Daily Devotional, Year 4 – May 1 (The Devil Made Me Do It! Part 27: “Romance: The Real Thing or Just Another Devilish Delusion?”) CONTINUED

By admin On May 30th, 2024



Daily Devotional, Year 4 – May 1





The Devil Made Me Do It!


Part 27:

“Romance: The Real Thing or Just Another Devilish Delusion?”

To read Part 1, click here…October 13th (The Devil Made Me Do It!)





http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Columpio_Veracruz_059.jpgConsidering there is about a 50% divorce rate in today’s society, it’s highly inadvisable to ever make one’s spouse the object of supreme trust.


God and God alone, but never any human, deserves to be the object of our supreme trust.


Man Husband & Married Wife on swing – Fraternal love (Prehispanic sculpture from 250–900 A.D., of Huastec origin) – Wikimedia – Public Domain






“For all the gods of the nations are idols:”

Psalm 96:5


Now such a severe opening statement is perhaps a very critical, extreme, and unpleasant commentary on marriage.


But the fact is, we live in a world in which society has created an entire system of idolatry out of romance.

Movies glorify it!

Songs idolize it!

Television glamorizes it!


Yes, this world has made romance into a world-of-idolatry via this high-tech society.


New York Times Square – terabass – cropped image – Wikipedia – Share-alike License








Now of course, there is nothing wrong with getting married, and loving one’s spouse, even as Christ loves His bride, the Church.

By all means, strive for that kind of relationship!


But as with anything in this idol-worshiping world, it’s so easy to take something good and carry it to an extreme!


And that’s exactly what society has done with romance!


Just listen to a sampling of so many of today’s 4-minute songs on the radio…“I can’t make it without you”…

…or “I love you more than life itself!”…

…or “You are my everything!”…

…or “I’ll love you forever!”


To elevate another human to this kind of level, only displaces God from His rightful throne in a human’s heart!


And as already said, the divorce rate in this society is phenomenal!


Not to mention the death rate which forces so many lonely surviving spouses into despair, even to suicide!


kissing hand – cropped image – Wikimedia – Share-alike License






https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:DickseeRomeoandJuliet.jpgROMEO & JULIET?


And how about that Shakespearean play, Romeo & Juliet?!


These two young kids, both, committed suicide over their supposed loss of one-another!


If only they had put their supreme trust in the Lord Jesus to be their God, and not in each other!

They would never have allowed themselves to engage in such mutual idol-worship of each other, resulting in their self-inflicted deaths!


Frank Dicksee: – Romeo and Juliet – Wikimedia – Public Domain






“…there be gods many, and lords many”

1st Corinthians 8:5


The problem is that this godless secular world is trying to fill that resulting void in our hearts with earthly replacements…

…music, drugs, television, sports…

…amusements, clubs, social gatherings…

…careers, eating and drinking, alcohol…

…houses, lands, pleasure resorts…

recreational vehicles, romance…

…and many other earthly pleasures.


The choices we can choose from, to replace God with, are seemingly endless!









And “the god of this world”, Satan, is constantly bombarding young people’s minds with overwhelming thoughts and lusts, so that they imagine themselves to be hopelessly lost in love with one-another!


But this kind of “love” is not genuine and can actually disappear just as quickly as it began!


The Phone Call – Wikimedia – Public Domain








Well, there is a way to escape all this idolatry.


Yes, God has left the door of Salvation open, so that any and all https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:US_Navy_100326-N-4774B-066_Chaplain_Lt._Jason_Gregory_reads_bible_verses_on_the_weather_deck_aboard_the_guided-missile_cruiser_USS_Bunker_Hill_(CG_52).jpgwho desire to find someone truly worthy of worship, can turn to Jesus.


And as that truth-seeking soul discovers more and more about Him, the more that he or she will realize His worthiness to be worshiped!


This revelation, of course, is only possible through the gift of God’s indwelling Spirit.


US Navy – Chaplain Lt. Jason Gregory reads Bible on weather deck – Wikimedia – US Govt. Public Domain








And once that child of God is firmly convinced of God’s greatness, that Believer can sing along with the Psalmist… 

https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:USMC-081218-M-4507D-001.jpg“For the LORD is great, and greatly to be praised:

He is to be feared above all gods.

For all the gods of the nations are idols:

but the LORD made the heavens.

Honour and majesty are before Him:

strength and beauty are in His sanctuary…

…at Thy (God’s) right hand there are pleasures for evermore.”

Psalm 16:11 & Psalm 96:4-6

Prayer – USMC – Wikimedia – US Govt. Public Domain









https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Robin_shoots_with_sir_Guy_by_Louis_Rhead_1912.pngTO READ PART 28, CLICK HERE…

May 12: The Devil Made Me Do It! Part 28: “The Robin Hood Conspiracy!”

Robin Hood Shoots with Sir Guy – by Louis Rhead – 1912 – Wikimedia – Public Domain








“Dear Lord, Help me to fully be aware of Satan’s devices in these very deceptive times… 

Woman Praying – cropped image – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license









To explore deeper into this subject, please read…January 3 (World of Lies, Part 1: “The Femme-Fatale Firefly!”)…

…or you can also read this article…July 8 (Watchmen On Zion’s Walls, Part 4: “The Devil’s Detours!”)…

…or you can also read this article…March 19 (As The Flower of the Field, Part 15: “Black Holes In Inner-Space: Romantic Idolatry!”)

Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license







.picture - soldiers of the cross - armor up!






















“And there appeared another wonder in heaven;

and behold a great red dragon,

having seven heads and ten horns,

and seven crowns upon his heads.”

Revelation 12:3 


In Revelation, the Dragon of Revelation 12 is described as having seven heads, ten horns, and seven crowns.

However, the Dragon Constellation up in the night sky does not.

Dragon of Revelation 12 Constellation


But God has faithfully created the wave of water, in such a way, as to illustrate this same concept of the seven heads, ten horns, and seven crowns.

Because this wave of water is basically composed of ten stars.


The main body of the wave has seven stars (#‘s, 1 thru 7). 

And the tip of the crest of the wave has the other three stars (#’s, 8, 9 & 10).

Thus, we have this 7/10 numbering.

And this gives us a great clue, as to where in the Bible we should look, to find out the riddle as to just what or who do these 7 heads, 10 crowns, and 7 horns represent.

Because, the Bible speaks very much about floods and waters as being associated with Satan (the Dragon).










To explore deeper into this subject, please read… Flood Waters of Satan-Introduction

Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license







May 2 (Add Thou Not! Part 6: “Babylonian Sun Worship”)

by G. Dore’ – The Confusion Of Tongues in Babylon – from www.creationism.org-public domain










This massive constellation is comprised of the various constellations on this websiteTHE DESIRE OF AGES, BY ELLEN G. WHITE


ALL ‘NOBLE BEREANS’ (open-minded seekers of Bible truth) are invited to listen to this chapter of the audio book about the Gospel of Jesus Christ in His life and ministry.


Chapter 77 – In Pilates Judgment Hall



ABOVE STAR-CHART (constellations found on Wikipedia and Bible constellations drawn in by this website) – Sign of the Son of Man – www.theheavensdeclare.net – Not for commercial uses








ALL ‘NOBLE BEREANS’ (open-minded seekers of Bible truth) are invited to listen to this recording #172, a small 30 minute sampling of the late Harold Camping’s 90 minute nightly talk shows. This particular program aired in the last few years of his 50 year radio ministry, and includes caller’s questions regarding his teachings on “the end of the church age”…



ABOVE PICTURE: Holy bible – cropped image – Wikimedia – Creative Commons 



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