Daily Devotional, Year 4: January 8 (Noble Bereans, Part 39: “Huss, Jerome & Us!”)
By admin On January 13th, 2018.
Daily Devotional, Year 4: January 8
Noble Bereans,
Part 39:
“Huss & Jerome & Us”
To read part 1, click here…”September 2nd (Noble Bereans?)”
While in the Eastern Hemisphere, there has been a great ongoing persecution of Christians, nevertheless, in the western societies, Christians have enjoyed a rather persecution-free lifestyle.
Oh yes, there are times when we are called derogatory names, or even barred from certain freedoms.
But by-and-large, Christians have enjoyed a rather trouble-free lifestyle for several centuries: great economic prosperity, freedom to speak openly of our faith, and a rather peaceful existence which was not afforded to the persecuted Christian community in the past darker centuries.
ISIL – Execution of man – September 2014 – Wikimedia – Public Domain
But it looks like this present-day affluence is not going to continue for much longer.
No, it seems as though Satan is now beginning to ratchet things up against the preaching of the stark truths of the Bible.
And truth-be-told, we don’t really know exactly what is about to be unleashed on God’s faithful remnant people, except that it’s going to be really terrible!
Anti-Christian rally in Chicago – cropped image – Wikimedia
“Marvel not, my brethren, if the world hate you”
1st John 3:13
Oh yes, the watered-down prosperity-driven gospels may continue to be allowed. Satan is not so worried about those world-loving gospels.
But the life of Jesus and His condemnation of this selfish world, as revealed in Bible may soon be cut off.
Already, Satan is beginning to “blacklist” all those Internet websites which condemn the sins of the world.
And even a few Christian business owners are just beginning to suffer persecution for not bowing their knee to the god of “political correctness”.
Street preachers are being arrested, many unjustly.
Duct Tape Mouth – cropped and colored image – Wikimedia – Share-alike license
Now, in her wonderful historical account of Church history, “The Great Controversy”, Ellen White has presented an abbreviated sketch of a number of the most notable Christian reformers of centuries past.
And by reading about these brave preachers of the truth, today’s Christians can be emboldened to face what lies ahead for us in the coming months.
Jan Hus at the Council of Constance by Václav Brožík (1883) – Wikipedia – Public Domain
Yes, by reading (or listening to audio) of this wonderful Church history, the Christian can hear about the great persecution of God’s people through the past centuries.
And this fine book highlights the true historical account of the chief spokesmen for Jesus who often times, gave up their liberty and even their lives, to proclaim the unvarnished truths of Scripture to the world: a lost world steeped in our proud, ambitious, and our selfish desires, which this cornucopian and decadent super-society now affords.
Burned at the stake – Wikimedia – US Public Domain
Martin Luther – 95 Theses – Wikipedia – US Public Domain
John Huss, and his protégé, Jerome, are two of those reformers who finally overcame their own personal worldly aspirations to become the suffering martyrs for Jesus.
Yes, these two men each battled against their personal shortcomings in effort to present themselves faithful representatives of Jesus, to finally reflect His self-sacrificing character to a world which stands in rebellion against the ways of Heaven.
John Hus – Wikipedia – Public Domain
Jerome of Prague 1365 – 1416 courtesy of Johann Balzer for Wikipedia – Public Domain
And the Noble Berean is invited and highly encouraged to listen to the 50-minute audio reading of the chapter from “The Great Controversy” in which a sketch of the lives and ministries of these two overcomers are highlighted.
Jan Hus at the Stake – Wikipedia – US public domain
And so, O Noble Berean, please scroll down to almost the bottom of this page and click to listen to this wonderful and inspiring chapter and see for yourself if these things are indeed true!
(Directly under that audio chapter from Great Controversy is another 25-minute audio program of Harold Camping’s nightly question & answer radio talk-show)
USMC – Prayer before Bible study – Wikimedia – Public Domain
January 9 (Noble Bereans, Part 40: “Martin Luther”)
Martin Luther – 95 Theses – Wikipedia – US Public Domain
“Dear Lord, Help me to be an Noble Berean, that is, an open-minded seeker of truth, even if it means giving up a very highly regarded Church opinion! Let me be willing to investigate any seemingly new teaching if it appears to have some biblical validity…
To explore deeper into this subject, please read…May 30th (Flee To The Mountain! Reader is encouraged to read all “Flee To The Mountain” articles) or you can also read…February 27 (“Ellen White’s Book, The Desire of Ages: A story For the Whole Family”) or you can also read…March 31 (Noble Bereans? Part 55: “Ellen White’s Views On The Two Beasts of Revelation 13”)
Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license
From time to time, the Book of Revelation mentions stars. But when we get to Revelation Chapter 12, it speaks of two “great signs in heaven”. First, it speaks of the sign in heaven of a woman with child. Then it speaks of the sign in heaven of a great red dragon, with a tail that sweeps one-third of the stars and casts these stars down to the earth. So we get the sense that this phenomenon that the Apostle John was seeing, was closely intertwined with the starry host of the heavens. And these two signs in heaven, a woman, and a dragon, are a big part of this website, Signs Of Heaven.
And so this phenomenon that the Apostle John was seeing, was closely intertwined with the starry host of the heavens.
What really gives validity to this idea, is that God created the Universe in such a way, that if one looks at the major constellations, then this Revelation 12 scenario can be seen. So please read on. And if you really want to see this heavenly battle, you just might. It will take some real effort on your part. But through prayer, faith, and study of the site, God may just graciously open your eyes to see this amazing story written on the heavenly scroll above. But don’t wait! This heavenly scroll will soon be rolled up, just as it is written… “And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together;” Revelation 6:14
WINTER CONSTELLATIONS-SEEN IN FALL: This sketch to the right is how this constellation group appears in the eastern sky in fall. This is the four primary constellations of the Winter Constellations. They can be seen in this position, in the late fall above the eastern horizon. The Woman of Revelation 12 is commonly called Ursa Major or The Big Dipper and appears in the north. Orion the Soldier is the at the bottom is to the south of the Woman. The The Dragon of Revelation Constellation’s mouth isThe Hyades Cluster, and the tip of his tail is Pleiades, and his Wave of Water is primarily the Auriga constellation. The Glorious Horse Constellation head is of Perseus Constellation and his rear end is Cassiopeia Constellation.
To explore deeper into this subject, please read…Woman of Revelation 12 (Flees to the Wilderness)
January 9 (Noble Bereans, Part 40: “Martin Luther”)
Martin Luther – 95 Theses – Wikipedia – US Public Domain
ALL ‘NOBLE BEREANS’ (open-minded seekers of Bible truth) are invited to listen to this 44 chapter audio book, a brief history of the Church, from the Cross of Christ forward to the Return of Christ.
Chapter 6 – Huss And Jerome
Martin Luther – 95 Theses – Wikipedia – US Public Domain
ALL ‘NOBLE BEREANS’ (open-minded seekers of Bible truth) are invited to listen to this small 30-minute sampling of the late Harold Camping’s nearly 50-year-long series of 90-minute nightly talk shows…This is Open Forum Show #57
ABOVE PICTURE: Holy bible – cropped image – Wikimedia – Creative Commons lic.
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