Daily Devotional, Year 2 – AUGUST 15 (The Commandments of God, Part 2: Rethinking the Removing of the 10 Commandments)
By admin On May 30th, 2024.
Daily Devotional, Year 2 – AUGUST 15
The Commandments of God,
Part 2:
“Rethinking The Removal of the 10 Commandments”
To read Part 1, click here…JULY 28 (The Commandments of God, Part 1: The True Light Now Shineth!)
“Now we know that what things soever the law saith,
it saith to them who are under the law:
that every mouth may be stopped,
and all the world may become guilty before God.”
Romans 3:19
There was a joke which circulated through the Christian community a few years back, that went something like this:
A boy came to his teacher after class, saying, “Hey Teach!”
“Yes, Johnny?”
“So you say that we don’t have to obey the Ten Commandments anymore?”
“That’s right Johnny! The 10 Commandments were the product of mere humans, and not to be regarded.”
Well, Teach, then God doesn’t care if I steal a car?”
“Well Johnny, actually there is no God. So how could He possibly care if you steal a car, if He doesn’t really even exist?”
“So, you’re saying it’s not wrong to steal a car?”
“Well, I suppose you’re right, up to a certain degree.”
“So then Teach, it’s not wrong if I steal that nice shiny car out there in the parking lot, that belongs to you?”
“Well now Johnny, that happens to be that very certain degree, I just mentioned, where it does become wrong to steal!”
Thou Shalt Not Steal Sign – cropped and altered image – Wikimedia – Share-alike License
Well, you get the point of this little joke. If the 10 Commandments are merely the work of men, and God doesn’t really exist, then they do not have to be obeyed.
And if they do not have to be obeyed, then who’s to say what is right and what is wrong?
It’s now just survival of the fittest: the strongest in the world, overtaking the weaker!
Cat and dog – Dont know whats comin – Wikimedia – Share-Alike License
“It is time for thee, LORD, to work: for they have made void thy law”
Psalm 119:126
Since atheism has risen to power, there has been a steadily growing movement to remove any and every Christian object or sentiment from public viewing.
And these secularists are working around the clock to remove anything Christian, including the 10 Commandments from the public.
Atheist sign Wisconsin State – cropped image – wikipedia – share-alike license
The problem is, when you tell people they don’t have to obey the 10 commandments, then what can you expect? A free-for-all? Insanity? Anarchy? Mob rule? And isn’t that what’s beginning to happen right now in society?
Yes, this society is beginning to turn most everything upside down! The police are now often considered the bad guys.
And criminals, “are just trying to get ahead in life, and expressing their frustration about being oppressed, and need to be understood, rather than severely punished.”
Does this sound crazy?
Yes, very crazy!
Boston Marathon Bombing – Wikimedia – Creative Commons 2.0
But how could a rational society allow this unthinkable situation to become the norm? Well obviously, it won’t be long until all Hell breaks loose! And once that lawlessness rises to intolerable levels, then society will try to back-peddle. But at that point it will be too late!
God gave the world the 10 Commandments to hold this world together. And when a society no longer tolerates these laws, then sooner or later that society will be destroyed from without or within…
Listen again to today’s signature verse…“Now we know that what things soever the law saith, it saith to them who are under the law: that every mouth may be stopped, and all the world may become guilty before God.” Romans 3:19
Yes, the 10 commandments were given to this whole unsaved world, to show us our guilt, thereby condemning our rebellion against Heaven!
Moses Breaks Tables of the Law – by G. Dore – Wikimedia – US Public Domain
Just look around! Immorality is rising to pandemic proportions! Crime is rapidly growing! The courts are finding it harder and harder to respect the rule of law! Many politicians make regulations according to who passes the most “contributions” to them “under the table.”
In the business world, it’s called, “Risk Management: Whatever we can get away with!” There is rapidly declining morality in the business world. At least it seems that way, doesn’t it?
The God-given institution of marriage & family are now greatly in shambles, because secularists are “reimagining society”!
And our young people (many from broken, dysfunctional, or one-parent homes), saturate themselves with songs about violence, crime, and lust, via their high-tech devices!
Parents having their children’s genitals mutilated, imagining that they can change their God-given gender by the hand of a so-called “doctor”! This kind of devilish societal madness is really frightening and should send a giant alarm about the fearful hour we’re now in!
And government-run schools are not only beginning to encourage students to engage in sexual promiscuity, but also teaching them to hate one-another, all based on skin-color!
And things are getting so bad, a few teachers are even beginning to encourage the fantasy of murdering those whose skin pigment doesn’t qualify them to receive “politically-correct” protection!
Minneapolis Riots – Wikipedia – Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license
Gay Parade – Jazz Jennings 2016 – Wikipedia – Creative Commons License
While Bible storybooks were once regularly used in public schools, they are now banned! The Bible is now a forbidden Book in our schools!
And atheistic educators are raising the current generation on the idea that there is no God. And if nature lives by the law of, “the survival of the fittest”, don’t they think that their students can put 2+2 together? Don’t they realize that children are smart enough to adopt this “law of the jungle” ideology into their own personal lives as well?
