Year 3, august 14 – Ellen White and Harold Camping on Sunday worship Being the Mark of the Beast

By admin On February 8th, 2019



Over the last 100+ years, Ellen White has been greatly criticized for her teachings concerning Sunday worship being the Mark of the Beast.


And from a quick glance at her writings on this, it would seem that indeed she had no biblical basis for such a teaching.


Even Harold Camping condemned her teachings on this subject.


The trouble is, that Harold Camping as well as almost the entire Christian world-community have been thoroughly indoctrinated into the idea that the Sunday is the New Testament Sabbath, or Lord’s Day. And so, it is very difficult for church-goers to even consider that perhaps God never made such a change.


But truth-be-told, the Bible never makes such a change in the Sabbath, nor does it ever say that the 1st Day of the week is the Lord’s Day. As a matter of fact, when speaking of the 7th day, Jesus said…”For the Son of man is Lord even of the sabbath day.” Matthew 12:8


But it is interesting that Camping spoke of churches who teach false doctrines as worshiping Baal. And Baal worship was the false religion which Elijah challenged and defeated on that fateful day atop Mount Carmel.


And both history as well as the Bible connects Baal worship to the ancient Babylonians…”And the Chaldeans (aka, Babylonians), that fight against this city (Jerusalem), shall come and set fire on this city, and burn it with the houses, upon whose roofs they have offered incense unto Baal, and poured out drink offerings unto other gods, to provoke me to anger.” Jeremiah 32:29





There are many idols in this idolatrous world. Oh no, not necessarily statues. But Anything can become our idol: our nice automobile, or our extravagant home, and gardens. Sports heroes or music idols can become our idols. Yes, just about anything that we place inordinate affection on, can become an idol to us.


But also, in the church-world, we are in danger of making idols. Oh yes, in the Old Testament, God’s people were tempted to worship that pagan image dedicated to Baal, the Babylonian sun-god.



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