Satan_presiding_at_the_Infernal_Council_-_1824.JPGasked some of the same questions as this website asks: Have you ever wondered why the world is so evil? Why all the murders? Why all the rapes? Why all the hatred over skin colors? The molestations of innocent children? The wars? The sickness and disease? Why suicidal spending in Washington? Have you wondered why so many religions? Why so many differing ideologies? Why so much hatred…and bigotry…and bizarre, unexplainable phenomena?


Is all this ball of confusion merely the result of some ancient freak and chaotic explosion?


And isn’t there any hope in this universe?

The_Scream Wikipedia public domain by edvard munch c.1893


Well, if you are bewildered at this world’s wickedness, please read this chapter. Hopefully you’ll come away with a bit different view of why all these things are occurring around the globe.


But, perhaps you already know all these things contained in this chapter. And yet, it’s possible that you’ll read a few things here that will make you wonder if some of the phenomena we simply write off as just “natural occurrences” are actually the product of “Ol’ L.S.D.” (Lucifer, Satan, the Devil).


Well you be the judge as you read on…


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

Satan presiding at the Infernal Council- Wikpedia – US Public Domain

The Scream – by E. Munch – Wikipedia – public domain by edvard munch c.1893








“HELEN ASHES” Continued:










June 1980 (about 8 months since my woes first began)








Okay, I was now firmly embedded in this brand-new private Christian hospital mental ward up in Portland Oregon. I was being terrorized by the Devil(s). Things looked hopeless for me.,_Oregon.JPG


My parents came up to Portland to see me. My mother looked really troubled over my situation, and stood off in the distance of the little family/TV room where we all three were, at the moment. (Nobody else in the room at this moment.)


My father began asking how things were going for me.


He asked, “Son, are you still hearing God talking to you?”


I said, “It’s not God talking to me, Dad.”


He looked puzzled. “Well who’s talking to you, if it’s not God?”.


I said, “It’s Satan talking to me.”


This took my dad by total shock. “WHAT!?” he exclaimed, as he jumped up. 


My mom, standing too far from hearing, said, “What did he say, Honey?”


My dad answered, “He said it’s not God who’s talking to him. He now says it’s Satan talking to him!”  Upon hearing that, my mom couldn’t take it anymore, and began sobbing as she hurried outside.


Adventist Medical Center entrance_-_Portland_Oregon – by M O Stevens – Wikipedia – share-alike-license








After that visit with my parents, I was walking back inside, and saw a poster on the wall. It showed a clock, and the following words, “Time to get off drugs.” As I looked at this poster, I noticed the time on the clock hands pointed to 8:23.



“Eight twenty-three?!”, I thought to myself, “I wonder if this poster has anything to do with what Satan was taunting me about, back in Guatemala?” (On the last day there in Guatemala, the Devil kept repeating that he couldn’t wait until “The Big Eight-Twenty-Three Skidoo”. Read the Chapter “Coming To America” for context)


But I wasn’t taking any illegal drugs. So I couldn’t figure out what this poster had to do with anything. Nevertheless, I just filed this into my memory-banks, as a possible clue to this puzzling riddle by the Devil, concerning “The Big 8/23-Skidoo”.


Very mysterious!







I had a number of sessions with my counselor. He was great spiritual help. But there were other counselors too. Another one told me that he didn’t believe in Jesus. So he wasn’t much help for me. Maybe he was good for others. I don’t know.


Adventist Medical Center entrance_-_Portland_Oregon – by M O Stevens – Wikipedia – share-alike-license







. young lady staff-member was talking with me about God. I wanted to know if I was the “The Devil’s Dog”. She told me, “No, there’s no such thing as the “Devil’s Dog in the Bible”.


She then began to tell me that, “God is our loving and kindly Heavenly Father! And as our Father, He has love and tenderness for us, just as a loving father has for his own children. God would never do anything bad to His children!”


Well, although she didn’t quote any Bible verses, she nevertheless put things in a very nice way. God was a nice, loving Father. I wanted to believe her (not to mention that her attractiveness and well-groomed appearance made her look like a person who really had her life “all-together”.)







