By admin On May 30th, 2024
To Tom Evans
I have to respectfully disagree with your latest share-a-thon message in which you pronounced your Bible Reading Fellowship as the greatest program on Family Radio.
No, rather, Harold Camping’s Bible studies were even more important, for the simple reason that they taught Bible students the proper method of Bible study and interpretation.
Oh yes, your Bible Reading Fellowship is great! No doubt about it!
But God gave Camping a wonderful gift of proper Bible interpretation. And family Radio needs to keep sharing that wonderful information with the world!
And let’s not forget that Family Radio was given the special commission by God to call His people out of Babylon. And this critically important doctrine sends out a certain trumpet sound to God’s people to vacate the fallen apostate churches in which Satan has now taken control of!
So please don’t become ashamed of that doctrine. God has not changed His mind. He wants His people to come out, lest they partake of her sins and receive of her plagues.
There’s a great number of Christians out there who need to hear these two messages! So please! Don’t begin sending out a mixed message, and an uncertain trumpet sound.Â
Perhaps, a disclaimer at the beginning of each Open Forum, explaining that some questions were recorded years prior to the End of the Church Age doctrine was preached.
And while you’re at it, how about including some more recent questions/answers concerning the End of the Church Age in each of your Open Forums?
Thank you for your response.
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