Daily Devotional, Year 2 – DECEMBER 30 (Come Out of Her, My People! Part 38: Up Into The Promised Land! When Jesus Steps Into The Boat!
By admin On January 21st, 2016.
Daily Devotional, Year 2 – DECEMBER 30
Come Out of Her, My People!
Part 38:
“Up Into The Promised Land! (When Jesus Steps Into The Boat!)”
To read Part 1, click here…MARCH 23 (Upward, Into the Promised Land!)
In the 6th Chapter of the Book of John is a little account of the night when the Disciples
of Jesus were in a little ship by themselves, on the dark stormy waters.
And a strong wind blew, causing the sea to arise. And it was dark.
But as they rowed, “they see Jesus walking on the sea, and drawing nigh unto the ship: and they were afraid.” John 6:19
But Jesus said unto them, “It is I; be not afraid. Then they willingly received Him into the ship: and immediately the ship was at the land whither they went.” John 6:20, 21
Jesus Walks on Water Wikipedia US public domain
Now, why even bring this little historical account to mind?
Because the Bible is a prophetic book, written by God, to give comfort and knowledge to His faithful remnant!
And this true story is also a prophecy which has great implications for God’s people today!
Holy Bible – cropped image – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Lic.
Now the Church-Elect (God’s true worshipers), are likewise in a ship on the stormy sea!
Well, aren’t we? Are we not trying to get to the other side? To reach the Promised Land?
Well, just listen to Psalm 107…
“For He (God) commands, and raises the stormy wind,
which lifts up the waves thereof…
their soul is melted because of trouble…
Then they cry unto the LORD in their trouble,
and He brings them out of their distresses…
Then are they glad because they be quiet;
so He brings them unto their desired Haven.”
Psalm 107:25-30
Here is a picture of the Church, God’s Elect, as they attempt to reach their “desired Haven”, the Heavenly Promised Land.
Rembrandt – Jesus In The Storm on the Sea of Galilee – Wikipedia – US Public Domain
And just like those disciples in that ship, the Church-Elect will go through the great storm just ahead of us, called, “The Time of Jacob’s Trouble.”
And through the coming months, as our situation in the world gets more horrific, God’s people will pray and beg and plead with God for deliverance!
And the Devil will be constantly pouncing on us, reminding us of our past sins, and of our present un-Christlike characters.
Oh yes, we have been striving to become Christlike.
But just like those disciples in that ship, it seems as if we are rowing against the wind!
We are only halfway there, at best!
Christian and Apollyon – Pilgrim’s Progress – Wikipedia – US Public Domain
In the meanwhile, the peoples of the world (symbolized by the stormy sea), will be making life more and more difficult for us!
All attempts to witness for Christ will be closed off.
Freedom of speech will undoubtedly become, “a thing of the past!”
Anger during a protest – cropped image – by David Shankbone – Wikimedia – Share-alike-License
We recall, during the Dark Ages of old, that the people of God faced cruel torture of various kinds.
Well, nowadays, Satan will come at God’s people with torture devices that make “The Rack”, “The Wheel”, and “The Stake” look like child’s play!
But now, with all the modern-day drugs and high-tech devices, Satan can accomplish everything he desires, with, “no fuss and no muss”, as that old saying goes!
Burned at the stake – Wikimedia – US Public Domain
And as our conflict continues, it will eventually seem as if each Believer is the only one left in the earth!
At this point in time, we will say along with discouraged Elijah… “(O Lord, They have) slain Thy prophets with the sword; and I, even I only, am left; and they seek my life, to take it away.” 1st Kings 19:10.
Yes, just as poor weary & discouraged Elijah was pursued by wicked Queen Jezebel and her armies, so also, God’s faithful remnant will be pursued by the world and by the worldly Church!
Elijah finds cake of bread – Artist Daniele da Volterra – 1509–1566 – Wikipedia – Public Domain
As our conflict continues, things will become so tumultuous that it will seem as if we mount up
to the heavens, and then are thrust back down into the very depths of Hell!
And we will reel to and fro, and stagger like a drunken man!
The world, along with Satan’s evil angels, will seem to hedge us in on every side.
But we will wrestle daily in prayer for God’s mercy and providence to help us remain ever-faithful to God’s Word, even as Jacob wrestled through the night with that Stranger!
We will struggle under the Tempter’s cruel attacks, to not let go our “shield of faith”! Ephesians 7:14, 17
Hence the name of this conflict, “The Time of Jacob’s Trouble!” Jeremiah 30:7
USMC – Prayer before Bible study – Wikimedia – Public Domain
Now, nobody knows for certain, just how long this great Time of Trouble will last.
But the longer it continues, the darker and more dangerous things will seem!
And our deliverance will appear more and more hopeless!
And month after long month will pass, with, “no apparent light at the end of the tunnel”, of our great tribulation!
Starry Night at La Silla – cropped and altered image – Wikimedia – Share-Alike license
And it will be only by our remembrance of the many “exceeding great and precious promises” of God’s Word, that we will walk through the midst of
Satan’s deadly snares! (2nd Peter 1:4)
In a very real sense, it will almost seem like one of those video games in which we must hop over one deep pit after another, so as to not fall in!