110413-NOAA-tornado-02 public domain


However, her explanation didn’t quite fit what I had been going through for the past eight months. I’d been cast into a whole lot of very fiery situations, so I knew there had to be more to God than just being a kindly and loving Father.


There must be a wrath-side to God also. I didn’t know hardly anything about the Bible. But there were pieces missing to this mega-puzzle known as God. Some VERY BIG pieces!


I also asked the hospital chaplain the same question, as he was walking down the hall. He stopped for a moment and told me virtually the same thing…“No, there’s no such thing as The Devil’s Dog.”


But I wasn’t totally convinced. Nevertheless, I really really hoped they were correct!


However from that point forward, the Devil never tried again to taunt me concerning “The Devil’s Dog”. And so this ended the accusation that Satan clobbered me over the head with, during my “Vacation From Hell” in Guatemala.


One more thing to cross off my long list of torments!


Ghost-BlackDog – wikipedia – public domain

110413 – NOAA – tornado -National Weather Service/F. Smith – 02 – public domain







 portland adventist hospital "Jesus of Portland"


It wasn’t too long after I arrived, that I discovered the Chapel Room. It was a good long walk from the mental ward towards the front entrance to the hospital. It was a very nice hospital Chapel room. I was told that the wall-sized mural had cost $10,000 (maybe as much as $30,000 $40,000, or even more, in 2020 money), and was just recently painted. And it had to have been just painted. You see, it had Jesus standing in a meadow with His outstretched arms.


But in the background to the left, behind the tree, the artist depicted the smoke from the recent Mount St. Helens volcano rising up from the horizon, just as I had seen it rising outside the hospital, a day or two earlier. So it had to have been finished within the last 30 days or so.


Anyway, I began to go there often to pray. It was wonderful to go in this little quiet haven, away from the hustle-bustle out there, and try to get close to God!


 Portland hospital “Jesus of Portland“, used by special permission from that hospital.







It wasn’t too long into my stay, that a field trip was planned. And so, we all got into a hospital van, and headed east…to Multnomah Falls.


The falls are beautiful and very dramatic, as you can see in the photo. There was a historical ledger at the park, which told the story of some Native American who jumped off the falls to save the rest of the tribe from a sickness. I’m not sure how my spirits were, on this outing. But I’m sure they weren’t far!


What I didn’t realize, is that I would come back to this falls in just a few months… TO JUMP OFF!


Photo courtesy kelvin kay for wikipedia share-alike license. Click for link.







(Lyrics from the 1975 Song, “Superstar” by The Carpenters)


There was a pretty young lady in the ward, with dark hair. As a matter of fact, I took note that she had a striking resemblance to Karen Carpenter, the singer who died of Anorexia a few years after this incident. The girl looked a bit younger than Karen. But she seemed to have the same problem (of course, at this time (1980) I had no idea that Karen Carpenter had this problem. Karen died three years later, in 1983).


Anyway, as I was standing close by in the hallway, near my room, I overheard the nurses and doctor trying to convince her to take a drink of a diet soda. But she kept politely objecting, saying it was too fattening. Her gentle persuaders told her the soda was diet and only had one calorie. But to my amazement, the girl said that “No, well thank you…but…ah…I  just can’t drink that. ONE CALORIE is way too many calories!”


“WHOA!”, I thought to myself, “ONE CALORIE IS TOO FATTENING!?” And as I walked away from this gentle little confrontation (probably shaking my head in unbelief), I thought… “MAN! This girl has some serious issues!!”


So walking away, this battle of the wills kept up. The staff still urging and the girl still (politely) refusing. I thought to myself… “Maybe she’s got a problem with the Devil too! Maybe that’s why she’s got this stuff happening. Maybe the Devil is behind all this.”


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

Karen Carpenter photo courtesy wikipedia & Carpenters under share-alike license, Click for link.








A THINNER ME… But this little exchange of a hospital staff trying to get a very thin person to eat, was just a harbinger of the future. And NOT just the future of Karen Carpenter’s… BUT MY FUTURE AS WELL!! Because little did I know, this was exactly what lay in store for me too!


