Daily Devotional, Year 2 – DECEMBER 7 (Come Out of Her, My People! Part 27: “Oh Yes, I’m A ‘Sola-Scriptura’ Christian!”)
By admin On January 22nd, 2016.
Daily Devotional, Year 2 – DECEMBER 7
Come Out of Her, My People!
Part 27:
“Oh Yes, I’m A ‘Sola-Scriptura’ Christian!”
To read Part 1, click here… “May 12th (Come Out of Her, My People?)”
“Thy words were found,
and I did eat them;
and Thy Word was unto me
the joy and rejoicing of mine heart:”
Jeremiah 15:16
Babylon was given its name during the building of that infamous Tower of Babylon, because God confused their speech…
Listen… “Therefore is the name of it called Babel;
because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth:
and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.”
Genesis 11:9
And so, the name, Babylon, actually means, “City of Confusion”.
by G. Dore’ – The Confusion Of Tongues in Babylon – from www.creationism.org-public domain
Revelation 18:4
The call is now going out to anyone who will listen…
“Babylon is fallen is fallen…
Come out of her My people,
that ye partake not of her sins,
and receive not of her plagues”
Revelation 18:1, 4
Yes, the time is come for God’s people to make our Exodus out of the “City of Confusion”, the various Christian organizations.
And this is a literal Exodus!
And the reader is encouraged to click on and begin reading this series of devotionals called “Come Out of Her, My People”, to gain a full understanding of just why God considers today’s churches to be spiritual Babylon.
And yet, before we can completely come of her, we must come out of her in our minds. In other words, we still have great confusion about what is truth and what is merely the wine of her false doctrines, that we have been drinking for so many years.
James Tissot – The Flight of the Prisoners – Wikipedia – US Public Domain.
There is a general consensus in today’s Christian community, which says… “Oh we LOVE the Bible! And my church teaches right out of it every week! Nothing else, but the Bible!”
Well, this testimony is very commonly heard today, echoing through the halls of Christendom.
La Bible, Notre-Dame – cropped image – Wikimedia – Share-Alike License
But while churchgoers say these things, statistics show that just the opposite is true!
For instance, surveys reveal that the phrase, “God loves those who help themselves” is commonly thought to be a verse from the Bible, by many current-day churchgoers.
ABOVE PICTURE – Adding to or taking from God’s Word, the Bible
And other surveys reveal that a large portion of pastors do not believe in the literal 6-day Creation!
Nor do many pastors believe in the “Virgin Birth” of Jesus! (But there may be many other pastors who do believe).
Carlo Saraceni – The Birth of Christ – Wikimedia – US Public Domain
There are many Bible teachers who do not believe that Ecclesiastes, nor portions of the Book of Job are to be trusted for “doctrine, confirmation, correction, and instruction in righteousness”. 2nd Timothy 3:16
Job (oil on canvas) by Bonnat, Leon Joseph Florentin (1833-1922) – Wikimedia – Public Domain
Dore – Solomon – Proverbs – Wikipedia – Public domain (2)
Many churches allow women elders, and even women pastors, even though the Bible forbids women to hold such offices.
Aimee Semple Mcpherson – Wikimedia Commons – Public Domain
Many churches allow divorce and re-marriage for any reason, even though the New Testament condemns both.
Double wedding in 1939 – Wikimedia Commons
Many of the modern-day Bible teachers erroneously reach for history books and newspapers when trying to interpret the Book of Revelation, when instead, they simply need to compare spiritual things with spiritual using the Bible only.
Old book bindings by Tom Murphy VII & Wikipedia – cropped image – Share-alike License
Newspaper vendor – wikipedia – public domain
And if we really believe that popular mantra, “Sola Scriptura”, then why do we waste so much of our day watching and listening to secular entertainment and political talk shows? After all, Jesus spoke through the man, Job, saying, “I have esteemed the words of His (God’s) mouth more than my necessary food.”
Yes, not only were these the sentiments of Job, but also of Jeremiah, Paul, and most all other Bible heroes.
It is reported that during his years as a theologian, Martin Luther even loathed the minutes he had to put down his Bible, to eat his meals!
But today, the Devil has flooded this society with so many intriguing pastimes, all in hopes of diverting us from spending hours studying and contemplating God’s Word, the Bible!
So then, how can we boast that old mantra, “Sola Scriptura”, and at the same time, entangle and pollute our hearts with the words and affairs of unsaved men, via these high-tech devices? So sad!
