Yellow Journalism
By admin On May 30th, 2024In the first part of this discussion on yellow journalism today, it was revealed that not the news media, but Satan is the true Yellow Journalist. Yes, as “the god of this world”, Satan is the true evil dictator of this world. And yet, he so cleverly disguises himself, that he has all but erased himself out of existence, or so it seems!
But make no mistake, Satan and his countless evil-angels are tirelessly working around the clock to lead the world’s inhabitants into the iron-like jaws of Judgment Day.
And now, as never before, Satan is orchestrating the various news organizations to indoctrinate the great multitudes, both in the world, and in the churches, to prejudice their minds against the great present-truths of the Bible, which God is giving to His people for such an hour as this!
News story after news story are being published in attempt to prejudice the people against these truths. And story after story is being published to prejudice the great multitudes against God’s people.
But, as already stated, it is not the various news organizations which are behind this effort. No, it is actually the Revelation 12 Dragon and his vast armies who are busily working around the clock, publishing these subtle and not-so-subtle biased and even dishonest news stories which are seen and heard on a daily basis, on TV, radio, Internet, and newspapers/magazines.
So, just what is the point to highlighting these things? Simple! Let’s not be ignorant of his devices, as it says in 2nd Corinthians 2:11.
Well, if there is any Good News in all this, all these incredible attacks against the Bible and against God’s people, should be a clarion call to come out of Babylon! And coming out, God’s people need to flee to the spiritual Mount Sion for refuge and safety! Yes, this is the mountain on which we are to take our stand in the great showdown soon to take place, between the armies of Heaven and Hell!
And there are many out there, both in the world and in the churches, who will hear this trumpet blast, and begin to make necessary preparations, “To go into the clefts of the ragged rocks, for fear of the LORD, and for the glory of His majesty, when He ariseth to shake terribly the earth. Cease ye from man, whose breath is in his nostrils: for wherein is he to be accounted of?” Isaiah 2:20, 21
And we need not fear, for God will supply abundant provisions for those who do flee to the spiritual mountains as is written…”He shall dwell on high: his place of defense shall be the munitions of rocks: bread shall be given him; his waters shall be sure. Thine eyes shall see the king in His beauty: they shall behold the land that is very far off.” Isaiah 33:16, 17
Yes, we need not fear that by our vacating the churches, we must suffer spiritual malnutrition! No, but rather, our heavenly Manna and our waters of grace are awaiting us in those mountains!
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