Yes, I never dreamed that in the future, I too would be afflicted by a similar problem, dipping below 100 pounds myself! I actually looked like a walking skeleton. Little did I know that a hospital staff would likewise be trying to force me to eat, exactly as this staff did to her! And in the future I’d be finally committed to the Dammasch State Mental Hospital. And I would be tormented by demon angels, while confined for three months with liquid being fed me through my nose! Not only this, but while in the hospital, the other patients would prophesy about my future. This was to be a very satanic experience. And my weight problem was due to evil angels. But this was all to happen in the future. And if you do get a chance to hear my similar story, you too might likewise decide that some “eating disorders” are spiritual problems, and not just “psychiatric”.


The new Dammasch State Hospital – 1960 aerial view








One day as I was in the prayer chapel, the spirit began to suggest that I was not Adolph Hitler. He began to suggest that I was, as he originally claimed… Jesus, in a previous life. But I was very leery at this point. He had done way too many flip-flops in the past!


And so I thought of something…“If I really was Jesus in a former life…Then…make me write that statement on that expensive new mural of Jesus.” I thought to myself,God would never allow me to write that statement on this very expensive, and very holy painting.’” And so I sat there waiting for him to compel me to do this deed.

 portland adventist hospital "Jesus of Portland"


And sure enough, in a few moments, I found myself under his power, getting up. I went straight for a pen laying by a guestbook. I walked toward the mural. I began to write (the spirit controlling me) the following words on this mural, in very tiny letters, “Chuck was….” I stopped for a moment. “I don’t want him to give this spirit “wiggle room”. So he had me write, “Chuck was the ORIGINAL Jesus in a former life”.


“Wow… that’s incredible! I must really be Jesus!”, I thought to myself. (Just a note. I wrote very small. I doubt anyone could ever find it.)


Well, as you can imagine, this really relieved me. This proved to me that I wasn’t Adolph Hitler! I probably cried tears of relief at this moment!


Well, this event in that Prayer Chapel that day, ended all that Hitler stuff. Up to this day, I’ve never again been plagued with the assertion that I was Adolph Hitler in my last life.


Now just because my Adolph fear was put to rest, is not to say that I was Jesus in a former life. That false notion also came to an end, eventually.


Portland hospital “Jesus of Portland












One day as I was talking with my counselor, I asked him how Satan could do all these things to me. This young counselor with an Abraham Lincoln-style beard began to tell me a story from the Bible. He told me about a man named Job (Job is pronounced with a long “O”).


Job was a rich man who loved God. But the Devil took everything away from Job. So Job spent months going through illness, and heartache. And Job was tempted to curse God, because of all the evil that the Devil brought upon Job.


Job (oil on canvas) by Bonnat, Leon Joseph Florentin (1833-1922) – Wikimedia – Public Domain






(line from song, “A Mighty Fortress” by Martin Luther c. 1527)…





Another important issue should be mentioned. At some point in time, I learned that the Devil has many “unseen helpers”. These are fellow angels who also fell from grace, long ago, at the same time that Lucifer fell. These “Evil Angels” now roam the Earth, under the leadership of their commander, Lucifer, doing their evil deeds and manipulating and orchestrating the events of the world, in order to carry out his evil master-plan; which master-plan is detailed within the pages of Scripture.

One reason I’m making this point, is to say that…I don’t know if I was being harassed by Satan himself, or just your “run-of-the-mill garden variety” evil angel. But from what I gathered at about this time in my experience, I learned that there were enough evil angels to “go around” for everyone. In other words, this unseen “breed” of spirits, up to this point in time, have been in no danger of being added to the “Endangered Species List”! Ha ha…that’s a joke! (But not a very funny joke, however.)


From what I was told, there are millions, but probably billions of these devils running around on this Earth.


(The Good News is, however, the Devil and his angels will very soon be on the endangered species list…“And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.” Revelation 20:10).


Martin Luther – A Mighty Fortress – Public Domain – Wikipedia

Engraving by Gustave Dore, from, public domain. Click here for gallery of Dore’s Bible pictures.

