Daily Devotional, Year 2 – JUNE 25 (Eternal Torment? Part 9: No Sympathy In Heaven!?!)
By admin On May 28th, 2015.
Daily Devotional, Year 2 – JUNE 25
Eternal Torment?
Part 9:
“No Sympathy In Heaven!?!”
To read Part 1, click here… “September 8th (Eternal Torment?)”
“And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes;
and there shall be no more death,
neither sorrow, nor crying,
neither shall there be any more pain:
for the former things are passed away.”
Revelation 21:4
A number of long-held traditional false doctrines have been handed down to the present-day Church: the various Catholic holidays, the “Age of Accountability”, and the doctrine of “Eternal Torment”, and “Free-Will Salvation”.
And there are many zealous proponents of “Eternal Torment” in today’s church-world.
And even though this false doctrine of an underground chamber-of-eternal-horrors was conceived by abject ignorance of proper Bible interpretation during the Dark Ages, the apostate churches of today are still somewhat ignorant of proper Bible interpretation.
Hell’s Torment and Tormentor – Wikipedia – Public Domain (2)
So just why is Revelation 21:4 so damaging to this so-called doctrine of “Eternal Torment”?
Because either “Eternal Torment” is true, or Revelation 21:4 is true!
But they both cannot be true!
In other words, Revelation 21:4 reveals the absurdity of the “Eternal Torment” doctrine.
Hell – G. Dore – Wikipedia – Public Domain
Listen again… “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” Revelation 21:4
Now just think this above passage all the way through, regarding the New Heaven and New Earth. Is there anything here that suggests that “Eternal Torment” is the punishment for sin?
After all, it says here that, “there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away!”
The River Of The Water Of Life by H. Melville – Wikimedia – Public Domain (3)
And so, we can assume that God means exactly what He is saying here… “there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away!”
Because, if all these horrible things will be passed away, then why do we insist that they will still exist in the New Heaven and Earth?
After all, if the lost souls of our loved ones will be crying and begging for mercy, wouldn’t those cries for mercy be echoing within our hearts for all eternity?
Or will our hearts become so calloused or jaded that we won’t sorrow for them anymore?
After all, the Bible does indeed confirm that there won’t be any more sorrow there!
Buddhist Hell – Wikipedia – Public Domain
And what about sympathy?
Listen to what it says… “Rejoice with them that do rejoice, and weep with them that weep….Remember them that are in bonds, as bound with them; and them which suffer adversity, as being yourselves also in the body.” Romans 12:15 & Hebrews 13:3
So here above is the eternal Word of God commanding us to weep and to suffer and to be bound with those who weep, and suffer and are bound.
Vincent van Gogh – Old Man in Sorrow (On the Threshold of Eternity) – Wikipedia – US Public Domain
And so, if our unsaved friends, fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers and our children are being supposedly endlessly tormented, then will we be so satisfied with God’s justice that we won’t even shed a tear for their torment and eternal pain?
After all, if God has spent so much time teaching His children here on earth to be tender and sympathetic towards the sufferings of others, then are we really to believe that when we get to Heaven, we’ll just forget all about the things that God taught us?
Is it really Good News to imagine that a relatively small percentage of redeemed ones will be happily and joyfully flying through the eternal heavens, knowing that 95 percent or more of humanity throughout history, will be suffering in some giant netherworld torture chamber?!
Hardly Good News, wouldn’t you agree?!
Doesn’t this sound totally ridiculous? Of course it does!
Orphan on Mother’s Grave – Wikimedia – Public Domain
Well, many who still try to weakly defend this doctrine of “Eternal Torment”, will answer, “Well, God’s redeemed will be perfectly at peace knowing that those people in Hell are getting their just reward for sinning against such a holy God!”
Do you see how impossible is this church-tradition called, “Eternal Torment”, in the light of Revelation 21:4, and knowing that “God is love” and “His mercy endures forever” (1st John 4:8, 16 & Psalm 136, etc…)
Brooklyn Museum – The Rich Man In Hell – James Tissot – Wikipedia – US Public Domain
During the Dark Ages, the tyrannical, apostate church of Europe did some really poor Bible interpreting, taking certain verses out of proper context.
Such verses as Revelation 14:11 & 21:8, speaks of “the smoke of their torment ascends up for ever”, and “The Lake of Fire”, along with the “Parable of The Rich Man in Hell, tormented in flames” were chief passages to bolster the use of torture chambers being used on all dissenters/rejecters of that apostate church during those dark centuries.
