Daily Devotional, Year 4 – May 25 (A 3-Fingered Judgment-Day, Part 13: “How To NOT Take The Long Road Home!”)

By admin On May 30th, 2024



Daily Devotional, Year 4 – May 25





A 3-Fingered Judgment-Day,


Part 13:

“How To NOT Take The Long Road Home!”

To read Part 1, click here…January 20th (A 3-Fingered Judgment-Day)








“Judge not, that ye be not judged.

For with what judgment ye judge,

ye shall be judged:

and with what measure ye mete,

it shall be measured to you again.”

Matthew 7:1, 2





https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Full_Moon_(39978027392).jpg. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Blue_moon_of_31.08.2012.jpg

In the April 24 devotional (click here to read) it was revealed that when the Moon is full, there are three faces etched into its surface: one that appears as a man, the second face as a wolf (or some similar dog-like beast), and the third face as a rabbit, or perhaps a mouse.

(1st face of rodent [left] & 3rd face of Night Watchman shown here [right])


Moon – by James Bowe – 3rd Face – cropped & highlighted photo – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

Full moon (“blue moon”) as seen on 31.08.2012 as seen from Slobozia, Romania – by Cezar Popescu – Wikimedia – Public Domain – photo cropped and highlighted








But these two devotionals are focusing on the second face, the wolf-like beast.

(The sketch on left is given to make his face more easily discernable)


If you will notice, this creature appears to have somewhat of a judgmental facial expression. Yes, one of his eyebrows is raised, causing him to appear as if he is looking down at the world with a judgmental eye.


This face represents a proud Pharisee. This is because the Pharisees were a class of very moral spiritual leaders. And the Pharisees looked down on others with a judgmental eye (much like this wolf-like Moon beast).


Moon – Public Domain – 2nd face Pharisee Scorner – by Cezar Popescu for Wikimedia – Universal Public Domain – cropped, highlighted & rotated photo








Just what do you think is the greatest and most loved pastime in this world? Is it basketball? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Super_Bowl_XLIII_-_Thunderbirds_Flyover_-_Feb_1_2009.jpgBaseball? Football? Soccer? Tennis?


Well, when we get right down to it, we might say that the greatest and most beloved of all pastimes in this world is “judging others”!


After all, if one could actually take account of his or her daily thoughts it might be discovered that more time is spent in judgmental criticizing of others than we would even imagine or care to believe!


Quite often, we are not even consciously aware that we are judging others. It comes so naturally to us; it is as easy as breathing! We just do it! As we work, as we walk, as we converse with others, we are constantly judging, “accusing…excusing”, criticizing, and condemning others in our thoughts, and at times, even in our words! (See Romans 2:15 for “accusing…excusing” reference)


Super Bowl XLIII Thunderbirds Flyover Feb 1 2009 – cropped image – Wikipedia – Public Domain

Two young girls laughing behind another girl’s back – cropped image – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license 









And certainly, the mass media promotes judging of others! If one could honestly analyze the http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Germany_Singelfingen_Gossips.jpgtelevision or radio, judging others is a constant underlying theme. Take for example, talk shows. Judging the behavior of others is mostly the daily mental diet which these pharisean programs feed their audience! “Oh that horrible politician!” Or, “Oh, that dishonest businessman!” Or, “Just look at that filthy-looking person!”


These are so often the kinds of thoughts which run through our hearts and minds as we go about our day, whether we are aware of it or not.


Gossips in the Altstadt in Sindelfingen, Germany – cropped photo – Sally Kennison – Share-alike License – Wikimedia


Gossips in the Altstadt in Sindelfingen, Germany – cropped photo – Sally Kennison – Share-alike License – Wikimedia









One great problem with listening to Satan’s whisperings, is that this is how this “Accuser of our brethren” gains access into our hearts and minds (see Revelation 12:10). And once we allow him access, he often begins to torment us with all sorts of “evil surmisings” about the motives of others. (1st Timothy 6:4) 


We must remember the Wise Man’s advice…“Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life. Put away from thee a froward mouth, and perverse lips put far from thee. Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee. Ponder the path of thy feet, and let all thy ways be established. Turn not to the right hand nor to the left: remove thy foot from evil.” Proverbs 4:24-27


Yes, to guard the avenues to the soul, not allowing Satan any access, is our first and foremost duty!








But the sad and fearful reality is, to point the accusing finger at another living soul is to place ourselves on God’s Judgment Throne against that erring person…“There is one Lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?” James 4:12


But as our signature verse for today points out… For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.” Matthew 7:1, 2


Yes, God is the Searcher of hearts. And if we have been elected to be His royal priesthood, then we know that He will be sifting and purifying us from all our unjust judging. And when we engage in our proud finger-pointing at others, we must realize that there are three fingers pointing back at us…from Heaven!