Gustave Dore – Paradise Lost illustration – Lucifer becomes Satan – Wikimedia – US Public Domain








At this point, someone might possibly ask, “Why are they so evil? Why don’t they simply turn from their wicked ways?”


The answer to this perplexing question is found in Genesis, in the third chapter… And the LORD God said to the serpent… Because you (Satan) have done this (tempted Adam and Eve into sin), you are cursed above all… And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; It shall bruise thy head, and you shall bruise His heel.” Genesis 3:14, 15


And so, at the very beginning, God put a curse on Lucifer. God was not just talking to the serpent. He was speaking to Lucifer who came to Eve through that serpent; making it,_John_-_Satan_presiding_at_the_Infernal_Council_-_1824.JPGseem to the woman, that it was the serpent speaking, when it was actually just old “L.S.D.” (Lucifer, Satan, the Devil). And so if God put a curse on Lucifer, then there was nothing Lucifer could do to escape that curse.


Now I know this all sounds like some children’s story to many who read this. But when you think about it, you have to ask yourself the question, “Why is this world so evil? Why are there so many unthinkable atrocities occurring on a daily basis around the globe? And why does all this evil seem so well orchestrated at times?”


Satan presiding at the Infernal Council- Wikpedia – US Public Domain










Well doesn’t it seem orchestrated? I mean, it’s like…how could Hitler mesmerize an entire nation to get behind his demonic attempt to take over the world? I have a very elderly neighbor who was a little boy in Germany. He told me that he, as well as the entire nation of Germany, believed that Hitler was some sort of “deliverer” to help bring about good into the world (still being mostly ignorant as to his atrocities against the Jews). And it wasn’t until Hitler was crushed by the Allies, that my German neighbor and his fellow countrymen woke up to just how evil Hitler really was, and what he’d been up to.


Rows of bodies of dead inmates fill the yard of Lager Nordhausen, a Gestapo concentration camp – Wikimedia – Public Domain







Rwandan_Genocide_Murambi_skulls wikipedia public domain


And how could a multitude of people in Africa be mesmerized in just a few months, to carry out that hateful and ruthless act of slaughtering thousands of their fellow humans and countrymen; neighbors, who just happened to be of a slightly different blood-line? I saw an interview with one of the men involved in this mass slaughter. He confessed that he and others were brainwashed by the leftist college students who were orchestrating this brutal mass-murder. And after it was all over, he woke up to the reality of the atrocities that he and his fellow countrymen had committed. And then he felt really bad about what he’d done to those innocent men, women, and children of the Tootsies.


So how could this be? How could an entire throng of people be so easily manipulated, if there was no Satan and his evil fellow angels working behind the scenes, to inspire hateful madness within the hearts and minds of these aggressors?


Rwandan Genocide Murambi skulls – wikipedia – public domain







(Word-play on the lyrics of the John Lennon song, “Imagine”)


Well, these are just two examples of the well-orchestrated evil that has long plagued Mankind.


And I could give a lot more examples. And so could you, no doubt!


Nevertheless, it seems like there is an orchestrated effort to erase Satan out of existence. Most don’t even want to acknowledge that there is a Devil; even many Christians have joined in this effort.


Even many in the Christian community will start pointing the accusing finger, if you speak about Satan. “Oh we’re not supposed to be talking about Satan.” Well who says? There seems to be some unwritten rule regarding this. The Bible doesn’t say anything like this!


Oh yeah, I totally agree, we’re certainly not to become obsessed about Satan! Our daily thoughts should be mostly about Jesus and the Bible.


Satan presiding at the Infernal Council- Wikpedia – US Public Domain






(Lyrics from The Rolling Stones song, “Sympathy For The Devil”)


These are just two very quick examples of the orchestrated evil in the world. But with some careful consideration, there could be shown, perhaps thousands of examples of Satan’s orchestrated evil the world over. Take, for instance, the current-day phenomenon in which a vast percentage of Americans now believe that the USA must be completely destroyed and replaced by a so-called “Utopian” Socialist regime.


Nevertheless, Satan has done a marvelous job of “erasing his tracks” behind him. And as already stated, he has all but “erased his self completely out of existence” in the minds of most of the Human Family.