“If I can get away with it, then what’s wrong with doing it? I just won’t get caught! It’s merely ‘survival of the fittest’!”
Nazi Stabs Bible – Wikimedia – Public Domain
There’s a popular saying which goes, “Well, how’s yer (this or that) workin’ out for ya?”
This currently popular saying is always said in a sarcastic tone, and yet as we look around, it almost makes a person want to defiantly ask secularists that very question! “How’s yer removing of the 10 Commandments workin’ out for ya? You like all this lawlessness, hate and madness!?”
Ferguson Riots – Wikimedia – Creative Commons 2.0
Well, what is God supposed to do when a society wants nothing to do with Him? Is He going to let us have our own way?
Yes, it seems that God is gradually removing His protection away from this world. And perhaps, that is why we are seeing the four winds of societal turmoil and confusion rapidly increasing to an almost hurricane force!
Hong Kong protest near Tamar – Wikipedia – Share-alike License
“And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name…is Abaddon (Destroying Angel), but in the Greek…Apollyon (Destroyer)”
Revelation 9:11
What atheists do not believe, nor consider, is that sin is a bottomless pit! There is no limit to the depths of depravity one can go!
Without the Law of God, they are like a ship without a map nor compass to guide them to a safe-haven!
And even now, we are tragically witnessing the secularists in society abandoning all reason and godliness, as they insanely rationalize sin in its varied forms! Lust, perversions, racism, theft, violence, hatred, even murder are excused and rationalized in one way or another!
Things which were unimaginable just a few years ago, are now being forcibly trumpeted upon the public, via the various media Goliaths! And threats, even acts of violence are just now beginning to be urged upon all those who yet cling to God’s Law to some degree!
Riot – Wikimedia – Public Domain
“The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God”
Psalm 9:17
Even several thought-leaders of today’s atheistic movement are now suggesting that human cannibalism might become advantageous in controlling the population growth!
If this idea seems absurd, just listen to the following Bible prophecy…“And I will cause them to eat the flesh of their sons and the flesh of their daughters, and they shall eat every one the flesh of his friend in the siege and straitness, wherewith their enemies, and they that seek their lives, shall straiten them.” Jeremiah 19:9
After all, if mankind is merely the product of an accidental explosion in ages past, then there is no right or wrong. No Judgment Day. Just do whatever one wishes to do. Whatever one can get away with. Life is meaningless! Teachers and college professors actually teach this mad-hatter insanity!
And when the Holy Spirit is finally taken out of the way, then such unthinkable horrors will be committed everywhere without the slightest twinge of conscience by the unsaved of this world!
Cannibalism in Russia and Lithuania 1571. – Wikimedia – Public Domain
Is there any Good News here? Is there any hope? Is it too late for the world?
Listen… “Come, My people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast. For, behold, the LORD cometh out of His place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.” Isaiah 26:20, 21
Here is the only place of hope! The storm that’s approaching is the greatest and most terrible storm to ever come upon this earth! This storm will destroy from one end of the earth to the other! But it will begin at the house of God.
If ever there was a time to flee from the wrath to come, it is NOW!
ABOVE PICTURE: Hide Thyself in thy Chambers – inspired by Tornado Over Kansas by Curry
“It is time for thee, LORD, to work:
for they have made void thy law”
Psalm 119:126
“The wicked shall be turned into hell,
and all the nations that forget God”
Psalm 9:17
SEPTEMBER 24 (The Commandments of God, Part 3: Love Not The World!)
Ten Commandments – cropped photo – Wikimedia – Share-alike License 4.0
“Dear Lord, Help me to prepare myself to stand in the evil day! Help me to put on the armor of God. Help me to hide myself from the approaching storm…
Marine Praying – Wikimedia – USMC Public Domain
To explore deeper into this subject, please read…“How To Be Hidden in the Day of Wrath“ or you can also read this shorter article…“May 30th (Flee To The Mountains!)”
Question book magnify svg – Wikimedia – GNU license
Click credit links below each pic, for licensing names/details/tags/etc.. Most pics cropped/reduced in size
Counting the Sun as the 1st heavenly sphere, the Earth is the 4th heavenly sphere. If we extend our theory (and it’s just a theory) that God created our solar system to correspond to the commandments, the Sun corresponding to the 1st Commandment, then Planet Earth would correspond to the 4th Commandment: the Seventh-day Sabbath.
And so, on the very planet that corresponds to the commandment that exalts the idea of “peace” and “rest”, there exists very little peace. And very little rest. Ironic, isn’t it?
And so the 4th member of our solar system, being Planet Earth, will be the host for this article.
The Earth seen from Apollo 17 – NASA & Wikipedia – Public Domain
Planet of Rest: “What is the True Sabbath?”
AUGUST 16 (Repentance 101)
Teacher writing on Chalkboard – Wikimedia – Creative Commons Share-alike License 2.0
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