But through a prayerful, consecrated study of the entire Bible, the Holy Spirit-filled Believer will begin to realize that these verses must also be balanced together with other, mostly ignored verses, such as Job 3:17-19…“There (in “Sheol”, also called “Hell”, or “The Grave”) the wicked cease from troubling; and there the weary be at rest. There the prisoners rest together; they hear not the voice of the oppressor. The small and great are there; and the servant is free from his master.”
This above passage and many like it speak of Hell as the grave, a place of escape from the sufferings of this world! You probably won’t hear such merciful verses as this ever being quoted by “eternal torment” defenders! No, as the saying goes, “they would rather not confuse you with the facts!”
And, of course, Dark Ages theologians likewise, pretty completely ignored many such passages as Job 3, as this would have greatly hindered their attempt to justify their own use of torture chambers on genuine Christians. Yes, through the centuries of “The Dark Ages” this monstrous church-organization tortured and murdered those faithful Christians who truly loved the Bible, an otherwise much-hated book which that apostate organization attempted to banish and burn completely out of existence!
Burned at the stake – Wikimedia – US Public Domain
Torture devices – The Wheel – Calas Chapbook – Wikipedia – US Public Domain
Book Burning – Santo Domingo y Los Albigenses – Wikipedia – Public Domain
Now does the Bible ever give an example of such an eternal punishment? Oh yes! Just listen to Jude… “Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.” Jude 1:7
Now, if Sodom & Gomorrah are “set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire”, then that eternal fire must still be burning.
Right? But it’s not! Oh yes, you can still find a multitude of little balls of brimstone surrounding the region where Sodom once existed. But the fire went out shortly after Sodom’s fiery judgment. And now, it’s covered with water (The Dead Sea).
Oh yes, their punishment was eternal. But they were simply destroyed. The fire was eternal in the sense that it sealed Sodom & Gomorrah’s eternal destiny.
But since it was set forth as an example of the punishment of eternal fire, then we can take comfort that those citizens of Sodom & Gomorrah are now in Sheol (the Grave) of which it says in Job, “There the wicked cease from troubling; and there the weary be at rest.” Job 3:17
Picture – Lot Escapes Sodom – www.thebiblerevival.com offers free Bible clipart – Public Domain.
And so, seeing that “Eternal Torment” does not harmonize with Scripture, we can take comfort that we won’t be crying in sorrow for this church-fabricated chamber-of-horrors!
And if the Reader will simply study the many articles on this false-doctrine, then there will begin to be full assurance that God does not eternally torment our unsaved loved ones!
US Navy – Chaplain Lt. Jason Gregory reads Bible on weather deck – Wikimedia – US Govt. Public Domain
To read Part 10, click here…
JUNE 27 (Eternal Torment? Part 10: Endless Stripes?)
whipping – forty-stripes – Wikipedia – US-public-domain. (2)
“Dear Lord, Give me a love for truth which causes me to insist on finding any and every related passage on any questionable doctrine …
Woman Praying – cropped image – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license
To explore deeper into this subject, please read…Planet of Rest: Doctrine of Eternal Torment, or you can also read…“August 17th (Too Many Loose Ends!)”
Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license
THE DRAGON of REVELATION 12 CONSTELLATION . The Dragon Constellation can be located by finding Orion in winter months. The Dragon is to Orion’s left, and the Dragon’s mouth is right next to Orion’s shield. This Dragon’s mouth is the V-like constellation The Hyades Cluster, which is the very same constellation that comprises the head of Taurus the Bull. In other words, Hyades is also known as the head of Taurus the Bull. And Hyades is the mouth of this Dragon.
The tip of the Dragon’s tail is composed of that star-cluster known as The Pleiades. The Pleiades is actually in the shape of a lion’s furry tassel tip of his tail. The sketch below shows this Pleiades as the tail tip.
Now with aid of a dark starry night, you may begin to connect this mouth and the tail with a very long body in an oval shape. The front and back legs are very well-defined with stars. The front legs are made partially of Taurus. The back legs and rear fin are made of the Cetus Constellation. But the long oval-shaped body has relatively few stars, but can been seen, howbeit with a dark starry night. The four stars of the front fins are made partially of Taurus. This Dragon constellation appears in the eastern horizon about mid-summer in the pre-dawn hours, spewing his flood-waters northward toward the Woman of Revelation 12 (Woman in Travail). The Wave of Water is primarily composed of the Constellation Auriga. The are two more less bright stars which are closest to the Dragon’s mouth. These two dimmer stars are also part of this Wave of Water.
To explore deeper into this subject, please read… Flood Waters of Satan-Introduction
“JUNE 26 (Eating Like A Bird!)”
Saltine Crackers on plate – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
above picture: Prophet Jeremiah – www.christianimagesource.org – Public Domain
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