I heard someone say,  “The greatest feat that the Devil ever performed, was to convince the world that he doesn’t exist!” Well, actually, I think that even a greater feat than that was when he convinced much of the world that God doesn’t exist!


Jukebox – Wikimedia – cropped image – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Global license

Stuck Luzifer ca – 1890 – wikimedia – public domain







“THE GOD OF THIS WORLD”,_John_-_Satan_presiding_at_the_Infernal_Council_-_1824.JPG.

The Bible reveals that Lucifer was given dominion over this world long ago. The Bible calls him, “The God of This World” in 2nd Corinthians 4:4.


And also, he is titled, “The Prince of This World”, three times in the Gospel of John (John 12:31, John 14:30, John 16:11).


And in Isaiah, Chapter 14, it is explained that Lucifer was jealous of God.

.,_John_-_Satan_presiding_at_the_Infernal_Council_-_1824.JPGListen…“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like The Most High.” Isaiah 14:12-14


Yes, Lucifer, being very powerful and extremely intelligent, had long ago taken control of this world, turning it into his very own kingdom, with his own selfish attributes, using them as tokens of his character, to be loved, admired, and even worshiped by this world’s deceived citizenry! And so, by this means, he can maintain an invisible presence, and still be worshiped


Satan presiding at the Infernal Council – Wikipedia – US Public Domain








But it’s high time that we humans fulfill this following prophecy from Isaiah…

“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!… They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, ‘Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms?’” Isaiah 14:12-16


Hey, at least let’s just look upon this subject “narrowly” as it says in the above verse. At least let’s give credit where credit is due! People have spent a lot of time blaming God for everything bad. How come the Devil rarely gets the blame? And he’s the one who is behind most of the evil on this fallen planet!


Well, maybe this little e-book has given us this narrow examination of Lucifer, and how he operates in this fallen world.


But it seems that Satan gets “let off the hook” almost 100% of the time.


And why?


Well, it really seems like anyone who even dares to mention the Devil is immediately scorned, as if he’s saying, “The Devil made me do it! The Devil made me do it!” Well, maybe “The Devil did make me do it!” is a much truer statement than most people think! Maybe, just maybe, the Devil is making a lot of people do a whole lot of things in this world, that they might not otherwise do! Not that we’re just “little ol’ innocent bystanders“! Not saying that!

Dragon of Revelation 12


But when you stand back and see giant societal movements coming in and back out again, like the waves of the ocean, it makes you wonder, doesn’t it? At least it should make a person wonder.


But hey! People, for the most part, don’t like to entertain such ideas.


Nevertheless, the almost flawless orchestration of political and social phenomena in this world, is just too well-orchestrated to chalk off as being merely, “a coincidence”. And the horrendous depths to which so much evil sinks to, makes it quite impossible to believe that there’s no literal Satan! He just has to exist! This extremely evil world is proof-positive that Satan does indeed exist!


But hey, for the past 8 or so months, I was freely conversing with an evil spirit on a daily basis!


For my own self, I didn’t need any further proof!


Lucifer Falling – lithoraph by Gustave Dore’ – Wikipedia – Public Domain

Dragon –








Anyway, back to the story.


So as soon as my counselor told me this story of Job and how was tempted to blame God, something happened. A strange phenomenon began to occur within me. From that moment forward, I began to become tempted to blame God whenever anything bad happened. And yet, before I heard this story of Job, it never even occurred to me, that God was to blame!


But now, I was always encountering this temptation: blaming God, as Satan did to Job. This became a real plague in my life. I began to think of God as a big-meanie-in-the-sky. It got so bad that I began to be tempted, “to blame God for even a hang-nail” (as the saying goes)!


But these were temptations. I’m not saying I gave into those temptations. But I’m not saying that I didn’t give into a few of them, either.


Hans Thoma – The angry god, Jupiter – Wikipedia – Public Domain








 .Judgment Day license plate


To go to next chapter, just click…


Ch. 30  “Goodbye Cruel World!”


Will Chuck take that final plunge over the falls? Will the voice be gone forever? Read and find out!




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