Yes, they will be able to walk the narrow pathway through the foreboding jungle of terrors, with deadly snares on every side…“by the word of Thy lips I have kept me from the paths of the destroyer.” Psalm 17:4
USMC – Prayer before Bible study – Wikimedia – Public Domain
And as the dark stormy night continues, and we will seemingly descend down deeper and deeper into Hell, it will appear as though God has all but abandoned us!
There doesn’t seem to be any release!
No deliverance!
Our prayers will get feeble, and yet we don’t give up, nor do we give in to Satan’s fierce temptations!
And finally, in the blackest moment of our great and hopeless despair, we will finally cry out…“My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me?” Matthew 27:46
Brooklyn Museum – The Rich Man In Hell – James Tissot – Wikipedia – US Public Domain
It is at this point that we will slowly look up and behold Jesus walking on the stormy waters, coming in our direction!
And in our fear we will cry out!
But Jesus will answer us with these comforting words…“It is I; be not afraid!“
And then to our utter joy, Jesus will get into the ship, and we will have immediately reached the other side! (1st John 2:6)
We will have arrived at our desired Haven of Rest! The Celestial City of God!
Jesus Walks on Water Wikipedia US public domain
(Love never gives up! 1st Corinthians 13:7)
Well, dear Stranger and Pilgrim, this is more or less the scenario which is before us!
And though this fallible pen can only inscribe a faint picture of what is coming upon us, today’s encouragement is this: “If we don’t give up, we will eventually win the war!” (see Hebrews 10:37-39)
Orion Constellation at Eagle Ridge
“Being confident of this very thing, that He which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ”
Philippians 1:6
In the coming days, it might seem as though we have failed miserably!
Satan will
accuse us terribly!
We may even begin to doubt the end-time message which God has given us!
We will have no earthly comfort!
The entire world will seem like our enemy!
But all along, God was quietly working behind the veil, always in total control!
And He will only allow that which will be for our ultimate victory over sin and Satan!
And when we finally come out victorious, we will have feet as burnished brass, and hearts of pure gold, transformed by God into the glorious likeness of Christ!
Protests – Anti Christian sign in Federal Plaza Chicago – cropped image – Wikimedia Commons
And at this point, we will walk onward and upward out of this dark world, and into the Heavenly Promised Land: a land of milk and
A land of joyous laughter and singing, with distant bells ringing out songs of victory which will echo through the lush green everlasting hills…for ever and for ever! Amen.
And it will be worth it all, my friend!
It will be worth it all!
River of Water of Life – H. Melville – Wikimedia – US Public Domain
January 8 (Come Out of Her, My People! Part 39: “What If The Nations Fail?”
Pray for Our Nation sign – Wikimedia – Share-alike-lic.
“Dear Lord, Let me not get discouraged at the great trial before me. But let me use every waking moment in preparation for that coming conflict! Help me to put on the armor of God…
Prayer – Wikimedia – Public Domain
To explore deeper into this subject, please read…How To Be Hidden in the Day of Wrath…
…or you can also read…“FEBRUARY 12 (The fearful Message of Habakkuk, Part 1)”
Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license
“Where there is no vision, the people perish” Proverbs 29:18
In the beginning, God placed our first parents in a beautiful garden.
But as a result of sin, this world lost much of its beauty.
The curse has marred, to a great extent, the pristine condition of nature.
But there are perhaps many, who are under the impression, that God’s redeemed will spend all eternity sitting on a puffy little cloud, strumming a harp.
Nothing could be further from the truth! “And I saw a new heaven and a new earth:” Revelation 21:1
The beauty and innocent joys of this present world, are just a faint reflection of what awaits all those who persevere on the upward pathway to that Celestial City of God.
So Signs Of Heaven encourages the reader to begin to get a vision of the New Heaven and New Earth, and begin to get excited about it.
When we hear the cry of a newborn baby, or the innocent laughter of little children.
When we see a little forest creature having fun, or we enjoy a walk along the sand at the ocean and hear the majestic roar of the crashing waves.
These, and the many other joys of life were created by the One who has also gone to prepare an even more beautiful place for us to live.
He knows our needs, and will provide a place: a far more wonderful home than this sin-cursed Earth!
And when we finally cross that river, and we stand together on the shores of that world to come, we will look in amazement at what He has in store for us there.
And then we will know for certain, that “His mercy endures forever”, because “God is love”!
Sunset at Huntington Beach – Wikimedia – Share-alike License
DECEMBER 31 (Never Give Up! Never! Never…)
Winston Churchill – Wikimedia – Public Domain
ALL ‘NOBLE BEREANS’ (open-minded seekers of Bible truth) are invited to listen to this Open Forum #18, a small 30 minute sampling of the late Harold Camping’s nearly 50 year-long series of 90 minute nightly talk shows…This is Open Forum Show #48
ABOVE PICTURE: Holy bible – cropped image – Wikimedia – Creative Commons lic.
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