And so, if you or I do not wish to take the long road to Heaven, we need to replace our critical arrogance with a meek and lowly Spirit, grasping what Paul finally realized…“This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief.” 1st Timothy 1:15


Yes, we need to take this same attitude: “I am the chief of sinners”. And God will assist us in this process, allowing us to we are just as guilty as others!


And just as Peter (in Luke 22:31) had to be “sifted as wheat” because of his foolish pride, so too will God allow us to walk through the purifying fires of tribulation: that our self-righteous pride will be purged away and replaced by a humble and meek and lowly Spirit.


Upward Pathway – cropped and altered photo – by böhringer friedrich for – Wikimedia – Share-alike License







Proverbs 25:25


http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:USMC-06831.jpgBut the Good News is, that this is still the day of Salvation! And we can use our remaining time here spending many hours contemplating God’s Word, in hopes of allowing Him to regain His rightful place on the throne of our heart.


And who knows? Maybe by aggressively and prayerfully pursuing His heart-cleansing Word, we can spare ourselves a lot of needless and painful and discouraging hours slip-sliding in our own muddy ways, all because we foolishly judged others!


USMC – Prayer before Bible study – Wikimedia – Public Domain






 The Noble Berean is highly encouraged to scroll down to almost the bottom of this page, and listen to a 24 minute audio reading of Ellen White’s book, “Christ’s Object Lessons” in which she discourses on the parable of “The Two Worshipers”: the Pharisee and the Publican, which deals with this day’s topic of judging others.


James Tissot – The Pharisee and Publican – Brooklyn Museum & Wikimedia – US Public Domain







June 11 (3-Fingered Judgment Day, Part 14: “A ‘Careful What You Wish For’ Story”)

sidewalk construction






“Dear Lord, Help me to crucify that “Old Man” within. Remove far from me all vanity and pride. Give me the desire and power to hide your great and precious promises in my heart…

Family Prayer Before Meal – Wikimedia – US-Govt. – Public-Domain








To explore deeper into this subject, please read… “Moon Into Blood Trilogy: 2nd Face: The Pharisee Scorner”, or you can also read… “Fleeing to the Mountains, Part 3: The Abomination in My Heart”

Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license







.Soldiers of the Cross - Armor-Up!


















Info & pics of constellations on this site from Wikipedia & International Astronomical Union (click here)






https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Once_in_a_Blue_Moon_(40034339832).jpgPlease tilt your head to the left. Do you see a man with a very long pointed nose? (Obviously, the lower sketch is just an exaggeration in order to help you find the face in the photo to the left.)


Do you see an angry look? His right eyebrow is raised as if he is judging.


This second face in the Moon appears to be that of a combination of a man as well as a fox. Or maybe a wolf. Doesn’t he have a long narrow nose like a wolf or fox? Maybe even a dog. Nevertheless, the expression on his face, as he appears to look down upon the Earth, is that of scorn.


Unlike the first Moon-man’s sad look of shock and awe (click here to see and read about); this ‘man/fox/wolf/dog’ appears to be that of anger and scorn. As if he is disgusted at the sinful planet below. He is very moral, you see.


Moon – Public Domain – 2nd face Pharisee Scorner – by Cezar Popescu for Wikimedia – Universal Public Domain – cropped, highlighted & rotated photo








“Proud and haughty scorner is his name, who dealeth in proud wrath.” Proverbs 21:24


Yes, this wolf-like beast-face in the Moon, is what the Bible calls a proud Pharisee. They were the morality crowd. They were the finger pointers. They were the scorners. They didn’t realize that their own pride was even more reprehensible to God than the drunkenness, immorality, or sexual perversions of the unsaved of the world.







To explore deeper into this subject, please read… “Moon Into Blood Trilogy: 2nd Face: The Pharisee Scorner”

Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license






May 26 (In Every Thing Give Thanks!?! Part 8: “Nick Vujicic: A Pity-Party’s Worst Guest!”)

Nick Vujicic speaking – Wikipedia – GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2








ALL ‘NOBLE BEREANS’ (open-minded seekers of Bible truth) are invited to listen to this is audio sampler of the audio book about the Bible’s parables in which Ellen White relates them to every day practical living…


Chapter 13 – “Two Worshipers”



The Five Wise Virgins – Wikipedia – US Public Domain








ALL ‘NOBLE BEREANS’ (open-minded seekers of Bible truth) are invited to listen to this recording #195, a small 30-minute sampling of the late Harold Camping’s 90-minute nightly talk shows. This particular program aired in the last few years of his 50-year radio ministry, and includes caller’s questions regarding his teachings on “the end of the church age”…



ABOVE PICTURE: Holy bible – Wikimedia – Creative Commons


Those who are interested in using photos on this page may click on provided link below each photo, to get to Wikimedia Commons for various licensing details & tags, and all other necessary information on any particular photo.



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