One Thing Is Needful

By admin On May 30th, 2024

The true account of Martha and her sister, Mary, while brief in word-count is nevertheless filled with some of the greatest truths found in Scripture!


And the four words which makes up the title of this devotional are profound in implication.


You see, this part of Martha and Mary’s story began by telling of a dinner party in Martha’s home in Bethany, an outlying village of Jerusalem.


Listen…”Now it came to pass, as they went, that He entered into a certain village: and a certain woman named Martha received him into her house.10:39 And she had a sister called Mary, which also sat at Jesus’ feet, and heard His Word. But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost Thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me.” Luke 10:38-40


Now the Bible makes clear that, “Jesus loved Martha, and her sister (Mary)” John 11:5


But Martha was jealous that her sister was spending her time hearing the Word of Christ, sitting at His feet.


It seems that Martha was a bit of a multi-tasker. And as such, Martha no doubt allowed this characteristic to “go to her head”, as the saying goes. And her complaint to Jesus about “lazy” Mary not helping her sister’s serving presented the opportunity for Jesus to make His profound response…And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her. ” Luke 10:41, 42


Here Jesus noted Martha’s many cares and troubles, comparing them to Mary’s singular heart which only longed to hear Jesus’ Word. And Jesus lovingly and tenderly rebuked Martha’s busy and overly-complicated life by saying…Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: BUT ONE THING IS NEEDFUL: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” Luke 10:41, 42


Mary had chosen that, “good part”, that one, “needful”, thing: to sit at Jesus’ feet, and hear His Word.


Now Satan understands this truth. And in these end-time hours, he has laid a huge snare for God’s people. Yes, this master-warrior has re-designed this world to become a giant trap for God’s people. You see, Satan, “the god of this world” has created this super-society to encourage a complicated lifestyle.


After all, Satan is well aware of Jesus’ warning to His people…”And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that Day (of the Lord) come upon you unawares. For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.” Luke 21:34, 35


This above warning became a challenge to Satan. And in his hatred for God’s people, he has turned this society into a gigantic “theme-park”, filled with every conceivable attraction in hopes of keeping God’s people so busy that they neglect that one needful thing, to fill their hearts with the knowledge of Jesus! Even many seemingly innocent diversions, such as clubs, family gatherings, pleasure resorts, restauranting, games, amusements, sports, television, radio, Internet, books, magazines, curious sciences, operas, plays, weddings, needlessly expensive vehicles, insurance schemes, parties, politics, music listening & performing, time-consuming, energy-sapping careers, etc… These all work together to fill up the life with so many distractions, thus putting the work of heart-purification on the proverbial, “back-burner”.


Even most of the Christian humanitarian ministries have become a snare, as they complicate the life, filling up each day with busy duties which merely deter the Christian from getting alone with Christ, sitting daily at the feet of Jesus listening to, and gathering up all the precious gem-like promises which are hidden within in God’s Word!


Even some teaching ministries, such as Revelation seminars completely ignore the correct focus, which should be all about Jesus, and instead turn the focus onto world events, time-consuming and meaningless time-charts, and political strife.


But the Good News is, that God has provided a little time to correct our great error. Yes, God’s people have been given enough time to simplify our lifestyle and fully engage ourselves in that “one needful thing”, to fill up our heart with the life-giving Words of Jesus!

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