Why Leave Babylon?
By admin On May 30th, 2024There are many who ask the question, “Why is God wanting us to give up all these things, only to live an austere life? What’s wrong with enjoying all these things He has provided for our happiness?”
The call is now going out…”18:4 And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” Revelation
God is calling His people to come out of Babylon: Babylon the world, and Babylon the worldly Church.
Oh no, we cannot just yet come all the way out of Babylon the world. We still must work and live here and provide for the needs and comfort of our families.
But God is wanting to show off His precious and highly polished jewels as it says in Malachi. And as long as we are intertwined with the selfish wares and ways of this sinful world, it is impossible for the world to truly see Christ in us! We merely appear as a compromised people to the onlooking world.
And so, God has now begun His program to purify His people from the Babylonish pollutions all around us. He wants His people to shine as the Sun as we reflect the glorious light of Jesus Christ in all His purity!
And so, God is calling us out of our compromised circumstances to the point that Christ is clearly seen in us!
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