USMC – Prayer before Bible study – Wikimedia – Public Domain
The fact is, there are many passages in the Bible which are very unpopular truths!
And these unpopular truths are often ignored or rejected altogether.
ABOVE PICTURE – Adding to or taking from God’s Word, the Bible
For instance, the Apostle Paul said… “For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.” 1st Timothy 6:7, 8
Now really! Just how much of today’s churches teach this very inconvenient truth? Well, this passage might get a brief mention every now and then.
But the sad fact is, that it is perhaps one of the most ignored of all New Testament passages! And it is not urged upon the parishioners, in a day in which a great portion of the Church is enthusiastically pursuing earthly Mammon!
Paul Shipwrecked – Acts 27:41-44 – www.lavistachurchofchrist.org – Public Domain
The end of all things is at hand. God is wanting to show off His precious jewels for all the universe to behold! But for the most part, today’s churches are content with the low level of piety, and the high level of worldliness now maintained by the congregation.
And so, God is now calling His people to, “Come out from among them, and be separate!” 2nd Corinthians 6:17
Pleiades – Robert Gendler – NASA
We are in that Day in which God will make up His precious jewels for all heaven and earth to behold! Listen…“And they shall be Mine, saith the LORD of hosts, in that Day when I make up My jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spareth His own son that serveth Him.” Malachi 3:17
Yes, God knows just who are truly His. And the Day of separation of the wheat and tares is now here!
White pearl necklace – Wikipedia – Share-alike Lic.
“And ye shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with all your heart.”
Jeremiah 29:13
But those who profess to love the Bible, and yet have spurned the many unpopular truths which require self-sacrifice, will likewise not hear this message to, ‘come out of her, My people’!
And those who loved the pursuit of worldly treasures and earthly pleasures, to the neglect of their own soul’s Salvation may have to sadly take their stand with the apostate churches in these last days!
Christ’s Second Coming – by Jan Luyken – Wikipedia – Public domain
But those who rejoice whenever they can give up some little cherished idol, for the sake of becoming more like Jesus, will joyfully hear this message and, “Come out of her, My people!” And those who truly love the Bible, even though it says many things which require them to trade away this present world, will gladly hear this clarion call!
And God’s true Church will shine like the brightness of the Sun, in that Day. And they will shine with the brightness of Jesus to a world that has rebelled against God’s Word!
Transfiguration – Bloch – Wikimedia Commons – US Public Domain
And so, let us each begin to use the remaining time on earth, to beg for the grace to joyfully and enthusiastically pursue our Salvation as the precious jewel that it truly is!
USMC – Prayer before Bible study – Wikimedia – Public Domain
DECEMBER 11 (Come Out of Her, My People! Part 28: “Raising Up Good Little Babylonians!”)
Headsets – France in XXI Century School – Wikimedia – Public Domain
“Dear Lord, Help me to come out of this Babylon of confusion, and worship Thee 100%…
Woman Praying – cropped image – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license
To explore deeper into this subject, please read… March 1st (A Designer Jesus!), or you can also read this shorter article…JULY 23 (Come Out of Her, My People! Part 13: The Evangelical Cult!)
Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license
“And I heard another voice from heaven,
saying, Come out of her (Babylon), My people,
that ye be not partakers of her sins,
and that ye receive not of her plagues.”
God has a people in Babylon. Yes, Mystery Babylon is the Mother of Harlots.
The sketch to the left shows her riding this beast with 7 heads and 10 horns.
But in that spiritual city, there are those who still love God to a certain degree.
And before the final plagues are poured out upon her, God has been and will continue to call His people out of her…
And so in addition to The Pleiades appearing as the Harlot Mother, we also see this second depiction of The Pleiades as an angel, which symbolizes God’s people, walking the downward pathway to destruction.
They must be called out of Babylon before it’s too late!
To explore deeper into this subject, please read… “The Pleiades: The Captive Angel & Mystery Harlot Constellation”
DECEMBER 8 (How To Run The Christian Race: Choosing The Best Music)
Christian Race In Todays World courtesy www.signsofheaven.org share-alike lcense
ALL ‘NOBLE BEREANS’ (open-minded seekers of Bible truth) are invited to listen to this Open Forum #25, a small 30 minute sampling of the late Harold Camping’s nearly 50 year long series of 90 minute nightly talk shows…
ABOVE PICTURE: Holy bible – Wikimedia – Creative Commons lic.
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